Document 6602931


Document 6602931
Medjugorje Pilgrimage Return Flight from
Soccer Club 50/50 Draw in Creatons on
Knock Aug. 12th 2015. €669 per person
18th November.
inclusive. €150 off if fair paid in full by
Dec.10th 2014, €100 off if paid in full by
Feb. 2nd 2015 & €50 off if deposit paid by
Feb. 2nd 2015. Contact Tommie Moran 086
0815635 for information.
St. Nathy’s College - Transition Year
students will present Juno and the Paycock”
on 4th & 5th Dec. in the College hall.
Matinee 11am, Evening show 7.30pm.
Tickets: Adults €10, students €5. Bookings
at 087 6735803 and 086 8601741
Pilgrimage for Advent to Fatima from
December 4-10th for 6 nights/7days. Cost
€310 pp sharing €400 single. Contact Pat
O’Connor 087 2610405
Parish Newsletter
GAA News & Lotto: Lotto draw in The
Fiddlers Elbow this Sunday. Jackpot
€15,300 Tickets on sale in shops & pubs
throughout the town. An annual lotto ticket, giving entry into every draw in the
year is available from Club committee
members. Tickets can also be bought on
New Bus Service from Ballaghaderreen to
Roscommon A bus will leave Ballaghaderren to Roscommon twice a week.
Tuesday’s via Frenchpark and Tulsk.
Thursday’s via Castlerea. This bus leaves
Ballaghaderreen at 10am and returns at
3:00pm. €5 return. Free Travel Passes
accepted. Contact 071 9623518 or 087
2213731for information & bookings.
Mass Times
Daily: 8am & 10am
Sat 10am & 8pm
Sun, 8am, 10am & 12.00
Other Churches: (Sun)
Brusna …………..9am
Derrinacartha … 10am
Monasteraden …11am
Fundraising Concert in aid of St. Aidan’s
Church Monasteraden will be held in the
Church on 6th December. Music by the
Mayo Concert Orchestra, Soloist Ronan Egan
& Special Guest Artists. Tickets €15
Contact The Presbytery 094 9860011,
Kelly T.V. 087 2395684 or 094 98 62233
Kilmovee Annual Craft Fair The Annual
Kilmovee Craft Fair will take place on
Sunday 23 November from 10-4pm in the
Centre. All
proceeds going to the Kilmovee Meals on
Wheels Service and the Local St Vincent
de Paul
Fr. James McDonagh & Friends will host a
concert in the Coleman Centre this Sunday
Nov 16th at 8pm. There new album “Rose in
the Heather” will be launched on the night.
Bookings 071 9182599 Adm €12.00
Ballaghaderreen Mental Health Association will hold their meeting on Monday
17th November 2014 at 7pm in the
Community Resource Centre Ballaghaderreen. New members welcome
A Community Education Programme will
be held in the Ozanam Day Care Centre (rear
of the Cathedral) on 18th November from
11am to 1pm. Contact
Patricia at 094
9862565 or e-mail
Information morning in the Ozanam Day
Care Centre, Ballaghaderreen on Tuesday
18th November 2014 from 11:00am to
1:00pm Topics: Warmer Home Schemes,
Income Supports for Older People and
Household. Local Authority and Social
Housing, Contact Patricia 094 9862565
Emergency Calls
086-085 8889
094-986 0011
Public Meeting re Water Charges in the
Fiddlers Elbow on 19th November at
7.30pm. All welcome
086-085 8889
094-986 0011
The Ozanam Trust has a 1 bed house to
let, beside Church and Shops. Suitable for
retired person. Contact 0949861363 for
application form.
Soccer Club 50/50 draw 18thNov in Creatons
Saturday mornings after
10am Mass, or by request
at the Presbytery
Parish Clergy
Fr. Joseph Gavigan
Fr. Martin Henry
Fr. Paul Kivlehan
The Lord is my Light
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall
I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of
whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
This psalm reminds us that we have
nothing to fear because the Lord is always
with us. The Lord enlightens our lives by
showing us how to live, by comforting us
when we are down, and by putting people
in our lives to help us. The Lord gives us
directions through the Scriptures, through
the liturgy, and especially through people
who help us interpret God’s plans for us.
Our elders are often God’s messengers to
us. They care about us, and God comforts
us through them. We in turn comfort others
and become “Lights” to them.
Think of people who have been God’s
messengers to you. Think of times when
you have been a messenger of God to
Let us pray:
Lord my light, I thank you for the people you have
sent to illumine and enlighten my life. Enable me,
too, to be a source of light to others. Amen
E-mail cathedral@achonrydiocese
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time : 16th Nov. 2014
We pray for all who died recently and all whose anniversaries occur around this
time. May they rest in peace.
