Mobile Bulletin - Highland Church of Christ


Mobile Bulletin - Highland Church of Christ
December 14, 2014
What Can I Do
Welcome - Brandon
My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Nativity Pageant
Joy to the World
The Lord’s Prayer
Come Thou, Long Expected Jesus
The Lord’s Supper - The Kasselman Family
All are invited to partake of communion in remembrance
of what Jesus has done for us.
Here with Us
Agnus Dei
Tithes and Offerings
Guests, your presence is your gift to us, please do not feel an
obligation to participate in the offering.
HIS KIDS Worship
Preschool children, ages 3-5, are invited to Rm 113, off the S Foyer.
Jonathan Storment - “Christmas Time Future”
Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground)
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Prayers of the People
our services at 8:30 and 11:00 this morning!
University: Blessings to our students for safe
travel and for special times with their families
during the break. We look forward to welcoming
you back in January! The University Class will
resume Sunday, January 11. For more information
contact Wade Casey at or join
the Facebook page, Highland University Ministry, or
follow us on Twitter, Highland Univ Min.
The Monday Night Women’s Class: We plan to
begin the Beth Moore study To Live is Christ, based
on the life of Paul, on January 26. We invite you to
make plans to join us! If you plan to attend please
pre-register by sending an email to benpickett@
Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Classes: Classes have
concluded for the semester. We will enjoy our
January Sabbatical and begin our new studies in
Highland Wednesday Events: Wednesday
evening Bible Classes will not meet this week,
December 24, next week, December 31, or January
7. They will resume January 14.
Mothers of Preschoolers: The next MOPS
meeting is Monday, January 12, at 9:00 am in
Room 207. Childcare is provided in Room 113.
Wednesday Night Bible will resume January 14
in the Auditorium. Watch for more information
regarding the upcoming series led by Ben Pickett.
Holiday Schedule: There will be NO Wednesday
meal and Bible class activities at Freedom and
Grace Fellowship on December 24 and 31. There
is no 3rd Saturday Praise and Prayer Service
scheduled at Freedom Fellowship in December.
The annual chili dinner is at Freedom on Saturday,
January 17.
Faith and Finance$: The next class will meet
Thursdays, beginning January 15 through April
6. This is an 11-week class to help develop a
spending plan and financial goals. The class
is taught by Sue Thomesen, Diane Rose, and
Phyllis Bolin. Applications are being accepted for
students and Allies, who will assist our participants
throughout the class. No experience is needed.
Ally Training will be held on Tuesday, January 13.
For more information, email Becky Almanza at
There Are NO Classes TODAY or NEXT
SUNDAY, December 28. First Service begins at
8:30 am and Second Service begins at 11:00 am.
There will be NO Huddles or Middle School
classes Wednesday, December 24, or
Wednesday, December 31. Enjoy the Christmas
holiday and enjoy celebrating the New Year with
your families.
High School and Middle School Students are
invited to a combined class on Sunday, January 4,
in Room 207 at 9:45 am.
The Senior Huddle Students are invited to the
home of Kevin and Sarah Campbell at 1752 Bent
Tree Drive on Sunday, January 4, from 5:30 to 7:30
pm for dinner. We hope to see you there!
3D Family Meeting Potluck: All 3D Ministry
parents, students, and volunteers are invited
on Sunday afternoon, January 11, immediately
following second service from 12:30 to 1:30 pm in
the Gym. Families with last names beginning with
“A” through “G” bring a dessert. Families with last
names beginning with “H” through “O” bring a main
dish. Families with last names beginning with “P”
through “Z” bring a side dish. Join us as we share
with you what is coming up for 3D Student Ministry
this spring. Go to and let us
know what you will be bringing.
Planet Wisdom: All 6th through 12th grade
students are invited to Planet Wisdom a
discipleship conference for teenagers on Friday
and Saturday, February 6-7 in Dallas. Visit www. for more information. This
year, they are exploring Your Story So Far. “We
want teens to know that God’s story is still being
written, and that there are unique roles in the story
for each and every one of them.” Applications
and $75.00 non-refundable payments are due no
later than Wednesday, January 14. Scholarships
are available upon request. Go to
planetwisdom2015 to register and pay online.
ACU Leadership Camps: Registration for the
ACU Leadership Camps continues! This year
we will be going to Kadesh 1 from June 7-13,
and MPulse 2 from June 28-July 3. Camps fill up
quickly, so go online at and
register as soon as you can.
