Finance & Business Information Technology Forum


Finance & Business Information Technology Forum
Finance & Business
Information Technology Forum
Welcome & Agenda
• Introduction of IT Key Initiative committee
• Introduction and overview of the IT Key
• IT Forum and Listserv
• Overview of F&B IT units
• Wrap-up and informal networking
IT Key Initiative Committee
Rich Pearce (Key Initiative Manager), Deputy
Associate Vice President, Auxiliary & Business
Jan Barnoff, Director, Financial Information
Systems, Corporate Controller's Office,
Scott Bitner, Manager, Applications Support,
Bursar’s Office,
Francie Brown (Staff Support), Staff Assistant
to Rich Pearce,
Jan Grasser, Senior Business Analyst,
Administrative Information Services,
Ann Gray, Associate Director, Information
Resources, University Budget Office,
Gary Grgurich, Manager, Information
Technology, Internal Audit,
Joyce Haney, Director, Procurement Services,
Debbie Meder, Assistant Controller, Corporate
Controller's Office,
Steve Neeper, Assistant Director, Network
Systems, University Budget Office,
Ron Rash, Senior Director, Administrative
Information Services,
Dave Rose, Financial Officer for Finance &
Steve Savard, Manager, Business Information
Systems Development, Administrative
Information Services,
Steve Selfe, Manager Information Systems,
Office of Human Resources,
Mike Sherlock, Assistant Director, ITApplication Development, Auxiliary & Business
Jim Smith, Manager, IT Services Office of
Physical Plant,
Joel Weidner, Director, Information Systems
Operations for Auxiliary & Business Services,
• Finance & Business Strategic Plan
– Key Initiatives identified for 2008-13
Creating a Safer Secure University Environment
Enterprise Risk Management
Environmental Stewardship
Focus on People
Fostering Diversity
Information Technology
Providing Great Service
Key Inititiatives are organization wide goals
enabling F&B to successfully target
important practices across all units.
Overview of IT Key Initiative
• Develop a comprehensive Information
Technology strategy for Finance &
• Promote strategic IT planning and foster
cooperation within and between F&B and
University Departments.
Overview of IT Key Initiative
Goals (continued)
• Review and promote best practices to ensure
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
• Where applicable, implement common business
applications and systems to improve efficiency
and cost effectiveness.
Work Plan
• Data Collection
• Focused Initiatives
• Develop the Strategy
Data Collection
Conduct an information technology
inventory of staff, equipment, networks and
application data – COMPLETED
Focused Initiatives
• IT Forum – Build relationships and
facilitate communication and collaboration
across the F&B IT community
• BigFix – Evaluate and determine how best
to deploy across F&B
Focused Initiatives
• F&B Wide Project Planning and
Prioritization Tool – provide a common
application across F&B for collecting IT
project data and for executives to view
pending and active projects and assist in
Focused Initiatives
• Architecture for a Common IT
Infrastructure – Determine the best shared
infrastructure that will support common
F&B applications and services moving
F&B IT Forums and Listserv
• New listserv –
– Includes all F&B IT staff and key initiative
committee members
– All members can post to list – meant to be for
discussion—not just announcements
• IT Forums – Give us your ideas for
topics/speakers for future forums
F&B IT Unit Snapshots
• Auxiliary & Business Services
• Corporate Controller - Bursar
• Corporate Controller – Financial
Information Systems
• Office of Human Resources
• Physical Plant & Police Services
• University Budget Office
Auxiliary & Business Services
- Joel Weidner
A&BS Business Units
Bryce Jordan Center
Hospitality Services
Housing, Food Services, & Residence Life
Penn State id+ Card
Multimedia & Print Center
Procurement and Materials Management
Transportation Services
University Airport
A&BS IT Scope
1,342 full-time employees in all units
922 workstations supported
92 servers supported
Support for other devices including point of
sale, card access readers, and time clocks
• Data centers located in H&FS, BJC, and
Penn Stater
A&BS IT Staff
• Leadership
– Joel Weidner, Sean Costella, Mike Sherlock
3 - IT managers
6 - programmer analysts
5 - network administrators
8 – other support staff
