Grapevine for February - Beaver Valley Probus Club


Grapevine for February - Beaver Valley Probus Club
Box 148, Clarksburg, Ontario N0H 1J0
Current Activities
E-mail address:
by Convener Joan Hammond
“Please be advised that all
events and activities of the
Beaver Valley Probus Club
are organized for the
benefit and enjoyment of its
Members. Individuals who
participate do so at their
own risk and are
responsible for their own
President’s Message
Backroads Cycling
Book Club Chapter One
Book Club Chapter Two
Book Club Chapter Three
Book Club Chapter Four
BVP Computer Group
Canoe / Kayak
Casual Dining
Cooking Together
Cue Sports
Digital Photography
Dining with Flair
Marsh Street Painters
Nordic Pole Walking
Recreational Cycling
Singles Gourmet
Ski Legends
Stitch & Bitch
Support Group
Table Tennis
Wood Carving
Activity groups are self sustained.
Participate – Volunteer
but above all-have fun and enjoy
Volume 15, Issue 02
As I write this today, Wiarton Willy came out of his hole (or cage) to predict an early
spring. It was cloudy and he did not see his shadow. Not sure I believe this albino rodent
even though he did well last year predicting six more weeks of winter!!
That was an impressive turn out for our January meeting to hear the speaker and of
course the speaker was all about our hearing. Now we know more about the anatomy
and physiology of our ears, the relationship with balance and the importance of ear wax.
We have had many interesting speakers this past year and I must thank Howard Kitchen
who has arranged the variety of speakers while recognizing the level of interest the topic
holds for our members. Also, many thanks go to the management team for their excellent
support and dedication to our club and its functions. Everyone is a volunteer and they
surely define the word. I have appreciated their expertise.
Retiring this year are Peter Armstrong, our past president and Mary Armstrong our
capable secretary. We will miss their contributions. I know many of you give leadership to
club events and activities and this is so appreciated. Hopefully, more members will
consider offering their talents to lead interest groups. There are lots of spaces available
and the Activity Convenor, Joan Hammond would be happy to hear from you.
Notice about February’s AGM and luncheon can be found in the
Grapevine, as well as the March Activity Fair—hope you can attend
these meetings. My term as President is completed after the AGM and
I remain as past president for another year. It has been a rewarding
experience and thank you all for your support.
Catharine Pepper
Thursday May 14 , 2015 at 7:30pm. & Thursday May 21st, 2015 at 7:30pm
Yes, there is an observatory in the Blue Mountains!! Arrangements have been made for a
limited number of Beaver Valley Probus members to visit the observatory, in groups of
25, on Thursday May 14th and Thursday May 21st, 2015. If required, a back-up rain date
has been booked.
The observatory, under the auspices of the Royal Astronomical Society, is known as the E.
C. Carr Astronomical Observatory and is operated by a dedicated group of volunteers.
The visit starts at 7:30pm and ends by 11:00pm. You will experience a Power Point
presentation and a tour of the night sky. People may walk a guided path of a scale model
of the solar system set up outside while a volunteer explains the solar system. This walk
will take 20 to 30 minutes.
A tea, coffee and cookies break, and an opportunity for questions, take place before the
outdoor sky tour. You will be able to view the solar system through the 14” club telescope
and a variety of telescopes provided by the members.
Cost $10.00 per person. Arrange your own transportation. The observatory is 15km from
the Beaver Valley Community Centre in the area of the Loree forest.
There will be an Interest Sheet signup at our meeting on Feb 24th to ascertain the level of
interest. Actual registration, on a first come, first served basis, will take place on Tuesday,
March 24th at the Activity Fair. Payment by cheque will be due at that time
Upcoming Club Events
Come and enjoy Carousel, a Rodgers & Hammerstein’s musical, at the Avon Theatre in Stratford
Wednesday Oct 7, 2015, 2:00pm.
Far ahead of its time in confronting the issues at the heart of a troubled relationship, this wrenching musical
drama features a luscious score that includes “You’ll Never Walk Alone”, “If I Loved You” and “June is Bustin Out
– Vicki
& Terry
all Over”. BVPC
Ticket Membership
cost is $114.00
and lunch at
Anna Mae’s in Millbank.
