Document 6593385


Document 6593385
Walking in the footsteps of Jesus in the Holy Land ‐ 4 to 11 March 2015. There are still spaces available on the diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Lent next year. 37 people have so far booked on the trip of a lifetime to the Land of the Holy One, to walk where Jesus walked, taught and healed in Galilee, and to follow in his way to Jerusalem. The pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Christopher and Revd Sally. For more information contact Rachel Abbey on 07900 470 609, email:, or go to Music for Worship workshop with Margaret Rizza ‐ Sat 29 Nov, 1pm to 5pm, Portsmouth Cathedral. If you're a singer, musician or involved in leading worship in any way, this workshop led by renowned composer Margaret Rizza might be for you. Organised by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), it will include music for prayer and contemplation and also seasonal material. Cost: £5. News Sheet – Please send any items for the news sheet to the parish office. The deadline for items is Wednesdays at 10am. If you need a priest, contact Revd Ruth on 01329 842300 or 07738 858909 (day off, Monday). Parish Office details: Address: Holy Trinity Church, West Street, Fareham. PO16 0EL. Opening hours: Monday – Thursday, 9am‐1pm, Friday 9am – 12n. Tel: 01329 232688; email:; Website: Remembrance
WELCOME to St. Columba Church! A warm welcome to our worship today, especially if you are a visitor. We pray that you will be blessed and feel part of God’s family here. In this morning’s 10am service the children will go out during the service and return to join us for communion. Toys will be available at the back of the church for younger children. Services today ‐ 8.00am 10.00am Bible Readings Said Communion Revd Ruth Schofield Holy Communion Revd Ruth Schofield and Mrs Rachel Abbey 1 Thess 4‐13‐end Matthew 25.1‐13 Please stay on after the 10am service for refreshments. Members of the Prayer Ministry Team will be available after this service if you would like someone to pray with you. Services this week 9.15am Tuesday Morning Prayer at The Highlands Hub 9.15am Thursday Morning Prayer at The Highlands Hub Services next Sunday –16th November 2014 2nd Sunday before Advent 8.00am Said Communion Revd Ann Burr 10.00am Holy Communion ‐ Revd Garry Roberts and Mr David Inns rd
23 Nov Eph 1.15‐end Matthew 25.31‐end Bible Readings
in the Parish of Holy Trinity with St. Columba New Vicar at St John the Evangelist, Fareham Revd Bruce Deans has been appointed vicar of St John’s. Bruce is currently the vicar of the parishes of Shedfield and Wickham. He is expected to start around Easter 2015. Please pray for Bruce, his wife Caroline and sons Joseph and Daniel. 9th November 2014
St Columba Church Charles Timberlake presents a reflective evening of music and poetry. Sunday, 16th November 2014. St Peter’s Church, Church Street, Titchfield, PO14 4AG. In aid of The Friends of St Peter’s. General Synod meets 17‐19th November. Please pray for all members of General Synod as they meet to discuss legal and other matters that will affect the whole Church of England. Lucy Docherty is one of our lay representatives. The Real Advent Calendar. This calendar lets you share the Real Christmas story with a Fairtrade chocolate for every day of Advent and a Christmas story book. Sales are in aid of a baby clinic in Kenya. June Haye has a few of these available at £3.99 each, while stocks last. The Week Ahead Short‐term prayer needs: Leslie, Mary, Betty K, Michael, Betty H, Sophie, Jean, David (Longer‐term concerns are prayed for by intercessors co‐ordinated by Ann Easton and Elizabeth Fullarton) For those grieving as they are reminded of their loss this week because of a birthday or anniversary (see Novembers Informer for Year’s Mind) Those who have died, their family and friends: David Pattison, Dennis Gammon, Irene Smith, and Jean Gleeson This week, together with Holy Trinity, we pray for those living in and around the following roads in our Parish: Langstone Walk, Larches Gardens, Lawrence Road, Leigh Road, Longstaff Gardens, Lovett Grove, Lynden Close, Lynton Gardens. FAREHAM DEANERY WEEKLY CYCLE OF PRAYER: The Parish of St Mary’s Church, Portchester Pray for success of: 
Pray for success of Alpha course (finishing 27th); for links with local schools especially secondary school; for links with local Scouts; wisdom to know how to develop the building and acquire
additional meeting space; for new team of pastoral assistants and leaders in discipleship
and house groups. Ongoing research and planning by a Families Worker exploration team, towards a proposal to PCC on Nov 10 Christians Together in Fareham: Fareham Baptist New Life Church th
Monday 10 November 9.15am Morning Prayer Holy Trinity Church th
Tuesday 11 November 9.15am Morning Prayer Highlands Hub Wednesday 12th November 8.30am Morning Prayer Holy Trinity Church 10.30am Holy Communion Holy Trinity Church th
Thursday 13 November 9.15am Morning Prayer Highlands Hub th
Friday 14 November 12.00pm noon Vicar’s drop in Highlands Hub th
Saturday 15 November 10.00am SC Christmas Fayre SC Church DATES FOR THE DIARY th
November 15 – Christmas Fair, 10am, St Columba Church November 16th – Faith for Life Sunday lunch, the story of Eric Lomax, the Railway Man, 11.45am – 2.00pm St Columba Christmas Fair – Sat November 15th – Please continue to collect items to stock stalls for the fair. This is a great social event and a major fundraiser for us. We need cakes, crafts, books, decorations, pickles and preserves, toys, gifts, sweets and raffle prizes. For more information, or if you are available to help on a stall, ring Charlotte Farrell on 01489 799249 Wednesday, 19th November, 7.30pm ‐ Riding Lights Theatre Co. present: Fantastic Acts at Fareham URC. See poster or Parish Office for more information. Monday, 24th November, 7.30pm—Basics Bank and Friends of the Homeless AGM. The ‘Basics Bank’ and ‘Friends’ invite you to their AGM at Holy Trinity Hall. Guest Speaker Marcus Chapman, an outreach worker with the Two Saints Homeless Direct Access Hostel. Please contact Steve Dent 01329 237098 for more information. All welcome. Advent Course 2014 – Jesus: the voice that makes us turn. A four week course reflecting on the different voices of Jesus. Various times and venues. See leaflet for details or contact Rachel Abbey 01329 318690 email: