What`s On at GMAS - Georgiana Molloy Anglican School


What`s On at GMAS - Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
What’s On at GMAS
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
A school of The Anglican Schools Commission (Inc)
P O Box 920
Busselton WA 6280
Friday 27th March 2015
Monday 30th
Yrs 8,10,11&12 camps depart
Tuesday 31st
PP-Yr 6 Assembly 2.25-3.05pm
Yrs 5,6&7 camps depart
Wednesday 1st April
LGG concludes for Term 1
Yrs 3&4 camps depart
Yr 9 Canberra Tour returns
Thursday 2nd
Yrs 3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11&12 camps
Term 1 concludes for students
Perth Glory coaches have visited GMAS this week, being involved in assisting with soccer clinics
for our Year 4, 5 and 6 students. These sessions, I am sure, will build confidence and skill ability
in our players. Having such high level expertise is a real bonus for our students as these coaches
will bring a wealth of knowledge with them into the clinics.
We welcome into our school community Mina Ozawa who is a Japanese exchange student. Mina
will be undertaking senior school courses at Year 11 level. I am sure Mina will also be playing a
part in assisting Japanese language fluency in our LOTE classes. Welcome Mina.
Congratulations to the GMAS U15B Cricket team and staff member coach who won their Grand
Final against Yobs on the weekend. Our thanks are extended to Ross Chambers for his coaching
expertise and parent helpers over the 2014/2015 season.
Our swimmers had an exciting time competing in the ACC D Division Swimming carnival last
week. Congratulations are extended to those swimmers that participated in events that were out
of their normal area of expertise. Thanks also to the staff and parents who assisted in preparing
the team for the carnival.
Well done also to all the Junior School interschool swimmers who competed at their recent
An AISWA Languages South West network meeting was held at school this week with consultant
Kate Ratzenstein. This initiative for teacher professional development is aimed at training and upskilling our teachers through the pedagogical application of best practice in teaching and learning.
Term 1 Concludes
Thursday 2nd April
Our first camps and tours departed this week. Mr Deroost is Teacher in Charge (TIC) of the Year
9 Canberra/Sydney tour and Mrs Richmond (TIC) of the Italy tour. These camps/tours form an
integral part of the School’s Strategic Plan. The school aims to offer students experiences in a
variety of contexts over their schooling years so that our students have the opportunity to partake
in innovative student-centred out of school education programs in a variety of settings.
Term 2 Commences
Wednesday 22nd April
My thanks are extended to all the staff assisting in these programs over the next two weeks for
giving their time, being away from family and for their ongoing assistance to the programs offered
by GMAS to our students. We wish all participants a great journey, safety and many fond
memories of their adventures.
Student Absentees
With good wishes
Student Services
Accounts Dept
Uniform Shop
97525 252
97525 270
97525 237
97525 273
97525 204
97525 203
Monday 20th April
Tuesday 21st April
Mr Ted Kosicki
ANZAC School Service
The GMAS Pre Primary - Year 12 ANZAC Service will be on the first day back to school,
Wednesday 22nd April starting 8.50am, finish 9:20am in the MAC. Parents Welcome
Students may wear family medals. There will be an opportunity during the service for parents to
place flowers at the base of the flag. Following the service these will be taken to the Busselton
ANZAC memorial.
Reverend Earle Chamberlain
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What’s On at GMAS
The bus stands at the front of the school need to be kept free for the home bus run on
Thursday 2nd April. In order to keep it clear, the camp buses will use other spots to drop off the
children and their equipment. Year 3,4,5, 7 and 8 students will be dropped off on the
grassed area on the soccer oval near the new Year 5/6 classrooms. (as you come in to the
Hawker Approach driveway entrance, the buses will turn hard left and park on that grassed
area.) Note- this is for buses only. Parents will need to park elsewhere and then come and
collect their children.
Year 6s will arrive much later- approximately 5.30pm, so they can use the front bus bays
for drop off.
Years 10, 11,12 buses will drive down to the back of the school near the MAC. Again, this
is for the buses. Buses will need to be able to turn around on this grassed area. Parents will
not be able to park down in this area.