Mass Intentions This Week
Jimmy Mulligan RIP New Street
John Casey RIP (2nd Anniversary)
Beirne family RIP Derrinabrock, Cloontia
Pat & Peg Towey RIP & deceased family members RIP
Thurs 8am
Thurs 10am
Thurs 8pm
November Masses for the Holy Souls
Frank Towey (1st Anniversary) Barnaboy
Nov 16th
Nov 16th
Nov 16th
Mass for the people
Mass for the people
Mass for deceased members of the former
19th Batallion of the FCA (RDF)
Ministers of the Word
“ Do this in Memory Programme”
Declan O’Callaghan
Maura Duffy
Anne Towey
Stephanie Craughwell
Paddy & Annie Tarpey RIP Icelawn
Tommy Joe Drury RIP Lisduff, Fairymount
Martin & Anne Duffy RIP their daughter Mary & husband Danny Logue RIP
Deceased members of Ballaghaderreen GAA RIP
10am Pake Higgins RIP Banada & deceased Higgins & Towey families RIP Lung
7.30pm Deceased members of the Golf Club RIP
Patrick Regan RIP & Regan & McDermott families RIP Castlemore
Joe Geever RIP (Month’s Mind) Castlemore
“Do this in Memory Programme”
Sun Nov 16th 9am
Sun Nov 23rd 9am
Sun Nov 16th 10am
Sun Nov 23rd 10am
Sun Nov 16th 11am
Sun Nov 23rd 11am
Nov 23rd
Nov 23rd
Nov 23rd
Mass for the people
Mass for the people
Mass for the people
Catherine, Paddy, Joe, Jimmy, Mae & Pat Lavin RIP Ardcull
John McLoughlin RIP (28th Anniversary)
James & Maria Finn RIP Kathleen & Angela Finn RIP Cloontia
Johnny & Martin John Phillips & deceased family RIP Cloontia
Nuala Golembiewski RIP Eugene & Evelyn Casey & deceased
family members RIP Shroofe
Patrick, Anne & Peter Drury RIP Clooncunny
Carmel Quinn
Ministers of the Eucharist
J. King, M. Dooney, G. Carmody
M. Mulligan, M. Walsh
D. Regan, M. Kilcullen, M. Flynn
M. Quinn, E. Doohan
Weekly M. Quinn ( 24th Nov)
Donations for flowers We wish to thank all
those who have contributed to the fund for
flowers in the Cathedral.
Hospital Visits If you wish any of the priests
in the Parish to visit a family member in
hospital, please contact the Presbytery at
094 9860011.
Death Notices If you wish any of the priests
to know of a family bereavement, please
contact the Presbytery 094 9860011
November Remembrance Service
A Remembrance Service will be held in St.
Nathy’s Cathedral on Sunday 23rd November at
7pm for all who have died since November
2013. If you wish to include the names of
deceased family members or friends at this
Service contact the Presbytery 094 986001
Bishop Kelly, Fr. Joseph, Fr. Martin & Fr.
Paul wish to thank you for your generosity
for the November Remembrance for the dead.
We have each offered a Novena of Masses
for the deceased. May they rest in peace.
Praying for our Diocese in 2014
We ask you al to pray the Diocesan prayer in
your daily devotions. This week we pray for
the parish community of Kiltimagh
Joe got five talents. John got two talents.
And I, Jim, what do I get, just one talent, one
miserable talent. What can I do with one
talent! Nothing, so I will do nothing. Instead
of looking at the positive side and rejoicing in
the fact that he had received a talent, Jim
made comparisons, others got more than he
did, felt cheated and decided not to bother
using the talent he had received, in fact, he
did worse, he buried it. If I look with envy at
the talents of others, I give more attention to
the limitations rather than the possibilities of
my life. I can only work with the talents and
gifts I have been given, but I must work with
them, not ignore them or bury them.
Talents are given to be used, to be developed,
to be shared, to help in building the kingdom
of God. God invests in us, not to see his
talents buried, not to hear us off-loading our
own responsibilities by blaming others, not to
see us cringe helplessly and uselessly in fear,
or to be rendered inactive by false humility.
God’s desire is to be able one day to congratulate us on a job well done and to reward us
with the happiness of heaven. We are praying for our diocese because through prayer
we will come to know how the Lord plans to
use our gifts and talents for renewal in our
hearts, our parishes and our diocese.