News Sheet for Sunday 9 November 2014 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY TODAY IN THE PARISH


News Sheet for Sunday 9 November 2014 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY TODAY IN THE PARISH
News Sheet for Sunday 9th November 2014
All Saints with Ss Philip & James
Welcoming all in our community
into the love of Christ
All Saints
8.00 am Holy Communion (1662)
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) with
Junior Church and Crèche
2.30pm Civic Service of
Remembrance and Parade
Ss Philip and James
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) with
Junior Church and Crèche
2.00pm Pantomime Rehearsal
Isaiah 10.33-11.9 
Psalm 23 
Revelation 21.1-7  John 15.9-17
Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son,
the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and
bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of
sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with
you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
God of peace, whose Son Jesus Christ proclaimed the kingdom and
restored the broken to wholeness of life: look with compassion on the
anguish of the world, and by your healing power make whole both people
and nations; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The FPCC Coffee Bar is open Monday - Saturday, 10am - 12.30pm
Monday 10th November
Lady Chapel
Lady Chapel
All Saints
All Saints School
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion (1662)
Funeral of Jack Carr
Parish/School Prayer Group
Tuesday 11th November
Lady Chapel
Ss Philip and James
All Saints & FPCC
Lady Chapel
All Saints
Morning Prayer
Coffee and Play
Praise and Play
Prayer Group
Funeral of Harry Fraser-Mitchell
Craft Group
Wednesday 12th November
Lady Chapel
9.00am Morning Prayer
Ss Philip and James
9.30am Eucharist followed by coffee
Church of Our Lady
7.45pm Churches Together Prayer Meeting
Thursday 13th November
Lady Chapel
Ss Philip and James
Ss Philip and James
Ss Philip and James
Ss Philip and James
Friday 14th November
Lady Chapel
All Saints
All Saints
7.30pm & 8.00pm
Morning Prayer
Coffee and Play
JINK (Junior Youth Group)
Senior Youth Group
Choir Practice
Morning Prayer
Parent & Toddler Time
Prayer Vigil
Choir Practice
Saturday 15th November
10.00am PCC Away Day
All Saints
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW)
with Junior Church and Crèche
6.30pm Choral Evensong
Ss Philip and James
8.00 am Holy Communion (1662)
10.00am All Age Worship
2.00pm Pantomime Rehearsal
Please note that items with headlines underlined are new this week.
JACK CARR’S FUNERAL - Monday 10th November, 2.30pm in All
Saints Church. Everyone is welcome to attend.
PARISH/SCHOOL PRAYER GROUP - The next meeting of the All
Saints School Prayer Group will be on Monday 10th November at
2.30pm - all welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
12.30pm at All Saints Church. All are welcome in the hall for
refreshments after the service.
PRAYER VIGIL - The PCC will be sharing a day together on Saturday
(15th November) to consider what God may be calling us to be and do as
a parish in the immediate future. Please pray for all who will be part of
this exercise. In preparation for this, there will be a vigil of prayer in All
Saints church on Friday afternoon (14th) between 3pm and 6pm. This
will be a time of silent listening to God, attending upon his plans and
priorities for us. All are welcome to come for all or any part of this time just pop in when you can.
PRAYER MEETING - Churches Together in Fleet & Crookham invites
you to an Evening of Prayer on the theme of Social Justice, Wednesday
12th November at 7.45pm, Church of our Lady. All welcome.
ADVENT REFLECTIONS - This year’s Advent Reflections will be at Ss
Philip and James on Monday evenings at 7.30pm in Advent - 1st, 8th, 15th
and 22nd of December. The theme will be ‘The journey of the Magi’,
more details will be given nearer the time.
LIVE FROM ALDERSHOT - ‘An Act of Remembrance’, Songs of Praise
live from the Royal Garrison Church in Aldershot at 4.20 pm and on
BBC1, Sunday 9th November. Several choirs will be taking part with a
congregation of 400 many of whom are serving soldiers.
IN FOCUS - The latest edition of the ‘In Focus’ publication is now
available to collect in church, please take one and catch up with what’s
been happening in the church on a national level.
