What’s On at GMAS Georgiana Molloy Anglican School FOR YOUR DIARY PRINCIPAL


What’s On at GMAS Georgiana Molloy Anglican School FOR YOUR DIARY PRINCIPAL
What’s On at GMAS
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
A school of The Anglican Schools Commission (Inc)
P O Box 920
Busselton WA 6280
Friday 7th November 2014
Monday 10th
Year 7-11 exams
P&F Meeting 7pm Staff Room
Tuesday 11th
PP-Yr 6 Assembly 2.25-3.05pm
Year 7-11 exams
Remembrance Day
Wednesday 12th
Year 7-11 exams
Thursday 13th
Year 7-11 exams
Friday 14th
The school is progressing with the implementation of the award-winning software company
SEQTA producing an all-in-one web application to give GMAS a superior way of managing all
aspects of teaching and learning. Management staff attended a professional development
session with the company on site and we are delighted with the progress being made. Parents
and students will start to see the benefits of the system first hand in 2015 as more aspects of the
software are implemented.
I do hope you had the chance to visit the Arts exhibition in the MAC over the past few days. The
work displayed was fantastic and the music, dancers and ‘still life’ statues all added to enhance
the event. The many different styles and mediums of art displayed by the students is a strong
indicator of their passion and devotion to the discipline. It was a difficult decision for me to pick a
Principal’s prize due to the outstanding quality of the senior school works displayed however
Emma Leigh – Cooper’s work “What do you see?” is the Principal’s 2014 Art recipient award.
Once framed, Emma’s work will be displayed in the MAC foyer alongside past winners of the
With secondary examinations approaching some “old advice”.
PP-Yr 2 Chapel 11.30-11.55am
Yr 3-6 Chapel 11.55-12.25pm
Year 7-11 exams conclude
Year 11 Spring Fling 7-10pm at
St. Mary’s Family Centre
This insight about learning goes back to 1620, when Francis Bacon wrote, “If you read a piece of
text through twenty times, you will not learn it by heart so easily as if you read it ten times while
attempting to recite it from time to time and consulting the text when your memory fails.”
In 1916, Columbia University psychologist Arthur Gates conducted experiments and found that
the best way to memorise a Shakespeare sonnet was to spend a third of the time trying to
memorise it and two thirds of the time trying to recite it from memory.
Testing is a form of studying and constant improvement. Students will be undertaking
examinations and tests over the coming weeks and we wish them all the best in their
preparations in these assessments.
Term 4 Concludes
Kindy-Year 6
Monday 8th December
Year 7-11
Tuesday 9th December
Student Absentees
Student Services
Accounts Dept
Uniform Shop
97525 252
97525 270
97525 237
97525 273
97525 204
97525 203
NAPLAN to be online exam in two years. School children across the country will be sitting
interactive online NAPLAN tests within two years, with Federal cabinet signing off on $25 million
funding to ramp up the development of the technology. We are very fortunate at GMAS to have
the technology and infrastructure already in place to move across to the online literacy and
numeracy tests when they become available in 2016.
Fr Earle Chamberlain and I had the pleasure of attending the official opening ceremony and
blessing of St George’s Family Centre in Dunsborough on Sunday 2 November. A service of
blessing was conducted by Bishop Allan, Bishop of Bunbury. The centre is a wonderful addition to
St George’s Anglican Church and will assist in the provision of much needed services within the
community for many years to come. Listening to the community members on how the project was
initially started, planned and finally came to fruition reminded me on how GMAS was initially
planned. Both now are wonderful additions to our community brought about by a splendid vision
by parishioners.
Mr Ted Kosicki
8.30 - 10.30am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
2.00 - 4.00pm
GMAS Artwork display
at the Busselton Show
Page 2
What’s On at GMAS
Many senses evoked at the Arts Spectacular
The Arts Spectacular lived up to its name. Tuesday night was the opening of the Arts exhibition
that combined a number of the Arts learning areas.
