Stewardship “Stew” Lunch November 2014
Stewardship “Stew” Lunch November 2014
November 2014 Stewardship “Stew” Lunch Sunday,November16th Come enjoy delicious homemade stews and wonderful fellowship right after worship. It will be a joyful celebration of God’s generosity to our congregation and a chance to hear more about plansfor2015.Ifyouwouldliketo contribute a stew, bread or dessert,talkwithChristineAlvis. ASP Info Meeting International Pot Luck Lunch Celebrates our Heritages Our congregation is blessed with people who have roots in many countries. We celebrated that diversity on Sunday, October 5th with a deliciouslunchwithfoodfrommanycultures.ItcoincidedwithWorld CommunionSunday.Thankstoallwhobroughtfood,setup,decorated andcleanedup.Whatateam! Stewardship News & Lunch Tuesday,November11th If you are interested in volunteeringwiththePleasantville Appalachia Service Project (ASP) mission in summer 2015, please attend a community-wide information session on Tuesday, November11thatthechurchfrom 7-8:30 pm. Parents of youth volunteers are strongly encouragedtoattend. Community Thanksgiving Service See pg. 4 Sunday,November23rd Join your neighbors at the Pleasantville Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 23rd at our church at 7pm.Allareinvitedtoattendand give thanks with our faith "neighbors." Pastor Debbie on “A New Season” Save the Dates DearFriendsinChrist, Outmywindow,Icanseetheleaveschanging.Theyellows,thereds,the orangesareallhere–evenasthebrownleavesstartdriftingtothe ground.Despitemypastasacampdirector–Idon’tknowasmuch aboutwhat’shappeninginnatureasIwishIdid.WhatIdoknowisthat theseasonsrenewmetimeandtimeagain.Theydrivemetoaplaceof gratitudeandthankfulnessforthegiftofcreation.Theyopenmetonew possibilitiesforchangeinme,andtheyinvitemetogroundmyselfin trustinthepowerofGod. Areyoureadyforanewbeginning,readytoturntoanewchapterin yourlife?Maybethechapteryou’rereadyforisadeepercommitment toyourfaithjourney–throughBiblestudy,throughprayer,through service. Myprayerforeachofusisthatwe:indthecouragetoopenourselvesto theinvitationJesushasforus–whateverthatmightbe–trustingin God’sSpirittoleadus. IwanttotakethisopportunitytosaythankyoutoKarenPeterkinfor hertimeamongusasaCommissionedLayPastorIntern.Ithasbeena blessingtoshareinherjourney,asshegrowsintothisnewphaseinher lifeandministry.WeprayandtrustthatGod’speacewillgowithher everystepoftheway. InChrist’sLove, Men’sBreakfast AnimateBibleStudy Nov.1 Nov.2 Nov.4 Nov.9 Nov.9 Nov.11 Nov.16 Nov.21 Nov.23 Nov.23 Dec.14 PYCBabysittingFund. Dec. 14 WritingAdultEd StewardshipQ&A Leaders’Dinner ASPInfoMeeting StewLunch FoodDriveDeadline StewardshipSunday InterfaithT-giving Pageant&Fair Church Website Changes Have you seen the new main page on our church website? Not only is there our new look, we have updated the photos as well. Thanks to Chad Kraus, who is a professional photographer, for taking the people pictures in our new web banner. Thanks also to our webmaster Mark Zarick. Checkitout! ‘Tis the Season I don’t like the word campaign, with its aggressive, military and political connotations. So I am starting a campaign against the term Stewardship Campaign. To me the word campaign implies we are on our annual three-week crusade to raise money. This may becorrectlyde:inedasacampaign, but it has nothing to do with Stewardship, which is a spiritual practice,thepurposefuldecisionto share our time, talents and treasure. I propose that henceforth, the coming weeks be called Stewardship Season. Similar to Christmas and Easter, we can use thetimeleadinguptoStewardship Sunday re:lecting on what the season means, on how we are doing in our commitment to live out God’s call to us. I don’t suppose this will become overcommercialized, since the stores are busy putting out their Christmas decorations in early November.Butwearen’treadyfor that,sowhynotspendthistimein 3 self-re:lection.Areweasgenerous with our time, talents and treasures as we want to be? As Godwantsustobe? Weareonthejourneytogether,so let’s celebrate Stewardship Season together. Not because Madison Avenue says we must, but purely for the joy it brings, as we recall the pleasures of sharing our