SIDESPERSONS REQUEST - We also need some extra sidespersons
for assisting at baptism services at both churches - would you be able to
assist? To offer your help or for more information please talk to Claire
Holt or Mark Hayton.
DRIVERS REQUEST - Thank you to those who have offered to drive
people to services at All Saints Church. Further volunteers would be
welcome. Please talk to Julian Barley.
QUIET DAY - Saturday 22nd November, 10am-3pm, Ss Philip & James.
Rev Canon Charles Stewart writes: “For over two centuries Handel's
Messiah has been close to the heart of our national cultural life. Every
December performances are offered by Choral Societies and
professional ensembles up and down the country. In this Quiet Day I
hope to take us deeper into this much-loved music, together with the
Biblical texts which Handel set so memorably, to enable the spiritual
riches of this masterpiece of sacred music to enrich our own celebration
of Advent, Christmas and Easter.” The cost for the day will be £2.50 bring your own lunch. Please sign up on the sheet in church.
FACCTS SCHOOLS WORKER - FACCTS are looking to employ a parttime schools worker, 15hrs/week, term-time. Please see the poster on
the noticeboards or for more general information.
FOODBANK - Thank you for your ongoing support of Hart Foodbank
through your regular donations. They would be particularly grateful to
receive the following items during the month of November: UHT Milk,
tinned meat and Christmas treats (e.g. mince pies, Christmas puddings)
GOSPEL CHOIR - The new Young People's Gospel Choir is now up and
running. Every Thursday, 5:30pm-7pm at the Church on the Heath for
ages 11-18.
ST COLUMBA’S HOUSE - Advent quiet day at St. Columba's House,
retreat centre in Woking on Monday 1st December 10am - 4 pm, led by
The Revd. Haydon Wilcox and the cost is £25 and includes lunch. To
book ring: 01483 766498 or email
FLEET HOSPITAL - Fleet Hospital Car Park will be closed from 10th to
14th November. The hospital have said that limited access may be
available to drop people off but there will be no parking.
Readings for Sunday November 9th 2014
First Reading
Isaiah 10.33-11.9
Isaiah was writing just before the
Assyrian invasion (701 BC) which
Isaiah saw as God’s punishment
for Judah’s misdeeds. The bough
and the trees are a metaphor for
Judah’s current rulers.
Look, the Sovereign, the LORD of
hosts, will lop the boughs with
terrifying power; the tallest trees
will be cut down, and the lofty will
be brought low. 34He will hack
down the thickets of the forest with
an axe, and Lebanon with its
majestic trees will fall. 1A shoot
shall come out from the stock of
Jesse, and a branch shall grow out
of his roots. 2The spirit of the
LORD shall rest on him, the spirit
of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might,
the spirit of knowledge and the fear
of the LORD. 3His delight shall be
in the fear of the LORD. He shall
not judge by what his eyes see, or
decide by what his ears hear; 4but
with righteousness he shall judge
the poor, and decide with equity for
the meek of the earth; he shall
strike the earth with the rod of his
mouth, and with the breath of his
lips he shall kill the wicked.
Righteousness shall be the belt
around his waist,
and faithfulness the belt around his
loins.6The wolf shall live with the
lamb, the leopard shall lie down
with the kid, the calf and the lion
and the fatling together,
and a little child shall lead them.
The cow and the bear shall graze,
their young shall lie down together;
and the lion shall eat straw like the
ox. 8The nursing child shall play
over the hole of the asp, and the
weaned child shall put its hand on
the adder’s den.
They will not hurt or destroy
on all my holy mountain;
for the earth will be full of the
knowledge of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea.
EASYFUNDRAISING REMINDER - Have you started thinking about
Christmas shopping this year? Shop online and give a gift to the parish
for free! Over 2,000 well known stores will give a commission to charities that come to their site via Easy Fundraising. Once you have registered at it only costs you an extra couple of
“clicks” to go through Easy Fundraising (and no-one will see what you
buy!), you can even download a toolbar for your browser to remind you
to use it.
Psalm 23
The images of the Lord as a shepherd and His giving a banquet are
perpetuated in later Old and New Testament writings.