A waiting list has been started. PAYMENT BY CHEQUE ONLY. Stella Zahradnik
The membership for the 2015-2016 year is now closed at 573 including 53 new members; Quite a
Theatre was
change from ourOnce
the membership
339. The Club has retained 121
From the creators
Invasion, comes another production in
Charter Members and we are currently the largest Probus Club in the world.
the perennially popular Legends series of tribute shows that will put a snap in your fingers and a song in your
heart. Legends
This year
… we
of Rock
by a star
on their
the 1950s
Probus through
name badges):
1970s that forever
changed the landscape of modern music. Such influential acts as Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, The Beach Boys,
Elton John, ABBA, and Simon & Garfunkel are celebrated in this tribute to musical pioneers.
Our Probus Social Committee has arranged for 40 tickets at a group rate of $37.50 on
Thurs. July 30 for the 2 PM matinee at King’s Wharf.
Reserve your tickets at the February Probus meeting or by contacting Vicki Kellar.
Activity Group Update
Someone mentioned at the last lunch, that Ice Cream is God’s way of saying she likes us
chubby! And at our last lunch, I can attest to it being the first Feb lunch that wasn’t a day of terrible bitter cold.
Our Sunday February 22nd, lunch at 1 pm is themed British Columbia. One host is Nancy Jackson and the other host is
a sub, I believe Dorothy Russell. This winter is moving on quite quickly it seems.
There will be a survey of what you, the members want to do in regards to trips. This will be
done on the Activity Day.
If you can’t be there that day, please contact the new convener, Peter Zahradnik [or Gloria Thompson]. And
please keep an eye on the sections area for travel for singles info.
Gloria Thompson
BVPC Membership Report – Vicki & Terry Kellar, Membership Chairs
The membership for the 2015-2016 year is now closed at 573 including 53 new members; Quite a change from our
founding year of 2001 when the membership was 339. The Club has retained 121 Charter Members and we are
currently the largest Probus Club in the world.
This year we welcome the following new members (identified by a star on their Probus name badges):
From Blue Mountains:
Penny & Harvey Wormald
Annie Robbins
Gail & Michael Dixon
Constance Olsheski
Tom Neuendorff
From Clarksburg:
Kris Wichman
Josephine & John Harrison
Alberta & Bill Elliott
Lesley & Ron Wilson
Teri Band
Gillian & Michael Arkless
From Thornbury:
Janet Findlay
Brian Harkness
Selina & Ronald Lawcock
Trudy & Tony Santilli
Judy Moore
Rosemarie & Harry Stevens
Pat & George Wright
Ann & Steven Gorton
Ruth & John McGee
Eva Page
Larry Rogers
Kate & Doug Simpson
Deb & Brian Malkiewich
From Meaford:
Jeanne & Allan Johnson
Candy & Lee Yeandle
George Horwood
Susan & Bob Bois
Pat & Bob Parsons
From Collingwood:
Ann Simpson
Patty Ann & Donald Smith
Bruce Trimbee
Donald McIntyre
Barbara Cousins
As of February 2015 our current Wait List has 7 applicants and the next time the club will be in a position to welcome
new members will be as at February 1, 2016. Management has capped the number of members we can comfortably
accommodate at 600.
News from the Support Group
Since this month is our Annual General Meeting, we would like to bring members, particularly our new members, up
to date regarding the activities of your Support Group. There are now 18 of us, who are there to help out members
whenever circumstances make it difficult for anyone to cope. As well, there are also local services that you might not
yet be aware of.
BVO is willing to organize the delivery of food orders from Foodland to members who are temporarily housebound.
Orders must go in Wednesday, to be delivered Thursday. You can contact BVO directly, or the Support Group’s
monthly contact.
For those who aren’t already aware, the Baptist Church in Thornbury has quite a bit of equipment (walkers, canes,
wheelchairs, bath chairs) for the temporary use of incapacitated people. Please consider not only the use of this
service, but also the possible donation of your own no-longer-needed stuff!
And again, we would like to remind our members that we have two trained grief counsellors available when needed.