40-50 student employees (ResCom)
Sampling of A&BS Applications
• Blackboard ID transactions processing
(Campus Meal & LionCash+)
• eBuy – University wide purchasing
• eLiving – on-campus housing management
• Food Pro – Menu management, forecasting,
and inventory control
• Opera Hotel Property Management System
• Print Portal – online print job bidding
AB&S Projects in the Works
eBuy Phase II (will replace IBIS REQR)
eLiving apartment leases module
eLiving special living option self assignments
Replacement of Oracle Financials general
• Micros Simphony POS upgrades
• Online employee applications
• New web site content management system
A few Interesting Facts About A&BS
• More than 24 million card swipes processed each
• ResCom program supports more than 18,000
network connections in student residence halls
• We support the Archtics application for ticketing
that issues all tickets for the BJC, Athletics and the
Center for the Performing Arts
• Operate 24x7x365
Corporate Controller – Bursar
- Scott Bitner
Loans & Scholarships
Bursar IT Scope
47 staff
66 workstations supported
15 servers supported
Data center located in Shields
Bursar IT staff
• Leadership
– Scott Bitner
- Lead programmer / analyst
- Senior programmer / analysts
- Network administrator
- other support staff
Sampling of Bursar Applications
• Develop / maintain applications in ISIS and
• EASIS (major source of data for eSteward)
• Master promissory note eSign site for
Perkins & University Loans
• MyLoans
Bursar Projects in the Works
Big fix
Virtualizing production servers (Vmware)
COOP development
Rewriting ISIS screens in Java (eISIS)
Volunteers and Donations
Truth in lending
A few Interesting Facts About Bursar
• Each semester we collect approximately 615M in
tuition, disburse 438M in financial aid and refund
94M to students and parents
• 73% (52k) semester bills were paid / processed
on eLion this semester
• In 2009, 20K parents / others created an FPS
account in order to view their student’s
information on eLion
Corporate Controller
Financial Information Systems
- Jan Barnoff
FIS Support Units –
applications & infrastructure
Central Office (408 Old Main) – (no infrastructure)
Financial Officers
Accounting Operations
Financial Reporting
Systems and Procedures
Property Inventory
Risk Management
FIS Support Units – Infrastructure Only
Research Accounting
Internal Audit
Office of Planning & Institutional Assessment
Cost Analysis
FIS IT Scope
Approx. 120 staff across business units
140 workstations supported
20 servers supported
Data center located James Elliott Building
FIS IT Staff
Leadership - Jan Barnoff
3 - IT managers – Kelley King, Todd Cardamone, Cathy Helsel
10 - programmer analysts
3 - network administrators
2 – other support staff
Sampling of FIS Applications
Pcard Processing
Employee Reimbursement System
IBIS Financial System
Property Inventory System
ESSIC (payroll tab)
Central Reporting
FIS Projects in the Works
Property Inventory WEB tag application
SRFC Vendoring
Automate “Special Projects” processing
Payroll modernization (ESSIC enhancements)
Item Unique Identification Data (IUID)
BCP/DR plans
Image System Upgrade
Virtualization of Servers
A few Interesting Facts About FIS
306,000 of PCards processed each year
95,000 of ERS Reports process each year
3.5 m of Financial records in a FY
921,000 IBIS Forms processed in 2009
The Office of Human Resources
- Steve Selfe
OHR Divisions
Information Systems
Employee Benefits
Health Matters
Employment & Compensation
Management Engineering
Work/Life Programs
Human Resource Development Center
International Scholars & Faculty Visa Services
Occupational Medicine
OHR IT Scope
Approximately 100 staff
100+ workstations supported
25+ servers supported
2 locations – James M. Elliott Building and
Centre Medical Sciences Building
OHR IT Staff
• Manager – Steve Selfe
• 4 Developer/Analysts – Tim Beckwith, Sherry
Lonsdale, Clark Wagner, Hazel Weaver
• 1 Systems Security/Network Analyst David Stucky
• 1 Network Systems Specialist –
Jason Browne
• 1 PC Support – Joyce Matis
Sampling of OHR’s Applications
• ESSIC – Employee Self-Service Information Center
• ISJ/PSSJ/EJMS – Internal/External Job
Vacancy/Bidding and Job Management System
• Attendance System
• UCIS – Unemployment Compensation Information
• WebClassic – HRDC/Health Matters Course
Registration System
Sampling of OHR’s Applications