Refrain: I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever
The Lord is my shepherd; therefore can I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still
I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever
He shall refresh my soul and guide me in the paths of righteousness for
his name’s sake.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no
evil; for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever
You spread a table before me in the presence of those who trouble me;
you have anointed my head with oil and my cup shall be full.
Surely goodness and loving mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever
Second Reading
Revelation 21.1-7
Written whilst incarcerated on the
island of Patmos John (The Divine)
describes a more glorious future
using graphic imagery such as the
sea, as a source of evil, being
banished – an idealised new city
appearing from heaven – the
mystic marriage of Christ and His
church – clear, fresh water
symbolising the Holy Spirit.
I saw a new heaven and a new
earth; for the first heaven and the
first earth had passed away, and
the sea was no more. 2And I saw
the holy city, the new Jerusalem,
coming down out of heaven from
God, prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband. 3And I heard a
loud voice from the throne saying,
‘See, the home of God is among
mortals. He will dwell with them;
they will be his peoples, and God
himself will be with them; 4he will
wipe every tear from their eyes.
Death will be no more; mourning
and crying and pain will be no
more, for the first things have
passed away.’5And the one who
was seated on the throne said,
‘See, I am making all things new.’
Also he said, ‘Write this, for these
words are trustworthy and true.’
Then he said to me, ‘It is done! I
am the Alpha and the Omega, the
beginning and the end. To the
thirsty I will give water as a gift from
the spring of the water of life.
Those who conquer will inherit
these things, and I will be their God
and they will be my children.’
Gospel Reading
John 15.9-17
This is part of the great discourse
Jesus had with His disciples at the
Last Supper after Judas had left.
The significance of being a friend is
that one’s status is superior to that
of a slave or servant. Friends can
converse and ask - thus opening up
the promise of prayer being
Jesus said to his disciples: 9‘As the
Father has loved me, so I have
loved you; abide in my love. 10If you
keep my commandments, you will
abide in my love, just as I have kept
my Father’s commandments and
abide in his love. 11I have said these
things to you so that my joy may be
in you, and that your joy may be
complete. 12‘This is my
commandment, that you love one
another as I have loved you. 13No
one has greater love than this, to
lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
You are my friends if you do what
I command you. 15I do not call you
servants any longer, because the
servant does not know what the
master is doing; but I have called
you friends, because I have made
known to you everything that I have
heard from my Father. 16You did not
choose me but I chose you. And I
appointed you to go and bear fruit,
fruit that will last, so that the Father
will give you whatever you ask him
in my name. 17I am giving you these
commands so that you may love
one another.’
Those in need, including Tricia Brinton, Patricia Bull, Allan
Butterfield, Angus Cairns, Peter Carr, Grace Dicker, William Eddy,
Fred Griffin, Jon Harrow, Bonnie Lewis, Helen Miller, Gill Page, Philip
Partington, Peter Pimm, Louise Purton, John Richardson, Beryl
Sherwell, John Simmons, Rose Smithers, David Thompson and Tyler
Those who have died recently Jack Carr, Harry Fraser- Mitchell,
Betty Greggains, Sheila Mantell, Roy Bennett and Ann Allen.
Those from our two memorial books whose anniversaries fall at
this time Renee Lunghi, Heather McMillan, Donald Robinson, Eileen
Mitchell, Sonia Fletcher, Betty Cook, Jean Partington, Dorothy Beale
and Ida Coe.
Pastoral Assistants:
Should you have a pastoral need or any other kind of a problem and
wish for a listening ear, there is a Pastoral Assistant available after the
10am service. Please ask the duty warden at the door for help.
Visitors and Newcomers:
If you are new to our church, we welcome you - please fill in one of
our contact cards (available from the duty warden at the door) so we
can be in touch.
Hospital and home visits:
If you know of anybody who is in hospital or housebound and would
appreciate a visit, please contact the Parish Office.
For any other need, suggestion or query, see contacts below:
Revd Mark Hayton  01252 219281 
Revd Pauline Moyse  01252 671382 
Revd Ron Dyer  01252 621457
Revd Garth Kellett  01252 642940
ADMINISTRATORS - Chantelle Gardner & Elly Wilson
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 1.00pm
 Parish Office, Parish Community Centre, Church Road, GU51 4NB
 01252 812114 
Or visit our Parish website: