15 HS catalog 1st print 2


15 HS catalog 1st print 2
For sinLLC
shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the
law butCarolina
under grace.
Romans 6:14
206 North Fork Drive, Anderson, South
Telephone: 864-650-5306
WEB: www.heavenlyseed.net EMAIL: heavenlyseed@bellsouth.net
2015 Catalog
Prices valid until 9-1-2015 Mike Watkins, Owner
ARTICHOKE Green Globe 88 days. Perennial Heirloom grown by
Welcome! Heavenly Seed’s goal is to provide the highest quality
garden seed, flower seed and sweet potato plants at affordable prices
to home gardeners. We are excited to offer locally grown cuttings of
“Pussy Willow” for the production of plants this year. Owner, Mike
Watkins has forty years of experience in the seed industry. Mike and
his wife Pattie manage and operate the family business.
Thomas Jefferson. Sharp spines and globe-shaped heads. Transplant into
the garden after the last frost, cut back in the fall and mulch to protect from
the cold. PKT (50) $2
ASPARAGUS Mary Washington Heirloom introduced by USDA in
1949. Spears are uniform, tender, thick, heavy, straight, dark green with
purplish tip. 3-4 years to establish, first picking in 2 years PKT (300) $2
Enclosed is information on vegetables, Heirloom vegetables, herbs,
flowers, sweet potato plants and pussy willow cuttings available for
spring 2015 planting. For more detailed descriptions of each variety,
please visit our web site.
GREEN BEANS Blue Lake 274 Snap (Bush) 54 days. Heirloom
Excellent eating quality. Produces heavy yields of 6” pods containing
white seeds. Pods fill slowly retaining tenderness for a long period.
Resistant to bean mosaic and is widely adapted. An excellent variety for
canning and freezing. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
We are very happy to offer seed of several non-hybrid vegetable varieties
from the Heirloom Collection of Dr. David Bradshaw (Retired)
Horticulture Dept., Clemson University. Professor, researcher, speaker
and avid gardener, Dr. Bradshaw has been collecting heirloom varieties for
over fifty years.
Contender (Bush) Heirloom 42 days. 1949 Clemson University & USDA
release. Combination of good flavor, disease resistance, and high yields.
Has excellent fresh eating quality. Fairly hardy under adverse conditions.
Resistant to common bean mosaic virus (race 1) and tolerant of powdery
mildew. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
Many of the varieties we offer were developed by state agricultural
experiment stations and USDA plant breeders nationwide. We also offer
several outstanding varieties released by private companies as well as
many varieties that have been organically grown. Look for the Organic
and/or Heirloom following the variety name. All varieties are openpollinated unless designated “Hybrid”. Some hybrid seed may be
treated with a fungicide to enhance germination.
Dwarf Horticulture Taylor Bush (65 days) AKA "Speckled Bays" or
"Cranberry Bean". Pre-1800 Heirloom. Thick and flat 5-6" pods are
mottled with red in the shell stage. Use as green shell bean or as a dry
bean. Does well in cool climates.
PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
Golden Wax Bush 50-60 days. Flat yellow wax, fairly stringless pods. .
Good flavor, eat fresh or can. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
All variety information presented is based on average performance
compiled from numerous sources. Varietal performance can be expected
to vary depending on geographic location, time of planting, climate, soil
and cultural practices. We suggest you contact your local extension
agent to determine if a variety is adapted to your area and for detailed
planting instructions.
Mascotte (Bush) NEW 2014 AAS Winner. Dwarf 16”-18” upright plants
excellent for patio containers. 6” long round, stringless beans with medium
green color. Resistance to anthracnose & pseudomonas. PKT (25) $2
Provider (Bush) 50 days. Pods are round, medium dark green. 5-6"
pods, tender, low in fiber and slow to wilt. Performs well under temperature
extremes. Excellent disease resistance. Compact 20” plants. Released
1965 by Clemson Univ/USDA. Organic PKT (100) $3
Tolerance/resistance T/R indicates the ability of the plant to endure or
restrict the activities of a specific pest or pathogen. Some diseases can
change from one year to the next; therefore T/R can vary from year to
year. Aggressiveness of the pathogen, amount of pathogen present, and
environmental conditions influence degree of T/R. New races or strains
may also occur.
