Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9


Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
9 November 2014 (A) – Mass Book Pg 192
Congratulations to Father Peter
Fr Peter has been appointed as a Canon of the Chapter of Lancaster Cathedral
by the Bishop.
CAFOD Lancaster Mass of Remembrance
Will be held at 11.00am on Saturday 22nd November 2014 at St Anne’s Catholic
Church, Westby Mills, Westby, PR4 3PL. The Mass will remember and hold in
prayer all deceased CAFOD supporters from our diocese and celebrate their
lives, faith and compassion. Everyone is welcome. If you would like to remember
a loved one (even if you cannot attend the Mass), please send their names to or phone the CAFOD office 01772 733310 by 15th
November and they will be included in the Book of Remembrance. Further
details see poster on board in porch.
WOMEN TOGETHER in the Diocese of Lancaster
All women are invited to meet on Saturday 22nd November 2014 for their
Annual Day of Prayer and Reflection for Advent. This will be at The Little Sisters
of the Poor, Jeanne Jugan Residence, Garstang Road Preston 10.30am to
3.30pm. The theme for the day ‘The joy of the gospel being a disciple in the 21st
Century’, this will be led by Father Philip Connor. More details see phone 01253
733985, or see poster in church porch. Booking forms available in sacristy.
Liturgy Planning Group will be meeting on Thursday of this week in the
Presbytery immediately after Mass.
Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham It is hoped to organize a Parish Visit to
Walsingham and the area next autumn. We would stay in good accommodation
in Cromer and the cost would be £250.00 for 4 nights. The trip would include a
full day taking part in the Pilgrimage events at Walsingham and the Shrine. To
see if this is viable would you please let Fr. Peter know if you are interested as
soon as possible.
No cash for the collection on Sunday? It is possible for you to contribute to
the Offertory Collection by Standing Order into the parish account. If you are
interested in contributing to the parish this way please speak to Fr. Peter or Drew
Taylor who will give you the appropriate details.
Your News!
Please email for news to be included in the
bulletin or website. Alternatively, pass onto Paulina in the Church Office.
Sunday 9
People of the Parish
Margaret Anderton
James Kilbane R.I.P.
Monday 10
Frances Kirrane
Tuesday 11
John Lang
Wednesday 12
Canon J Carter
Thursday 13
Holy Souls
Friday 14
Goodwin Family
Saturday 15
Catherine O’Reilly
Sunday 16
People of the Parish
Joe Darwen R.I.P.
Ellen & James
Henshaw R.I.P.
All who are sick and housebound and especially
Rose Moss, Norah Ince, Rose Wilson, Rita Campbell,
Paddy Staunton, Hilary Tapley, Jack Halstead,
Mary Hollingsworth, Joyce Tomlinson, Joan Dalton,
Fr John Marsh, Pauline Coleman, Stephen Carlisle,
Monica & Jack Fogarty, Norah Osborn, Peter Gaffney,
Irene Hickton, Ray Heffernan, Margaret Wilkinson,
Vincent Nelson, Elaine Anne Acton-Reid, Bill Murphy,
Sr Mary Michael, Janet Andrews, Rosemary
Saddington, Robert Chatterton, Paul Bowker, Kevin
McDonough, Peter McCabe, Helen Tittle, Ada Platt,
Teresa Earnshaw.
All who died recently.
And whose anniversaries are at this time
Martyn Kyle, Ronald Caesar, Denis Mather,
David Cartmell, Margaret Portelli, Frances Kirrane,
Richard Shepherd, Anne Mannion, Ronald Barnes,
Josephine Lafferty, Tommy Staunton, John Lawson,
Joseph Tapley, John Wilkinson, Wilfred Tully,
Thomas Booth, Catherine O’Reilly.
May they Rest in Peace. Amen.
St Leo the Great
St Martin of Tours
St Josaphat
This Sunday is Remembrance Day. Next Sunday is a
Day for Prisoners and their dependants.
Parish Centre Bookings/Enquiries: 07759 144537
Canon Peter Hart | Rev. Bill Gillan
2 St. Annes Rd East, St. Annes On Sea, FY8 1UL.
Presbytery: 01253 274809 Office: 01253 274639
E: W:
A Parish in the R.C. Diocese of Lancaster. Registered Charity Number 234331.
Reading 1- Ezek 47:1-2. 8-9.12
Psalm- 45:2-3.5-6. 8-9 r.5
Reading 2- 1Cor 3:9-11. 16-17
Gospel Acc.- 2 Chron 7:16
Gospel- Matt Jn 2:13-22
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament- Before 10.00
Weekday Mass / Saturday 11.00 - 12.00
Morning Prayer- Before Mon to Fri 10.00 Mass 09.45
Holy Rosary- Saturday 11.30
Confessions- Saturday 11.30-12 / Sunday 18.00-18.30
Parish Finance
Last week’s collection raised £991.22
for Parish funds. Thank you.
