Bulletin - Sacred Heart Parish


Bulletin - Sacred Heart Parish
DECEMBER 21, 2014
We hope that all new residents of the Merricks and surrounding communities will feel at home at Sacred Heart and will
tell us of their presence by registering at the Parish Center. By completing the registration form, we will be better able to
serve you when you need letters to be a sponsor for Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage, along with other situations
requiring character references. Your use of the parish envelopes in making contributions will enable us to provide you
with verification for your tax purposes. Please, come into the Parish Center for a Registration form and let us give you a
warm welcome to our faith community.
If you are interested in exploring the Catholic faith or completing your initiation into the Church through the reception of
the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, please call the Parish Center.
Sacred Heart celebrates the sacrament of Baptism on the first and third Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM. Please call the
Parish Center (X 20) at least three months before the intended date of Baptism, to begin the Preparation Process.
Please contact the Parish Center at least a year in advance of the intended date of the wedding. A priest of the parish
will interview you, set the wedding date and help you register for the required marriage preparation program (Pre-Cana).
A priest is available to welcome you to Confession each Saturday at 4:00 P.M. in the church. Please never hesitate to
call a priest at the Parish Center for an appointment for Confession at another time.
If you or a family member are not able to attend Mass due to temporary or chronic illness, and would like to receive the
Sacraments of Communion, Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick, please call to arrange for reception at home.
Arrangements may also be made for a friendly phone call from our Social Ministry Volunteers. Please let us know of a
parishioner in a local hospital or medical facility who would like a visit from our pastoral staff. Please call Sister Lynn,
C.S.J. 516-379-1356 ext. 19 for more information.
All adults volunteering as liturgical ministers and in other ministries, events and programs connected with children are
required to have a Background Check which is done at Sacred Heart, and attend a three hour Virtus Training Program
either at Sacred Heart or another diocesan site. To attend a session you must register on line at www.drvc.org, go to
the tab: PROTECTING CHILDREN and click on the link for VIRTUS TRAINING CALENDAR.
Sr. Patricia Turley, CSJ Food Pantry
Pantry Sunday
Weekend of December 27/28
What should I bring? I’m sure over the past few weeks you’ve asked or been asked
t his question many times. As we’ve all been enjoying Christmas visiting, we’re always happy to ring a
little something for the host/hostess. Next weekend, please remember to bring a little something for the
families of our community in financial need. Your generosity through Thanksgiving and Christmas provided
wonderfully festive celebrations for many families. Please help keep our pantry stocked through the winter.
Remember to check expiration dates. Want to know what to bring? Think of whatever your family goes
through most quickly, or here are a few items we could use:
Canned/ready to heat meals
Paper Goods
Hot/Cold Cereal
Laundry detergent
Lunch box items
The pantry does have a refrigerator and freezer. If you are able to donate milk, eggs, butter, produce or meat,
please bring them to the Outreach during our regular hours, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 10:00AM 2:00PM, or call 379-6123 to arrange another time.
Thank you,
Sister Lynn
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Dear Parishioners,
This Fourth Weekend of Advent finds us lighting all of the candles on the Advent wreath. Hopefully we have
used our time well and have awakened to God’s calling us to be prepared to receive the coming of Christ into
our hearts. Are you ready? If so, great! If not, may I recommend that we look to the key figure of the 4th week
of Advent - Mary our Blessed Mother. Christmas is close and Mary personifies all of the waiting, hoping and
longing of God’s people. God prepared for the first Christmas by choosing Mary to be the Mother of Jesus.
Mary was prepared by living a life of prayer and holiness that allowed her to hear God’s call and respond
with a “yes” to God’s plan. She trusted God and put her life into God’s hands and continued to live a life of
long service. Remember how her first response after saying yes was to go to take care of Elizabeth. I pray
that we will all prepare by taking advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation so we can receive the Lord in
Holy Communion. Then, as God fills us with His love...let us pray that He will give us generous spirits so that
we will bring Him to all we visit over the next days and weeks.
As we turn our attention to Christ’s first coming at Bethlehem, allow your priests to wish everyone a very…
Merry Christmas!
It is our hope that His Light will shatter the darkness of sin and hurt in your lives. May the Christ Child
continue to bless you with a special peace and hope. For all the ways that you reveal God’s goodness and
promise - by your own faithfulness, hope and joy - THANK YOU from your priests! For the generous ways
that you give of your time and talents all year long, please know you have our heartfelt gratitude. For the bakes
goods, fruit and assorted other goodies that always seem to “miraculously appear” at this time of year (often
without a tag of credit)...our sincere gratitude...your delicious goodies are a sign of the ways you nourish us all
throughout the year.
Please know that during this season of wonder and awe you are in our prayers. We hope that the great gift of
true Christmas spirit will be yours in abundance. Know also, that you are wished our very best for a 2015 filled
with health, happiness and an increasingly greater amount of His light to guide you.