time, talentandtreasures(uhoh,Ithink IhearHallmarkcalling). by Steve Berg Church News Thanksgiving Food Drive For Children’s Village Please donate non-perishable foods so the boys of Children’s Village can experience God’s bounty this Thanksgiving. Donations must be placed in the binattherearofthesanctuaryby Friday,November21st.Suggested itemsinclude: • • • • • • • • • Stuf:ingmix Gravy Boxesofmashedpotatoes Pasta Rice Cannedpumpkin Cakeandmuf:inmixes Tuna:ish Cannedvegetables,beans,etc. Great Beginnings Tag Sale a Success Thank you to everyone who donated to the Great Beginnings Pre-School’s fundraising tag sale. The work of our Great Beginnings staff (Ruth, Loreen, Carol, Susan, Grace,andNancy)wasgenerously augmented by Tom Puls who set up and sold throughout the sale, and Virginia Pancotti and Victor and Susana Corona who helped withclean-up. Join Us on a Journey of Great Fullness AlthoughwepracticeStewardship Theministriesandmissionsofour allyearlong,wedevoteNovember church result in positive social to reminding us that God is in:luences that make a difference interested in the heart behind the in people’s lives and as a giftswegive.Ourgenerosity consequence,ourworld.Our vision for the future is to is in response to God’s plentiful gifts to us and in expand God’s reach in the world through these recognition of how we are blessed. In generosity our important and valuable ministries and missions. hearts unlock and become devoted to serving God, ful:illing Each of us has a vital role in the his calling for each of us. In the lifeofourchurch.Wegivefroma weeks to come we will see the place of joy, and we see that joy ways this church has been an multiplied in service to God’s instrument of blessing to people people. Join us on a Journey of GreatFullness. righthereathomeandfaraway. Important Dates November9: StewardshipQ&AafterworshipintheCampbellRoom November9: Leaders’Dinner November16: StewLunch-Allwelcome! November23:StewardshipSunday Remember E-giving! Want to make your contribution happen automatically each month? It’s easy to set up. Just go to our website from your computer or your smartphone: and clickonContribute.Followthedirectionstocreateyourpro:ile. Don't Want to Use a Computer? Visit the church of:ice to obtain an authorization form with which you can write in your donation amount and frequency and bank information. Sign it and give it to Jo Anna Tivnan. To make a change to a recurring donation just submit an updatedform. We Celebrate our 40+ Year Members Wehadmanywonderfulthingsto sellandtheshopperscamedespite the wet weather. We were happy to raise slightly over $1,000 and donated the leftovers to the Concert Singers Sale, Good Will, the Pleasantville Library Book Sale, the Middle School Clothing Drive, and the Pleasantville Recycling Committee’s Halloween CostumeSwap. (L to R) Top row: David Johnson, Herb Jacobson, John Whitton, Peter Eschweiler, Steven Eschweiler Middle row: Larry Thornton, Guido Poet, Barbara Whitton, Mickie Eschweiler, Margaret Smith Bottom row: Bill Schultz, Tom McConnell, Marge Porter, Pat Juenger, Lew McKinney 4 Sunday School & Christian Ed News Sunday School To Buy Soccer Balls Bible Study & Adult Education Opportunities “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” Tuesday, November4th Do you like to write? This group may be something you’d like to join. Come prepare to learn, and grow,andwriteasweexplorethis way of practicing our faith. Come totheCampbellRoomat7pm.Any questions?AskPastorDebbie. Stewardship Q&A Are you the kind of person who likes to more about the details of our budget and plans for Stewardship? Join us after worship in the Campbell Room on November 9th for “Stewardship Q&A”. You will learn about our narrative budget and have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Presented by the Stewardship Committee.Allarewelcome. Animate Faith Bible Series Apopular,interactiveseriesthat willhelpyouaskandanswer questionsaboutyourfaith.. Sunday,November2nd Afterworship CampbellRoom Evening Women’s Bible Fellowship 1st,3rd&4th WednesdayEveningsofthemonth 7:30-9pm CampbellRoom Please join us 3 Wednesdays a monthaswestudyanddiscussa variety