Roma II (Bush) 59 days. A high yielding, disease-resistant, “Italian type”
snap bean, Roma II is stringless, tender, meaty and flavorful. Has light
green, smooth, flat 4-6 inch pods. Slow to develop seed and fiber,
ensuring high eating quality for three weeks or longer. Superb for canning
and freezing. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
All of our seed and plants are produced under strict standards to insure
they are true to type and have good germination. Sweet potato plants will
be shipped as noted in Mid-May to early June. Availability of all seed and
plants is subject to production and demand. In the event we are out of a
variety we will substitute a similar variety or refund your money for that
item. Check our web page for updates on availability and changes.
You may also order securely online using your credit card or PayPal
account. Thank you for your order!
Royalty Purple Pod (Bush) 52 days. Produces 5” round, stringless,
purple-podded snap beans. Plants have short runners and need either
wide row spacing or a fence for climbing. Heirloom Organic PKT (100) $3
NOTE: PKT = Packet (approximate number of seed)
If you have problems with any of our seed, please contact us!
Tendergreen (Bush) 52 to 54 days. Heirloom introduced in 1922.
Tolerant to mosaic. Vines medium large, 18-20" tall. Pods 5-6" long,
nearly round, green, tender, stringless with rich flavor. Can or freeze. Dark
purple seed mottled with tan. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not
be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV
Build ye houses and dwell in them and plant gardens and eat the
fruits of them. Jeremiah 29:5
Blue Lake Pole 65-75 days. Vigorous 7 ft. tall Heirloom made Oregon's
Willamette Valley famous in the 1960s for canning beans. The straight,
smooth, dark green 6” pods are crisp and stringless. Harvested at their
peak, they are tender, meaty, and full of hearty, fresh bean flavor. Use
fresh as snap or shell beans, canned, frozen or dried. Heirloom.
PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5 Organic PKT (100) $3
Mountaineer White Half Runner 60 days. Use this Heirloom as snap
beans when young and shell beans at late maturity. Four inch, slender
pods are round, light green and fiberless at all edible stages. White seed
have a rich “beany” taste. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $6
Pink Half Runner 50 days but many gardeners leave at least part of the
crop on the vines for 85 days and watch the dark green pods slowly turn
red as they mature. A beautiful snap bean that can be enjoyed fresh off
the vine, canned or dried. Peanut bean taste PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $6
Cherokee Trail of Tears Pole (Phaseolus vulgaris) 85 days. Heirloom
also known as Cherokee Black. Cherokee ancestors carried this bean over
the Trail of Tears, the infamous winter death march from the Smoky
Mountains to Oklahoma (1838-1839), leaving a trail of 4,000 graves.
Green 6" pods with purple overlay, shiny jet-black seeds. Good for snap
beans and dry beans. Pole habit, snap or dry. PKT (50) $2 (200) $6
State Half Runner 55-60 days. Short, 3' semi-vining plants produce 4"
light green, short, flat oval, meaty but stringy tender pods that have a
sweet, bean taste. Popular in the south as a shelling bean but may also be
used as a snap or green bean. Can or freeze.. High yielding, bushy vines
do not require staking. White seeded. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $6
Greasy Cut Short Pole Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: Dick
Baird, Pickens, SC. Cut Short beans are said to have derived their name
because the seeds grow so closely together in the pods that the seed ends
are flattened or "cut short". This variety has a slick or "greasy" pod.
Excellent for fresh consumption, but in earlier times it was a favorite for
drying as "leather breeches beans". Often seen strung like peppers on a
string hanging on the porch, the beans were soaked in water overnight to
reconstitute before cooking slowly for hours with a ham hock for flavoring.
Trellis this variety. Organic PKT (50) $3 (150) $6
LIMA or BUTTERBEANS Cangreen Bush 68 days. Heirloom.
Small, flat, light green seed. 1943 AAS winner. PKT (150) $2
½ LB. $5
Christmas Pole 85-90 days. Heirloom also known as the Calico Lima
Bean. Introduced to the US in 1840. Long season lima bean grown
primarily for its beautiful seeds which are light cream color variegated in a
deep maroon. Aggressive plants may reach heights of well over 10 feet
and must be trellised. The plants produce an abundance of 4 - 6" pods
containing 4 or 5 beans. The beans can be used either shelled or dry and
turn a pink-brown color when cooked. The beans have a rich, buttery flavor
which is milder than other lima bean varieties. PKT (50) $2 ½ LB. $5
Juanita Smith Pole Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Mr. Oliver Ridley,
Mtn. Rest, SC grew this bean for almost 50 years after receiving it from
Juanita Smith, who had grown it for 50-60 years before. He often planted
them among his field corn to provide them a trellis. Plants produce an
abundant crop of medium sized round beans with black & white appaloosa
speckled seed. Tender round pods are useful in French style bean recipes
and salads. Organic PKT (50) $3 (150) $6
Fordhook 242 Bush 75 days. Heirloom All America Selection 1945.
