Document 6592482


Document 6592482
The Star
November 2, 2014 - November 8, 2014
Saintly Sinners, Sinful Saints
Sunday Prayers:
Jim Duncan, Kay Curry, Lavon
Engen and Gary Talarico. There
will be a Memorial Service for
Barbara Pierson on Tuesday,
November 4, at 10:30 a.m. in
the Sanctuary.
All Saints Sunday and the appointed readings are
pregnant with themes of stark contrast: death and
life, condemnation and redemption, sorrow and joy,
suffering and relief, present life and future life. Such
is life, too, as baptized children of God. The very nature of our lives is of stark
By virtue of our baptism into the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are made
1:00 P.M.
saints while we are still sinners. Every day in this nautically juxtaposed life we
navigate through rough waters such as sin, evil, pain, heartache, addiction,
Thursday Morning Bible
Study, November 4
Amos 5:18-24
Psalm 70
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Ma hew 25:1-13
abuse, hunger, disease, and war. But our bearing is always set, not by the
North Star but by the Daystar, who has been the heading for the faithful of every generation. With the scriptures as our compass and the confessions our map,
we sail as a part of the great flotilla of saints on the waters of baptism, with the
wind of the Spirit at our backs, always pointed in the direction of our guiding
Today we give thanks for the saints who have gone before us, for the saints still
among us, and for the saints of God still to come. We give thanks for the exam-
Color: Green
ples of faithful living that the saints have given us as they navigated the stormy
Please join us every Thursday morning for the
weekly Bible Study led by one of the Pastors. 9:30
a.m.— Stephen Ministry Rm.
waters of life, and also for the faithful acts of service we are empowered by
Wednesday, November 26, at 6:30 p.m. in
the Sanctuary. You are also invited to a
meal preceding the service at 5:45 p.m. in
the Family Live Center.
God's Holy Spirit to do in our own seas. We give thanks, too, for the fullness of
eternal life in which the saints of God who have gone before us now partake
and which we have yet to fully enjoy.
TODAY marks the beginning of our “Season” Schedule; in addition, hopefully you
remembered to “fall back” last night.
This schedule is from November—May:
Growing Together Classes:
7:45, 9:30,11:00 a.m. (Regular services)
Now - Dec. 17
10:00 a.m. (Contemporary ALIVE service)
Dinner: 5:45 pm
(Menu for November 5 – Linda Gemmer ‘s Chinese Cashew Chicken)
Classes for all Ages: 6:30 pm
Sunday School will be at 11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m. Spanish-Speaking Service
See Flyers for more details
Please note that the remaining “Lunch
and Learn” classes have been postponed
due to lack of response.
Class 1: Great Figures for the
New Testament led by Pastor
Wigdahl and Pastor Lee (Mary
Class 2: Quiet Time in God’s
Word led by Tom Gemmer
Class 3: Get Some Exercise
with the Walking Group (meet
up after dinner in the FLC)
Class 4: What does it mean to
be a Lutheran (in Spanish) led
by Pastor Lebrón
For Children: 1st Grade - Grade
5 led by Margaret Wolff
For Youth: Jr. and Sr. High Bible
Study led by Dave Martinsen / Jim
December 3: Charles Johnson
Concert featuring Advent and
Christmas music
Dec. 10 & 17: Advent Services in
the Sanctuary (Holden Evening
If you need a
gluten-free wafer, simply ask a pastor or the
person distributing
Communion. The gluten-free wafers are now
stored in a separate
compartment of the intinctorium (the vessel
holding the Communion
Looking for people to help
clean-up after Growing Together dinners. Please call the
church office at 261-0894 for
more details.
Congratulations, Lauren, on your confirmation!
Giving Your Gifts
For those who give electronically
and would like to put something
in the offering plate, please use
one of the offering cards located
in the pews.
Growing Together/Growing Great Kids for childr en in 1st through 5th grade, is having an
Operation Christmas Child Packing Party and you can help by donating any of the following items: Toys – such as dolls, toy trucks, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump
ropes, balls; School supplies; Hygiene items; Other – T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair
clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights. Drop them off at the church by November 16! If you want to make a donation to help with $7 shipping. Make a check payable to Samaritan’s Purse and place in the box on the display table.
