25/09/15 - Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
25/09/15 - Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
PO Box 920, BUSSELTON WA 6280 ~ www.gmas.wa.edu.au ~ (08) 9752 5252 Friday, 25 SEPTEMBER 2015 ACTING PRINCIPAL, Ms Jo Burns FOR YOUR DIARY TERM 4, WEEK 1 MON 12/10/15 STUDENT FREE DAY 10 - 3pm Uniform Shop Open TUE 13/10/15 TERM 4 COMMENCES PP-6 In Term Swimming Starts 8:30am YR 8 Chapel 2:30pm PP-6 Assembly WED 14/10/15 YR 12 Final Colours Close 8:40am YR 7-12 Assembly 9:00am YR 8 &10 Cliffs Kitchen 12:30pm SS Leaders Meeting THUR 15/10/15 LGM COMMENCE 8:40am YR 9 Chapel 3:30am SOSE Tutorial Library Mr Kosicki’s return Term 4 sees the return of Mr Kosicki from Long Service Leave. I have had a number of challenges in the Acting Principal role this term. I have been buoyed by the support of many people, in particular, the Executive team: Mr Pablo Sandor, Father Earle Chamberlain and Mr Philip Deroost. I have appreciated their support and help over the term. Mrs Eleanor Lewin, Chair of GMAS Council has provided much wise counsel and support, too. The wonderful GMAS staff have been most encouraging towards me throughout the term. The friendly chats and ready smiles from students of all ages groups has been most welcome each day. I have enjoyed the stint as Acting Principal and I am most grateful for the opportunity to be able to take on this role. The term to come The Year 12s will end their school life and will be taking on the next stage in their life. I would encourage them to reflect on and enjoy the happy, fun times they have had in their school journey. Exams, tests and finishing off will be the main thrust of Term 4 for the Secondary students. Before you know it, it will be Christmas. Enjoy this holiday break. I look forward to seeing you all refreshed and raring to go on Tuesday 13th October. Take care! Junior School Music Extravaganza What a fantastic night of song and dance. I commend all the Junior School students and staff for their wonderful efforts to create such polished performances on Wednesday night. It was certainly a night to remember. Special commendation to Mrs Thompson and music staff for their amazing efforts to create such a wonderful array of talent for all to enjoy! (lots of pictures on the back page!) ACTING DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Mr Philip Deroost FRI 16/10/15 8:40am YR 10 & 11 Chapel 12:00pm JS Chapel 1:00pm EC Chapel TERM 4 CONCLUDES Tuesday December 8, 2015 TERM 1 COMMENCES Monday February 1, 2016 Admin: Student Services: Registrar: Accounts: Uniforms: Café: 9752 5252 9752 5270 9752 5237 9752 5273 9752 5204 9752 5203 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Monday 8.30 - 10.00am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2.30 - 4.00pm Yr 11 Subject Selection Process Thank you all for your assistance in returning your forms in by the due date. Please note the courses you have chosen as booklists will be coming soon and it is important to order your textbooks early to ensure they are delivered by the start of the new school year. The Great Debate On Wednesday at Secondary School assembly, we had the annual Secondary School debate. The topic for the year was “Is it better to be popular or intelligent. The student team, comprising of Emily Wood, Mazey O’Reilly and Charles Fedor defeated the teachers team (Mr Gibson, Mr Worrall and Mr Taylor). It was excellent to watch such confident young people speak to a large audience. I encourage anyone in Secondary School to have a go at competing in a debate, it is a life skill to be able to speak in public. End of Term I hope all of the Primary School families enjoy reading through the children’s portfolios. It is a wonderful way for your children to showcase all the hard work they have done throughout the year. Have a restful and enjoyable term 3 holiday and come back refreshed for an action packed term 4. IMPORTANT NOTICE! The Public Transport Authority is in the process of organising the correct parking placement for our school buses according to our 7 bus bays at front of school to reduce traffic congestion. These changes will come into effect DAY 1, TERM 4. Where your child is dropped off at school is where their bus will pick them up from. Please ensure they take notice of this. Staff will be available to assist on the day and information will be circulated to parents as soon as available. 