of books and books of theBible.Allarewelcome! Tuesday Titans Men’s Bible Study TuesdayEvenings 8:15-9:15pm CampbellRoom The Men’s Bible Study moves to Tuesday night. This fall we will be reading about David, giant killer, chosen by God, and yet tragically:lawed. Women’s Bible Fellowship TuesdayMornings 9:30-11am CampbellRoom Looking for some fellowship and Bible study? We have a great group of women that meet each Tuesday, 10-11:30am in the Campbell Room to read, study, grapple and have fellowship and prayer with one another. New membersarealwayswelcometo this group of various ages and stages. Babysitting is available. For more information, talk with CathyFellowsorBarbLoizeaux. 5 Our Sunday School mission offering is going to be a gift of soccer balls to kids in refugee camps inSyria. Thereare millions of displaced Iraqis throughout Syria, Turkey, Jordan and even withinIraq.Thesepeopleareoften children and :ind themselves without access to education, entertainment, or exercise. By sending soccer balls to these children, we are not just giving them exercise and entertainment, we are giving them hope and letting them know that there are people who know they exist and careabouttheirwellbeing. So,besuretoencourageyourkids to save a portion of their money and bring it in on Sunday for our SundaySchooloffering. Christmas Fair & Pageant December14th Get ready to get in the holiday spirit! This year, we will be sharing the story of Jesus birth through art and pageantry in worship on December 14. We will explore the narrative with the help of some of our youngest disciples playing the role of shepherds, animals, angels, and of course, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. If you are interested in helping with the Christmas Pageant, talk to Bryan or Kathy Brown. Besuretojoinusaftertheservice forfun,kidfriendly crafts, games and snacks! Pleasantville Presbyterian Church Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 7038 White Plains, NY 400 Bedford Road Pleasantville, New York 10570 914-769-0458 Return Service Requested Welcome New Members OnOctober12thwewelcomedfournewmemberstoourcongregation.Hereisanintroductiontothem. Kim and Andrew Porter Andy was born and raised in Western Kentucky. Kim was born and raised in midtown Manhattan. They met when he enlisted and moved to West Point. He was raised in the Baptist church and Kim was con:irmed a Catholic.“WechosethePleasantvillePresbyterianChurchtogetherandwereintroducedtoitthroughMs.Ruth Fischer,thebestpreschoolteacherever.Herkindnessandgenerositytowardsoursonmadeusinterestedin :indingoutmoreaboutthechurch.”saysKim. AndyisaprofessionalmusicianwithaMastersinMusicPerformanceandbeforeauditioningforWestPoint,he taught music in Kentucky, Louisiana, and Texas. Kim is a Career Counselor with an M.S. in Counseling and Development. They enjoy spending time with family and friends. “Our son takes up most of our energy and attention.”saysKim.SheisverymuchlookingforwardtoteachingSundaySchoolandAndyisgoingtobeher assistant!TheytellusthattheyareveryhappytobenewmembersofthechurchandtoseewhatPresbyterian lifeislikeaswegothroughtheholidaystoEaster. John and Marion Leslie MarionandJohnliveinPleasantvillebutwerebothbroughtupinEngland.MarionhailsfromsoutheastLondon andJohncomesfromDevoninthesoutheastofthecountry.Theybothgrewup Episcopalian and were active at St. John’s Episcopal church serving on the vestry, singing in the choir and working on the Midnight Run. In addition, Marion worked on Stewardship, served as the Treasurer and served on the AltarGuild. Marionstudiedandpracticedlaw.Inhersparetimeshelikestoread(alot!), cook and she used to play the piano. John studied engineering he works as a vintage racecar engine builder. He also enjoys woodworking, reading and listeningtomusic. They were attracted to our congregation because of “the sense of community, friendship and wonderful music.” Marion says she really felt drawn to our congregation after attending the “Hurricane Sandy Supper.” They have participated in the life of the congregation by helping with the International PotluckSupper,usheringand,MarionhasrecentlyjointheWomen’sBibleFellowship. Welcome!