Restoration Week: All 6th-12th grade students
are invited to our first in-town Spring Break
mission trip on March 8-14. Join us as we become
the hands and feet of Jesus while serving and
ministering to our neighbors and the community
surrounding our building. Your completed
application and $40.00 non-refundable payment
is due by Sunday, February 22. Or you can go to to register and pay
HIS KIDS Worship: Preschool children, ages 3-5,
are invited to Room 113, off the South Foyer. The
time for children to report for this special time is
noted in the Worship Order.
Nursery Suite: Childcare is available for
newborns through 30 months in the attended
Nursery off the South Foyer. The Mom’s Nursery
and Family Room are for parents who wish to stay
with their child. For your convenience, changing
tables are available in the men’s and women’s
restrooms located in the hall north of the Atrium.
Older Two’s Childcare: Childcare for 31 through
36 months is available during both services in the
Upstairs Twos Class-room, off the North Foyer.
HIS KIDS Worship, Nursery, and Two’s
Childcare will be available during the holidays on
the Sundays we are able to find helpers. If you
would like to volunteer, please contact Suzetta Nutt
for HIS KIDS Worship or Shelli Bridges for Nursery
and Two’s Childcare. The dates when additional
volunteers are needed are December 21 and 28.
Sunday Scribes: Bags containing a scribe pad
and crayons are provided for your children to use
during both services. Please return them to the
bins in the foyers after worship!
Wednesday Events at Highland: Wednesday
Evening Children’s Classes will not meet
December 24, 31, or January 7. They will resume
January 14.
Vera Alexander, Bob Allen, Cecil & Tommie
Allen, Becky Bailey, Renee Barbee, Paula
Bendel, Rita Bottoms, Faye Bruner, Cathy
Burson, Irene Butcher, Jessie Cargile, Tanner
Carruth, Nancy Coburn, Leslie Dowell, Don
Drennan, Tom Griffin, Retha Kennamer,
Darell Martin, Kathy Morris, Priscilla Moreau,
Glenn Pemberton, Al Pierce, Mary Ann Ray,
Harry Root, Debbie Taylor, Gary Varner, Janis
Vaughan, Kathryn Witherspoon
Andy Adkins’s grandmother, Rachel Adkins
Joe Almanza’s cousin, Mary Helen Medina
Janey Barnett’s sister, Joanne Barnett
Erica Batten’s aunt, Linda Collins
Stephanie Blair’s mother, Sally Rewinkel
Kurt Boyland’s stepfather, Roy Anderson
Charles and Linnie Branton’s granddaughter
Kennedi Branton
Linnie Branton’s great-nephew, Drew Hart; and
brother-in-law, Larry Norris
Marie Brown’s sister, Billie Ruth Clark
Sarah Campbell’s father, Myron Leesman
Kathy Carter’s mother, Gayle Black
Steve Eller’s sister, Julie Whaley
Zach Espinoza’s mother, Jamie Espinoza; and
father, Benjamin Aguirre
Bill and Carol Fowler’s daughter, Lindy Fowler
Ann Griggs and Angie Martin’s aunt, Bernice Jud
Kaye Price-Hawkins’s mother, Lottie Novak
Pat Hernandez’s nephew, Kent Graham
Ruth Jackson’s niece, Toby Dunkin
Scott and Nancy Kirk’s daughter-in-law, Bradey
Paul McBurney’s step-father, John David Holt and
grandmother, Goldia Kilpatrick
Mike Michaud’s father, Alfred Michaud
Peggy Milstead’s sister, Patsy Gillespie
Joseph Reed’s brother-in-law, Timothy Pittman
Susan Reid’s parents, Bill and Peggy Teague
Darrel Rhodes’s brother, Bobby Rhodes, and
mother, Evy Rhodes
Amanda Spell’s grandparents, Wayne and Helen
Byron and Janis Vaughan’s daughter-in-law,
Sandra Vaughan
We extend our sympathy to Becky Almanza
and her family, for the death of her mother, Delia
Gomez, on December 14.
Congratulations to David and Cynthia Kneip for
the adoption of their daughters, Rebecca (Becca)
Grace Kneip and Faith Elizabeth Kneip, on
December 15.
Prayer Request line
Highland Counseling Center
Childcare during Assembly
Birth - 30 months - Nursery
31-36 months - Upstairs 2s class
His Kids in Room 113
Contact information
Social Media
Financial Stewardship Report
December 14
Weekly Budget Goal
33-Week Average
Called Total Cash and Pledges
Called Contributions Received
Year-end contributions would be greatly appreciated! Checks should be dated and must be postmarked before December 31, 2014. Written receipts for calendar year contributions in excess of
$250.00 will be mailed in January. If you wish to
give stock or other equities, contact Carin Ezzell
or Amy Pybus in the church office at 673-5295. To
make contributions online, go to highlandchurch.
org, click on give, scroll down to online, and follow
the instructions.