During the month of November, Spark Sunday School Kids will be learning about gifts that grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives as they work on crafts to raise money for ELCA Good Gifts. Last year they raised $500, enough
money to purchase a goat, fish farm, pig, honey bees , sheep, chicks and water jugs! The Advent Craft Fair will be
Sunday, December 7th in the breezeway. Good Gifts Catalogs and Piggy Banks are available now!
The Wrecking Ball Helps Nicholas
At last Sunday’s picnic our youth ministry
held a mini fundraising tournament on one
of the inflatables called “The Wrecking
Ball”. The goal was to have fun and to
raise money for our Compassion International sponsor child Nicholas from Uganda, Africa. The tournament winner was
Baily Kimble (pictured) who went home
with a small cash prize, and of course,
Nicholas, who will receive $60, along
with our love and prayers. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Stephen Ministry News
Lit and Latte Book Club
Stressed? Feeling Down? Need Encouragement?
Stephen Ministers don't just provide care for
people experiencing a major crisis. They also
provide care and support for people weighed
down by the li le things in life. If you're feeling down, lonely,
stressed or discouraged, you could benefit from the care,
support and encouragement of one of our Stephen Ministers,
who are fully trained to provide care by frequent visits.
To find out more speak with a Pastor or Carol Hartman @ 239261-0894 or
Making Bread Ministry
Pat Day, Linda Gemmer and Maria Wigdahl
are starting a new ministry. They are looking
for people who enjoy making and baking
bread to be used in various ministries of the
congregation. The first bread baking kickoff event is November 6th, making miniloaves of bread for the New Members joining in November. For more information contact Maria Wigdahl at 865963-1321 or by email,
All women in the community are invited
to join our group. Please feel free to
bring house guests and friends as all are
welcome. If you have any questions,
please contact Sharon Abelove at 239682-0051 or at We meet in the
WELCA room (above the church offices) monthly. Please join
us on Monday, November 10 at 6:30 pm to discuss Kent Nerburn’s book “Neither Wolf nor Dog”. Please see the newsletter for further information.
Name Tags - Please try to remember to
wear your name tags. If you need a new
one, call the office at 261-0894
If you would like to give flowers for our weekly worship
services in honor, memory, or appreciation of someone,
please call Jennifer or Gina in the office (261-0894).
Attention Worship
Participants Needed
Dates available: November 9, 23, 30; December 7, 21
Electronic Giving for Convenience and Consistency
Looking for Assisting Ministers and
Acolytes for the 9:30 and 11:00
services. (No experience necessary, we will train.) Please contact
Joyce Finlay or Tom Gemmer at
239-261-0894. Thank you!
Emmanuel Lutheran Church encourages all members of our congregation to create an automated, electronic giving schedule. It's a convenient way of giving that will bring consistency to the way you make
your regular offering. You simply designate the amount, the frequency
and the payment method. Getting started is easy. Sign up on our website at and click on "Resources" "then click
on "Automatic Giving" on the home page or pick up an authorization
form from the church office.
777 Mooring Line Drive, Naples, FL 34102
Sunday Services with Holy Communion 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.; Alive Service at 10:00 a.m.
239.261.0894 Fax: 239.261.1802 Web address:
Rev. Steven E Wigdahl, Senior Pastor
Rev. Frank Lee, Associate Pastor
Rev. José Lebrón, Associate Pastor for Mission Development
Jim Cooper, Associate In Ministry for Youth & Family
Vivian Shea, Business Administrator
Joyce Finlay, Associate in Ministry for Music & Worship
Carol Hartman, Parish Nurse
Dee Schleutker, Associate in Ministry for Service & Outreach
Tom Gemmer, Associate in Ministry, “Discover Emmanuel” Coordinator
Margaret Wolff, Children's Ministry Specialist
If you need any information about Emmanuel Lutheran Church, please visit our website www.naplesemmanuel. org