Widely adapted large seeded. Well suited for fresh market, canning or
freezing. 3-4 plump beans per pod. PKT (50) $2 ½ LB. $5
Kentucky Wonder Pole An old brown seeded favorite introduced before
1864. Resistant to bean rust. Round pods are about 8 inches long,
stringless and tender when small. Use fresh, can, freeze, or as a dry bean.
Heirloom 65 days. PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
Griggs Sieva Pole Crop Failure - Not available in 2015
Henderson Bush 65 days. Early maturing Heirloom baby lima for market
and home gardens. Very productive for canning and freezing. Pods are 34” with 3-4 creamy white seeds. Introduced 1888.PKT (100) $2 ½ LB. $5
McCaslan Pole 66 days. An old Southern Heirloom favorite introduced
in 1912 by the McCaslan family of Georgia. All-purpose stringless bean,
superior quality and prolific producer. Green pods are up to 8” long Use as
snap (green or string), shelled or dry bean PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $6
Jackson Wonder Bush 65 days. An early, drought hardy and heat
resistant medium size Heirloom lima for processing and home gardens.
Pod is 3.25” long, broad and flat. Seed are buff-brown with dark reddish
brown mottling. Bush plant height – 20 in. PKT (100) $2
½ LB. $5
Rattlesnake Pole 60-85 days. Bradshaw Heirloom Favorite This bean
probably derived its name from the dark brown and light brown to cream
mottling on the seed reminiscent of a rattlesnake's color. It also has
striking purple striped markings on the growing pods, which will disappear
when the bean is cooked. Good for both fresh consumption and for
canning. This bean is esteemed by people who enjoy a "shelly bean". The
7-8” pods remain tender even after seeds are developing within the pod. It
is a vigorous grower and a prolific producer when provided a sturdy trellis
and sufficient water. PKT (50) $2 ½ LB $7
Loudermilk Pole Butterbeans Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Similar
to another butterbean called ‘Snow on the Mountain’. It is half snow white
with the remainder spotted in sharp contrast with black. Prolific producer
requires a trellis and produces until frost in the fall. New growth runners
later in the season. Shear to increase pod set. PKT (50) $3 (100) $5
Multicolored Pole Butterbean 85 days. NEW Heirloom small seeded
variety with great flavor and good disease resistance. Rainbow of colors
with speckles and swirls of cream, beige, red-brown and violet-purple.
Organic PKT (50) $3 (100) $5
Turkey Gizzard Pole Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Newton, Clemson, SC. In 1802 a settler in Kentucky killed a wild
turkey. While cleaning the turkey, he discovered two unusual seeds in the
gizzard. Curious to see what they might produce he planted them. Very
vigorous growing, the turkey gizzard bean should be provided a sturdy
trellis and planted early. This bean is well suited to canning and has a
tasty nutty flavor when cooked. Attractive marshmallow cream and brown
appaloosa pattern seeds. PKT (50) $3 PKT (100) $5
Willowleaf Pole Butterbeans Bradshaw Heirloom Collection This
running butterbean variety has been in the family of Dr. Bradshaw for 150
years. Unlike most butterbeans, the leaves of this variety are very slender
and willow shaped. This makes picking the beans easier and also
discourages the Mexican bean beetle. Pods often produce four beans,
and sometimes five beans per pod. Late summer sidedressing with
nitrogen and irrigation will stimulate a vigorous fall crop. A stout trellis
is recommended for this vigorous bean which produces right up to the first
frost. Best flavor if used fresh or frozen. PKT (50) $2 (150) $5
Zelma Zesta Pole NEW From the Heirloom collection of Rodger Winn,
organic heirloom seed producer in SC. The pole bean was developed by
his wife’s uncle J. C. Metze over 70 years ago. This Heirloom is best
used when pods are pencil size. It is very productive and produces reliably
in the summer months here in the South. Pods have purple markings and
6 1/2" to 7" long with 6-8 seeds per pod. Vines 7'- 8'. Seeds are tan with
brown specks. Organic PKT (50) $3 (150) $6
