
23rd at
7:30 pm
The New Moon Shines with Aviva Chernick
Join Aviva Chernick as she guides us in
celebrating the new moon, Rosh Chodesh, with
song and silence contemplation and community.
Wear comfortable clothing. Please contact the
office or go to to register.
Youth Events
22nd from
1:00 pm—
3:00 pm
22nd at
4:30 pm
30th at
12:00 pm
Shabbat Hangout
Ages 6-13: Join Becky for a fun and active Shabbat
program! We will participate in a program from
Dynamix, which “is the leader in teambuilding and
character development for kids, teens and
professionals in the youth sector. Through fun,
hands-on and action-packed experiences, they
“provide groups with an opportunity to reflect on
important issues like respect, cooperation and team
spirit!” Aside from this, we will also get the chance to
braid our own mini-challahs! THIS IS A DROP-OFF
PROGRAM. RSVP is mandatory.
Mortimer Abramsky
Bertha Arbuck
Rachela Bank
Ethel Barnett
Bessie Blackstien
Myer Block
Monty Blumer
Lisa Brown
Samuel Camelgar
Irving Cooper
Marie-Pierrette Corriveau
Layah Fink
Michael Firestone
Glenda Freedman
Harry Frimeth
Harry Gollin
Abraham Greenberg
Alexander Grossman
Seymour Hersch
Allan Jacobs
Colman Jacobs
Noel Jameson
Tilly Kreaden
Frank Marcovitch
Ben Marks
Myer Myers
Esther Perl
Esther Perlman
Jacob Perlman
Samuel Rittenberg
Helen Rocket
Sydney Rosenbaum
Sandra Segal
Sarah Shachter
Pearl Silverstone
Meyer Smith
Arthur Stevens
Leslie Ungar
Saul Weinberg
Abraham Zeidel
To the family of Louis Rosenblat z’’l, beloved husband of Mirla
Rosenblat, father and father-in-law of Steven & Jacklyn Rosenblat,
Joe Rosenblat, and Fran & Steven Sklar.
Got Shabbat
Children (ages 2-5) are invited to wear their jammies
and join Cantor Moses and Becky as we conclude
Shabbat with a sing-a-long Havdallah, and Beth
Sholom's famous ice cream Sundae buffet! We will
also be reading a story from PJ Library, and making
our own mini challahs! Sign up online now to reserve
a spot.
To the family of Morris Kotzer z’’l, beloved husband of Clara Kotzer,
father and father-in-law of Robert Kotzer & Beverly Kahn, Donna
Kotzer Jacobs & Jeffrey Jacobs, and Lorne and Barbara Kotzer and
brother of Evelyn Chertkow and Grace Epstein. Shiva is at 736 Briar Hill
Avenue. Shiva visits on Saturday from 7:00 pm — 9:00 pm and on
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 1:00 pm—9:00 pm.
Evening services at 7:00 pm. Shiva visits until
Thursday morning, November 20th.
Face Your First-Aid Fears: CPR & First-Aid Primer
Kindly note our clergy are available to visit any congregant upon
request. You may contact them directly at
Are you a parent, grandparent or caregiver? Do you
have questions about how to best deal with
emergency situations? If so, come to a CPR and firstaid class taught by instructor, Debbie Litvack. You
will learn child and baby CPR, how to assist a child
who is choking, general “first-aid fears”, and more.
You will be able to physically try out your skills and
will take part in a Q and A at the end of the course.
NOTE: You will not get a certificate for this session,
but if there is enough interest, a separate course will
be arranged for that purpose. $30.00/per person.
Lunch will be served.
For more information or to register for Youth Events contact Becky at
416-783-6103 ext 231,, or register online at
or or call Rivy at 416.783.6103.
Saturday, November 15, 2014 • 22 Cheshvan 5775
Torah Page: 80 | Haftarah Page: 90
Haftarah: Ami Seeligsohn & Ryan Goodman
This morning we read the story of the final years of
Sarah and Abraham. Our attention, however, is
drawn to what we read at the very beginning of this
morning’s portion. Thousands of years of Jewish
burial practices have their foundations in these
opening verses. One particular thing to note to us is
the immediacy that Abraham brings in seeing that
Sarah is cared for respectfully and with dignity.