• LMRC – Leadership and Management
Resource Center
• Promotion & Tenure Dossier Viewing
• Numerous Internal Administrative Systems
• Numerous Mainframe Applications and
OHR Projects in the Works
• Health Matters Registration & Appointment
Processing System
• Performance Management System
• Various Components of a Human
Resource Information System
A few Interesting Facts About OHR
• Supports over 40,000 full and part-time
faculty & staff
• Over 200 Job Vacancies announced and
processed per month
• Approx. 40,000 ESSIC logins per month
• Approx. 22,000 External Job Candidate
logins per month
Physical Plant and Police
- Jim Smith
Physical Plant Units Supported
Administrative and Financial Services
Buildings and Grounds
Campus Planning & Design
Campus Sustainability Office
Commonwealth Services
Design and Construction
Energy and Engineering
Environmental Health and Safety
Work Control Center
HMC Design and Construction
Police Services
Physical Plant IT Scope
• 450 staff & 1025 tech service employees across
business units
• >500 workstations supported (1400 users)
• Users in 11 UP Campus Locations and Hershey
Medical Center
• 90 servers supported (About 90% Virtualized)
• 1 IBM min-mainframe
• Data centers located in OPP, EPD, North Chiller
Building and equipment in the co-location center
Physical Plant IT Staff
• Leadership
– Jim Smith, Bob Kellar, Joe Laskowski, Fred
• 8 - Applications Developers
• 6 - Network support and System
Administrators personnel
• 1 - DBA
Sampling of Physical Plant’s Applications
• Maximo - Work Order, Inventory, Purchase Requisition System
(Asset Management)
• CIS – Customer Information System
• FAMIS – Billing, HR, Time and attendance, OPP Financial System,
Internal Construction
• FASTER – Vehicle Maintenance System
• Timberline – Construction Estimating System
• FIS – Facilities Information System
• P3E – Job/Project Scheduling System
• Time and Attendance Web Application for Technical Service
Sampling of Physical Plant’s Applications
Docfinity – Document Management System
EnergyCAP – Energy Management System
Real Estate – Property and Lease management
Tools Management
IQRMS – Police Crimes system
Groupwise – eMail system
TimeTrak – Police time tracking system
CCURE800 – Card Swipe System
Essential Employee System
OPP Projects in the Works
Abacus – FAMIS Replacement
Tririga – Project Management System
FIS – Upgrade
CCURE9000 – Upgrade and expansion of mission
Maximo version 7.x – Upgrade
Thin Client (aka Virtual Desktops)
FASTER Billing Interface
University Budget Office (UBO)
- UBO Network – Steve Neeper
- UBO Information Resources
- Ann Gray
UBO Network IT Staff
• Steve Neeper – Assistant Director,
Information Technology Services
John Matty – Systems Administrator
Dan Hirschbiel – Network Coordinator
Sandy Stauffer – IT Specialist
Stephen Kirsch – IST Student Intern
UBO Network Overview
• F&B units
Central F&B Office
University Budget Office
Central Corporate Controller’s Office
Office of Investment Management (OIM)
UBO Network Overview
• Non-F&B units
President’s Office
Provost’s Office
Vice Provost’s Office
Board of Trustees Office
President’s Human Resource Office
Vice President Educational Equity
UBO Network IT Scope
• Remote sites
• OIM (Innovation Park)
• President’s Residence (Schreyer House)
• 150 workstations
• 15 servers
• Data centers located in Old Main and
Innovation Park
IT Support Provided
Day-to-day network user support
University Senior Administration
Board of Trustees (BOT)- current and emeritus
BOT meetings and seminars
University Messaging System (UMS)
• UBO Network users, Trustees, Schreyer Honors
College, University Relations, and Governmental
UBO Network IT Support
• Smartphone support
• BlackBerry server and devices
• iPhone, Droid, etc.
UBO – Information Resources
• IT Staff (15 people)
• Associate Director - Ann Gray
• Assistant Director - Mark Weaver
• 3 Core Team Leaders
• 8 Programmer/Analysts
• 2 Support Staff
IR Scope/Function
• Information Resources verses
Information Technology
• Our Mission is to offer the highest
quality Information Services
Major Applications
• Facilitate Development of Annual
Operating Budget
• Create Official University Data Sources
• Generate Various Projections
Other Responsibilities
• Studies & Support for Central
• Reporting to External Agencies
• Web Presence
Meeting Wrap-up
Finance & Business
Information Technology Forum