The living statues provided an interesting element to the displays to look at. The students had to
stay in a pose on a pedestal until someone came and dropped a token in the hat at the base of
the pedestal, and then the statue could alter their pose. They could not talk, they had to stand
and be looked at. There was a big range of students involved in this task. They even gave
younger students ideas. The younger students tried to emulate the older students. They soon
found how hard it was to stay still for chunks of time!
The range of artworks on display showcased the wonderful ability that students from
Kindergarten to Year 12 have. The Year 12 artist statements gave incredible insights to the
background to that piece of work. The emotions that this invoked made for interesting reading.
The dance performances, the choir and orchestras were cleverly combined and provided visual
and aural delights. So much so, the audience had to sit down to take it all in.
Media was also represented in the exhibition. There were some very telling examples of what
can be achieved in special effects. Textiles provided a range of samples of the products they
have created. The dolls created by special groups of students and other interested people were
created with much love and attention to detail.
I commend everyone who was able to show their work in this exhibition. It was indeed a delight
to go and see. Thank you to all the staff involved in this new style exhibition. Your passion and
talents shine through in the student's work. They are lucky to have you encouraging them to give
their best.
Tests and exams to come
It is really important that students pace themselves with what they need to revise and do prior to
the test or exam. Chunking their ideas, creating mind maps, telling others about the steps to take
to answer a question and generating palm cards are just some ways to revise concepts. Of
course, plenty of sleep and adequate healthy food and lots of water, also help the brain to
function properly.
All of the Secondary school will be involved with tests or exams next week. It is imperative that
the students get out to exercise in their daily routine. I remind all students to do their best.
Ms Jo Burns
Deputy Principal
Year 11 Spring Fling – Friday Nov 14th. 7-10pm at St Mary's Family Centre. Music, food,
drinks, dancing and fun, all for $15 per ticket. Permission forms handed out in Home Room
(and available from Student Services), to be returned with payment and parent contact details
to Student Services by 9.30am Wednesday 12th November. This is the (other) social event
of the year - don't miss out!
Year 12 Gifts to GMAS – on a wander through the Science and Technology block the other
day I glanced around and was able to take in a beautiful display of Kangaroo Paws (2012 gift),
a jetty timber plinth with a sundial on it (2013 gift) and a punnet of small, but one day to be big,
Native Australian Christmas Trees (2014 gift). A lasting legacy from our past 3 Year 12 groups,
all in the 1 spot (although the Christmas Trees are ultimately destined for the main oval where
they will have room to grow).
Top 10 Tips for parents to manage children’s technology use
It can be hard to tell whether your child is doing legitimate work online or if they are getting
distracted with gaming, social media and the like. Here are the Top Ten Tips to help you
manage your child’s technology use.
1 Model Good Technology Behaviour
If you’re always using technology, even for work, you are sending a message to your children.
Take time to “unplug” eg. turn off your phone when you are having family time (even for a short
2 Try to Understand the Technology your Child is Using and Why
To help your child manage the way they use technology, spend time understanding what they
are using technology for and why. This will help you set reasonable limits.
3 Set Clear Limits in Relation to Technology Time
Parents need to decide when devices can be used. Options include: no technology before
school, a time limit each day and games on the weekend only.
4 Monitor Technology Use
If it’s not possible to move the child/computer where you can monitor use, consider doing quiet
activities in the space they are using, such as reading or ironing, to monitor their use.
5 Establish “Screen Free” Systems - Days, Spaces etc.
Establish “screen free” spaces eg. the kitchen and dining table. Perhaps have a screen free
day on the weekend? This encourages more activity and interaction for the whole family.
Fiona Edwards
Jacqui Warner
Louise Gardner
Annie Douglas
Pauline Christian
Uniform Check
With the end of the
colder weather, please
check winter uniform
items to ensure they are
yours. Also sports bags
as we’ve had an incident
in which a bag was
emptied and taken.
Please return any items
with other children’s
names on them to lost
property rack outside
Student Services.
