Shabbat Bulletin


Shabbat Bulletin
event will
sell out call this
week if
Congregation Schara Tzedeck
Shabbat Bulletin
With Us
Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt
Torah Reader: Joseph Marciano
Dvar Torah - Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, z’l, Bais Hamussar
Before Moshe and Aharon perform the ten makkos, the
Torah offers a short genealogical backdrop. The Torah begins with
their great-grandfather Levi, continues with a list of all his children
and grandchildren, and ends with the birth of Moshe and Aharon.
“They are the ones who spoke to Pharaoh the king of Egypt to take
the Jews out of Egypt; this was Moshe and Aharon” (Shemos 6:27).
Rashi, bothered by the seemingly superfluous ending of the pasuk,
explains that the Torah is informing us that they were complete in
both fulfilling their missions and their righteousness “from beginning
to end.”
Rav Wolbe (Shiurei Chumash, Shemos 6:27, 1:5) comments,
that this praise of Moshe and Aharon is in reality the goal of every
Jew. We must aim to make it through life in general, and each day in
particular, without getting derailed from the tracks of our purpose in
this world. Chazal relate that Yochanon served in the most sacred
position of Kohein Gadol for eighty years and subsequently became
an apostate! He was undeniably a great man, but he did not persevere
until the end of his life.
The truth is that no one can know where life will take him.
Yosef went one bright day to inquire about the welfare of his brothers
and the next thing he knew he found himself as a slave and the sole
Jew in the most immoral country in the world. These things do not
happen only in ancient times. Rav Wolbe related that he himself
experienced a similar phenomenon. While learning in the Mirrer
Yeshiva in Poland just prior the Second World War, the Polish
government forced him to leave the Yeshiva due to his German
citizenship. The next eight years found him in Sweden without even
a minyan of shomer Shabbos Jews. Despite these radical
changes, the Torah attests that Yosef maintained his original
January 17, 5775
Torah Reading pg.318
Haftorah pg.1149
Mincha 4:15 pm
Havdalah 5:35 pm
Shabbat Classes
will resume when Day
Light Savings time
begins again March 7,
Shabbat Youth
10:30 am Story:
Auerhahn Youth Lounge
2nd Floor
10:45 am Groups:
4-5 yrs - Balcony room,
6-8 yrs - Library (upstairs)
8 yrs. and older Auerhahn Youth Lounge
11:15 am Kiddush:
Auerhahn Youth Lounge
Weekly Services
Jan. 18 -Jan. 22
M 4:35 pm
Friday, Jan. 23
M 4:35 pm
Cl 4:36 pm
Dvar Torah
level of righteousness even in Egypt, and we can
attest that Rav Wolbe remained steadfast to his
ideals throughout his years in Sweden.
Additionally, Rav Wolbe mentioned that
he once met a Moroccan Jew who related that
when he arrived in Israel he was taken to a nonreligious kibbutz. He didn’t capitulate to their
lifestyle and he demanded kosher food. They
could not get him to change his ways so they
sent him to another kibbutz lest he succeed in
convincing others to follow his ways. The same
scenario repeated itself in the second kibbutz and
the successive kibbutzim until they finally gave in
and sent him to a yeshiva. How many of us would
survive in such a hostile environment with our
religious ideals intact? How long would we last if
people taunted us every time we davened or
attempted to keep kashrus?
The same tests often arise on a daily
basis, albeit on a smaller scale. Rav Yeruchom
Levovitz zt”l would say that a person changes “in
accordance with his clothing.” One’s behavior is
very much dependant on his surroundings.
Although while by himself one might maintain a
serious demeanor, when he is in the company of
others he might act in a lightheaded manner.
Although he merely changed rooms in the house,
his behavior changed entirely! When people get
married they often change as a result of their
spouses. Similarly, a change of job, friends, locale
or shul can change a person beyond recognition.
As with many creatures, people change
their skin to adapt to their surroundings. Our
goal is to define our ideals and stick to them no
matter in what situation we find ourselves. This
was the trait of Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, and it
is the hallmark of our leaders throughout the
Member Announcements
A warm welcome to everyone who is
visiting us this Shabbat.
Our heartfelt condolences to the
family of Geraldine (Gerry) Biely z’l,
who passed away this week.
Our heartfelt condolences to Irving
Sirlin, Frank Sirlin, Heather & Alan
Kenney and their families on the
loss of Marcia Sirlin, z’l, wife, mother
and grandmother.
Todah Rabah
Our thanks to Howie Kallner for
sponsoring Premier Scotch at the
Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat Oneg.
Our thanks to the Stein family who are
sponsoring the Congregational
Kiddush in loving memory and in
honour of the yahrzeit of their mother
and grandmother, Shirley Stein, z’l.
Our thanks to Jason Kalvari for
sponsoring the Premier Scotch this
Shabbat in loving memory and in
honour of the yahrzeit of his father,
Aubrey Kalvari z'l.
Ski - Learn
Whistler Blackcomb
Rabbi Rosenblatt and Friends
Sunday, January 25
COST - $40 (for dinner)
Call Rachael Lewinski for details
This event is in memory of Marvin Nider z’l
Upcoming Programming
Weekly Classes
A Bat Mitzvah
Challah Bake and Pizza Party
For Grade 6 Girls
Sunday, January 25th, 2015
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Please join Moselle Levy and
Kyla Charach
RSVP - 604-805-9946
Mondays, 7 - 9 pm
Rabbi Rosenblatt - 7 pm
Dr. Ralph Rothstein - 8 pm
Rabbi Hillel Brody - 8 pm
Men’s Talmud Class
Beit Midrash (Small Chapel)
NCSY Shabbaton Edmonton
February 6 - 8 Grades 8 - 12
Register at
or Contact Rabbi Ross
Cost $449.
International Kosher
Out Cooking Class
with Susy Siegel
Wednesday, January 21
7 - 9 pm
Mexican Fiesta
Women’s Megillah Reading
March 5, 2015
If you are interested in
participating in the Women’s
Megillah Reading this year, please
contact Shelley Karrel, in the
synagogue office by January 30th.
Aishet Chayil
The Industrious Woman of Valour
in the Industrial Age
with Dvora Sussman
Sunday, Jan. 18 - 7 pm
VHA - 1545 West 62nd Ave.
Presented by Vancouver Hebrew Academy
Rabbi Rosenblatt 9:30 - 10:30 am
Beit Midrash (Small Chapel)
Wednesdays, 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Offices of Kornfeld, LLP
505 Burrard
The Book of Jeremiah (In Hebrew)
Rabbi Rosenblatt 9:00 – 10:00 am
Offices of Raber, Mattuck
North Mall, Oakridge Centre
The Centre for
Women’s Learning presents
Yaffa Epstein
Saturday, January 31
Beit Midrash (Small Chapel)
(Immediately after Kiddush)
(Rabbi Berger’s 20:20 Class will
resume the following week)
The Torah is So Great Even the Angels Want It.