And don’t forget, there is a variety of support available to seniors by calling “211”, a provincial government service,
that can also direct you to appropriate help.
Finally, please know that all of us in the Probus Support Group are here for you. Let us know of any of our members
who may need some help; don’t hesitate to call any of us, or the local contact listed monthly in the Grapevine.
Carol Hethrington,
Scenic Caves
This is a beautiful, tranquil spot to go snow shoeing,
especially after a good snowfall. The trails are hilly in
some sections but take you to the top where there are
flat trails to explore. Here are some photos I took on a
few of my snow shoeing days.
Caroline Bacher
If your day is a bit hectic, if you need to decompress, why not spend a few minutes with this Oregon Coast video?
The Master Gardener’s Corner
Things to do in or for your garden in – February from John Hethrington
Things to do in your garden each month taken from the Ontario Master Gardener Calendar by John Hethrington, Past President, Master
Gardeners of Ontario. For more information, or your copy of the 11” x 17” calendar of the full year’s tips for a $1 contribution to Master
Start propagating stem cuttings of geraniums, fuchsias, etc.
Plant slow germinating seeds like impatiens, peppers, eggplants, etc.
As the weather warms, start pruning shade and fruit trees, if you can get to them through the snow. Leave
trees that “bleed” like maples and birch until after they have leaves.
Visit local nursery greenhouses to smell the coming spring. Stop by the Garden Gallery just west of Barrie on
Hwy 91 on the way to Angus and inhale.
Check dates for annual garden shows like Successful Gardening Show Mar 5 – 8 2015 @ Metro Toronto
Convention Centre and Canada Blooms Mar 13 – 22 at the Direct Energy Centre. Go to
Our Speaker for February
Harvey Hart
Come and hear a wide-ranging romp down memory lane!!
Harvey Hart is the president of the Alliston Probus Club. His interactive presentation
describes the golden age of commercial radio from the mid 1930s to the mid 1950s. He
uses numerous audio and video clips to illustrate some of the popular shows and more
noteworthy news events of that period.
In Harvey’s early life he was quite ill and the radio was his window to the outside world.
You will hear a series of sounds which you will recognize as sounds heard on radio.
Station cues, such as the NBC chimes will be played. Hear Wally Crouter and a Jack
Dennett 8am newscast beginning with the famous sound of the hunting horn. Speeches
from King George VI and Winston Churchill will demonstrate how they helped us get
through World War II. Entertainment shows will also be featured during this era of old
time radio. Also hear the voice of Foster Hewitt.
This is surely a trip down memory lane!!
Law of the Result
When you try to prove to
someone that a machine
won't work, IT WILL!!!
The Quiz this month tests your
knowledge of detectives in fiction;
it really is not difficult so why not
give it a try by Clicking here
January’s winner Jennifer Baker
Newspaper Team
David Morgan
Caroline Bacher &
Nancy Seppala
Barb Thompson
Website Maintenance
Barb Thompson
Technical Advisor
Mike Seagram
Computer problem in Florida / True story
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: How can I help you?
FEMALE CALLER: 'Last night my computer started making a lot of hissing noises at
me so I shut it down. This morning when I turned it on the computer started
hissing and cracking, then started smoking and a bad smell, then nothing'
TECH SUPPORT: 'I will have a technician come over first thing this morning.
When the technician got there, the lady showed him where the computer was,
and explained what happened to it.
This is what the technician found wrong.
Take a look at the pictures... Click YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES...
And you thought YOU had computer problems!!!
Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting- At the Community Centre on
Tuesday February 24th Starting with Fellowship from 12.30 to 1.30pm
This is our Annual General Meeting
A complimentary lunch will be provided for those who have registered.
Lunch will be served at 12:45pm.
To register please contact Stella Zahradnik by email or phone.
The cut off date for registration is February 17th.
Support Group
Do you know of a member who needs encouragement to get through a
difficult period?
Please do not hesitate to call Louise Lamont who is the contact for
February or any one of the Management team.
Next months contact is Phyllis Thomas.
The Last Word
Submitted by Past President Peter Armstrong
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give".
Winston Churchill