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Home Page
Parish News and Events Items of Parish interest that could not meet the time and space constraints of the
printed bulletin. Please note that the interact-active capabilities of this web-log allows you to post comments
and to alert others of items of interest by email.
News Headlines Current world wide news relevant to the Church.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
is held in the chapel every Thursday from 6am to
9 pm. Intentions: Vocations, Sanctity of Life and all who are ill. If you can give an hour to Jesus please call
Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285.
Rosary & Divine Chaplet
Every Thursday in the chapel at 7 pm.
A prayer hour for our Priests!
Prayer Network
Over 50 people are praying daily for your intentions. If you would like to add someone to the prayer list or if you would like
to join the prayer network call Christine at the parish office.
Catholic Women’s League
President: Karla Nichols 613-546-0285
General meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in
St. Joseph’s Room (from Sept. to June).
All ladies are welcome!
Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight: Jean Pellerin 613-548-4121.
General meetings are held on the second Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm in
St. Joseph’s Room (from Sept. to June).
Fr. Wes Chochrek
Peter Scott
Roseanne Hogan
Roy Gould
Marguerite Laudanski
Jean Pellerin
Fr. Wes Chochrek
John Uliana – Chair
Peter Finnegan
Claire Fjarlie
Parish Pastoral Council
Jacki McCabe
Joan Bryan
Bonnie Henderson
Mary Lynn Jefferies
Finance Committee
Karla Nichols
Colleen Emmerson
Helen Heyd
Property Committee
Fr. Wes Chochrek
Basil Brosso
Guy Lahaie
Robert Portman
Joe Payne
Pat Stenson
Mission Committee
Fr. Wes Chochrek
Marjorie Henderson – Chair
Phil Henderson
Ignatius Green
Linda Goldstein
Roseanne Hogan
Vi Pearse
Dorothy Green
Pauline Burns
Liturgy Committee
Fr. Wes Chochrek
Joan Bryan
Madeline Halladay
Jodie Compeau
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 5:00 pm – Church
Sunday 9:00 am – Church
Sunday 10:30 am – Church
Sunday 12:00 pm –Polish Mass – Church
Mass Intentions
4th Sunday of Advent –Dec. 21, 2014
Tues. Dec. 23- 9:00 am – (unannounced)-chapel
Christmas Eve
Wed. Dec. 24 - 5:00 pm – Mary Julia Payne
(Ed & Family) –at St. Martha School – with Children’s
7:30 pm – James Liston
(Simon & Marylin Kovacs) – at Church
Midnight – Polish Apostolate and
Holy Name of Jesus – at Church
Christmas Day
Thurs. Dec. 25 – 10:00 am – Réné, Claire, Gaston &
Roch DeBernardi ( Murielle)-at Church
Feast – St. Stephen
Dec. 26 –10:30 am – Fairfield Manor East
Feast of the Holy Family – Dec. 28, 2014
Sat. Dec. 27 - 5:00 pm – Monica Brosso (Basil)
Sun. Dec. 28 - 9:00 am – Ronald Whalen
(Dan & Linda)
10:30 am – Mass for the People
12:00 pm – Polish Mass
Feast of the Holy Family – Dec. 28, 2014
5 pm – Lynn Pritchard
9 am – Cathy Townsend
10:30 am – Mac Robinson
Please see bulletin board for Christmas Masses
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Feast of the Holy Family – Dec. 28, 2014
5 pm – Madeline Halladay & Marguerite Laudanski
9 am – Bonnie Henderson & Lynda Crowe
10:30 am –Cathy Vanhorn & Pat Stenson
Please see bulletin board for Christmas Masses
Feast of the Holy Family-Dec. 28, 2014
1st Reading: Genesis 15.1-6; 17.3b-5, 15-16; 21.1-7
2nd Reading: Hebrews 11.8,11-12, 17-19
Gospel: Luke 2.22-40
The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns
In memory of Yvonne Blendeman & Sue Duffy
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00
There will be no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on December 25th and January 1nd. Normal Adoration
Hours will resume on January 8th
Merry Christmas!
New Year’s Mass Times
New Years Eve – 5pm New Years Day – 10 am
Stewardship Report:
Your generous support of Holy Name of Jesus Church Ministry last weekend resulted in:
Regular - $ 1,852.00
Improvement Fund - $ 165.00
Christmas Flowers - $ 140.00
Priest’s Retirement - $ 20.00
We collected $ 3,482.00 for the Priests Retirement Fund
Thank You for your generosity!