Thank you
Beautiful Kangaroo Paws which
was the Year 12 students gift to
the school in 2012
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What’s On at GMAS
6 Centralise storage of handheld devices
Have a rule that all handheld devices are stored in the one place, so when it’s not an approved
technology time, the device is away and not causing a distraction.
7 Use Technology Time as a Reward
Show that you can be reasonable and flexible. Using screen time as occasional reward is fine.
However, mixing up the rewards with other activities will benefit the whole family.
8 Provide Lots of Opportunities for Physical Activity and Socialising
Providing opportunities to participate in meaningful and enjoyable activities away from
technology helps develop interests and connect with people. Try sports, music or craft.
9 Use Parental Controls to Block Particular Sites
The Australian Government’s CyberSmart program has information on parental controls http://
10 Change the WiFi Password
If nothing else works, and your child is constantly on social media or surfing the net, consider
changing the WiFi password….even for a few hours.
I have sent a “student version” to all year 10 and 11 students to help them self-manage as well.
Random acts of kindness – this video of a homeless man sharing his food may change the
way you think.
“Never look down upon someone unless you are helping them up”
(Unknown – from the video)
Mr Steve Treloar
Head of Senior School
Last Wednesday evening the Language Department and those students who attended the
Sugito Exchange provided dinner for the Geographe Bay Rotary Club. I would like to
acknowledge the wonderful contribution that our students made to this dinner and particularly
to Mrs Tracey Herridge and Mrs Justine Richmond who worked with the students. Just under
$1000 was raised by the Languages Department and this will be used to fund exchanges in the
Art, Cooper and James all set
to take Mrs Mahoney to the
The P&F is looking
for a Treasurer
If you would like to get
involved with the P&F
and are interested in
taking on this role
please contact Mrs Karen Beynon
President P&F
0417 541 638
Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the GMAS Arts Spectacular. The opening
evening was a credit to everyone involved and I particularly enjoyed the various performances,
from singing, dancing, rock band and especially the living statues. The addition of these to the
display of the many talents of our students made for a wonderful evening. Well done all.
Congratulations to Caitlin Forrest on her participation in the Relay for Life last weekend and
getting the opportunity to have her photo taken with the Prime Minister.
Best wishes to Joshua Cattlin who is this week competing in a surf competition over in Avalon
south of Sydney.
Sport equipment for Middle School students
The sport equipment purchased for Middle School students has proven to be a hit, student
have access to the equipment at recess and lunch to encourage active play and burn up some
that boundless energy that teenagers have.
“Build up your weaknesses until they become your strong points.”
Knute Rockne
Mrs Lisa Ness
Head of Middle School
Geographe Bay Rotarians
chatting with the Sugito
Exchange students.
What a flying start to the term, we are already half way through! Next week are the Topic Tests for Year 7s. The tests will be
during normal lesson times and they have been revising this week in preparation. This weekend, please take some time to go
through your child’s pencil cases to ensure they have the correct equipment for their tests - pencils, eraser, ruler, scientific
calculator, protractor and highlighters.
This week we held a Year 7 Paper Plane Competition in the MAC. During the week previous, all Home Rooms folded their planes
during the week for pre-competition heats and practised their throwing techniques ready for the finals. The winners were Oliver
Langridge and Jessica Lane!
Miss Stephanie Cresswell
Year 7 Coordinator
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What’s On at GMAS
Talent Quest winners
Best Year Yet! For the first time, GMAS has received a Commendation Certificate as
recognition for the team being placed in the top quartile (25%) of the nation. The team had four
students who were placed inside the top 10%. The outstanding achiever was Olivia Hogarth
who achieved a score of 96%. This is a wonderful outcome for the team. Thanks to Mrs Pates
and Mrs Cook who have overseen this program for a number of years.
Please refer to the information about Career Transition Workshops on Page 6 of the What's On
(it is a free workshop at GMAS on 18th November). This is specifically designed for Year 6
parents to assist in your discussions with your child about future career possibilities.
