Document 6579808


Document 6579808
Program At A Glance
Plenary: Creating the Future:
Day 2
Day 1
Meeting the Demands of the Future
Raising the Bar for Aviation Security
Managing the Message
Aligning Aviation Security and Facilitation
Emerging Threats
Cyber Security
Cargo and Mail Security
Insider Threats
Passenger Data
Smart Security
Plenary: Security on the Ground:
Day 3
New Technologies
Human Factors
Risk Assessment
Security Programs
Unruly Passengers
Management of
Cyber Security
AVSEC World 2014
24 October 2014
Opening Plenary - Creating the Future th
27 October 2014
08:30 - 09:30
Opening and Official Welcome Remarks
Master of Ceremony: Carolina Ramírez-Taborda, Global Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, IATA
09:30 - 10:30
Tony Tyler, Director General and CEO, IATA
Cathy Lanier, Chief Metropolitan Police Department of DC
Keynote Addresses
James Clapper, Director, National Intelligence
Calin Rovinescu, CEO, Air Canada
10:30 - 11:15 Networking Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:15
High Level Panel: Meeting the Demands of the Future
In light of recent tragic events, the aviation security system has been challenged by the
urgent need to share critical information about conflict zones. The panel will discuss
the mechanisms for sharing information and risk assessments, the responsibilities of
State and Industry and the potential impact on aviation security and facilitation.
Moderator: Simon Calder, Travel Correspondent (The Independent, Evening Standard & i Newspaper), TV
& Radio Journalist.
Tony Tyler, Director General and CEO, IATA
Kevin Burke, President and CEO, ACI North America
Jeff Poole, Director General, CANSO
Calin Rovinescu, CEO, Air Canada
Jim Marriott, Deputy Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, ICAO
12:15 - 13:45 Networking Lunch
AVSEC World 2014
24 October 2014
13:45 - 14:45
Leadership Panel: Raising the Bar for Aviation Security
Recognition of security standards between countries is critical for a sustainable
aviation security system. The panel will discuss how standards be raised to a similar
level across the globe so that there can be more trust within the system.
Moderator: Simon Calder, Travel Correspondent (The Independent, Evening Standard & i Newspaper), TV
& Radio Journalist
14:45 - 15:30
Fabio Rabbani, Air Infrastructure Superintendent, Brazilian CAA (ANAC)
Brenda Hensler-Hobbs, Director General Aviation Security, Transport Canada
Peter Andres, Vice President Corporate Security, Lufthansa
Vicki Reeder, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Global Strategies, TSA
Jeff Shane, General Counsel, IATA
Managing the Message
In these times of instant messaging and video capability on many mobile phones,
tablets etc. how should messaging in the immediate aftermath of an incident be
Rob Zeiger, VP, Global Chief Communications Officer, Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD
Peter C. Knudsen, Public Affairs Officer, US National Transportation Safety Board
15:30 - 16:15 Networking Coffee Break
16:15 – 16:45
Special Presentation
16:45 - 17:30
Tina W. Gabbrielli, Director, Air Domain Intelligence Integration Element
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Aligning Aviation Security and Facilitation
Aviation security and facilitation share many common goals, and both can benefit from
the same information and intelligence. How can we align the two towards a more
sustainable and efficient system?
Moderator: Rich Davis, Managing Director Global Security, United Airlines
AVSEC World 2014
Ben Swagerman, Senior Vice President Security, KLM
Nina Brooks, Director Borders and Security, InterVISTAS
John Wagner, Assistant Commissioner, US Customs and Border Protection
Hans Miller, CEO, Airside Mobile Inc
24 October 2014
17:30 – 17:45
Closing Remarks
Carolina Ramírez-Taborda, Global Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, IATA
17:45 – 19:15 Welcome Reception
Location: The Grand Hyatt Washington DC, Grand Café (Level-1)
AVSEC World 2014
24 October 2014
Specialized Tracks - 28th October 2014
New Threats and Cyber Security
Cargo and Mail Security
Our first track considers new threats and methods
of attack, along with cyber security which
becomes ever more important in the aviation
The cargo track looks at the future for cargo
security, lessons we can learn from other
industries and ways that we can become more
08:30 – 08:40
08:30 – 08:40
Opening Remarks
08:40 – 09:30
Presentations exploring new and
emerging threats including lasers,
new explosives, non-metallic
weapons, chemical, biological,
radiological and nuclear attacks.