Winter uniform will be required as students return next term. Dress lengths for girls will
continue to be monitored (knee length). Boys trousers require a belt. Ties for boys and girls
are a part of this uniform. The year 7s may not have had to wear a tie before so I encourage
them to have lots of practice tying one over the holidays. There is a special Middle School tie
for Years 7- 9 and a special Senior School tie for Years 10-12. Blazers should be worn for
Years 10, 11 and 12s.
Rebecca Douglas
Naomi Donaldson
Justine Wright
No volunteer required
I hope you all enjoy some time home together as a family. Holidays are great times for the
family to spend time talking, chatting and sharing experiences together. I look forward to
seeing you all back safe and sound when you return on Wednesday 22nd April. Stay safe, stay
Yes the Café is open next
week, but will not be doing
‘Specials of the day’.
Thanks to all our wonderful
volunteers for all their hard
work in the Café.
Happy Holidays!
Ms Jo Burns
Deputy Principal
Mrs Meretta Curnuck
Café Manager
Camps – next week is camp week! Best wishes go out to all students and camp leaders and
staff for a great week weather wise and experientially. The Camp/Outdoor Education Program
at GMAS has always been a centrepiece for the Pastoral development of our students, and the
camps present an amazing opportunity for students to learn about themselves, each other,
staff (on a different level to what they experience in class) plus environmental and local and
wider community aspects that cannot be underestimated. I hope that students fully engage in
the activities that have been organised for them, be they University visits, Treetop walks, Laser
Tag, Warm Fuzzies or even just cooking or cleaning or caring for themselves. I look forward to
hearing all the reports and seeing all the photos from camp, and including them in upcoming
Whats On's.
VET Centre Notice Boards
ECU Uni Choice Program – (Previously detailed in the What’s On). Reminder that the closeoff date for applications is 2nd April.
Future Leaders - Are pleased to provide extensive material about Democracy in Australia,
also a reminder about the Future Leaders Writing Prize 2015: http://www.futureleaders.com.au
Japanese exchange student – Mina Ozawa who is our new Japanese exchange student who
started with us on Monday in Year 11. The GMAS community welcomes you and hope you
have a happy stay in Busselton. Welcome! (ようこそ - yōkoso).
Uniform – next term we commence with Winter uniform. Now is a good time to dust off
the uniforms not worn since last summer and check that:
They still fit (knee length skirts for girls), shirts (that tuck in) and blazers, blouses, pants
etc. that fit.
Are complete – ties, belts, tights, blazers for all Year 10-12 students (jumper is optional
underneath, sports jackets are only for sport periods. Trip jackets/shirts e.g. Canberra,
Cambodia, Ski/Italy Trips etc are not to be worn as part of the daily school uniform – including
sport). Leavers Jackets (which should arrive soon) are acceptable Winter wear for Year 12
Are in a serviceable condition – no holes etc.
We welcome Japanese
exchange student Mina Ozawa
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What’s On at GMAS
Year 11 students, as with current Year 12 students, will have their Leavers Jackets withheld next year for persistent breaches of
uniform guidelines. Parents are asked to please assist us with keeping our students in line with the uniform guidelines by ensuring
that your children have access to the correct items, and also leave home each day correctly attired (including jewellery, hair, belts,
socks and makeup requirements – which are detailed in the school diary and on the website).
Communication – we have just installed notice boards outside the VET Centre for important information for Year 12 VET and
ATAR students (as well as Year 10 and 11 students who like to stay ahead of things). The existing senior school notice boards will
remain outside the Science Laboratory Prep area for general Senior School information. Students are encouraged to avail
themselves of this information, along with the weekly What’s On articles.
"Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced"
John Keats
"Happiness is only real if shared"
Christopher McCandless (Into The Wild)
Mr Steve Treloar
Head of Senior School
Next Friday certainly will be ‘Good’! Kids will all be back from camps and the holidays begin!
However, this Friday is pretty good too.
It sees all our Year 5s travelling to Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School to take part in an afternoon of sport in what will
hopefully become a regular annual event. A great initiative from Miss Emma Reynolds that began way back in 2014!
