The Point After “Work Hard - Be Safe - Have Fun”


The Point After “Work Hard - Be Safe - Have Fun”
The Point After
“Work Hard - Be Safe - Have Fun”
Volume 3, Issue 37
October 31, 2014
Warrant Arrest Turns Up Drugs
Andy Bohlen, Chief
Neal Pederson, Captain
Jason Severson, Captain
Pat Huset, Secretary
On Friday, October 24th,
agents of the Cannon River
Drug and Violent Offender
Task Force observed a man
known to be wanted by the
Department of Corrections
driving in Faribault. The agents
called for assistance, and Officer Justin Hunt and Sheriff
Troy Dunn responded, and
the man, Larry Schaaf, 46, was
stopped and arrested. While he
was being searched, the agents
found several baggies in Schaaf’s
pockets that appeared to contain drugs. The drugs fieldtested positive as methampheta-
mine, and weighed over three
grams. The agents also found
evidence to indicate that Schaaf
had been selling the drugs, as
well. In addition to his warrant,
Schaaf was charged with 2nd
Degree Controlled Substance
Crime and 3rd Degree Controlled Substance Crime. His
bail was set at $75,000 without
This week, Sergeant Brandon
Gliem and Detective Brittany Owen attended a statewide
training conference on human
trafficking. The conference addressed recent changes to Minnesota statutes and how to
detect and address human trafficking in communities.
Officer Tony Kuchinka attended Advanced Hostage Negotiator training this week, as
well. He will be working and
training with the Rice County
Emergency Response Unit as
one of several negotiators.
Matt Knutson, Sergeant
Mark Krenik, Sergeant
Matt Long, Sergeant
Eric Sammon, Sergeant
Jeff Larson
Tony Kuchinka
Todd Hanson
Lisa Petricka
Justin Hunt
Maggie Hunt
Ben Johns
Mike Thul & K-9 Chase
DJ Skluzacek
Tom Mueller
Josh Sjodin
Dustin Delmonico
Chris Tonjum
Adam Marvin
John Gramling
Matt Shuda
Mallory House
John Pesta
Dave Dillon, Sergeant
Brandon Gliem, Sergeant
Cadie Spicer
Scott Duncan
Kara Christensen
Matt Kolling
Brittany Owen
Janice Bestul
Jackie Remme
Gina Palan
Carole Friesz
Community Services
Doug Delesha
Paula Wadekamper
Marsden Powell
Officers Adam Marvin, John
Gramling and Mallory House
attended Standardized Field
Sobriety Testing training earlier
this month. The testing is used
and recognized by the courts as
evidence of impairment in drivers.
Halloween Trick, No Treat
On Friday, October 31st, the
Cannon River Drug and
Violent Offender Task
Force also found and arrested
Clinton Juring, 29. On October
11th, officers took a report
from a victim who stated that
Juring had been keeping her in
her home, refusing to let her
leave. She also reported that he
had assaulted her several times
and had threatened and assaulted not only the victim, but her
daughter as well. When officers
arrived, Juring was gone. A war-
rant for Juring’s arrest had been
issued. Information was received
that Juring would be fleeing to
Michigan, when agents found a
Michigan vehicle in town. After
surveilling the vehicle, agents
saw Juring get into the car and
stopped it. Juring was arrested
without incident and jailed. Sergeants Matt Knutson, Brandon Gliem, Detective Matt
Kolling and Officers Ben
Johns and Dustin Delmonico
assisted with the arrest.
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The Point After
Captain Neal Pederson and Records Clerk Carole
Friesz displayed the Halloween spirit on Friday morning,
costumed as a Civil War soldier and a cat.
achievers, and high
achievers don’t like
mediocre people.”
Nick Saban
Born October 31, 1951
Halloween Safety Tips for Kids
Some great tips from our
friends at the MN Crime Prevention Association:
My costume is short and
Baggy sleeves, big capes, puffy
skirts can trip you up and catch
fire if they brush against jack-olanterns or candle flames.
My shoes fit
Please contact the
Faribault Police
Department at
507-334-4305 or
25 NW 4th Street,
Faribault, MN 55021
Big Floppy shoes (clown shoes,
adult shoes) that are hard to
walk in may make you fall.
My costume props are flexible
Costume props can hurt you
badly if you fall. Make sure
swords, knives, etc. are made
of flexible plastic or rubber.
The eyeholes in my mask
are wide enough
Make sure if you wear a mask
that it fits you properly and the
eye-holes allow you to see
fully. Don’t wear a mask that is
too loose; it can slop and block
your vision. Even better, paint
your face instead of wearing a
mask. Make-up is a better option over masks.
Drivers can see my costume in the dark
Be original with a glow in the
dark costume by attaching
some reflective tape and stickers. Attach glow sticks to your
I’m trick or treating in a
Don’t go it alone while trick or
treating. Kids, if you’re under
age 13, make sure you go with
an adult. Older kids should
always go with buddies.
I cross the streets at crosswalks and intersections
Stop at street corners. Look
left, right and left again before
crossing, and don’t cross be-
tween parked cars! Remember,
never step into the street without looking to see if a vehicle is
I make sure my parents
check my treats before I
eat them
Pick only wrapped candy when
you trick or treat. Ask your
parents to check all treats to
make sure they are safe.