Introduction: John Rogers, CEO, RL
Moderator: Steve Jackson, Group Head
Security and Facilitation, Qantas
Eric Plaisant, Deputy Director of
Security, French DGCA
Phil Cartwright, UK, Department For
John Rogers, CEO, RL Leaders
Dr. William McGann, COO, Implant
Sciences Corporation
AVSEC World 2014
Steve Jackson, Group Head Security
and Facilitation, Qantas
Emerging Threats
Opening Remarks
08:40 – 09:30
Paul Arnold, Director of Aviation
Security, UPS
Future and Forward thinking
from “Experienced Hands”
Air cargo is not known for its
innovation. But in a world of
increasing change, regulatory
challenge and technological
invention, innovate it must if it is
to stay relevant. This panel
explores the question; what will
air cargo look like in 30 years, and
will we even recognize it?
Moderator: Doug Brittin, Secretary
General, TIACA
Warren Miller, Air Cargo Policy
Branch Manager, TSA
Wolfgang Pordzik, Executive Vice
President Corporate Public Policy,
Elizabeth Merritt, Managing Director
Cargo Services, Airlines for America
Brandon Fried, Executive Director,
Airforwarders Association
24 October 2014
09:30 – 10:30
Cyber Security: Strategic
Defenses and Legal Implications
09:30 – 10:30
We explore the similarities, and
differences, with other modes of
shipment and draw on lessons
This Panel will explore methods of
building strategic defenses
against the global threat
landscape and legal elements
such as criminal intent,
jurisdiction, punishment, and lack
of international laws to deal with
these elements.
Moderator: Ruth Snowden, Executive
Director, CIFFA
Harald Zielinski, Head of Security
and Environmental Management,
Michael C. Mullen, Executive
Director, Express Association of
America (EEA)
Barb Johnston, Senior Associate,
Regulatory Affairs, Air Canada
Moderator: Steve Jackson, Group Head
Security and Facilitation, Qantas
Unique Features of Transport
Kristin Lovejoy, General Manager
Security, IBM
Rebekah Tanti-Dougal, Associate
Lawyer, Tanti-Dougal and
10:30 - 11:15 Networking Coffee Break
11:15- 12:30
Cyber Security
11:15 – 12:10
The cyber security threat picture
for aviation, from the different
perspectives of an aircraft
manufacturer, an airport, an
airline and an air navigation
service provider.
Proactively Shaping the Supply
This panel will look at how
industry can proactively shape
regulations relating to air cargo,
and in particular secure air cargo
supply chains, to ensure
regulations imposed on industry
don’t stifle growth, but instead
allow the industry to develop and
Moderator: Steve Jackson, Group Head
Security and Facilitation, Qantas
Dominic Nessi, Chief Information
Officer, Los Angeles World Airports
Paul Assaad, Manager IT Security,
Air Canada
Pascal Andrei, Head of Aircraft
Security, Airbus
Moderator: Paul Arnold, Director of
Aviation Security, UPS
Doug Brittin, Secretary General,
Shannon Wandmaker, Acting Head
of Secure Freight, IATA
Gary Wade, Vice President Global
Security, Atlas Air
Valerie Trojanowska, Aviation
Security Branch, ICAO
12:10 – 12:30
Cargo Security Update
AVSEC World 2014
Mike Woodall, Project Leader
Independent Validation, IATA
24 October 2014
12:30 - 14:00 Networking Lunch
Insider Threats and Using Data
Smart Security
14:00 – 15:00
14:00 – 15:00
Insider Threats
Discussion of insider threats and
mitigating actions.
The New Benchmark
Presentation of the key elements
and new standards being
reached by Smart Security.
Moderator: Jamie Barnett Jr., Partner,
Venable LLP.
Moderator: Guido Peetermans, Project
Manager Smart Security, IATA
Mike Gelles, Director, Deloitte and
Nico Voorbach, President, European
Cockpit Association
Philip Baum, Managing Director,
Green Light LTD.
