
Coundon Primary School
Together Everyone Achieves More
We would like to welcome you all back to school, we hope you all had a lovely
break and are now refreshed and ready for a busy but exciting half term.
Thursday 13th November
Thursday 13th November
Friday 14th November
Friday 14th November
Thursday 20th November
Tuesday 25th November
Thursday 4th December
Tuesday 9th December
Wednesday 10th December
Monday 15th December
Monday 15th December
Monday 15th December
Monday 15th December
Tuesday 16th December
Tuesday 16th December
Tuesday 16th December
Wednesday 17th December
Friday 19th December
Monday 5th January 2015
Shakespeare Schools assembly at 9.00am
P.T.A meeting in school at 3.30pm
Children in Need – dress up as Super Heroes ( can be made up) or
in spots and stripes.
Year 3 Blitz Evening 6.00pm-8.30pm
Year 3 joint assembly 9.00am
Reception class eye tests
2NO class assembly
KS1 Nativity performance at 9.15am
KS1 Nativity performance at 1.30pm
Nursery AM including Reception RDJ plus the Meerkats from
RDN Nativity performance at 9.00am
Nursery PM including Reception RAD plus the Leopards from RDN
Nativity performance at 1.00pm
Year 3 & 4 Carol Service at St Georges Church 6.00-7.00pm
Year 5 & 6 Carol Service at St Georges Church 7.15-8.15pm
Nursery AM including Reception RDJ plus the Meerkats from
RDN Nativity performance at 9.00am
Nursery PM including Reception RAD plus the Leopards from RDN
Nativity performance at 1.00pm
P.T.A Meeting at The Brooklands 6.30pm
Christmas Party Day
School finishes for the Christmas Holidays
New term begins
Once again we are supporting Children in Need. The school councillors sent home
letters with all children this week regarding the theme for this year’s Children in
Need. On FRIDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2014 we are asking children and teachers to
come into school dressed as a silly super hero (can be a made up hero), in spots
and/or stripes or funny non-uniform for a donation of 50p or more if you would like.
Throughout the day the school councillors will be selling cakes at a cost of 20p and
loom bands at a cost of 15p. The children will take part in the usual timetabled
lessons during the morning followed by fun activities following the theme of Children
in Need during the afternoon.
Several parents have approached staff this week to enquire about when the
Southbank entrance will be open. Unfortunately we are no further forward with it
being passed with the Health and Safety department. We do understand your
frustration but the situation is out of our hands. Rest assured that we are constantly
contacting the council to try and resolve this matter. Staff with children at school
have also been informed that they are not to use this entrance. Staff are able to
access it for the car park, as our insurance covers them.
We would like to send our congratulations to Mrs Ryan and husband Paul on the
arrival of their second son Geordan Paul a baby brother for Lochlan. Born
SATURDAY 25th OCTOBER 2014 weighing 9lb 2oz, we can’t wait to meet him.
The following KS2 children were awarded the head teachers award in the assembly
3 CR
3 HW
4 VG
Summer B
Hayden M
Tom E
4 AB
Jack H
6 GM
Bayleigh W
6 AS
Charlie B
For an excellent attitude to work
For a super enthusiastic start to Big Maths!
For super work finding fractions of quantities- amazing
understanding even with more challenging questions!
For super work finding fractions of quantities- amazing
understanding even with more challenging questions!
For demonstrating exemplary behaviour and a positive attitude
towards her learning throughout the curriculum
For his great report comparing Greece and England - an imaginative
We would like to say well done to the children in 1 LJ for treating their families to a
wonderful assembly on Thursday morning. You remembered your lines, the songs
and performed amazingly.
Thank you to all the parents who showed their support this week by attending the
assemblies; it is lovely to see so many of you join with us to celebrate the children’s
wonderful achievements.
Parents with younger children are always welcome at our assemblies, but if your
child becomes agitated and upset can we please request that you take them out of
the hall to calm them. Many thanks for your cop-operation.
Nursery are opening a ‘Mud Kitchen’ and need old pots and pans and any kitchen
utensils you may by thinking of throwing away to use whilst they are making their
mud pies!
We also need any large sized pac-a-mac’s or rain coats which the Nursery children
could wear over the top of their coats whilst playing in the mud kitchen. If you have
any items you could donate to Nursery please drop them into the school office or
hand to a member of Nursery staff. Many thanks.
Mrs Maude and Mr Ossleton would like to say a very big well done to all the children
who took part in the Shakespeare Schools Festival at the MAC Birmingham. Your
production of Macbeth was superb and it was an extremely enjoyable evening.
Future stars in the making!
Mrs Maude would also like to say a big thank you to Mr Ossleton for all his hard
work putting the show together. It was a joint effort and his commitment and
support were very much appreciated.
Your child should have come home with their photo proofs on Tuesday. If you would
like to order copies please do so either via Lafayette’s website or by telephone on
0870 243 2085 using your unique order number on the photo proof by either debit
or credit card.
If you are visiting the cinema this Christmas to watch the new Nativity 3 movie, look
out for Evie B (2 AS) making her big screen debut! Well done Evie we are all very
proud of you, love from all your friends and family.
Nativity are holding a competition, they are looking for budding artists
to create a Nativity 3 poster! If you would like to design a poster
please email your design to and you
could win £400 for the school’s P.T.A and £100 for your own festive
fun! – Get designing!!!
The school has links with a charity that provides shoes for children of families on low
incomes. If you would like more information and an application form please call at
the school office. The closing date for applications is THURSDAY 20th NOVEMBER
2014. If you have already made an application and been given a voucher this year
you cannot apply this time. The charity only issues each family one voucher per
calendar year.
We would like to say thank to Daniel K’s family for the donation of a portable T.V for
the nurture room, we’re sure the children will enjoy using it.
Mrs Ellis received a letter this week from Coventry City Misson Food bank asking us
to thank you all for your generous donations of food for the Harvest festival.
Mrs Ellis also sent a letter out this week to keep parents up to date on school
improvement priorities and any changes or new initiatives that parents may wish to
know about.
The Herbert Art Gallery are holding a FREE First World War Family day on
SATURDAY 15th NOVEMBER 2014 10.00am-4.00pm to commemorate the
centenary of the First World War. The day will include a host of fun activities
which will encourage thinking and learning about this time in history. Children
will be able to experience what it might have been like to be a soldier, create
commemorative poppies and ID badges and even explore a life sized trench.
The next Parent Forum will be held next Thursday in the Small Hall 6-7pm.
The forum is run by Parent Governors to discuss your questions and provide
feedback on the school’s progress. All questions are either addressed live at the
forum or answered later in the feedback letter, if a details response is required.
Highlights of this upcoming meeting include a review of the new Curriculum and a
tour of the new school build.
For those who have attended previous meetings, we hope you found them useful.
For those who have yet to attend, it would be great to meet you and hear your