Document 6607191


Document 6607191
Privileged to Serve November 23
D E AC O N S :
Danny Brown
Terry Carter
David Crutchfield
JT Dunn
Dennis Faulkner
David Gardner
Paul Glenn
Dan Guffey
Jason McReynolds
Ken Morgan
Brandon Rader
Ron Ray
Bobby Ricks
Alan Robinson
Greg Simmons
Steve Johnson
Bart Rogers
Wickliff Moore
Ken Sturdivant
P R E AC H E R S :
Steve Johnson
Brian Egerton
S E C R E T AR Y :
Sarah Faulkner
Bible Study --- 9:30 am
7:00 pm
Worship ----- 10:30 am
Worship ----- 6:00 pm
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2280 Hume Road, Lexington, KY 40516
Phone (859) 299-9511
Building Blocks Preschool
Meets every Tuesday
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
September - May
Prepare Communion---------------------------Noelle Leung
Collect Cards ----- J. Carter, L. Thompson, Z. Thompson
Ushers----------- Ken Morgan, Neil Robinson, Jim Lewis
Hospital Baskets ------------ Tammy Lewis, Rileigh Perry
Meal Coordinator --------------------------------- Denise Ray
Count Team ---------------- Chris Juett, Darrell Sebastian
Song Leader ---------------------------------------- Jerry Wise
Preside Lord’s Table ----------------- Jonathan Thompson
Serve ----------------------------------J.T. Dunn, Nick Kinser
Richard Holt, Dan Guffey, Paul Glenn
Chris Juett, Bill Corman, Terry Carter
Scripture Reading --------------------------- Rusty Lewis IV
Opening Prayer ------------------------------------ Joe Taylor
Announcements --------------------------------- Bart Rogers
Closing Prayer ------------------------------ John Carpenter
A/V PC ------------------------------------ Jason McReynolds
MAC ------------------------------------------------David Rader
Attend Nursery ------------------ Robin Kite, Fonda Carter
Greeters -----------------------Jane Whisman, Fern Taylor
Song Leader --------------------------------- Kwaku Osebreh
Opening Prayer ------------------------------- Ted Nicholson
Scripture Reading ---------------------------Andrew Rogers
Preside Lord’s Table ------------------------ Kendell Seaton
Serve ------------------------------ Brandon Grow, Jack May
Announcements --------------------------------- Bart Rogers
Closing Prayer ----------------------------------- Wick Moore
A/V PC --------------------------------------------------Ron Ray
Mac --------------------------------------------- Greg Simmons
Greeters -------------------- Brooke Grow, Sarah Faulkner
WEDNESDAY, No vembe r 26
Song Leader --------------------------------------John Lugger
Invitation -------------------------------------------Bobby Ricks
Announcements --------------------------------- Bart Rogers
Closing Prayer ------------------------------------ Cody Stotts
A/V PC ---------------------------------------------- Paul Glenn
MAC -------------------------------------------- Greg Simmons
Greeters ---------------------- Audra Stotts, Sabrina Rader
Today’s Sermons
“Laying the Right Foundation”
Last Sunday
Year Ago
Bible Study ........................ 214……....……233
AM Worship ....................... 300 .…………..303
PM Worship ....................... 150…........ .....166
Wednesday ....................... 167……...........198
Contribution ................ $11,056........... $14,248
Budget ........................ $13,220…........$11,706
A.M. Just Do What Jesus Did
John 4:30-42
P.M. The Sounds of a Lost City
Matthew 23:29-39
Contact elder for November
Bart Rogers
Volume XLVI
Into all
the World
Campton, KY
Larry Shoemaker
Cynthiana, KY
Licking Valley
Dry Ridge, KY
(Grant County)
Jerry Carmichael
Frenchburg, KY
(Menifee County)
Randy Imel
Hawesville, KY
George Jensen
Jackson, KY
Virgil McIntosh
Apologetics Press
Montgomery, AL
Bear Valley Preacher Schools
Keith Kasarjian
Bible School of the Americas
Panama City, Panama
Calovebora, Panama
Silvestre Vasquez
Victor Jimines
Jose Rodriguez
Colon, Panama
Huaral, Peru
Mission Trip
Latin America
Jack Farber
Panama Satellite Bible Schools
Simion Vasquez
El Salvador
Sunday, December 7, 7:30 a.m.
WDKY-TV Cable Channel 7
No. 47
Family Matters
Once again it was my privilege to spend a week teaching a “short
course” at the Bible School of the Americas in Panama City, Panama. The
class included 29 students, 18 future preachers and 11 of their wives. This group
comes from eight Latin American countries, including Columbia, Costa Rica,
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and
Peru. For me, it is a week of being surrounded by enthusiasm, inquisitive
minds, and a passion for the Word of God, and I feel that the teacher is the one
who is blessed the most.
I was also able to deliver your generous contribution to the Children’s
Home of the Americas, the final total of which was $1280. Sarah Dutton and
all the folks there asked me to pass on their warmest appreciation for that gift.
We hope to have photos posted soon.
Sarah expects to be with us at North Lexington on the last Sunday in
December, when she is home to visit family and the congregations that support
her in Panama.
I also had the opportunity to be with and discuss their mission work
with Simeon Vasquez and Jose Rodriguez, both of whom we have supported
for some time. Jose also serves as my translator for the week, filling an
indispensable role for class and other speaking opportunities. I look forward to
sharing more with you about this great week.
~ Steve
Daily Bible Reading Schedule
Sunday: I Timothy 4-6
Monday: John 9-11
Tuesday: II Timothy 1-4
Wednesday: John 12-14
Thursday: Catch up day
Friday: Titus 1-3
Saturday: John 15-16
Busia, Uganda
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any
John Kachelman
two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and
of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
…. .. ....... ...
“In Spirit and Truth”
November 23, 2014
India, Myanmar
Louis & Bonnie Rushmore
Prayer List
Tibby Beck
Betty Carpenter
Frank Carroll
Pearl Couch
Rhonda Juett
Bob Kirby
Charlene Lugger
Michael McVey
Phil Owens
Virginia Rice
Wayne Sebastian
Foster & Deloris Sword
Keith & Agatha Wallace
Alberta Yonts
Betty Beard [Holt]
Emily Bishop [Corman]
Bobby Bradley [May]
Donna Campbell [Wilkerson]
Donna Cochran [Corman]
Wirt Cook [Warne]
Crystal Cooley [Onesi]
Kay Crawford [Bratcher]
Rhodella Fleming [Fleming]
Melody Gibson [McReynolds]
Lance Gorlow [Gorlow]
Dennis Hogan [Taylor]
Bertie Jeffries [Faulkner]
Erica Lutes [Wise]
Ken Marshall [Simpson]
Charles Morris [Delpont]
Jon Morris [Wallace]
Jackie O’Donnell [Reilly]
Peggy Rice [Justice]
Deloris Rogers [Rogers]
John Rogers [Yonts]
Vicky Rogers [Rogers]
Kathy Russel [Sturdivant]
Bill Silvia [Ray]
Patsy Smith [Whitman]
Larry Spicer [Spicer]
Kathleen Stone [M. Wise]
Raechell & Jeff Toomey [Cotterell]
Todd Walker
Daena Ward [Whitt]
Barbara Whitt [Whitt]
Michele Whitaker [Sturdivant]
Opal Williams [Whitt]
Calvin Wise [Wise]
Brianna Wright [Simpson]
R e m e m b e r i n P r ay e r
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
-Matthew 21:22
 Brooke Juett will have to have surgery to remove her gall bladder.
At the time of this publication, the day for surgery was unknown.
 Diann Smith came through her surgery well and is home now.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
 Eula McGuire, Debbie Grow’s mother, has cancer, and is now in
Hospice care. Please pray for her and those providing constant care.
 Aaron Whitt thanks everyone for their prayers for his work. He has
been extremely busy.
 Cally Whitt requests prayers for her sister, Tammy Hunt, who had
surgery to remove part of her colon due to cancer. She will be starting
chemo and radiation, and is very depressed.
 Eloise Logan, a frequent visitor, requests prayers for her daughter,
Debbie Bowen, who has been suffering from serious eye problems.
Please pray for Debbie and her doctors.
 Stephanie Trefz, one of our Bible Correspondence students, has
requested our prayers. Her home was broken into, and one of her
dogs was killed and the other beaten badly. Many things were stolen.
She is asking for prayers to help her forgive the thieves and to recover
from her losses.
 Jan Leonard requests prayers for her sister-in-law, Margaret Coffey,
who has inoperable lung cancer.
T h a n k Yo u
Thank you for all the prayers for Emily. She is
doing better. We appreciate our church family.
Bill and Nelda Corman
Dear Ladies of North Lexington,
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your 2014 Ladies
Inspiration Day. The effort you put into the day made all the
Your prework, your attention, your fellowship and
happiness were all evident. I was so impressed with all the many
decorations you put time and effort into. I was very blessed to be
In Him - Renita Archey
H a p py T h a n k s g i v i n g
Please remember in prayer the
many who will be travelling this week
for the holiday. The church office will
be closed Thursday and Friday to
allow the staff to enjoy time with their
families. If you have any items for
the bulletin, please ensure that they
are received by W ednesday
L o o ki n g A h e a d
TODAY - Shower for Nicole and Baby Girl Jordan - 2:30 PM - MPR
TODAY - Older L2L Storyline - 4:00-5:45 PM - Room 107
TODAY - Younger L2L Storyline - 4:30-5:45 PM - Room 113
December 2 - Youth Devo - 6:30 PM - MPR
December 7 - Senior Luncheon - 12:00 PM - MPR
December 8 - Ladies’ Bible Study & Potluck - MPR
 Please get the Lads to Leaders paperwork in to Brian Egerton as soon as
 NL4:12 parents, please sign up to help chaperone the upcoming youth events
on the sheet posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.
 There is a need for transportation volunteers. Darrell Sebastian is helping with this work.
Please see Darrell for more information and to volunteer.
 Two volunteers are needed to assist in various capacities each week for our Building Blocks
Program. Please sign up on the sheet posted on the foyer bulletin board if there is a
Tuesday you can assist .
 Do you have a set of church van keys with a “clicker” on it? Please let someone in the office
know if you have that set.
S y m p a t hy
Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mary Ann Wilkerson. Her
brother, Francis Michael Lamkin, passed away unexpectedly. His
funeral was held Friday in Matthews, North Carolina. He will have a
military service this week in Lebanon, KY. In lieu of flowers, donations
can be made to the Wounded Warrior Project
We are sad to announce the passing of Barbara Aucoin,
grandmother of Keith Juett on Thursday. Funeral arrangements have
not yet been made.
Our condolences are extended to the family of Ramona
Anderson, a former member here. She passed away Tuesday. The
funeral was held Friday.
S e n i o r H o l i d ay L u n c h e o n
All of our beloved “Seasoned Saints” are cordially invited to a
luncheon following services on Sunday, December 7th. This is
hosted by our youth group. Seniors, please sign up on the Seniors
bulletin board if you plan to attend. Youth and families, please
sign up on the sheet in the foyer to bring food.