2 SENIOR SCHOOL, Mr Steve Treloar Leaders 2016 – the following students will form our leadership group in 2016, including Heads, Student Representative Council (SRC) and Prefects/House Captains. Some positions (SRC Home Room Representatives) remain to be determined later this year from the group of Year 11 students who applied for leadership positions. I would like to congratulate all the applicants on the quality of their applications and interviews and the background, experience and ideas they brought to the table for us to select from (it was a tough decision). The Year 12 2016 Leadership Group to date comprises: Matthew Blake, Lauren Bowler, Jonti Brennan, Mackenzie Campbell, Dana Carter, Heath Feutrill, Charlie Holland, Pierce Jackman, Tait Jeffries, Danielle Kitchen, Kelly-Ann McDonald, Liana Mewett, Regan O’Callaghan, Scott Roberts and Grace Scott. Final positions will be announced at Year 7-12 Presentation evening. Australian Society of Medical Research WINNERS Mock ATAR Exams (and more) – the final school exams for our Year 12 ATAR students commence on Monday October 5th (Week 2 of the coming holidays) and conclude on Tuesday 13th. VET students will recommence schooling on Tuesday 13th, and ATAR students on the 14th where important Leavers talks are being organised on topics from Schoolies Week to obtaining rental properties (and more). So it is important for all students to attend school on these days. If any parents are available to help supervise exams over the period from the 6th to the 9th (between 9 and 12.30, except the 6th where the exam commences at 2 and concludes at 5 pm) please contact me. It involves supervision only, all other setting up of exams etc. is arranged by GMAS staff who co-supervise all sessions. Year 12 Graduation timeline – Valete RSVPs are now overdue, please do this ASAP if you have not already. Final day for Year 12 students is Friday October 23rd commencing with the Graduation Ceremony at 11.30 followed by a Eucharist and Valete Dinner. Students are required to be at school for farewells and final arrangements from 8.40. Summer uniform is required for all events (no leavers jackets). GIRLS FOOTY Year 12 Colours – Final Year 12 Colours will be presented at their last assembly Wednesday Week 2. Colours applications close Thursday Week 1 9AM – to allow time for processing. Academic Colours/Honours for straight A grades are awarded based on final statements of results (no application is needed). Murdoch University Scholarships – information has been sent to all Year 12 students this week. Lions Youth of the year: this competition is open to students aged 1519. Posters with more information are displayed in the Senior School notice board or go to www.lionsclubs.org.au/yoty. Dodge Ball – the annual Dodge Ball Competition concluded this week with the winners being : Bunker Dragons. Well done to the Year 12 Prefects for organising this and to all the teams who got in and had a go. To the winners, go the spoils and also house points to the top 3 placed teams. Christian Union Uni Kickstart Camp – Are you Christian and going to uni? Kickstart is an orientation Camp held from February 10-12 2016 in Perth. Interested students can see me for flyers or register now at www.afeswa.info . DODEGBALL WINNERS BUNKER DRAGONS 3 MIDDLE SCHOOL, Mrs Lisa Ness Best wishes to the three Year 9 girls – Kaleesha Johnson, Kira Lenaghan and Nina Raper, heading off to Sugito in Japan to participate in the Sister City exchange with Busselton. Also to Jasmine Hopkins, who will be swimming for Western Australia at the AIS in Canberra. Congratulations to the many students who received awards at the Secondary School assembly this week: Bronze Awards: Kyia Allan 701, Isabella Cahill 701, Jye Connachan 701, Samuel Huxley 701, Jamaikah Fenwick 702, Holly Gaspar 702, Callum Hannan 702, Brook Jeynes 702, Caitlin Johnston 702, Lachlan Murray 702, Poppy Treloar 702, Brianna Cream 703, Chloe Fraser 703, Samuel Kennedy 703, Cooper McKee 703, Sarah Aldridge 705, Hannah Boyle 705, Jethro Hurst 705, Denver Crossie 802, Jack Hindle 802, Georgia Guerin 802, Abbey Traeger 802, Kaila Warner 802, Isobel Barr 803, Kate Clifton 803, Aili McMahon 803, Brooke Stevens 803, Serenah Whittle 803, Ellie Triplett 804, Emma Cornelius 805, Zara Findlay 805 and Thomas Hunt 805. Silver Awards: Majenta Johnson 701, Lauren McGregor 702, Jake Baxter 703, Keeley Johnson 804, Tyler Morris 804, Cleo Wiese 805 and Sienna Wrigglesworth 805. What a busy day we had on Monday when the Year 6 students spent a day in the Middle School experiencing some of the different subjects that are on offer. The students made a wooden box in D & T, made and ate a Pizza in Food Tech, visited the aquaponics area in Science, along with experiments, got to use the green screen in Media and met with Miss Cresswell. It was a jam packed day and the feedback received has been excellent. We had students join us from as far away as Tom Price, Dalwallinu and Perth, as well as from towns close by. Thank you to the staff who assisted, the Middle School leaders and to the students for participating and enjoying the day. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday, enjoy spending time with family and friends. Come back in Term 4 refreshed and ready for a very busy term. “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen and others make it happen.” Michael Jordan YEAR 7 COORDINATOR, Miss Steph Cresswell Coming to the end of another successful term, I would like to acknowledge the maturity displayed around the campus by many of the Year 7s. Among the cohort, the general sense of responsibility has improved throughout the year. To assist with the Year 6 Orientation I invited a group of six students to join me in presenting information to the transitioning students in preparation for next year; Jaimee Whirledge, Sam Huxley, Finn Whitelaw, Henry Brown, Ella du Preez, Poppy Treloar did a fantastic job in this role. However, it was difficult to choose from so many promising leaders in the Year 7 group! Congratulations to Chloe Ayling who submitted a piece of writing to the Tim Winton writing competition this year which was entered by almost 2000 entrants. Along with only six other competitors, she received Highly Commended for the Lower Secondary category. I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday and look forward to the final quarter of the year. JUNIOR SCHOOL, Mr Rob Whirledge TAIT JEFFRIES REPRESENTING GMAS AT THE NATIONAL YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM IN CANBERRA Wow what a week! Forget the Rugby World Cup, forget the possibility of a Derby Grand Final, forget all that has happened in Canberra….. with all that is happening at school, there is simply no time for all the other stuff! The Night of Musicals was just ‘supercalafragalisticexpialidocious’! No other word for it! Thank you to all the staff and students involved. GMAS Has Talent – This was an opportunity for the Primary School Students to showcase their talents. Whether musical, dance, jokes or drama everyone had a ball. Our GMAS Speakers Cup is to be presented today after Chapel. Well done to all the finalists: Xander, Dechlan, Amy, Sienna, Aimee, Eleanor, Paris and Coralie. Now it’s time for a well-earned break, before the busy run into Christmas. 4 EARLY CHILDHOOD, Mrs Kathryn Campbell UNIFORM SHOP, Mrs Michelle Knipe ODE TO LONG SERVICE LEAVE Well…. finally it has arrived, Some extended time away, I’m off on my long service, I ’ve been counting down the days! I’m looking forward to having a break, And having a little rest, And before I go, I felt the need, To share why my job is the best! I started at GMAS in 2007, In Year six, a class of 32! My last teaching post, was a tiny place, With 23 in the entire school! So image my complete delight, At joining the GMAS team, Such a big and prestigious SW school, I had finally achieved my dream! Being Head of the Early Childhood, Is a constant joy and pleasure, Watching littlies have fun and learn, Is far too special to measure. There is never a dull moment, And challenges on most days, But I wouldn’t change a single thing, Our students constantly amaze! I’ll miss the kids’ hugs and cuddles, And my dedicated and passionate staff, I’ll miss seeing the children achieve their goals, And seeing them smile, and hearing them laugh. But I know I leave you in great hands, With the wonderful Ms Trewarn, Who is kind and considerate, wise and thoughtful, Knowledgeable, caring and warm. I’m off to read a stack of books, And catch up on ‘Game of Thrones’, To sit at the beach, and walk my dog, And to venture into the unknown! I’m going to enjoy the simple delights, Of being a stay-at-home mum, I’m going to volunteer in the community, And relax and soak up the sun! So thank you to my staff and parents, And my littlies, I could kiss you! I’ve loved being able to help you this year, And I sure am going to miss you! TERM 4 WILL BE UPON US SOON SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR SUMMER UNIFORM IS READY! Please check your current uniforms are in good condition and dress lengths are regulation length. Boys must wear a belt for years 7-12 Please make sure your socks are looking fresh and white as well as the boys your shirts. Hair to be tidy and shoes shiny. Basketball shorts can be purchased from the shop for $25.00. The Uniform Shop is fully stocked with Summer Uniform. During the school holidays, the Uniform Shop will be open on the Monday, 12 October 2015 (before school starts) from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. P & F ASSOCIATION, Mrs Karen Beynon The P & F Association are looking for volunteers to help our School. Being part of the P & F team does not involve a lot of time …. just enthusiasm. It’s fun, free and you make new friends! Want to know more? Come to the AGM on Monday 19th October at 7pm in the staff room. (Refreshments provided.) REMEMBER THE P & F CAN ONLY SURVIVE WITH YOUR SUPPORT! ADMINISTRATION NOTICES STUDENT ABSENTEES & SMS UPDATE Parents are reminded to ring Student Services on 9752 5270 by 9:00am and advise Student Services of your child’s name, year group, reason for absence and estimated length of time your child will be absent from school. Starting next term, parents will receive an SMS to confirm any unexplained absence instead of a phone call. If Parents receive an SMS from the school next term please contact Student Services on 9752 5270 to confirm the student absence. STUDENTS LEAVING THE SCHOOL The school requests that parents inform us if there is a possibility that their child will not be returning to school in 2016. The school requires a term’s notice via written confirmation before the end of term 3 (25th September 2015) or you will be liable for a term’s fees in lieu as per the school 2015 fee schedule. Please contact our registrar Mrs Victoria Kearns on 97525237 or vke@gmas.wa.edu.au or your intentions. 5 GMAS PHILOSOTHON TEAM Philosothon - Last year the Georgiana Molloy Anglican School Philosothon team won our regional Philosothon and as a result of the regional win, GMAS has been invited to send a team of eight students to participate in the Australasian Philosothon, which will be hosted by North Sydney Girls School from 2nd October to 4th October. Best of luck to our team of Charles Fedor, Danielle Kitchen, Alexandra Fedor, Ella Croft, Megan Weed, Chloe Pickering, Cleo Wiese and Shae Cartledge-Giovinazzo, we know you will represent us with distinction! SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE, Mrs Michelle Gabelich Mrs Kinson Year Three 67% Waste Free Lunch Boxes! Improved by 10% Great to see 4 classes out of 8 achieved above 50% Waste free status. They were Mrs Herring’s Year 3 (60%!) Mrs Kinson’s Yr 3, Ms Rowe’s Year 5s (holding steady at 57% with a reduction in their total waste again! FANTASTIC!!) and Miss Gunter’s Year 2s jumped a huge 15% to be 51% waste free. Other classes doing well were Mr Owens’ Year 5s who had a massive 25% improvement in waste free lunch boxes and also halved their total waste. What are you bribing with Mr Owens’? Hopefully it’s plastic free!! Mrs Pate’s Year 6s had a slight 4% improvement but it would be great to see more class members come on board there. Welcome aboard Mrs Cook’s Year 6s . Look forward to some good results from you. No lunch orders last week. Well done! WASTE FREE WEDNESDAY Keep up your great efforts classes as we come to the final week of this term. Remember if you do happen to bring non compostable waste to school on Wednesday such as glad wrap, plastic containers etc. please put them back in your bag to take home. Don’t bin it on Wednesday! We will be announcing the overall winning class 1st assembly next term and awarding prizes then. Thanks for helping our school be waste wise! CO-CURRICULAR, Mrs Val Best Congratulations to the following boys from Country’s Football Club who have received end of season awards for 2015: Izaak Honey, Fraser Oates, Jack Kennedy, James Tunstill, Zac Willmott, Jack Brockliss, Buckley Spicer & Darragh Bass Congratulations to Jayden Mewett, Harry Curtin, Jack Kennedy and Connor Luff, (Year 8) who have been selected in a WAFL Southwest Footy Development squad to play in the October holidays. They are playing games in Perth, Brunswick and Busselton. Congratulations on all the teams that played Netball finals last weekend. GMAS Angels won the 14's division 1 grand final. Well done girls. Trophy Winners for Angels were: MVP Teneile Smith, Runner up MVP Chantelle Sutherland & Coaches Choice award Hannah Bowden. GMAS Phoenix finished 3rd in the17s division 2. Trophy winners for GMAS Phoenix were: MVP Sophia Tate. Runner up MVPs Chesha Pearson and Teneile Smith. GMAS Karma trophy winners were: MVP Caitlyn Forrest , Coaches Choice Lara Stewart. A TRYstars program for 7 – 12 year olds will be starting up with Busselton Triathlon Club in October. This is a “first touch” program like Auskick and In2Cricket and encourages children to enjoy triathlon with game based play. The program is a great introduction to sport and also touches on the 12 Fundamental Motor Skills for children’s development. Please see the flyer in this newsletter for information on how to register. Please be advised that Netball at GMAS will have a new committee structure for 2016. Parents and/or GMAS staff are encouraged to nominate for the following positions. Please let me know (vbe@gmas.edu.au) if you are interested in one of these roles and I will e mail you the job description. Positions available are: President, Vice President, Senior Coordinator, Junior Coordinator, Secretary, Fundraiser & Equipment/Uniforms 6 VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT, Mr Phil Watts St Mary’s Instrumental/Vocal Applications Now Open Scholarships – In 2016 four (4) Instrumental/Vocal Scholarships will