Fr. Joe N... and...Fr. Joe D
Come Lord Jesus!
Weekly attendance:
Envelopes Used:
Fiscal Year To Date:
Last Weekend
Monday Samuel 1:24-28; Luke 1:46-56
Tuesday Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24; Luke 1:57-66
Wednesday 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16;
Luke 1:67-79
Christmas Vigil Isaiah 62:1-5,
Acts of Apostles 13:16-17, 22-25; Matthew 1:1-25
Thursday The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
Isaiah 52:7-10, Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18
Friday Acts of the Apostles 6:8-10; 7:54-59;
Matthew 10:17-22
Saturday 1 John 1:1-4; John 20:1a, 2-8
Sunday Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3,
Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Luke 2:22-40
DECEMBER 20 - 21, 2014
1 1/2% of the tithe will go to
Dismas House was founded in 1988 in response to a
growing need for transitional housing for exoffenders about to be released from prison or jail.
Upon entering the program, the men must find a full
time job that pays a living wage, is on the books and
has health insurance and other benefits. The men
contribute to their room and board. Studies show that
men who complete this program have a fourfold
chance of breaking the cycle of recidivism.
DECEMBER 21, 2014
News from Religious Education:
We need one (1) grade 4 teacher who can
teach on Wednesdays, and be at the school
by 3:15 PM.
Please call 379-1536 Ext.27 or 26.
We have a Bereavement Gathering which meets
monthly on the first Tuesday of every month for
those who have lost a loved one from several months
to several years ago. Our next meeting is Tuesday,
January 6th at 7:30 PM, in the Church meeting room.
(Please use either side entrance of the Church).
For more information, please contact Sister Lynn @
516-379-1356 ext. 19, or
Bambinelli Sunday
Families are invited to bring your figure of the
Christ Child - the “Bambinelli” to Mass this Sunday, December 21st,
the 4th Sunday of Advent.
We will bless the figurine you bring and
then you can bring it home
and place it in your manger scene.
To all the parishioners
of Sacred Heart who
helped to make a festive
Thanksgiving for countless
individuals and families here
at the Sister Edward Joseph,
CSJ Parish Outreach and our
sister Parish Outreach at St. Martha’s, I offer a
sincere thank you!
We were again able to supply food for a holiday
meal to all who came to the Sister Patricia Turley,
CSJ Food Pantry, deliver a hot Thanksgiving meal to
over 40 of our homebound parishioners, and provide
200 + loaves of bread baked by our parishioners,
blessed at our Thanksgiving Mass and offered from
our table to yours.
A special thank you to all who delivered the meals,
baked the breads and to our Confirmation candidates
who so beautifully displayed the breads.
Many thanks, and may God bless you and
all you love.
~ Sister Lynn
Luke 2:12: “This will be a sign for you:
You will find a child wrapped in
swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”
for the week of December 28 are for:
John and Theresa Baldassi
in honor of their
50th Wedding
The children from the Liturgy of the Word Program
will have their annual Christmas performance on
Sunday, January 4, 2015, in the school cafeteria,
after the 10:00 o’clock Mass. All are welcome.
Lite refreshments will be served.
Offered by:
Laura and Sean Sommers
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Monday, December 22
9 AM
Emma Korec
Tuesday, December 23
9 AM
Doris A. Ryan
Charles Brienza
Priscilla Landro
Ben Cammarata
Cecelia Lerro
Wednesday, December 24
9 AM
Joseph (living) & Natalie Nixon
4 PM
Ralph Giglio
6 PM
10 PM
Peter & Barbara Slowik
John J. Campbell
Diane Mac Laren
Lillian Caraccio
Patricia Massey
Baby William M. Carrara
Fred Matalevich
Anthonino Chiofalo
Chris Matejov
Dustin D’Andrea
John McInerney
Robert DeMars
Edward McKenna
Kevin Duffy
Kathleen McKenna
Augustine Farfone
Harriet Meyer
Ann Fisher
Frank Mills
Friday, December 26
9 AM
Mary Ann McGann
John Fitzpatrick, Sr.
William Mohr
James Forte
Daria Mongelli
Saturday, December 27
5 PM
Ronald Mowris
Brother Augustine, C.M.
Sr. Marie Vianney Gallagher
Lillian Mortara
Michael Gallo
Jack Palamaro
Sam Giordano
Peter Palamaro, Jr.
Sunday, December 28 - The Holy Family of
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
John Hursala
Debbie Ryan
Donald Johnson, Sr.
John Rynn
8 AM
10 AM
5 PM
Doris Johnston
Alex Salvaggio
Gail Kimitis
Joel Scaduto
Pat Kok
Santina Sztabnik
Lorraine Kolstein
Angelo Tilocca
Maryellen Lamaitis
Richard Webster
Thursday, December 25
8 AM
Margaret Marengo
9:30 AM Parishioners of Sacred Heart
11 AM
Mary Alice Vaccacio
12:30 PM Raymond F. Johnston
Catherine Melley
Parishioners of Sacred Heart
Richard J. Kennedy
Margaret Quinn
Joseph Michalski
It is the policy of this Church and the intention of
each priest that the Masses celebrated will be for the
intentions listed in the Parish Mass Book.
