TPA - v5 issue20


TPA - v5 issue20
The Point After
“Work Hard - Be Safe - Have Fun”
Volume 5, Issue 20
Andy Bohlen, Chief
Neal Pederson, Captain
Jason Severson, Captain
Connie Holm, Secretary
Matt Knutson, Sergeant
Mark Krenik, Sergeant
Matt Long, Sergeant
Eric Sammon, Sergeant
Tony Kuchinka
Todd Hanson
Lisa Petricka
Justin Hunt
Ben Johns
Mike Thul & K-9 Chase
DJ Skluzacek
Josh Sjodin
Chris Tonjum
Adam Marvin
John Gramling
Matt Shuda
Mallory House
John Pesta
Jeff Burbank
Keith Voegel
Said Hilowle
Greta Luiken
Karl Willers
July 1, 2016
Felony DWI Arrest
On Friday, June 24th, Officer
Jeff Burbank saw a vehicle
driving erratically, striking a
curb forcefully while parking. As
the driver exited, Ofc. Burbank
saw the man stagger and use
the truck to maintain his balance. Ofc. Burbank met with
the driver, Anthony Masso, 50,
who smelled strongly of an
alcoholic beverage. Masso stated he had “a lot” to drink, and
told Ofc. Burbank to handcuff
him. The man performed one
field sobriety test which indicated the man was intoxicated. He
was arrested and jailed. At the
jail, Masso refused to submit to
a breath test. He was charged
with 1st degree DWI (two
counts), Driving After Cancellation and Violation of Restricted
License. His bail was set at
$5,000 with conditions.
Dave Dillon, Sergeant
Brandon Gliem, Sergeant
Cadie Spicer
Scott Duncan
Kara Christensen
Matt Kolling
Brittany Carstensen
Janice Bestul
Jackie Remme
Gina Palan
Carole Friesz
Cheryl Berndtson
Community Services
Doug Delesha
Paula Wadekamper
Marsden Powell
Michael Shuda
Luke Morris
K9 Team Competes
Last week, Officer Mike Thul
and K9 Chase participated in
the USPCA Region 12 K9 Trials
hosted by the Brooklyn Park
Police Department. They competed against 86 K9 teams from
around the state. Events included Agility, Article Searches, OffLeash Obedience, Boxes,
Downfield Apprehension, Apprehension Under Gunfire and
Handler Protection. The team
scored 635 out of 700 possible
points. Ofc. Thul commented
that Chase performed
“significantly better than last
year”. Officer DJ Skluzacek
also participated in the trials as
a decoy for the team.
Page 2
The Point After
DWI Enforcement
kindness, with no
Rice County law enforcement
will be serving up enhanced
DWI enforcement over the
holiday weekend. Please plan
ahead for a designated driver
or other sober ride home.
Help keep it a safe and enjoyable holiday for all!
reward, safe in the
knowledge that one
day someone might
Safety Camp
do the same for
This past week, a number of
our staff assisted with Safety
Camp. Records Clerk Gina
Palan helped present a segment on farm and animal safety,
as well as gave horse rides.
Captain Jason Severson and
CSO Supervisor Doug Delesha performed bicycle equipment checks for kids for the
bike safety segment. Officer
Mike Thul presented a segment on firearms safety. Ofc.
Thul and K9 Chase also gave a
demonstration for graduation.
Explorers Paige White,
Shelby White, Tyler Johnson and Madison Vaudrin
assisted throughout the week.
Diana Spencer
Born July 1, 1961
Please contact the
Faribault Police
Department at
507-334-4305 or
25 NW 4th Street,
Faribault, MN 55021
Grant Received
On Friday, June 24th, Chief
Andy Bohlen and Captain
Neal Pederson received a
$500 Pride Grant from the
Faribault Foundation. Capt.
Pederson applied for the grant,
which will be used in connection with our Connecting With
Kids (CWK) programs to purchase tennis shoes for kids in
need participating in the CWK
Carolyn Treadway (Faribault Diversity Coalition), Captain Pederson,
Chief Bohlen, Dee Bjork (Faribault Foundation).