Sacraments: If there are any students in grade 2 who are ready to receive the sacraments of First Communion
and Reconciliation or students in grade 8 who are ready to receive Confirmation and do not attend Catholic
school please contact the parish office by February 6th.
Urgent!. More Children needed for the Christmas Pageant . We especially need boys to play Joseph and
shepherds! The Children’s Christmas Pageant practice will take place Sunday Dec. 21st from 10:30 am to 12:00
noon at St. Martha School. For questions you can email Claudette at or call 613531-0905 or 613-329-0319.
Mass at St. Martha: For those of you who enjoy the
5 pm Mass at St. Martha, WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!
The gym has to be returned to order on Christmas Eve after Mass so that the daycare can use it. If everyone at
Mass stays 10 minutes to help put everything away then everyone can get home with their families early. Please
don’t leave it for the few as many hands make light work.
Calling all teens in Grade 8-12! Join youth from all over the Archdiocese of Kingston in attending a dynamic
high school youth conference called" Steubenville Toronto" this August 7-9, 2015 in Toronto. Going to be an
amazing experience! For more info please contact Nadia Gundert at or
download the registration and information package from the Archdiocese of Kingston's website under the
YOUTH tab. Registrations due by January 10.
The Executive of the CCCB has alerted the Canadian Bishops to a debate and vote in Parliament concerning
a national strategy to combat dementia in Canada. The Private member’s Bill (C-356), The National Strategy for
Dementia Act, was introduced by Claude Gravelle, the member of parliament for Nickel Belt, and calls on the Government of Canada to increase funding for research; to promote earlier diagnosis and intervention; to strengthen the
integration of primary, home, and community care; to enhance the skills and training of the dementia workforce, and
to improve support for caregivers. Please contact your local Member of Parliament if you support Bill C-356.
Holy Innocents Candlelight Vigil will be held on Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014 from 7 pm until 8 pm in front of Kingston
General Hospital. At this time, during the Christmas Sason, we remember the Holy Innocents, the babies who were killed
by Herod seeking the Christ Child. We will gather to pray for our “innocents”, the more than 34,000 babies killed at KGH
by the sin of abortion. Please join us at 6:45 pm on the hil across from KGH (Stuart St. ) for prayers and hymns. Bring
your own candle in a glass jar (flashlight for children).
Christmas Flowers have been donated for the Glory of God and in Memory of
Ernst & Lahaie Families
Monica Brosso by Basil
Doreen Guerrera by the Finnegan Family
Yvette Delisle by Pat & Fern Delisle
Garnet McKenna by M.L. Jefferies
Ron Mayfield & Linda Bilow by Mary Mayfield
Guerino& Santa Bosco Geraldini by Leonom
Des & Anne Doyle by the Townsends
Mario Soares by Marie Soares-Borges &
Manuel Borges
Evelyn Crozier & Michael Corrigan by
Catherine Crozier
Green & Shaw Families by Dorothy & Ignatius
Gould & Domarchuk Families by Roy & Cecile
Hogan & Kennelly Families by Roseanne
DeBernardi & Kalipershad Families by
Jeff Kennedy & Anthony Corrigan by Maureen
& Larry Kennedy
Fr. McGarvey by Marylin Kovacs
Myles McCabe by Jacki
Carty & Légére Families by Clare
Niedbala & McAdoo Families by Joan
Margaret Lewis by Patty Stenson
Thomas Stuart, Raymond Blanchette,
Mary Sprague, Richard Roger Beaulieu by
Irma Stuart
Dubuc & Tien Families by Lucienne & Lloyd
Sirosky & Yanyk Families by James & Angela
Laudanski & Newman Families by James
Murray Fleet & Basil & Patricia Mulholland
Crowe & Scott Families by Calvin & Lynda
Lanthier & Seguin Families by Odette Denison
Sister Mary Frances Houlihan by Irene
Tremmel & Goldstein Families by Linda
Dotzko & Clarke Families
Mass Intentions
Tues. Dec.
Wed. Dec.
Thurs. Dec.