Newcomer’s Welcome
New to the parish? Please say hello to
our Parish Priest. Plus, don’t forget to
fill in one of our welcome cards, (in the
church porch).
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
If you are considering becoming a
Catholic or interested in discovering
what Catholic life offers, please call
Sr Mary on 724189 or Fr Peter.
If you know of anyone who would like
a visit from a member of the local
S.V.P. Conference, please let Canon
Peter or Deacon Bill know.
We need more help to clean our
beautiful church. Can you spare a
couple of hours every six weeks to join
our dedicated team of ladies and
gentlemen who regularly clean our
church? Cleaning is mainly done
Fridays after 10.00 am Mass or
Saturdays after 12 noon Mass. If you
would like more info please contact
Joan on 274076 or see Paulina in
church office or phone 274639.
Parish Centre Classes
- Hatha Yoga Class. Tuesdays 9.3011.00am. A yoga practice for all levels
and abilities. Beginners welcome. Cost
£6 per class.
- Ballroom and Sequence Dancing
to live music. Every Tuesday 2.004.00pm. Admission £4 includes
tea/coffee. All welcome.
English Language Lessons
If you are interested in attending the
new term and/or you would like
further information, please contact
Frank on 01253 731292.
Kids Craft Club
Thanks to all who attended and
please come again this Sunday,
straight after 9.30 family Mass. £2 per
family please at Our Lady Star of the
Sea Parish Centre.
Monastic Weekend at Hyning Hall
For age 18 - 35 Single men and
women. Friday 30th Jan to Sunday
1st Feb 2015. For more info: Contact
Sr. Mary on 01524 732684 or
Last Night of the Proms
On Saturday 6th December in the
Preston Minster is going to be a great
musical event – Last Night at the
Proms! The night is being organised
by Angela Strickland (nee Thomas –
Jim’s daughter) our Panto pianist who
will also be playing along with our
very own violinist Cathy Court from
the 9.30 choir! Conductor is
Ed Rugman (A great local talent).
Tickets are £10 adults, £8
Concession and £5 children available
from 01772 901313. Proceeds in aid
of Derian House Children's Hospice.
Redecorating of the Church
There will be some redecorating of
the church taking place the week
beginning 17th November.
Consequently there will be no
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
or Morning Prayer that week. Mass
will be at 10.00am as usual.
St Annes Carnival Queen
Our own Charlotte Griffiths is St
Annes Carnival Queen this year and
part of her duties is to fund raise for
charity. Her chosen charity is the
Rosemere Cancer Foundation. Come
along to the Christmas Craft and Gift
Fair –Sunday 14th December
11.00am to 4.00pm – with
refreshments at Our Lady’s Parish
Centre and support Charlotte please.
If you would like to donate anything
either to her charity or to help the
events (tombola prizes, gifts etc)
please call Joanne on 07739 525662.
'Are You Ready for the Light?'
Please check out Andy Severyn's
new advent song at
Any schools or faith based
organisations wishing to use the
song for their advent preparations /
celebrations or would like to utilise
Andy's musical skills and services,
please contact him through his
website at:
Mothers, Grandmothers and all
Women of our Parish!
A special event for all of you, who
wish to pray together for our children,
grandchildren and every child who
are in need. “Stop your crying and
wipe away your tears. All that you
have done for your children will not go
unrewarded.” Our next meeting will
be on Wednesday 19th of November
at 6.30pm at the Parish Centre. Come
along and make a change for their
Keep up with Diocesan News at:
Tour of the War Graves in Ypres
St Annes Parish Church are
organising a Tour of the War Graves
in Ypres in June 2015. If anyone is
interested in joining them please see
details on notice board in porch.
Advent Talks
During Advent we will be having a
series of three talks on the Synoptic
Gospels. These will be held in our
Parish Centre starting at 7.00pm and
ending by 9.00pm at the latest. There
will be guest speakers giving the
talks, please make a note of these
dates in your diary:
Tuesday 2 December
Fr. John Millar will speak on
St. Luke’s Gospel
Tuesday 9 December
Canon Luiz Ruscillo will speak on
St. Mark’s Gospel
Tuesday 16 December
Sister Philomena SHCJ will speak on
St. Matthew
Did you know… CAFOD’s Ebola
Crisis appeal has raised more than
£250,000? With your support our
local Church partners can do crucial
work to stop the spread of Ebola by
educating people about the risks,
providing essential hygiene kits and
ensuring that burials are carried out
safely and with dignity. 56p provides
a bar of soap and £16 a life-saving
hygiene kit for a family of eight. Our
partners are also delivering food to
quarantined areas and to villages
where people haven’t been able to
farm. Infection rates are continuing to
grow, which is why it’s vital that we
act now.