Lace Reid will be ‘chopping her locks’ during Chapel on Friday, all money raised going to Camp Quality.
We also have a guest speaker talking to our Year 6s about the dangers of rock fishing and how to be safe.
Reports will be coming home with the students. This provides an ideal opportunity to share the positives within the report
with your child and to set one or two goals for the year. Parents, please remember to book an interview with your class
Celebrate what your son or daughter has achieved so far this year, whether sporting, academic or personal milestones.
Celebrate the fact that there are only one or two teaching days remaining of term.
Celebrate that you will have no kids at home on Tuesday/Wednesday nights!
Finally, I received a wonderful and appreciative letter this week from parents of the school who were so very happy with the term
their daughter has had. A happy mum also approached me; she was touched by some simple words from a Junior School
classroom teacher. It was along the lines of ‘I think there is something to celebrate in every child if we are prepared to look for it.’ I
agree wholeheartedly, and also think that if we as teachers believe in a child, we thereby help them believe in themselves.
Have a wonderful last week of school.
Mr Rob Whirledge
Head of Junior School
The countdown is on to Easter and the holiday break.
Classes are getting very excited about ‘camp week’. I’m sure they will all have a wonderful time. I look forward to hearing about
their adventures when they return.
Just a reminder that Community Health Nurse, Denise Hine is available for appointments every Thursday in the Early Learning
Centre. She can do health checks on children of all ages and is happy to discuss any health or developmental concerns with you
in a friendly, confidential manner. Please go to the GP Downsouth website and click on the GMAS link to book online.
www.gpdownsouth.com.au We are so excited to be able to offer such a great service to our families.
I have seen some very creative Easter Hats being made this week, ready for the big Easter Hat Parade next Thursday, 2nd
April. Please come along to the MAC at 2:30pm for a look and to join in the Easter fun.
Have a happy week!
Mrs Kathryn Campbell
Head of Early Childhood
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What’s On at GMAS
News from Sydney…
The Year 9 Canberra tour have arrived in Sydney safe and sound. The students behaviour has been exemplary and we have
received some lovely compliments from the airline and hotel. A special inclusion to the Sydney Harbour cruise was passing under
the Harbour Bridge. Students thoroughly enjoyed the tour of the iconic Sydney Opera House. At time of writing, we are currently at
the Toronga Zoo and then we will continue our tour up to Canberra .
Dr Linda Mosen-Lowe
Acting Head of Middle School
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What’s On at GMAS
Wednesday 22nd April, 6.00pm – 7.30pm
ECU Natural Sciences Showcase Evening – Courses covered will include Biological Sciences, Conservation and Wildlife Biology,
Environmental Management, Marine and Freshwater Biology, Sustainability, Science (2 majors) and the Bachelor of Science/
Bachelor of Business double-degree program. You can register your attendance for this event via the following link Future Student
Thursday 14th – Friday 15th May
Year 10 Career’s Camp to Perth – Forms must be returned to Miss Hayden before the 23rd of March. If you require any further
information please contact Chantel Hayden via email cha@gmas.wa.edu.au or call 9752 5252.
Central Institute of Technology
Download all Central Institute of Technology (WA’s Largest VET Institute) course brochures here.
Gap Year in the USA (Au Pair)
Become an Au Pair in the USA for your gap year. The program allows students to participate in a cultural exchange where they
live with an American host family, care for their children and get paid for it! If you have any questions about the program please
email cha@gmas.wa.edu.au or visit www.culturalcare.com.au
The Apprentice and Traineeship Company has the following vacancies:
Cabinet Making
Roof Plumbing
Painting & Decorating
Carpentry & Joinery
Carpentry & Joinery
Auto (light) Mechanic
Wall & Ceiling Fixing
Wall & Ceiling Fixing
Marine Mechanic
Plumbing & Gasfitting
Roof Plumbing
Applicants should apply by sending a cover letter, resume and copies of any qualifications, certificates and school results to the
correct email address as stated above.
The Year 11 and 12 Live Production and Services students completed their White Card Training on Tuesday 24th of March.
