191 SUNDAY MASSES FOR WEEK OF NOVEMBER 10TH Tuesday, November 11, 10:00 am – School Mass +Beatrice Walter; Helen & Walter Palach Wednesday, November 12, 9:35 am – St. David’s +Rose Linseman; Estate Thursday, November 13, 12:05 pm +Bill Cassel; Jim & Norma Hanley Friday, November 14, 8:30 am +Ina Kieffer; Louise Roe 9 am – 1 pm Adoration Saturday, November 15, 5:00 pm (Ministry Sign-ups) +Ovila Pilon; Danielle Pilon +Jim Finch; St. Teresa of Avila Prayer Shawl Ministry Sunday, November 16, (Ministry Sign-ups) Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Our Parish Community During 9 am Mass First Reconciliation Class 11:00 am Our Parish Community 12:30 pm Baptism READINGS FOR November 15/16 First Reading: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Second Reading: 1 Thes 5:1-6 Gospel Reading: Mt 25;14-30 MON TUE WED THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH 7:00pm 9 a.m. Choir Practice – Church 7:30pm C.W.L. General Meeting – Hall Office Closed 7:30pm 11 a.m. Choir Practice – Church HAMILTON DIOCESE PRAYER CALENDAR: Mon., Nov 10 Rev. John Govan, S.J. Tues., Nov 11 Rev. Eric Jensen, S.J. Wed., Nov 12 Deceased Members of Our Parish Community Thurs., Nov 13 Rev. James Profit, S.J. Fri., Nov 14 Rev. William Clarke, S.J. Sat., Nov 15 Rev. Dennis Noon STEWARDSHIP REPORT Lk 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you… For the measure you give will be measured back to you.” Offertory Collection for November 1/2: $2,944.91 Average per envelope: $20.31 Thank you! LIVING ROSARY INTENTION That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others and that young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. FOODBANK NEEDS Jam & Flour MINISTRIES for November 15/16 Eucharistic Ministers 5pm Tim Baillargeon, Kathy Ziegler 9am Mary Jane & Robert Yaeger, Charlotte Mueller 11am Ray Denomme, Nancy Morrison Hospitality 5pm Mike & Doris Snelling, Kieran & Geoff Kelly 9am Ed & Carol Kieswetter, Guy Wakutz, Bill Hanley 11am Frank McGuire, Paul & Diane Shutsa, Marilyn Hurlburt Altar Servers 5pm Emily Hickey, Lauren Hickey 9am William Michenfelder, Aidan Michenfelder, Heike Elliott 11am Amitan Pope, Fiona Bernard 5pm 9am 11am Lectors Peggy Clement Joan Coutu Maria Diemert Lisa Denomme Commentator Jim Goll Larry Glofcheskie Cathleen Allen Sunday External Eucharistic Minister (to Elmira) Nov 16 Agnes Downey Wednesday External Eucharistic Minister Nov 19 Vera Csizmar Sign Ministry Nov 10 Ray Denomme TH If you wish to purchase a 25 ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOK in time for Christmas please sign your name on the list in the Narthex. A minimum of 25 books need to be ordered to make the reprint cost effective. Cost is $15 per book. Come out and join in on the fun and fellowship at the CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE GENERAL MEETING on th Tuesday, November 11 . Come and give us your ideas and support. New members welcome! Dues are only $25.00 and we support many local charities as well as having a voice in our government. Our CHRISTMAS POTLUCK DINNER will be on Tuesday, December 9th, so mark that date on your calendar and join us. All ladies of the parish welcome, young and not so young! The PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will be holding a fundraiser after Masses on the weekend of Nov. nd rd 22 /23 . We will be selling cookies as well as knitted items you may wish to purchase for yourself or as a gift. You may also wish to purchase a knitted item and donate it to the "Out of the Cold" program. We accept cash or cheques only. We very much appreciate the support of St. Teresa Parish in our Ministry. This year our MOVEMBER CAMPAIGN will be to support the Carmelite Sisters at the Carmel of St. Joseph, St. Agatha. Sponsor sheets can be found in the Narthex. During the month of November the BOOK OF LIFE is set up in the Church. Please remember to add the names of your deceased loved ones to the list so they will be remembered at the Masses during November. The NEW MISSALS are now ready for purchase. They are $4.00 each and can be found in the library. Please place your money in the box provided or drop off at the Parish Office during office hours. Lectors receive a free copy. Please pick up your copy in the library. 1 DATE ST. TERESA’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER will be held at St. Teresa of Avila Church Hall, Elmira on Friday, December 5th. The meal will begin at 6:00 p.m. Those who have purchased take-out tickets can pick their meals up at 5:30 p.m. There will be a limited number of tickets available. They can be ordered through the Parish Office Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or by calling 519-6693387 or after Masses. Ticket prices are: adults $16.00; children 6-12 years $8.00 and children 5 & under are free. There will be door prizes! Last chance to purchase tickets is Wednesday, December 3rd. All are welcome! Don’t miss out on this delicious Christmas dinner. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED at St. Teresa’s Annual Christmas Dinner taking place on Friday, December 5th. Please check out the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. A MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID WORKSHOP is being th th offered on November 20 and 27 at the Chancery Office, 700 King Street West, Hamilton from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $130 per participant (includes lunch). This is an informative workshop aimed at providing participants with a greater understanding of mental illness. Deadline for th registration is November 12 . Contact the Parish Office for a registration form. The instructor is Catherine Howson, MA, (C)OACCP, Catholic Family Services. ADULT FAITH EVENINGS will be held at St. Anne’s Parish, Kitchener at 7:00 p.m. There will be time for conversation in groups to share thoughts led by the speaker. All are invited. November 13th with topic “Catholic Morality” with speaker Rev. David Perrin, O.M.I., Professor of Religious Studies and former President of St. Jerome’s University. November 20th with topic “Catholic Church History” with speaker Rev. Myroslaw Tataryn, Professor of Religious Studies at St. Jerome’s University. November 27th with topic “Scripture and Tradition” with speaker Dr. Cristina Vanin, Professor of Religious Studies at St. Jerome’s University. ANNUAL BAZAARS St. John, Kitchener on Friday, November 14th from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. For information call 519-742-3248. St. Joseph, Guelph on Saturday, November 15th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information call Helen Synnott at 519-821-1782. St. Joseph, 760 St. David Street North, Fergus on th Saturday, November 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP SENIOR’S COMMUNITY DINING - Join us for a hot noon day meal, fellowship and entertainment at the Calvary United Church, 48 Hawkesville Road, St. Jacobs on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Please register by 10 a.m. the Monday morning before the lunch. Cancellations are to be made by 2 p.m. the day before the lunch. The time for the event is 11:30 a.m. until approximately 2:30 p.m. Lunch is served at 12 noon. The cost is $11. Please call Community Care Concepts at 519-669-3023 to register. The next NEW HORIZONS, a program for Zoomers, Boomers and Seniors, is on Thursday, November 13th from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Maryhill Community Centre, 58 Charles Street East, Maryhill. Admission is $2 per person. Susan Bryant will speak on Our Local Water. For information contact Joan Haid at 519-648-2742 or jehaid@xplornet.ca. COMMUNITY CAN DINE on the second Friday of every month at Trinity United Church, Elmira. The next date is th Friday, November 14 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. It is chili, chili dogs, salad and dessert. The cost is free. Donations will be accepted to cover the cost of dinner. A DAY OF PRAYER will be held on Friday, November 14th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Anne’s Parish, Kitchener. Following the 8 a.m. Mass there will be coffee and muffins. Bring a bag lunch. Tea and coffee is provided. A suggested offering is $20 per person. Call Linda at 519745-5302 to register or e-mail stannesfamily@gmail.com. th Join us on Friday, November 14 at C. L. Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome’s University at 7:30 p.m., when David Gibson, will present a lecture entitled, “A new messenger and new media: what Pope Francis is teaching us.” Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Free parking is available at Renison University College and St. Paul’s University College. Free Admission. Wheelchair Accessible. Refreshments. No Registration Required. Join us in PRAYING FOR VOCATIONS on Saturday, November 15th, at St. Michael’s Church in Waterloo, for 9 a.m. Mass and Holy Hour for vocations. Thinking about priesthood or religious life? Find out by attending a DISCERNMENT GROUP on Saturday, November 15th, at St. Michael’s Church in Waterloo, starting at 9 a.m. with Mass, Holy Hour, Discernment Groups for men and women, and lunch. For more information check www.HamiltonVocations.com. You are invited to the ST. AGNES PARISH FALL CARD PARTY on Monday, November 17, 2014 at St. Agnes Parish Centre, 75 Bluevale St. N., Waterloo. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Lunch is served at 7 p.m. Admission is $10. St. Mary Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows Church, 56 Duke St. W., Kitchener is hosting a FUNDRAISING CONCERT on Friday, November 28th at 7 p.m. This concert is presented by the Kitchener Knights of Columbus, featuring the voices of the renowned St. Michael’s Choir School in concert with The Waterloo Regional Police Male Chorus. Council 1504 invite you to enjoy a memorable presentation and financially help support both the preservation of St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s Choir School’s distinguished program. This is a great start to Christmas celebrations with family and friends. Tickets are $45 each and are available at St. Mary’s Parish office, call 519-893-1504 or buy online at www.kofc1504.com. All proceeds will go to St. Mary’s Church and the St. Michael’s Choir School.