be awarded to students entering Years 7 to 12. Georgiana Molloy Anglican School invites applications for our Instrumental/Vocal Scholarships from talented and dedicated students of music. Valued at $500 per annum the Scholarships will be for one (1) year and will contribute towards vocal/instrumental tuition. The recipients will be required to contribute to the music program of St Mary’s Church Busselton in at least one Service per month. This may be in the form of band membership, choir, small ensemble or as a soloist. It is essential for the applicant to be able to fulfil this commitment. Registration forms are available from Student Services or the GMAS website. The closing date for applications is Friday 23rd October 2015. PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUCCESS It has been a big basketball season for the Vogel family this winter with Travis and Tanner playing for the South West Slammers in the West Australian Basketball League (which is the best competition in the state for juniors). Travelling to Bunbury every week for training, and every alternate Sunday to Perth or Bunbury for games, sometimes leaving at 5am is tiring. But the work and travel paid off, as Tanner received the Runner Up MVP award for his Slammers team and both boys won selection in the WABL All Stars teams. The All Stars team is selected by votes the opposition coaches and game umpires pick each game. Not only was that a great achievement, but it was made even more special, as this was their first year of playing in the League and Travis missed a third of the season as he broke a bone in his ankle. To cap it off their Mum (Robyn Vogel – one of our PE teachers) has been selected to coach the U15 Country West Australian Girls Development Team to play in the Southern Cross Challenge against all the other states in Melbourne this coming January. 7 CAREERS AND VET, Mrs Sarah Taylor-Fuller & Mrs Jenelle Holder Congratulations to all Year 10 students who completed their Work Experience last week. Once again another successful year! We have had some excellent feedback from Employers and would like to thank them for their contribution to the Georgiana Molloy Anglican School’s Year 10 Work Experience Program. We would also like to thank the staff members who went out and visited students. Students were offered some amazing opportunities throughout different industries, some even securing paid holiday work. Many students spent a considerable amount of time travelling to and from their Work Experience placement which showed great commitment. STUDENT VET PROFILE NAME: Dylan Bowman WORKPLACEMENT: Bridgestone Select WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT WORK PLACEMENT? I love how it offers a variety of different jobs and it is such a diverse environment. WHAT ARE THE MOST USEFUL SKILLS YOU ARE GAINING? I am gaining administration, communication and people skills. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? I would like to eventually own my own business and be my own boss. 8 GMAS NOTICES THE LIBRARY NEEDS YOU We have about 30 bags of beautiful new books waiting to be covered so that we can get them out for your children to read. If you are able to cover a bag or 2 over the holidays then please pick up the books and contact from the library. Thank you very much. Mrs Snee and Mrs Pollock. COMMUNITY NOTICES Juniors Open Day - Summer Ocean Canoe Racing Sport - Come and “Have a Go” Saturday 26 Sept 8:30am at the GB Yacht Club 14 & Under and 16 & Under Mixed Boys and Girls Crews Fun, Social, Competitive Fitness & Teamwork Paddling Skills Coaching and Training Improve Focus & Concentration Regattas & Paddling Trips Chance to Compete Nationally SUP (Stand-up Paddle Boarding) Parents Come and Have a Go… *Bring Shorts, Rashie, Hat & Sunscreen Training – Wed & Sat; Regattas - Monthly Contact: Laurie Haynes (0499795137) CAVES HOUSE YALLINGUP TRAINEE CHEF Caves House Yallingup is offering a traineeship commencing December 2015. The prospective trainee must have a natural fascination and love of food and creative cooking. The applicant must also be absolutely focused on becoming a first class Chef and be committed to the hours required. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity please contact in writing (email) as soon as possible to organise an interview with the Head Chef as well as the Manager of the Hotel, Mr Neil Jilley. Ph: 08 9750 1888, njilley@wchh.com.au 9 YEAR 3 - 6 MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA!
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21/08/15 - Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
Father Earle Chamberlain, Mr Phil Deroost and me had the pleasure of talking with the panel at
various times throughout the day, and in particular, on the tour of the school. I was so proud to