Congratulations to all those that took part in the Talent Quest. In particular to the winners:
Theo Stevenson, John Gajilomo, Caitlin Johnson and Dokota Bickers. The quality of the
performances last Friday was outstanding. The student leaders and Mr Crossie did a great job
in organising this event.
Well done to Amy Kerr for her successes at the Bunbury Swim Meet last weekend. She has
added another four medals to her collection; also to Oshiah Johnson, winning six ribbons on
her horse Charlie at the Busselton Show; and to the Forrest family who once again took part in
Relay for Life last weekend, raising significant funds for this cause.
It was great to see at assembly all the individuals at the school who were involved in the
Busselton Show in some way or another, took part in the Anaconda or participated in Relay for
Life. We are fortunate to have so many students who embrace so many different aspects of
We will be presenting Junior School Colours during our last assembly in Week 8. Please refer
to our GMAS Website (under the ‘curriculum/Junior School’ tabs) on eligibility and feel free to
nominate any candidates before the end of Week 6.
Tuesday 11th November - Remembrance Day – 5 min service at 11.00am
Sunday 30th November – Christmas Fair
Thursday 4th December – Year 6 ‘Moving On’ celebrations at 6.30pm
Monday 8th December – Nativity/Primary School Awards Evening at 5.00pm
There will be no school for Early Childhood and Junior School classes on Tuesday 9th
Mr Rob Whirledge
Head of Junior School 2015 BOOKLISTS
Years 3 to 12 Booklists for 2015 will be sent home this week. To guarantee prices quoted and supply of all items, please ensure
orders are placed by the due date.
Booklists can be ordered online at: www.callowsnewsagency.booklists.com.au
by Friday 5th December, 2014.
Your Access Code for on-line ordering is GMAS15
Lists can be placed and paid for at: Callows CORNER Newsagency
Monday-Friday between 8.30am – 5.30pm) by Friday 5th December, 2014.
Lists can be returned to the School by Wednesday 3rd December, 2014.
with PAYMENT INFORMATION COMPLETED, including your Grand Total.
Stationery Orders can be delivered to your door, at an additional cost of $7.95. If you elect to have them delivered please fill out
the HOME DELIVERY FORM attached.
You may elect to collect your Stationery Order from:
Callows Back to School Stationery Warehouse, Frederick Street in the LIA (Map inc. online).
Orders will be available for collection on:
Friday 23rd January 2015 or Saturday 24th January 2015 between: 10am and 12pm.
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What’s On at GMAS
Oh my goodness! This week marks the halfway point for Term 4!
What an exciting week we have had with the Melbourne Cup festivities!
Kindy students created their very own horses this week using recycled materials such as
cylinders and milk containers. They looked amazing! Students carefully selected names such
as ‘Twinkletoes’ ‘Twilight’ and ‘Cooly’ and raced their noble steeds in their very own GMAS
Cup. The look of delight and pride when racing their horses was priceless. Thank you to
Blake’s Mum in PPG who bought in ‘Jellybean’, Blake’s pony to show his class.
Top hats and fascinators were all the rage on Tuesday throughout the Early Childhood classes
as everyone got into the Melbourne Cup spirit. Students designed race day head couture using
a variety of different materials – some so clever and beautiful, even Christian Dior would be
Swimming lessons concluded this week and I am sure staff and students will be happy to stay
put in their classes for the rest of the term. Nativity rehearsals will get underway next week.
Classes have been allocated songs and the Year 2 students have been given their speaking
parts. “Born in a Barn” will be performed at the K-6 Nativity and Presentation Evening on
Monday 8th December. Information regarding costumes will be communicated to you through
your classroom teachers.
We farewell our practicum teachers Miss Fish and Miss Coccetti this week and wish them
every success in their future studies. They have blossomed in Year 2 with Miss Kelly and I
thank her for mentoring the girls.
Staff are busy moderating students work in year cohorts in
preparation for Semester 2 Report writing. Reports will come
home on the last day of school.