Take a moment to consider the large number of
verses that describe in detail how Abraham secures a
burial plot for Sarah. They also describe her eulogy
and the funeral and in giving us this narrative we see
no break in his love for her. In other words, as soon
as she died all of Abraham’s energy was solely
devoted to looking after her. It was true for him and
it is true for us today. Caring for those we love both
in a moment of burial and long after in moments of
memory, we continue to be inspired by Abraham’s
loving kindness to the woman he loved.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich
For more information about membership at Beth Sholom
call the Synagogue office at 416-783-6103.
Use of cellphones and other electronic devices is
prohibited on Shabbat and holidays.
Peter Seeligsohn & Lesley Steyn on the Bat Mitzvah of
their daughter, Ami Victoria. Proud grandparents are Manny
& Carol Steyn. Fondly remembered at this time are
Darcy & Freda Seeligsohnz’’l.
Shelley & Randy Goodman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Ryan Joshua. Proud grandmothers are Elaine Bloomberg and
Eve Goodman. Fondly remembered at this time are
Irving Bloombergz”l and Henry Goodmanz”l.
Joe & Robyn Sauret on the birth of their daughter,
Madelyn Kenzie. Proud grandparents are Steve &
Rosalyn Fremeth and Janet & Joe Sauret.
Rabbi Flanzraich,
Rabbi Moscowitz and Rabbi Flanzraich
Adult Torah Study Continues
For more information, please contact the
office at 416.783.6103.
Repairing Rainbows with Lynda
November 19th Fishman
7:30 pm
A joint program with Beth Sholom Synagogue
and Bereaved Jewish Families. Join us for a
lecture and healing service about loss with
Lynda Fishman, author of “Repairing
Rainbows”. Please contact Adi at or go to to register.
(Holy Blossom Synagogue)
Rabbi Korobkin
(Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto)
Chai Society Lunch and Book Review
November 26th Join Chai Society for a delicious lunch as we
12:00 pm
review the book "The Gift of Asher Lev" by
Chaim Potok with Loretta Tanenbaum. Cost
$10. To register contact the office at
416.783.6103 or visit
Minyan, Dinner, and Rabbi’s Torah
November 26th Study Session
4:30 pm
Join Rabbi Flanzraich and the minyanaires for
Guests of the Seeligsohn/Steyn family are invited for lunch in the
Banquet Hall immediately following services.
services, dinner and Torah discussion.
Guests of the Goodman family are invited for lunch in the
Assembly Hall immediately following services.
"LIKE" Beth Sholom on Facebook!
at 7:00 pm
Rabbi Mosocowitz, &
The congregation is invited for a Kiddush in the Kiddush Lobby
following services sponsored by the Seeligsohn/Steyn, Goodman,
and Fremeth families in honour of their simchas .
Check out our Facebook page for the latest updates about BSS Youth activities
happening at the shul.
Jewish Java
Join Rabbi Flanzraich for coffee, bagels, and
Torah study.
(Beth Sholom Synagogue)
Matthew Krofchick & Rachel Wolfson on the birth of their
twin sons, Hudson Benjamin and Sebastian Myles. Proud
grandparents are Gordon & Deborah Krofchick and Lorne
Wolfson & Lorie Shekter-Wolfson. Proud great-grandmother is
Essie Klein. Fondly remembered are Sydney & Hilda
Blackmanz’’l, Michael & Shirley Krofchickz’’l, Edward Wolfsonz’’l,
Sid Kleinz’’l, Ben & Dorothy Shekter z’’l.
Prayer for Canada: Shelley Goodman
Prayer for Israel: Sara Goodman
Prayer for Peace: Ria David
Prayer for Women in Israel: Lesley Steyn
at 9:30 am
December 7th
6:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Shabbat concludes
Sunday - Friday
8:45 am
8:30 am
7:30 am
Candle Lighting
Friday, November 21st at 4:30 pm
4:45 pm
5:37 pm
4:30 pm
Israeli Movie Night for Adults With the
Join our ShinShinim as they host their first
Movie Night for Adults of the year! The movie
they have chosen is called "Noodle", which is
an award-winning 2007 Israeli film directed
by Ayelet Menahemi. Yarden and Nitzan will
explain why they chose this movie and why it
is important to them and how it reflects
Israeli culture. Refreshments will be served.
To reserve your spot or for more information,
contact Becky (