Congratulations to all students on passing and a big thank you to Construction On-Site Training for delivering the course to our
Mrs Sarah Taylor-Fuller
Head of Department - Careers/VET
Maundy Thursday 7pm
Good Friday 9am
7.00am, 8.00am & 9.30am
Miss Chantel Hayden
Careers/VET Administration
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What’s On at GMAS
Six o'clock in the morning is not most people's ideal time for a 3 hour bus trip. It was a quiet and relaxed journey to Perth and
many lucky students grabbed a couple of hours sleep. The three writers' workshops at UWA were excellent, each in their own
way. The students were talking about ( the heavily pregnant ) Alice Pung's comparison between conceiving a book and a baby
for days afterwards. Omar Musa proved to be Australia's pre-eminent articulate spontaneous poet/rapper. The third session on
Young Adult science fiction had many heads spinning around alternative universes.
After lunch at the Uni student's cafe and a raid on the second-hand bookshop, we went to a Festival sculpture exhibition outside
the Subiaco Theatre Centre. This was a tricky 'virtual’ exhibit.
The accommodation at Good Earth Hotel was very good and the staff proved to be incredibly helpful.
Time to 'frock up' and off to 'Beyond' at the Regal Theatre. This was a truly breath-taking show. The combination of acrobatics,
staging and performance, laced with humour was irresistible. I've rarely been to a performance that received an immediate
spontaneous standing ovation that lasted 5 minutes. The students were abuzz after this- if you know one of them please ask
them about it.
The enthusiasm was curbed on the way back to our hotel with bus problems. This led to a sleep-deprived night for the staff and
we missed an hour at the State Gallery next morning. However, the quality of the production and sessions we saw, well
exceeded expectations, hopefully ensuring further excursions to the Perth Festival.
Mr Ross Chambers
En Guarde!
The Senior School Assembly this week turned into a comical fight to the death as Ms Burns took on Mr Treloar in a most
impressive fencing display in an effort to win a role in the newly cast school production of “The Three Musketeers”. Director, Mrs
Thompson, announced the names of students who have won the leading parts in this musical romp through 17th Century French
history. She may need to write in two more Musketeer roles after seeing such a fine performance!!
Congratulations to all students who auditioned and congratulations to the following students who won top billing:
The Musketeers
Athos – Angus Jackson
Aramis – Daniel Watkins
Porthos – Joshua Lee
D’Artagnan – Emily Wood
Cardinal Richeleiu – Lochie Curtis
Mazarin – Samuel Johnston
King Louis XIII – Charles Fedor
Queen – Erin Ringrose
Jacobim – Nathaniel Jackson
Mrs Jacobim – Grace Richmond
Ladies in Waiting – Kelly McDonald, Kaeleigh Brown, Allie Fedor
Governess – Anika Best
“The Three Musketeers” will be staged in Term 3, Week 5 on the 20th, 21st and 22nd August so mark those dates in your
calendars so you don’t miss out on this spectacular and hilarious show.
Mrs Sue Thompson
Performing Arts Teacher
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What’s On at GMAS
It has been a great first term in the garden for Year 5 students as they prepare the garden beds for Autumn planting. Worm farms
and compost areas are being sorted, wheelbarrow licenses achieved and soil tested for pH and quality.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the volunteers, parents and grandparents who have given up their time to guide the
students in both the kitchen and the garden. Your support and patience has been invaluable to the successful implementation of
this program.
Also a special thanks to Landsave Organics who have kindly donated compost while we wait for our own compost to be ready and
Mrs Rachel Partridge for sharing her scientific knowledge each week to allow students to conduct lessons on pH testing and plant
Mrs Marian Rowe
Students teaching students pH testing in Year 5
Ivana leaves us this week to return to Canada, after a busy term at GMAS. She's written this letter to thank us for hosting her.
We wish her well for the future.
Mrs Justine Richmond
Exchange Coordinator
Dear GMAS,
Thank you very much for making me feel at home during my exchange. I have made a very strong
connection throughout my trip with many students that attend GMAS and have made a bond that will
last for a long time. People at GMAS have always been welcoming and friendly. I learned how sweet
Australians really are and how your culture is shown through your learning and lessons. I not only
learned how one student body can work together but how they can learn to love each other as
family. I would personally like to express my gratitude to GMAS for my connections and growth
during my exchange.
