Document 6580059
Document 6580059
OCTOBER 2014 Visit our website at: Lincoln Land Halloween Party Saturday November 8th 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Welcome New Members Location: The Villa Maria 1903 East Lake Shore Drive [Next to Lincoln Memorial Garden] An appreciation party for our members and our sponsors ! Costume Contest with prizes for members and kids ~ Provided: On the bonfire: Hot dogs, stew, cider, hot chocolate. Our own drinks are welcome, too! Music and even a haunted walk through the grounds. Interested in tent or RV camping? Contact Howard Nation or Dave Barnett for details. … See you all there !! DEB CHASTAIN TODD CHASTAIN DENNIS S. CONNER MELINDA S. COSTA COREY FURKIN KATHY HAMILTON DON HOELZEL RON JACKSON ROBERT R. MEACHUM II RICK MILLER GENEVIEVE OZANIC MERIDITH PARRISH STEVEN ROBERTS CHRISTINA WHITEHORN GARY WHITEHORN CHARLES D. WIEZOREK ~~For non-routine activities on the calendar, and other upcoming events, look inside for flyers or notices with more details ~~ OCTOBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 5 6 7 8 Fri 3 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm @ Buckhart 9 NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY Sat Sun 13 14 15 16 17 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg @Northenders VFW 7:00 p.m. 20 19 21 22 23 3 Our 26th Annual ToyRun to Contact Ministries (see flyer on page 12) 26 27 28 29 30 Thu 5 6 Fri 7 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm @ The Keg 10 11 12 13 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 14 . 18 16 17 18 19 Sat 20 8 LLChapter Halloween Party !! 15 ABATE-IL E-BOD @10:30 @Northenders VFW 21 22 28 29 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg @Northenders VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m 25 ABATE-IL SJMC E-BOD@ Halloween 10:30 & Party BOD @ 1pm (flyer on page 2) - Both at UIS ————————-Brookens Iron Sleds MC Library on Saturday Halloween Party 31 4 11 James Court Benefit @ the Longbranch (see flyer on Page 2) 24 Wed SJMC Fall Run 9 12 Tue 1 2 10 Mon 4 23 24 25 26 27 28th Annual KUMLER Dinner for the Needy 30 Sid Wood Toy Run to Contact Ministries To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change or cancellation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President’s Report, continued… Bruce Liebe placed in the uncomfortable position of having to “push someone off the stage” so to speak. Should a chapter member be approached by a candidate about speaking at a meeting, please advise our legislative person and/or the president so we can control the meeting agenda. We will also avoid having opposing candidates speak at the same meeting. This has occurred in the past and it made the meeting take on the aura of a political debate. We want to hear what a candidate has to say, but debates are for another forum. Attend the meeting and get involved! The chapter doesn’t belong to the officers, it belongs to you. Hard to believe it’s October already. The months have been flashing by like mileposts on the interstate. Aside from plentiful amounts of rain, the weather has been good for riding. While the temperature may be dipping a bit, there is still a lot of good rides left. And speaking of October, nominations for the upcoming chapter elections open up this month. As a reminder, nominations take place in October and November; elections are in December. New officers assume their positions in January. Speaking of new officers, it sure would be nice to see some new faces throw their hat in the ring. Not only do we want to avoid burning out the officers we now have, new officers bring new ideas and a fresh perspective. Take a moment to check out the “job descriptions” on our website ( for the various officer’s positions and find a good fit. Do not feel you will offend anyone if you run against them. Choice is a good thing. At last month’s meeting, we had a discussion that ran a bit on the long side. As meeting chair, I take responsibility for that. We have a tendency to relax on Robert’s Rules of Order, especially when the turnout is light. As we have seen, large or small meeting, it’s best to stick to procedure. At the start of the October meeting, I intend to address the meeting rules as a reminder for all (myself included). What I intend to emphasize is as follows. ♦ No one will have the floor unless recognized by the chair. (Regardless which officer is addressing the chapter, persons wishing to speak must be recognized by the chair.) ♦ When a member is speaking to an issue, they will address the chair/officer’s table. The purpose of this is to avoid “face-to-face” discussions between members. This is beneficial in that if the subject is one that generates debate, the person speaking is addressing a neutral party and not the party they disagree with. We’re aiming for civility here. ♦ Persons will speak to an issue once. If they wish to have the floor for additional comments, they must wait until everyone else wishing to comment has had opportunity to do so. Then they will be