3rd Sunday of Advent –Dec. 14, 2014
16- 9:00 am – unannounced
17 - 9:00 am – unannounced
6:30 pm – Confessions in the Church
18 – 6:00 pm – Advent Mass at Holy Name
19 –9:00 am – unannounced
4th Sunday of Advent– Dec. 21, 2014
20 - 5:00 pm – Mary Watson
(Reg & Diane Smith)
21 - 9:00 am – Ford Whalen (Dan & Linda)
10:30 am – Mass for the People
12:00 pm – Polish Mass
Daily Masses are in the chapel this week
4th Sunday of Advent – Dec. 21, 2014
5 pm – Irma Stuart
9 am – John Uliana
10:30 am – Susan Faris
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
4th Sunday of Advent – Dec. 21, 2014
5 pm – Mike Stenson & Roseanne Hogan
9 am – Donna Payne $ Roseanne Hogan
10:30 am – Phil & Marjorie Henderson
4th Sunday of Advent-Dec. 21, 2014
Reading: 2 Samuel 7.1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16
2nd Reading: Romans 16.25-27
Gospel: Luke 1.26-38
The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns
In memory of Stanley laudanski
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00
Stewardship Report:
Your generous support of Holy Name of Jesus Church Ministry last weekend resulted in:
Regular - $ 2,904.00
Improvement Fund - $ 332.00
Christmas Flowers - $ 455.00
Priest’s Retirement - $ 550.00
St. Vincent de Paul - $ 20.00
Thank You for your generosity!
If you would like to be part of the Christmas choir at
5 pm Mass on Christmas Eve please see Christine or Pete Finnegan.
3rd Sunday of Advent
Christian joy is something deeper and richer than the smile and laughter upon a happy face. It comes from an
awareness that God is with us and produces a contentment and an inner peace that cannot be taken from us.
Christmas Mass Times:
Dec. 24th –5 pm: at St. Martha School (Pageant)
7:30: pm at the church
Midnight: (Polish and English) at the Church
Dec. 25th – 10 am at the church
New Years Eve – 5pm
New Years Day – 10 am
Sacraments: If there are any students in grade 2 who are ready to receive the sacraments of First
Communion and Reconciliation or students in grade 8 who are ready to receive Confirmation and do not
attend Catholic school please contact the parish office by February 6th.
Calling all Angels! The Children’s Christmas Pageant practices will take place on Dec. 14th and
Dec. 21st from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon at St. Martha School. If you have any questions you can email
Claudette at or call 613-531-0905 or 613-329-0319. Thank you to all
those who agreed to help out!
LIBRARY : We are starting to plan a space for our families to enjoy. We are asking for donations of all types of
books; children’s, adults, mystery, gardening, music even audio books, cd’s and dvd’s. Over the next bit, we will be
putting together a library system, figuring out opening hours and some programs to offer. Fr. Wes will be building
some shelves and Stephanie Van Der Pryt will be proposing a layout and room design. It will be an ongoing project
but we hope to start using it in the first quarter of 2015. Thank you to those who have already donated books.
Be the Help kids need: There is an urgent need for foster homes for teens in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and
Addington. To find out how you can help, go to
Donations Needed for Almost Home: The Catholic Women’s League is collecting items for Almost Home.
You will find a ‘Wish List’ on the bulletin board in the church entrance. Please leave donations in the
entrance and mark them –Almost Home.
Thank you!
Calendars are in and in the church entrance. Please take as many as you need.
Advent Confessions!
Dec. 17th at 6:30 pm in the church.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the most unique and beautiful aspects of Catholicism. Jesus Christ, in His
abundant love and mercy, established the Sacrament of Confession, so that we as sinners can obtain forgiveness
for our sins and reconcile with God and the Church. The sacrament “washes us clean,” and renews us in Christ.
Advent Confessions in the Central Deanery
Our Lady of Lourdes – Sunday, Dec. 14 at 3:30 pm
St. Francois D’Assise – Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 7:00 pm
St. John’s Gananoque – Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 7:00 pm
New Life Group- a support group for separated and divorced will meet on Tuesday, December 16th at
7:30 pm for their Christmas Social.
Calling all teens in Grade 8-12! Join youth from all over the Archdiocese of Kingston in attending a dynamic
high school youth conference called" Steubenville Toronto" this August 7-9, 2015 in Toronto. Going to be an
amazing experience! For more info please contact Nadia Gundert at or
download the registration and information package from the Archdiocese of Kingston's website under the
YOUTH tab. Registrations due by January 10.
A Prayer Before Confession
Come Holy Spirit into my soul.
Enlighten my mind
that I may know the sins I ought to confess
and grant me Your grace
to confess them fully, humbly
and with contrite heart.
Help me to firmly resolve not to commit them again.
O Blessed Virgin, Mother of my Redeemer,
mirror of innocence and sanctity
and refuge of penitent sinners,
intercede for me
through the Passion of Your Son,
that I may obtain the grace
to make a good confession.
All you blessed angels and saints of God,
pray for me, a most miserable sinner,
that I may repent from my evil ways,
that my heart may henceforth be forever united
with yours in eternal love. Amen.