Salon Conditions - Friends of Colourful India


Salon Conditions - Friends of Colourful India
PSA 2015-027
Last Date of Submission: 01 January 2015
Dates of Judging: 10 &11 January 2015
Notification: 17 January 2015
Date of Exhibition: 25 & 26 January 2015.
Mailing of Catalogues & Awards: 15 March 2015
FOCI International Salon
Terms and Conditions:1. The exhibition is open to the participants all over the world; All Images must be the original
work of the participants. Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via
light sensitivity) made by the participant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By
virtue of submitting an entry, the participants certifies the work as his own (aliases are not
permitted). The participants permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered
material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This
may include low resolution posting on a website.
2. An entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agents, in its reasonable
discretion, believe that the entry does not confirm to the exhibition rules and conditions.
3. Images may be altered, either digitally or otherwise, by the maker and artwork or computer
graphics created by the participant may be incorporated if the photographic content
4. Participant may submit a maximum of 4 images in each section. Images for each section
should be uploaded on our website (website -
5. An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging for that
section. Judging will be done using High Definition Television, Size 42” on screen
resolution 1024 X 768.
6. Report Cards will be sent by E-Mail only.
7. PDF catalogue will be sent to all participants and additionally it could be downloaded from
our site.
8. All Acceptances are eligible for statistics applicable to FIAP, PSA and FIP. While every effort
shall be made to ensure safe handling of all the entries, FOCI accepts no responsibility for any
loss or damage of images that may occur and assume no liability for any miss use of copyright.
9. All Foreign participants must submit their entries through online submission procedure
in Entry fees have to be sent online through the PAYPAL, the link
of which has been given in our website (
10. For Overseas Participants: Entry Fee for first two sections U.S.$ 20 or 15 € and for rest
sections U.S.$30 or 25 €
11. Entry fee shall be paid by Paypal only-
12. For Indian Participants : for the first two sections Entry Fees Rs.200/- for remaining
sections Rs. 300/- Entry Fee for Indian participants may be sent either by demand draft
(D.D.) or account transfer.
13. Bank: Punjab National Bank
14. Name – FOCI Friends of Colourful India
15. Demand Draft - Should be sent in the name of "FOCI Friends of Colorful India ", Payable at
16. Indian participants please be noted that the RTGS/NEFT details of uploading generated
code No. and details of DO must be mailed to us with Your name & other entry details
in the following mail ID
17. Participants are requested to send their entries, Entry Fee etc. well in advance. Late entries will
not be entertained and the Entry Fee will be retained. If the entry fee Is not received within the
closing date, photographs may not be considered for selection.
18. The entries must be uploaded via the website
19. The required maximum horizontal dimension 1024 pix or vertical dimension is 768 pix with a
resolution of 72dpi, in jpeg (sRGB). The maximum size of the image file should be 1 Mb.
20. Decision of the judges will be final, no appeal will be entertained.
21. Submission of entry implies the acceptance of rules.
22. FlAP, PSA procedures will be followed; All Acceptances are eligible for statistics
applicable towards FIAP, PSA and FIP distinctions.
PSA Colour/ Monochrome
A monochrome image is defined as having varying shades of no more than one color (various shades of that
color from very light to very dark) but it may be any single color. Multi-toned images (various shades of two
or more colors) and greyscale images with added an accent color are not acceptable in Monochrome Class
sections and must be entered in Color Class sections.
PSA Photo Travel Definition
A Photo Travel image must express the feeling of a time and place, and portray a land, Its distinctive
features or culture In Its natural state. There are no geographical limitations. Close-up pictures of people or
objects must include distinguishable environment .Techniques that add to, relocate, replace or remove any
element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted. All adjustments must appear natural.
Conversion to full monochrome is acceptable . Derivations, including infrared, are unacceptable .
PSA Nature Definition
Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict observations from all
branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed
person will be able to identify the subject material and to certify as to its honest presentation. The story
telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high
technical quality. Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements enhance the
nature story. The presence of scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals is permissible.
Photographs of artificially produced hybrid plants or animals, mounted specimens, or obviously set
arrangements, are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic
statement. No techniques that add to, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are
permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or
the pictorial content are permitted. All adjustments must appear natural. Color images can be converted to
grayscale monochrome .Infrared images are not allowed.
Bigger image will be requested from the authors of awarded/accepted entries, for putting print exhibition of
awarded works.
Panel of Judges
Mr. Anil Risal Singh MFIAP, ARPS, Hon. FIP, Hon. Hon.LCC, FSOF, Hon. FPAC
Mr.S.Thippeswamy FRPS, FPSA, EFIAP, Hon. FICS, PPSA
Mr. Suniel Marathe ARPS , APSI, AFIAP, FFIP, FFOF
Mr. Vaibhav Jaguste FFIP, AFIAP, APSI, AIIPC
Following is the Panel of Judges for Various Section
Open Colour
Open Monochrome
Nature & Wild Life
Photo Travel
Mr Anil Risal Singh
Mr Anil Risal Singh
Mr Anil Risal Singh
Mr Anil Risal Singh
Mr Thippeswami S
Mr Thippeswami S
Mr Thippeswami S
Mr Thippeswami S
Mr Vaibhav Jaguste
Mr S Marathe
Mr Vaibhav Jaguste
Mr S Marathe
Total 75 Awards to be won.
PSA Gold Medal in all 4 Sections (Total 4 Gold Medals)
FIAP Gold Medals in all 4 Sections (Total 4 Gold Medals )
FIAP HM Ribbons in each Section (Total 8 HM Ribbons)
FIAP Best Entrant Award (Blue Ribbon)
PSA Three HM Ribbons in each Section (Total 12 HM Ribbons)
FOCI Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals in all 4 Sections ( Total 12 Medals)
Certificate of Merit in Three in each section ( Total 12 )
Best club award / Best Entrant ( Total 2 Medals )
Judges Choice Award Medal each section ( Total 4 Medals)
Thematic Awards (Total 16 )
Monochrome - Figure Study / Architecture / Creative / Best Portrait
Colour - Best candid / Child / Creative / Best Colour Portrait
Nature - Animal Living Together / Bird / Mammal / Insects
Travel - Best Festival / Landscape / Best Monument / Birds Eye View