allowed to speak on this issue only once more. This avoids rolling debates and minimizes potential for heated exchanges. ♦ Non-members, i.e., guests, may be afforded the opportunity to briefly address the chapter at the start of the meeting. Non-members will not be afforded the opportunity to speak at any other time during the meeting. We also experience persons seeking political office who wish to address the chapter. This is a good thing, and since we are a motorcycle rights organization, hearing the position of a candidate is beneficial. We will make it clear the candidate has five minutes to address the chapter. This will be made known to the candidate prior to speaking, so the chapter isn’t … continued in next column MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR & Downed Rider Benefit Treasurer & Statewide Bike Raffle Coordinator Howard Nation Jr. I’ve been kept busy with my new duties as state bike raffle coordinator, but Woody and the Gambrels, plus some of our chapter officers, manned a booth at Hall’s Customer Appreciation event on September 20th and they signed up some new members and secured some renewals. While that’s great, we still need more help from our rank and file members to get more new members and renewals. So please… every chance you get… promote your local chapter… use that application in the newsletter to sign up your biker friends… new members or renewals… we need them all. VFW Northenders Post 10302 2349 Stockyard Road (217) 789-4725 Behind Halls Harley-Davidson Proud Supporter of A.B.A.T.E. Bob Painter, Commander JD’s Cues & Brews 2256 N. Grand Ave. East ~ Spfld, IL Pool Leagues - Men’s & Women’s Darts - Men’s & Women’s Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. 6 days a week, & Noon to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday Pool Tournament Every Saturday & Sunday Call us at 217-523-6996 for details Motorcycles Welcome! SAFETY & ED COORDINATOR George Hurst It’s October already, another month flew by. When I was young, I remember my dad talk about time going faster and I thought he was nuts. You learn your dad was smarter than you thought when you get older. I did a class at Pleasant Plains today, another tomorrow… sixty more new drivers that are hopefully looking out for motorcycles. I got ready to ride to the meeting last month and noticed the tread was missing in the middle of the tire. When you’re checking out your bike prior to a ride, make sure your eyes and mind see the same thing. The farmers are still hitting it pretty hard, so watch for them... and the deer. - Ride Safe, George RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG AVAILABLE FOR POKER RUNS OPEN 7 DAYS COLD BEER PIZZA SODA SANDWICHES LEGISLATIVE COORDINATOR 4136 N. Peoria Rd. 217-528-3337 George Tinkham No Report Open 7 Days a Week Mon - Fri: 10:00a - 1:00a Sat & Sun 9:00a - 1:00a Clyde and Vicki Richardson Rex Jaronske Sam & Marilyn Haycraft Jacob & Lorrie Bunn Mike & Joyce Hickey Steve Constant Les Eastep Jacque & Sissie Roberts Pony Keg Leathers Steve & Diane Farmer Raymond Watt Tim Henson Misty Hagstrom Ron Seidl Josh Witkowski Rick Sokolis Robert Wilson, Sr. Tadd Schroeder Ralph Kress Rick Schmitgen Jenny “Mama O” Ozanic Linda Constant It’s never too late ! Bobbie NEVER turns down a sponsor check!! Please send any donation to: Lincoln Land ABATE P.O. Box 5774, Springfield, IL 62705 LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue ($180/year) Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $130 for a full year/12 issues 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 Contact Newsletter Coordinator: 217-836-5696 (Payments due before the ad is published) VIDEO GAMING and AMAZING FOOD SECRETARY/TREASURER Bobbi Ozanic Please note that nominations for our Lincoln Land Chapter officer positions will be entertained at our October and November meetings. If you would be interested in any position, just let any of the current officers know before either meeting, and we’ll make sure your nomination is considered. A list of current officers, their phone numbers, and their email addresses can be found on page 9. “Job Descriptions” of the positions will be available at the meetings, and we expect to soon post them on our web site : Cheers Lounge 2323 N. 15th Video Poker, Pool Table & Juke Box Drink Specials ~ Mon., Wed., Fri.: $1.50 Beers ~ Tue.: $2 Well Drinks ~ ~ Thursday: $3 Three Olives ~ ~ Saturday: $2.50 Fireball & $3.50 McGillicudy Bombs ~ ~ Sunday: $9 Buckets & Bloody Mary Bar ~ Open 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Daily VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Phil “Pacman” Cornell Hello Lincoln Land, How are all my Brothers and Sisters? I hope y'all are taking advantage of this friggin' awesome weather and gettin' lots of saddle sores! least between the gully washers anyway. I'm not sure how Joe scores it but we've gotten more rain in the last month than I think we've gotten all year. I've had to pump a foot of water out of my boat at least 3 times in the last 4-6 weeks. But the plus side to this (at least for me) is the crappie and largemouth are biting really good and our lake is at full pool for the 1st time in over 2 years!! Well folks......we had a great time at Hall's HD Customer Appreciation Party. Many, many thanks to Diane and Jennifer for having us. Between re-ups and newbies, we signed up 9 members that day. While that may not seem like a lot, we got to talk to a ton of people and were able to hopefully plant some seeds. I also spent a few hours in downtown Springpatch at the Rt. 66 Mother Road Festival this past weekend helping Howard with the State Bike Raffle. We sold a few tickets but more importantly, we were on the main parade route and we were able to talk to hundreds of people and thousands saw us and the huge billboard that Howard calls a trailer. I know we got tons of invaluable exposure. Let's hope that between these two events and all the "talkin' up" that I KNOW all of you are doing, we can "harvest" many new members in the coming months and years. Please, please, please don't forget to grab a new toy and come to the 26th Annual Toy Run to Contact Ministries on the 19th of this month. They really count on our support to kick off their Christmas Giving Season and the hundreds of children that receive toys are very grateful and all smiles! And don't forget about our Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless and Needy on November 23rd at the Kumler Church. We need donations of food or cash to buy food as we will feed hundreds again this year. We also need some of you members who have been thinking about helping somewhere to come and help cook on the 22nd or help serve on the 23rd. This is your chance to get involved and do something to help the chapter and feel really good about yourselves. We're just asking for a couple of hours.....not days or weeks. Oh my gosh.....I almost forgot about the Sid Wood Memorial Toy Run on the 30th of November (the Sunday after Thanksgiving). Goog and his crew have been doing this for more years than we have been doing ours. But it's all for a great cause and the ride is usually pretty interesting to say the least. I remember a few years back getting home from this run with a thick layer of ice on my front fender, forks and windshield. That was a VERY interesting ride!!! last reminder before I go. If y'all didn't make it to our Halloween Party last year....well...... you missed out on an absolutely asskickin' party. Just ask Bobbi. She said she lost a full day after that party and wants to do it all over again this year. Some bullshit about apple pie shots or something like that. I really don't remember what she's referring to, but y'all gotta come this year and see what she's talking about. It's not mandatory to dress up but you really don't want to be the odd person sticking out dressed like a biker or something stupid. This year’s Halloween Party is gonna be Saturday, November 8th, out on Lake Springfield at the Villa Maria Retreat on East Lake Shore Dr. If you can, camping is available and highly recommended! Folks, I got two more really easy things to ask of y'all. Please keep our Sister, Penny Roscetti in your thoughts and prayers. She's going through a really rough patch with her health and needs our support. And my Brother, Andy Rebbe, has some severe health issues also and needs our thoughts and prayers. I hope y'all get lots of saddle time in before it snows but be really, really, I mean REALLY careful out there. Besides the usual idiots trying to kill us, this is the time of year we have to watch out for Bambi and all her friends and relatives as they run helter-skelter through the fields and timber doing their yearly mating ritual. Can't they just get a motel room and make it easy on us??? I'll see ya all in the wind real soon, - Pacman NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR Ken Zuhlke We continue to encourage and welcome “Letters to the Editor”, as long as the topic is related to motorcycles and/or motorcycle rights. We will also welcome articles submitted by members describing their “Favorite Rides”. If you have a favorite route around central Illinois… or anywhere in the USA, why not take a few minutes to share it with the rest of us? Be safe out there, and... Ride Free, KZ MEMBERSHIP REPORT Paula “Pi” Allen Membership Report as of October 6, 2014 Number of members due each month ….. November: 17 October: 36 September: 26 Active: 609 Inactive: 1786 New since 09/08/2014: 16 MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN NOVEMBER 2014 BADMAN, MICHAEL BONEFESTE, JIMMY M. CARRON, LUANN CARRON, RON KIEFFER, DEBBIE KIEFFER, REX KOEBERLEIN, LINDA KOHLER, BARBARA LaMOTTE, JOHN K. McCAFFREY, HOLLY McCAFFREY, KEN NOEL, JR., HAROLD "SNOOKS" SCHRADER, WILLIE STEWART, BILL STUTSMAN, DELLANN R. WEAVER, DONNA K. WEAVER, GLENN Downed Riders Benefit By: George Hurst, Chairman Nothing much new with Downed Rider. We’ve helped a couple members recently — both recovering, thankfully. If you have a problem and need help, let us know. And if you have items