Mrs Kathryn Campbell
Head of Early Childhood
Kindy Melbourne Cup fun
The Accounts Department wishes to advise that BPAY is now available for the payment of school fee accounts. The Term 4
School Fee Statement reflects the Bpay Logo and unique reference number for each family.
DIRECT DEBIT Payment Arrangements 2015
Interested in a payment arrangement for your 2015 School Fees? The school does offer payment plans to all families. These
payment plans are designed to assist parents with the budgeting of their school fee payment costs over the course of the year.
There are no administration charges incurred for the payment of your account by Direct Debit. These arrangements are
calculated to include an estimate of all known school fees for the year, and the monthly or fortnightly option provides the payment
of a set amount consistently over the course of the year.
Parents who have existing payment arrangements for their School Fees by Direct Debit are asked to contact the Accounts
Department to update their payment amounts for 2015 and to clarify the stop and start dates for their Direct Debits. At the
beginning of each new school year parents need to adjust their payment arrangements with the school in line with any increases
to School Fees and other charges as outlined in the Financial Information Brochure published each year. This is particularly
important as students move from one year level to the next. Direct Debits do start automatically each new year, and as students
move from one year level to the next, the amount payable does change. Therefore, parents with existing arrangements are
requested to contact the Accounts Department to confirm the amount payable for 2015, and the dates their arrangements will
restart. Please contact the Accounts Department by telephone on 9752 5273, or alternatively by email wba@gmas.wa.edu.au
Notice of Withdrawal
It is School policy that we require a full term’s notice (in Term time) of a student’s intention to leave Georgiana Molloy Anglican
School. If this notice is not given a term’s fees will be charged in lieu.
The School is currently planning the 2015 timetable, if there is a possibility that your child/children will not be returning for the
2015 school year please could you contact our Registrar Victoria Kearns at vke@gmas.wa.edu.au or 9752 5237.
Mrs Wahnita Banwell
Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper
Page 6
What’s On at GMAS
2015 Melbourne Fashion Festival Future Runway competition for 16 year olds and above. Submit a creative journal and
design statement reflective of their future collection, plus evidence of previous sewing experience. Successful applicants will
showcase their capsule collection in a runway show during the
http://www.vamff.com.au/events/runway-events/futureWednesday 12
Murdoch Open Night Explore Courses, Careers & University Applications close November 28.
Love the look competition. Are you a budding designer, aspirTuesday 18
ing style student or interiors addict?
Entries are now open, share an original photo of an existing
PACTS Workshop for Year 6 Parents
space or create your own space which represents the unique
(See flyer below)
South West region.
Applications close December 1.
Wednesday 10
Curtin Twilight Tour from 5.30 - 7.00 pm at Angazi Court Precinct (opposite Building 408) Curtin University Kent Street, Ms Michelle Taylor
Bentley, WA. Twilight tours are free of charge and are for inter- Careers/VET Coordinator
ested prospective students to gain a glimpse of the Curtin camMiss Chantel Hayden
pus and facilities after hours.
Business Administration Trainee
Academic Task Force Holiday+Revision+Programs
Academic tutoring, study skills and tool to improve your child’s
success at school. Tuition & tutoring services in Maths, English,
Chemistry, Physics and Literature.
Wednesday 12
Curtin University Twilight Tour from 5.30 - 7.00 pm at Angazi
Court Precinct (opposite Building 408) Curtin University Kent
Street, Bentley, WA. Twilight tours are free of charge and are
for interested prospective students to gain a glimpse of the Curtin campus and facilities after hours.
Career Transition—Workshops for
Parents of Year 7 students in 2015
Q. How up to date is your knowledge about current career options?
Q. Would you like to be better informed to help your son or daughter plan for their future?
Q. Do you want to know about education, training and employment options available to them?
Youth Connect in partnership with GMAS is making available a program for parents called PACTS (Parents as Career Transition
Support), which is an information and education workshop specifically developed for parents of Secondary School students at all
year levels. The workshop will provide an interactive, informal and enjoyable way to learn about career transition in a setting that
has been developed for parents, with parents.
The workshop is being held at school with details set out below.
WORKSHOP 1 and 2 – Beginning to Explore and Career and Transition Services
Tuesday 18th November 2014
6.30pm – 8:30pm
MAC Viewing Room
Tuesday 11th November 2014
Please note that workshops are limited to 18 participants each and places are filling fast. You must call GMAS Careers
Department to book a place.
If you are unable to attend the workshops but would like more detail about the PACTS Program, you are welcome to contact Ms
Michelle Taylor mta@gmas.wa.edu.au
Page 7
What’s On at GMAS
Last Tuesday evening in the MAC was a stupendous success. Thank you to everyone involved and parents and community
members, for supporting this event, showcasing our talented students here at GMAS. Our annual exhibition has grown to include
over 500 artworks including media presentations and textiles and highlights the high standard of work achieved across Kindergarten to Year 12. Award recipients received gift vouchers from Jacksons.
Award recipients were:Principal’s Acquisitive Prize – Emma Leigh-Cooper Yr 12 for ‘What do you See?’
Most Creative and Innovative Artwork – presented by Karena Michie to Bailey Holgate Yr 11 for ‘Diversity’
Secondary School Rising Star – Emily Hovell Yr 10 from Mrs Wall
Junior School Rising Star – Taya Johnson Yr 4 from Ms Winchcombe
The People’s Choice Award will be presented after the voting has finished, following the closing of the exhibition Friday
The Arts Team
The Uniform Shop is fully stocked for all your Uniform needs.
We have extended our Summer opening hours which can be found on the school website and the shop door.
Monday - 8.30-10.30am
Tuesday-Thursday 2.00-4.00pm
Please remember to email me for your orders on mkn@gmas.wa.edu along with your credit card if you cannot get into the store.
This will save you time and I can place orders in Student Services for your child to collect.
An order form can be found on the ‘Community’ tab of the GMAS website.
Please come and see me if you require an appointment for your child to be fitted with their uniform.
A letter will be going out next week to the Year 2 families in regards to the change of uniform for Year 3.
Mrs Michelle Knipe
Uniform Shop Manager
We are putting together a small Silent Auction at the Christmas Fair. We’d love to have 6 items for people to bid on. We
have 3 so far. If anyone would like to make a donation of goods or services, we’d really appreciate it.
We’ll take any donations but would love accommodation vouchers, meal vouchers, a voucher for a service, technology
items or pampering goods.
Please drop items into the front office at school or contact Karen Beynon on numbers below.
Mrs Karen Beynon
President P&F
0417 541 638
A reminder for music students to please return your application form to Student Services if you wish to continue or commence
instrumental music lessons here at school next year. We have a wonderful group of talented and committed music tutors here at
GMAS with many instruments on offer. Please note you do need to return this form even if you are currently taking music lessons
as you will need to be re-enrolled again for next year. Forms are available at Student Services and please contact me with any
queries at kte@gmas.wa.edu.au. Forms to be returned by Friday 14th November.
Mrs Kate Telchadder
Music Department
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What’s On at GMAS
Year 4 T20 Blast
This year Georgiana Molloy Anglican School is lucky enough to be hosting a T20 blast for all
Year 4 students. The carnival will be held on Thursday 13th November from 10am till 2pm. Our
Lady of the Cape, Saint Josephs Busselton and Margaret River Primary will also be
participating in the carnival.
Fixtures will be placed on the school website, as well as being provided to the students. Each
game will be scored, however, participation, sportsmanship and fun is the main focus for the
day. The T20 blast is a great way for students to discover or develop their skills in cricket in a
supportive environment. Music and giveaways will also be happening throughout the day.
Students will be required to wear their sports uniform on the day and also their school hat. As
there will be no allocated lunch break, students are to make sure they bring all of their food for
the day, as the canteen will not be available. Extra water, sunscreen and shade will be
Spectators are welcome and if you wish to assist throughout the carnival please contact me at
ere@gmas.wa.edu.au or 9752 5252.