For an offering of $50, a deceased loved one can be
enrolled in the society and will share in the spiritual
benefits of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be
offered each First Friday for one year. Appropriate
Memorial Cards are available.
2014 Names are placed in this weekly bulletin for a
four week period, unless we are notified by a family
member to continue having your loved one
remembered in prayer. Otherwise, due to lack of
space, the name will be removed.
Thank You
Let us remember all our parishioners who
have been called home to our Loving God.
May they rest in peace and may their
families, relatives, and friends be consoled
by our prayerful concern.
Thank you for your use of the weekly envelopes.
Please help the counters - by writing the amount of
your donation on the front of the envelope;
and by not using tape, stickers or staples.
Your co-operation is greatly appreciated!!!
Sun., Dec. 21 ~ Family Social - Please join us for
coffee, tea and sweets after the 10:00 AM Mass.
Sat., Dec. 27/Sun., Dec. 28 ~ Pantry Sunday - All
the Masses. Please bring food with you for the
economically poor of our community.
Tue., Dec. 30 ~ Movie Night - The Nativity Story For more information, please contact Sister Lynn at
Tue., Jan. 6 ~ Bereavement Gathering - 7:30 PM Church meeting room (please use either side
entrance of the Church) for info., please contact
Sister Lynn @ 379-1356 ext 19 or
Sun., Jan. 21 / Feb. 15 ~ Family Social Please join us for coffee, tea and sweets after the
10:00 AM Mass.
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Several years ago, we inscribed the names of
loved ones - parishioners and nonparishioners in a book placed before Our
Lady of Fatima.
We continue to collect the names of PARISHIONERS
who are actively serving the Armed Forces. Please send
their name, rank and branch of service in writing to the
Parish Center c/o Father Joe Nixon.
Sacred Heart Parish salutes and commends to prayer:
Sgt. Richard DeTommaso, U.S. Army, Korea
PFC Kendrick McCann, U.S. Army, Korea
Sgt. First Class Lee Ann Gouveia, U.S. Army
L CPL Anthony Rusciano, U.S.M.C.
L CPL Troy Grassi, U.S.M.C., Iraq
SSgt. Edgar C. Francisco, U.S.M.C.
Col. James K. Lavine, U.S.M.C.
Lt. Col. Timothy W. Schnelle, U.S.M.C.
Sgt. James Moore, U.S. Army
Pvt. Andrew Reynolds, U.S. Army
PO Third Class Wesley Paladino, U.S. Navy
L CPL Elyse Franzitta, U.S.M.C.
L CPL Robert A. M. Bernhardt, U.S.M.C.
L CPL Kevin P. Vaughan, U.S.M.C.
Capt. Christopher Darconte, U.S. Air Force
L CPL Brandon Furia, U.S.M.C.
PFC Matthew Macario, U.S. Army, Afghanistan
Bishop Molloy retreat House
86-45 Edgerton Blvd.
Jamaica, NY 11432 - 718-739-1229
I would like to reserve a space for the retreat on:
January 16 th - January 18 th , 2015
with person/group: Mildred Giglio,
Sacred Heart Church, North Merrick
* Please use the Reservation Card form located
in the last page of the November 16 th Bulletin.
Almighty and Eternal God, protect these men and women
as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield
of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and
harm. May the power of your love enable them to return
home in safety to all who love them. May they ever praise
you for your loving care.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Volunteer (s) Needed:
Catholic Charities in Freeport is seeking
Volunteer (s) to assist in clerical and administrative
responsibilities in our Teaching Family Home
Program. Preferred days are Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Hours are flexible. If you are interested
and available for this opportunity, please contact:
Mary Elle Kwiecinski,
Volunteer Coordinator @ 516-733-7034.
Your time and talent will be greatly appreciated!
Prayer For Safety of Our Service Men & Women
Tune into “Religion & Rock” with Msgr. Jim
Vlaun, on Sundays from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM on
WBAB 102.3 FM. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 PM
on Sirius Radio, Channel 159, the Catholic
Channel and at 11:00 PM on XM Satellite,
Channel 117.
Next Sunday’s theme is New Year.
Don’t miss it! To listen online or receive more
information regarding Religion and Rock go to
www.ReligionandRock.com, or at
“Religion & Rock” on ITUNES.
Don’t forget to tune into TELECARE,
Cablevision 29, or Verizon FIOS 296, or visit
www.telecaretv.org for the Best Catholic Television!
To receive this announcement electronically, please
email aayroso@telecaretv.org - (516) 538-8704.