for next year’s benefit, give us a call and we’ll get the stuff from you. - Look Twice, George MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN OCTOBER 2014 CAULK, LONNIE CLYBURN, GREG L. DOOLEY, JOE R. DOOLEY, NANCY DYER, BEN A. DYER, KATHY GRESHAM, JUSTIN GUSTIN, JO ANN HALE, RENEE HART, BURT HEATON, DOUG HOLTZ, DEBBIE HOSKINSON, JAMES M. HOSKINSON, MUFFN HOGAN IPPERT, ROBERT IPPERT, TINA KOEHLER, WENDY MANES, ANGELA MOORE, RUSSELL PAINTER, BOB PAUL, BETTY JEAN REBBE III, JOHN RICHARDSON, CLYDE RICHARDSON, VICKI SCHAFER, DEAN SCHAFER, JAN SCOTT, CHERYL A. SCOTT, LEE SHELTON, DUG SHELTON, RENE SIMPSON, JACQUE SIMPSON, MICHAEL SMITH, TIM WOFFORD, JR, WILLIAM WOODS, NORM YATES, DAN MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN SEPTEMBER 2014 ANDERSON, ROGER BARNETT, DAN CHALCRAFT, MIKE COY, JIM CRESWELL, CHRIS DUNCAN, CINDY ENGELBRECHT, TIM FAGAN, RON FARRIS, JIM FARRIS, SANDY HARRISON, LORI HARRISON, TRUSTIN HENSON, TIM HUGHES, ADAM HUGHES, LINETTE LaBONTE, MIKE McCAUGHEY, TAMMIE OLIVER, BRIAN L. OLIVER, RUTH E. RADEMAKER, ROD SCHLABOWSKE, DAVID SCHMULBACH, FRED SCHMULBACH, JANET SHEPPARD, STEVE SHEPPARD, TRACI SKEETERS, JIM J. Hey! If you know someone whose membership renewal is due or overdue, please give them a reminder/nudge. It’s our membership that makes us effective! ACTIVITIES COORDINATORS Dave & Maryan Barnett We are back from Arkansas. We have been AWOL from several of the ABATE functions because we are building a home there. As usual the best information on our upcoming functions is in your newsletter. I belong to three organizations because these groups support my beliefs and fight for my rights. These three are: ABATE, N.R.A., and NMA. It goes beyond my ability to understand why every motorcyclist isn’t an ABATE member. The last organization (NMA) is the least known of the three: National Motorist Association. They are the ones that got the 55mph national speed limit repealed. They fight the red light cameras and all other illegal and immoral laws that the simpletons across the country create. As a member of all these groups, I understand that there are an endless number of fools out there that think more control is the answer. There are two types of people who compose these groups: ♦ The ones that need to control others because they can’t control themselves. ♦ The ones that don’t have the guts to get up in the morning and go out there and accomplish something worthwhile on their own. In closing I want to remind everyone of the two big events that ABATE sponsors: ♦ Sunday, October 19th is the 26th Annual Contact Ministries Toy Run ♦ Sunday, the 23rd of November is the Kumler Thanksgiving Dinner Thank all of you for your help in the past and I hope to see you at the Kumler Event, we will be back in Arkansas for most of October. -Dave LONGBRANCH TAVERN Main Street ~ Athens, IL ~ Video Gaming is Here ~ OPEN SUNDAYS 1 PM TO 9 PM ~ A.B.A.T.E. Sponsor & Member ~ 34th annual Brothers James Court Benefit October 18, 2014 - 1:00pm to 6:00pm PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR Alice Furlow Nothing to Report Visit our website at: Lincoln Land ABATE Officers Dude’s Saloon 2001 N. 11th Street Open 7 Days a Week 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daily Noon to 1:00 a.m. Sunday $7.50 Bucket Wednesdays 217-679-6967 DOCKERS TAVERN Rte 54 in Spaulding, IL Saturdays: $1 Bottles/Cans Wednesdays: $1.50 Bottles/Cans Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome ~ POKER RUNS WELCOME ~ Volleyball, Check it out !! President Bruce Liebe (217) 652-8609 Vice President Phil “Pacman” Cornell (217) 741-4379 Secretary/Treasurer Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 Legislative Coordinator George Tinkham (217) 753-2737 Public Relations Coordinator Alice Furlow (217) 638-3914 Activities Coordinator David Barnett: (217) 488-6520 Pool ~ Darts ~ Shuffleboard Safety & Education Coordinator George Hurst (217) 629-7308 (217) 306-1944 LONGBRANCH TAVERN Products Coordinator Lynn Steinmetz (217) 691-3840 On Main Street ~ Athens, Illinois BEER GARDEN! Visit ~ Hang out!! OPEN Sundays ~ 1 PM to 9 PM !!! Membership Coordinator Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 34th annual Brothers James Court Benefit October 18, 2014 - 1:00pm to 6:00pm COLDEST BEER IN MENARD COUNTY! The KEG 11th & Ash ~ Springfield (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Drink Specials Daily 2nd Drink Free with this Ad Pool/Free WiFi /Darts VIDEO GAMING Newsletter Coordinator Ken Zuhlke (217) 836-5696 Sergeants-at-Arms (3) Dan Ellenburg Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph Tim Henson Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 ~ Lincoln Land Chapter Newsletter ~ Published Monthly~ Issue: October 2014 PRODUCTS COORDINATOR Lynn Steinmetz NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: We gave Lynn the month off to care for her terminally ill husband, Ron. Please keep them… and our sister Penny Roscetti... in your thoughts and prayers. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED