This Week's Bulletin - the Houston Central SDA Church
This Week's Bulletin - the Houston Central SDA Church
HOUSTON CENTRAL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 9 4 25 W .S AM H OUST ON P ARKWAY N ORTH HOUSTON, TEXAS 77064 TEL: 281.890.1002 WE B SITE : H OUST ON CE NTRAL SDA .ORG EMAIL: GOHOUSTONCENTRALSDA@YAHOO.COM Song Service Opening Song #100 Opening Prayer Scripture Reading Lesson Study Special Music Mission Emphasis Offering Closing Song Closing Remark / Prayer Sabbath School Divine Worship 9:15am – 10:45 November 22, 2014 11:00am Etalia Castillo James 4:10 9:50 – 10:40 Prelude Chorister Announcements Introit #495 Genalyn Ricafrente, Pianist Ben Wauran Elder Raul Bartholomew “Near to the Heart of God” Congregation Please Stand Etalia Castillo Memory Text: Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you (James 4:10, NASB 1995) ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin Information Submit your info via email to by each Tuesday 5:00 p.m. Men’s and Women’s Ministry Holiday Event – December 13, 2014 to be held at the Olive Garden 7525 FM 1960 W. Houston Texas 77070 281.890.0784. For additional information contact Everis Mollon or the Women’s Ministry. Family Picnic tomorrow November 23 at Bear Creek Park Pavillion 3. 10am – 4pm. 3525 War Memorial Drive Houston Texas 77084. Sunday, December 14th at 2:00pm there will be a church-wide baby shower for all 2014 Mothers to thank The Lord for His blessings and encourage the growing families. If you would like to be part of the planning or donate diapers/wipes as gifts please see Sis. LaVerne or Sis. Charmaine St. Rose. All ladies of the church are invited and encouraged to attend! The Oaks Adventist Christian School invites you to attend our Annual Christmas Program Thursday evening, December 11 at 7:30 pm in the school chapel. It promises to be a wonderful evening of music designed to honor the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this special presentation by our students." A Christmas concert by violinist Jaime Jorge will be held at the Houston Central SDA Church on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. NOVEMBER SERMON SERIES Exposing the Truth Series November 22, 2014 –Spirit of Prophecy Scripture Reading: Acts 2:17,18 November 29, 2014 – The Trinity Debate Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-3, 26 December 6, 2014 – The Great Controversy Part I Scripture Reading: December 13, 2014 – The Great Controversy Part 2 Scripture Reading: December 20, 2014 – The Beginning of the end Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-6 December 27, 2014 – The End is only the beginning Scripture Reading: John 19:28-30 TODAY AT HOUSTON CENTRAL: Intercessory Prayer Svc After Divine Service Choir Practice 2:00 Room TBA Great Controversy Study Elder Marcus St.Rose REMINDER In respect to God and as a courtesy to the speaker and others in the congregation, please turn off your cell phones and other audible electronics while in the sanctuary. Thank you Call to Worship Invocation/4th Commandment Elder Raul Bartholomew Opening Hymn #560 Let All Things Now Living Congregation Please Sit Down Children’s Story W E L C O M E Special Music Health Nugget Pastoral Prayer Congregation Kneels and Sings TBA Elder Raul Bartholomew Myra Foster Elder Josh Ince/Prithi Ince Pastor Angel Rodriguez “As We Come to You in Prayer” Stewardship Emphasis Biblical Testimony Personal Testimony Family Center Update The Widow’s Mite Worship in Giving & Offertory Offertory Music Pastor Angel Rodriguez Darlene Dollens Video Clip Ugo Nzeadibe Leah Otieno Doxology #670 “We Give Thee But Thine Own” Congregation Please Stand Special Music Scripture Reading The Spoken Word Closing Hymn #200 Acts 2:17,18 Spirit of Prophecy Myra Foster Yvette Barnes Pastor Angel Rodriguez The Lord Is Coming Congregation Please Stand Benediction Postlude Pastor Angel Rodriguez Genalyn Ricafrente, Pianist Elder – November Elder Raul Bartholomew Elder – December Elder David Ricafrente Deacons Today: Cody Nevarez, Charley Evans, Everton Barnes, Prentice White, Kallven Morgan, Andrew Smith Deaconesses: Nelvie Senduk, Hyacinth Wright, Jane Jarboe, Monique Izobo, Zerita Kelly Ushers: James Castillo, Akil St. Rose, Andrew Senduk, Leah Otieno RN On Duty: Robin Beal / Mura Gittens Sunset Tonight – 5:23 pm Next Friday – 5:22 pm
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