Emma Reynolds
Physical Education Department
The Year 11 Outdoor Education class received their Open Water Scuba certificates from
Alecia and Ebony from The Dive Shed.
Miss Belinda Anderton
Mia Langridge, Year 8 competed in the Perth and Busselton Show. Perth show results:
First place in the Child’s Show Pony, 13-14hh. Competed in the EWA Horse of The Year
Large Pony, 13-14hh and was top 10 out of a top class of 21 ponies. Busselton Show results: First, Medium/Heavy Weight Pony, 13-14h, Child’s Pony 14hh and under, Childs Medium/Heavy Weight Pony, Reserve Champion Open Pony under 14hh. First, Riding Pony
Gelding, Champion Riding Pony, Yatarla Park Primrose. First in: Novice Hunter Pony under
14hh. Second in: Light Weight Show Hunter Pony, Show Hunter Pony under 12hh, Open
Show Hunter Pony. Mia’s whole team won 2 Champions, 2 Reserves, 13 Firsts, 4 Seconds
and 1 Third and won over $150. Well done Mia.
Oshiah Johnson, Year 4, competed at the Busselton Agricultural Show on Friday 31st October with her pony Charlie and won six ribbons. Unofficial Hacking: 2nd in Lightweight
Pony Hack over 12hh 2nd in pair of ponies 12.2hh and under. Show jumping: Completed
45cm round and 55cm round all clear; Novelties: 1st in Three Mug race, 2nd in Pole Bending race, 4th in Walk Trot & Lead.
Oshiah also exhibited some artwork in the Children's and Young People’s Section of Art and
won a 1st in the 8-10 years Texta section.
Yr 11 Outdoor Ed students
2nd Hand Toys
Christmas Fair
Any donations would
be appreciated. Please
drop into donation box
outside Kindy M
Thank you
Oshiah Johnson at the
Busselton Show
Amy Kerr, Year 3, competed at the Bunbury Open Carnival at the South West Sports Centre on Sunday. Amy won four medals and achieved five state qualifying times.
Amy Kerr, Year 3 and Sam Kerr, Year 1, each won two First Place awards at the Busselton
Show. Amy won the Children's Open Photography and the 10 and under Art. Sam won the 7
years and under Photography and the 6-7 year old Art competition.
Mrs Val Best
Co-Curricular Sport Coordinator
Relay for Life
Congratulations to Caitlin Forrest in Year 7 who got to have a chat to Mr Tony Abbott while
participating in the Bunbury Relay for Life event on the weekend. Caitlin who participates in
both a Bunbury based Relay for Life team and the Georgiana Molloy Anglican Team was
thrilled to meet and speak to the Prime Minister.
The Busselton Relay for Life will be held on the 18th and 19th of April in 2015 so please pop it
into your diaries now. Planning and preparation for the Georgiana Molloy Teams participation has already commenced. If you would like to donate or join the team please use the
following link or email me jbr@gmas.wa.edu.au . Please remember our team name is Georgiana Molloy Anglican School.
Miss Jacinta Busher
Team Captain
Caitlin with Mr Abbott
Page 9
Sunday 30th November
Show us your talents
Categories You Can Enter
Christmas Lego Model
 Creative Lego Model
 Fairy Garden in a take-away Chinese Food Container
 Original Christmas Drawing or Painting
 Handmade Original Christmas Card
 Christmas Decorated Biscuit
 Christmas Decorated Cup cake
 Photo most alike Student and their Pet
 Photo Best Dressed Christmas Pet
 Popstick Christmas Creation Judged by Father Earle
Entries to be submitted before school or after school
on Friday, 28th November, Junior undercover area.
All items to be bought to school in a shoe box marked
with their Name, Class group and Teacher.
Cost $2 per entry.
Money to be submitted in an envelope marked with
Name, Class Group.
Entry Cards for exhibits to go with each entry.
These can be collected from the Library and placed in
Envelope with Money.
Prizes in Each Category for
Highly Commended Certificates
Page 10