Sincerely, Ivana
Looking for a worthwhile and fantastic cause to sponsor in 2015?
Well look no further – the Cambodia Service Trip 2015 is looking for
CORPORATE SPONSORS. For $1500 you will have a house built in Cambodia
in your business's name. Your company's logo will be printed onto our tour tshirts, we will take a photo of your house with your logo on it AND we will say
AWKOON TOM TOM (Thank you big big) in our newsletters and at our very
popular quiz night. For more information please email Miss Louisa Stefanou
and have a look on the Tabitha's website http://www.tabitha.org.au/cms/
Miss Louisa Stefanou and Ms Marian Rowe
Cambodia Service Trip Coordinators
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What’s On at GMAS
Many thanks to the parents, teachers and students who have given up their time to
coach and manage Cricket teams and Basketball teams for GMAS for the
2014/2015 season. Without your help, we could not enter teams into the local
competitions. We appreciate all that you have done for us.
Congratulations to our GMAS Under 15B Cricket team who won their grand final on
the weekend. James Courtney-Bennett won the Busselton Margaret River Junior
Cricket Association Best Batting Average for the 2014/2015 season.
U15 GMAS Cricket team who
won their Grand Final
Congratulations to Aveland Ceray in Year 9 who has qualified to go to Kuala
Lumpur in July after achieving a Bronze medal for his 200m run in the State
Athletics Championships held in Perth on the weekend. Well done Ave.
Results for the GMAS team competing in the Capel Interschools Eventing were:
Tessa Lill (Dressage, 95cm jumping, and 95cm XC) finished 15th out of 28 riders,
with a personal best in the dressage section.
Isobel Reeve and Kaeleigh Brown competed in the 80cm Junior section
(Dressage, 80cm jumping and 80cm XC) with Isobel winning and Kaeleigh finishing
12th in a field of 26.
Emma Courtney-Bennett also competed in the 80cm class, but in the older
section, finishing 10th in a field of 25.
James Courtney-Bennett with
his BSN-M/R Junior Cricket
Association awards
Kids Triathlon
The SunSmart Kids Triathlon (A Trystars Event), will be held on Sunday 3rd May at
Barnard Park for 7 – 15 years. To register, please go to www.triwa.org.au
Grand Final day is on Saturday 28th March. Please come along and support our
GMAS teams. GMAS is on first roster at 9.30am if you are able to help. All clubs
are allocated to this roster. Many thanks for your help.
Mrs Val Best
Co-Curricular Sport Coordinator
Aveland Ceray winning a bronze
medal at the state athletics
championships last weekend ACC Swimming HBF Stadium, Perth, Friday 20th March
Congratulations to all our competitors who performed admirably at the ACC Swimming
carnival in Perth. We had been promoted from 'E' division the previous year and GMAS
finished a commendable 4th overall at this year’s carnival. We took out the Senior
Boys trophy and were 3rd in the Junior Girls.
Congratulations to the following students who were placed in the top 4 individual
placings on the day; Lauren McGregor, Tia Smith, Brent Blakers, Jasmine Hopkins,
Jack Griffiths, Kristen Sly, Chad Kowalski and Ryan Hopkins.
Special mention needs to be made to Chad Kowalski who seriously injured his hand in
his first race for the day but battled on courageously for another four events, a most
impressive effort Chad.
Sincere thanks to Mr Wendelin and Miss Stefanou for all your support and enthusiasm
on the day. Sincere thanks also to Mr John Griffiths for his contribution on the day in
supervising the warm up and marshalling students. A great effort by everyone
Mr Jon Yates
Physical Education Teacher
Isobel Reeve and her horse
Kenwyn Uno-Who
Let’s Go Surfing Day
Disabled Surfers Association South West
The last day for this season will be at Bunker’s Bay on Saturday 28th March,
participants start at 9.00am through till lunch. Volunteers any time from 7.00am on
to help set up beach. Day is free with beach games, sausage sizzle and drinks. We
take people of all abilities for a safe and dignified time in the water.
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