Probus North London News


Probus North London News
Paul Charlton
1st Vice- Pres:
Sheila Brown
2nd Vice-Pres: Harry Garner
Guy Beliveau
Janis Kempinska
Ann King
Membership: Margaret Trollope
Pam Beker
Fran Godin
Communications: Andy
van der Zanden
Gaye and Richard
Probus North London News
Vol. 6 No. 3, November 2014 Published monthly for the Probus Club of North London
November Meeting Highlights:
The presentation started with the
playing of the national anthem.
We all eagerly sang along. Our
speaker Joeff Harold Jell has been
married to Pauline for 72 years
and has 3 girls and 1 boy. Joeff
read from a prepared text so as to
be sure to cover all the details of
his war experiences. His 7 years
and 71 days of service spans the
entire 2nd World War starting in
May of 1939 to June of 1946. The
life of a soldier is 90% training
and 10% action. He started with
extensive training in England,
home on leave, then on a troop
ship to Africa, Egypt, Tunisia,
Sicily, France, Holland and
finally home to England. One
deployment was being attached to
the 8th Army under Montgomery
clearing mine fields. As Joeff says,
"I don't consider myself a hero. I
was one of the lucky veterans who
made it out safe and sound. The heroes
are in military graveyards scattered
across this war-torn world." Michelle
Iurman then sang a very heartfelt
version of the poem In Flanders Fields
written by John McCrae, born in
Guelph, Ontario.
The Club meets:
When: 1st Wednesday of the
War Time Remembrances:
Where: Masonville Library
30 North Centre Road,
London, Ontario
At the beginning of WW2 Jack
Malone trained as a pilot. He
joined the RCAF at age 18, flew
Spitfires and retired after 27 years
service. Jack and his wife Hazil
were honoured to be invited to be
part of the Canadian delegation to
Normandy in June to celebrate
the 70th Anniversary of D-Day.
Juno Beach was the site of the
Canadian ceremonies which was
attended by world dignitaries.
Jack got the chance to have a
one-on-one conversation with
Prince Charles about his services
Meet and greet: 9:30 am
Meeting: 10 am -12 noon
Guests are welcomed to attend 2
meetings to discover what Probus
is all about
as an RCAF pilot during the War and
then had a personal exchange with
Camilla Parker-Bowles. Jack is 92
years of age and is a life member
at the Probus Club of North London.
December Lunch Meeting:
The December 3rd lunch meeting
will be held at the West Haven
Golf & Country Club. Guests
Event:Lunch Meeting
Entertainment: Sonja Gustafson
Who Am I: No Who Am I in
December. Stay tuned for
January. Call Harry
Garner @933-9417
Meet and Greet @11:30 am.
Lunch will be served @12:15 pm.
Entertainment starts @1:00 pm.
Euchre: No Euchre in December.
Stay tuned for January
Euchre @1:00 pm
At the Thistle Club,
Beaufort Street, London,
Ontario. Call Lyn
Thompson @666-3910
The cost is $22.00. Please pay Ann
King (641-2270) by check (no cash
please) no later than November 26.
Please make check payable to
Probus Club of North London.
Please note that seating will be
assigned by table.
Our entertainment, for about one
hour during lunch, will be Sonja
Gustafson. Sonja is a versatile
performer spanning the range from
jazz to opera standards. Sonja is a
regular guest performer in the
Orchestra London Pops series.
Photography Club:
The first meeting of the new
Photography Club will take place
during the afternoon of November
26. Please contact Paul Charlton at or 519-6573544 for more details.
Book Club: Call Gina McDonald
GEMs: Call Sue Merrit @6635036
Dining Out: No Dining Out in
December. Call Guy
Beliveau @641-0364
Photography Club: Call Paul
Charlton @657-3544
Dine at Home: Call Donna Jean
Innes @433-8330
In Flanders Fields:
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Take up our quarrel with the foe.
Between the crosses, row on row
To you from failing hands we throw
That mark our place, and in the sky
The torch, be yours to hold it high
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
If ye break faith with us who die
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
Stitch and Chat: Call Gaye
Weston @679-0525
Newsletter: If you wish to receive
the newsletter by surface
mail there is a fee of
$10.00 payable to the
Probus Club of North
London and given to Ann
King @641-2270.
In Flanders fields.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow.
Dec. 8, 1915
John McCrae
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.