Stephen Rowland, Detective, Peel
Regional Police,
Hedzer Komduur, Senior Policy
Advisor, Ministry of Security and
Justice, the Netherlands
Michael Rossell, Director ICAO
Relations, ACI World
15:00 - 15:45 Networking Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:00
Passenger Data
15:45 – 17:00
How better to leverage the value
derived from passenger data to
meet both security and
facilitation needs.
Moderator: Laura Logan, Director
Security Systems and Regulatory, Air
Eric Kaler, Director of Security,
Hawaiian Airlines
Eric Plaisant, Deputy Director of
Security, French DGCA
David Benini, AWARE Biometrics
Smart Security Case Studies
Results from real-life trials and
Moderator: Guido Peetermans, Project
Manager Smart Security, IATA
Ron Louwerse, Director Safety,
Security and Environment,
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Alexis Long, Aviation Security
Manager, Heathrow Airport
Eric Bergeron, President & CEO,
18:00 – 20:00 Networking Dinner and Bus Tours
Location: The Grand Hyatt Washington DC, Constitution Ballroom (Level-2)
Bus Tour Details: Busses will take off every 15 minutes from the 10th Street entrance of The Grand
Hyatt Washington between 19:30 – 20:30 for a 1.5 – 2 hour guided bus tour of downtown Washington
AVSEC World 2014
24 October 2014
Plenary - 29th October 2014 (AM)
08:45 - 09:00
Opening Remarks
09:00 - 09:45
Carolina Ramírez-Taborda, Global Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, IATA
Security on the Ground
We take a look at airport security, perimeter protection and attacks in the
terminal as well as drawing on lessons from other industries and perspectives.
Moderator: Kaarlo Karvonen, Head of Security, Finnair
Christopher Bidwell, VP Security and Facilitation, ACI- North America
Richard Duncan, Assistant GM Public Safety and Security, Atlanta International Airport
Olafur Olafsson, Manager Security, Icelandair
09:45 - 10:45
New Technologies
Different perspectives and case studies looking at how new technologies can
help us meet the demands of the future, including threats, throughput and
passenger experience.
Moderator: Kaarlo Karvonen, Head of Security, Finnair
Phil Lightfoot, Director Technology, Canada Border Services Agency
Paul Benda, Chief Technology Officer, GSIS
Amir Neeman, Director, Leigh Fisher
10:45 - 11:00
Plenary Wrap-Up
Carolina Ramírez-Taborda, Global Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, IATA
11:00 - 11:30 Networking Coffee Break
AVSEC World 2014
24 October 2014
Workshops - 29th October 2014
Human Factors
Risk Assessment
11:30 - 13:00
11:30 – 13:00
11:30 – 13:00
Practical advice on
implementing Security
Management Systems and the
implications of Enhanced IOSA.
Assessing the impact of human
factors on security.
Identifying threats, defining
risks and setting up a risk
assessment process.
John Edwards, Assistant Director
Security, IATA
Yannick Lachapelle, Senior Manager
Security, United Airlines
Michael Rossell, Director ICAO
Relations, ACI-World
Andrew McClumpha, Independent
Consulting Expert
Phil Williams, UK Department
for Transport
Marie-Caroline Laurent,
Assistant Director Regional
Charles Sitkoff, Program
Manager, Security Threat
Intelligence and Risk
Assessment, Delta
13:00 - 14:00 Networking Lunch
Air Carrier Security
Unruly Passengers
Sponsored by Icelandair
Management of Cyber
14:00 – 15:30
14:00 – 15:30
14:00 – 15:30
Developing an effective security
program and an insight into
regulatory requirements.
Unruly Passengers – Practical
advice on the management of
unruly passengers.
Assessing risk and setting up
a management system.
John Edwards, Assistant Director
Security, IATA
Trevor Jones, Manager Policy
&Regulations, Qantas
AVSEC World 2014
Philip Baum, Managing Director,
Green Light LTD.
Olafur Olafsson, Manager Security,
Nina Brooks, Director Borders
and Security, InterVISTAS
Paul Assaad, Manager IT
Security, Air Canada
24 October 2014