But if we walk in the light as Christ is in the light, we have fellowship
with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses
us from all sin. 1 John 1:7
BUTTER PEA (Lima) Dixie White Bush Butter Pea 70 days
BEET Bull’s Blood 60 days. European Heirloom Tasty, sweet, dark
red roots may be pickled, baked or frozen. Beautifully colored, tender and
sweet tops mature in 35 days. Use in gourmet salads. PKT (500) $2
Heirloom 16-24” bush variety. Does well in hot, dry weather. Early and
productive. Delicious, butterbean flavor. Excellent flavor and highly
regarded in the South. PKT (150) $2 ½ LB $5
Chioggia 60 days. Also called Bull’s Eye, this Heirloom was introduced
to American gardeners in the late 1840’s from Italy. Uniquely beautiful
flesh has alternating red and white concentric rings that resemble a bull'seye. Very tender, nice for eating and pickling. Retains markings if baked
whole and sliced just before serving. Mild flavored tops can be used raw or
cooked. PKT (500 ) $2
Speckled Dixie Bush Butter Pea 75 days. Southern favorite. Produces
bushy, vigorous two foot plants with tremendous yield of slightly curved, 4”
long pods with 3-4 small reddish-brown beans mottled with a darker brown
color. Wonderful used fresh or dried. PKT (150) $2 ½ LB $5
Alabama Speckled Pole Butter Pea 70 days. Heirloom The first
speckled pole butter pea I’ve found. Vigorous plants that reach about ten
feet in height and give a tremendous yield of slightly curved, 4” long pods
with 3-4 speckled beans. Organic PKT (50) $3
Cylindra (Butter Slicer or Formanova) 45-80 days. This Danish variety
produces a 6-8" carrot shaped beet making it ideal for slicing. It produces
many more uniform slices than globe shaped varieties. Sweet, tender, and
smooth skinned with small, edible, reddish green tops.
Organic PKT (300) $2
Whitfield Pole Butter Pea Bradshaw Heirloom Collection First
selected as a rogue off-type from other garden vegetable seeds in 1950 by
the late Levis Whitfield of Anderson, SC. This variety was passed on to his
son, Donnie Whitfield. Donnie grew them until his death in the 1990’s.
Since that time they were preserved in a home freezer until his niece,
Deborah, shared them with us. We found them to be very prolific and
quite tasty. A running vine type that needs to be trellised. For best results,
plant 18-24” apart. Organic PKT (50) $3
(100) $5
Detroit Dark Red 60 days. Introduced in 1892, this Heirloom may be the
most popular garden variety today. 3" globe shaped, smooth roots with
dark red flesh, sweet and excellent quality also store well. Red stemmed
green tops highly regarded for taste. PKT (500) $2
Early Wonder 50 days. This Heirloom was introduced in the early 1900’s
and is a great all-purpose beet. Roots are crimson red flesh and flattened
globe-shaped. Succulent tops are dark green. PKT (500) $2
MISC BEANS Black Turtle Bush 90 days. Latin America Heirloom
dating back to the 1700’s. Bush plants produce small jet black beans
wonderful for soups, stews and refrying. PKT (100) $2
Green Top Bunching 52 days. 12" plant produces good yields of bright
red beets and bright green tops. Quality Heirloom suitable for slicing and
dicing. Organic PKT (300) $2
Envy Vegetable Soybean 75 days. Well established short season favorite
developed by E. M. Meader, UNH. Upright 2' tall plants bear a good crop
of bright green beans early for fresh shelling or drying. Eaten in the fresh
shell stage, green seeded soybeans have a delicious, buttery flavor and
tender-firm texture. They are better adapted to Northern growing
conditions than lima beans, and have more protein and better yields.
Fresh green soybeans freeze very well and are more easily digested than
dry soybeans. PKT (100) $3
Lutz Green Leaf 76 days. This very sweet, old-fashioned Heirloom is an
excellent keeper. 4-6” slightly elongated roots are deep purple and retain
sweetness and texture even when large. Spring sown beets are harvested
in the fall. Fall leaves are tender enough to be used in salads. An allpurpose beet for fresh use and the best for fall harvest and winter storage.
PKT (500) $2
Pinto Bush 95 days. Pods are three to four inches long, flat, and green.
Can be used for snap beans when young and tender but primarily grown to
maturity and used as a dry bean PKT (100) $2 ½ LB $5
BROCCOLI Calabrese 60-80 days. Heirloom introduced in the
1880’s by Italian immigrants. Produces edible side shoots after the 4-6"
central head is harvested. Good choice for freezing. PKT (1000) $2
Yardlong or Noodle Asparagus Pole Bean – 75 days This Bradshaw
Heirloom Favorite, is actually in the same species as cowpeas. Brought
to America in the 1880s by Chinese emigrants working on the railroads.
Frequently the two feet long slender, tender pods are harvested in the
immature stage and stir fried in oriental dishes. Use the mature seeds as
"dry peas" with a piece of ham hock. Wait to plant until at least the first
week in July for more vigorous growth and less chance for insect damage.
Prefers the hottest summer days and produces prolifically in late summerearly fall. PKT (50) $3 (100) $5
Di Ciccio 50-70 days. Old reliable open pollinated Heirloom introduced in
1890. Compact plants (24-36") produce a central 3-4" head with
numerous side shoots. An excellent home garden variety. Excellent for
fall planting. Organic PKT (500) $2
Waltham 29 60-90 days. Widely adapted Heirloom. Developed to
mature in cold weather (fall planting). Produces 4-8" heads and lateral
buds for extended harvest. Good for freezing. PKT (1000) $2
Purple Sprouting 60 days. Grown by the Romans, this Heirloom has
been grown in England for two hundred years. Plant produces very
flavorful heads of purple broccoli that turn green when cooked. Once the
main head is removed this variety will continuously produce many
offshoots during the season. Also can be used as a sprouting broccoli.
Plant late winter/early spring. Excellent for garnishes or using fresh in
salads. Extremely easy to grow hardy winter vegetable. PKT (250) $2
Scarlet Runner Pole 65 days. Ornamental-Heirloom dating back to
1750. Good for use as either small snaps, sliced pods or green shells,
and often used in place of lima beans in cooler climates. Also, grown as an
ornamental. The vining plants require a trellis. Rich red-orange pea
shaped flowers cover the vines most of the summer. PKT (15) $2
Velvet Beans Bradshaw Heirloom Favorite NOT FOR HUMAN
CONSUMPTION. Legume that was widely grown up until about 1900 as a
summer cover crop. Vigorous running plants produce a mass of foliage
that shades out bermuda grass & nutsedge. Hardy, vigorous, and virtually
pest free, it helps break the nematode cycle and adds nitrogen and organic
matter. Plant seeds 3 ft. apart. PKT (15) $2 JUMBO PKT (40) $5
Broccoli Raab Spring Rapini 90-120 days. Brassica rapa ruvo
Traditional Italian Heirloom combines qualities of mustard greens and
broccoli for salads and light cooking. There is no central head but many
strong leaves and side shoots with coin size green buds both of which are
harvested. Best grown in spring and summer months but will not tolerate
more than a light frost in autumn. Cut and bunch entire plants or pick just
buds for extended harvest. Organic PKT (250) $2
And have rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them
the corn of heaven. Psalms 78:24
Parisian Carrot 60 days. Deep orange oval shaped Heirloom carrot that
will grow in heavy soils. Excellent for containers. Organic PKT (300) $2
BRUSSEL SPROUTS Catskill 90-110 days. Introduced in 1941,
this widely adapted Heirloom is still the best garden variety for sustained
production. Compact plants (20-24") produce dark green, large 1½"
sprouts, closely packed on the stem. PKT (500) $2
Rainbow Blend Heirloom 70 days. A colorful mixture of red, orange,
purple, white and yellow baby carrots. PKT (300) $2
Long Island 95-110 days. Heirloom dating back to the 1890s. Vigorous,
compact (24-30 in.) plant loads up with excellent yields of 1-2 inch round,
tight, dark-green sprouts over an extended period. Succulent and tender
when steamed. Best for late fall and winter harvests as a few frosts will
improve the flavor. A good variety for freezing. PKT (500) $2
CAULIFLOWER Snowball Self-Blanching 68 days. Heirloom
developed at MSU. A work-saving variety with self-wrapping leaves which
protect the white curds from heat and sunlight during late summer or early
fall. No tying of the leaves is necessary unless heads grow larger than 6
inches in diameter. During hot weather growth slows until cooler weather
arrives, thus preventing formation of undersized heads. PKT (500) $2
CABBAGE Charleston Wakefield 82 days. Popular Heirloom with
cabbage lovers since 1892. Produces 4-6 lb. heads. PKT (1000) $2
Snowball Y Improved 75 days. Heirloom plant produces very flavorful,
pure white, 6" diameter heads. This is a self-blanch variety as the leaves
curl around heads protecting them from sun. Good choice for the home
garden and market grower. Organic PKT (300) $2
Chieftain Savoy NEW 95 days. Heirloom 1938 AAS winner. This large
drumhead-type has dark blue-green finely-crinkled, savoyed leaves that
are mild and sweet in flavor; compact short-stemmed plants. Heads 6-8
pounds. Can withstand fall frost and is winter hardy. PKT (500) $2
CELERY Tall Utah 52-70 110 days. Heirloom released in 1953 Tall
Utah produces 11” stalks on plants that reach 24-30” in height and medium
dark green, crisp, tender and tasty. A very popular tall green celery for
late fall use and winter storage. Organic PKT (1000) $2
Danish Ballhead 100 days. Heirloom introduced in 1887. Produces 5-7
pound round, blue-green, 7-8” diameter heads. A dependable variety,
resists bolting and splitting and keeps until late spring. PKT (1000) $2
CHICORY Sugar Loaf Cichorum intybus 80 days. Sugarloaf type
chicory with highly desirable cos-type heads. For summer or fall culture,
mild flavor, self-blanching. PKT (1000) $2
Jersey Wakefield 75 days. This Heirloom had its origin in England in
the late 1700’s first grown in Jersey City in 1840. Generally grown for
summer harvest but does over-winter well. 7" green tender heads weigh
3-5 lbs. and have an excellent flavor PKT (1000) $2
COLLARDS Champion 78 days. Improved Vates Selection. Dark
Green and large cabbage-like leaves retain springtime eating quality up to
two weeks longer than other Vates types. PKT ½ OZ (2500 ) $2
Pak Choi White Stem 45 days. Forms 8-12" wide celery like stalks. Large
and smooth green leaves have a mildly pungent flavor. Grows fast. Slow
to bolt. Use stalks and leaves in stir-fry and soups PKT (500) $2
Georgia Southern 80 days. 30-35" tall, upright, large blue-green
crumpled leaves. Leafy non-heading Heirloom plant. PKT ½ OZ (2500) $2
Red Acre Heirloom 75-100 days. Compact plants produce solid,
flavorful, 5-7" diameter, round, flattened, red-purple colored 2-4 lb. heads
Resistant to yellowing and splitting. Organic PKT (300) $2
Morris Heading aka Cabbage Collards 80 days. Heirloom Produces
leaves in a head similar to a cabbage in taste and appearance. The
medium green leaves are tender and delicious. Tolerant of heat and cold.
PKT ½ OZ (2500) $2
Vates 75 days. Heirloom Large dark green leaves with mild cabbage
like flavor. PKT ½ OZ (2500 ) $2
Savoy Perfection NEW 90 days. Heirloom Tender, sweet, crinkled
leaves. Large crisp heads with mild flavor. PKT (500) $2
CARROT Chantenay Red Cored 70 days. Heirloom, developed in
France in the 1830’s, has 5" long, tender, sweet, bright orange roots.
Adaptable to heavy soils. PKT (2000) $2
CORN-Open Pollinated
Hickory King White Dent 115 days. Heirloom dating back to 1875. 7-9
foot plants. 7-8" ears with 10-12 rows of large white kernels. Considered
one of the best varieties for hominy, it can also be used for roasting ears,
grits, or corn meal. PKT (150) $2 ½ LB. $5
Danvers 126 72 days. Stocky Heirloom with broad shoulders up to 2"
wide & tapered V-shaped 6-8” root. Roots are bright, deep-orange.
Suitable for canning, freezing, storing, and juicing. Thrives in heavy soils
and tolerates some heat.. PKT (2000) $2
Organic PKT (1000) $2
John Haulk Corn Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: Oliver
Ridley, Mountain Rest, SC. This hardy Heirloom yellow corn has been
grown in the foothills of SC for over 100 years. Mr.Ridley gave this variety
to Dr. Bradshaw in 1992 and had grown this corn for over 50 years. He
obtained his seed from John Haulk who had grown it for over 50 years in
the same area. A hardy corn which grows to 12-15 feet tall, it is suitable
for table use, excellent for grinding for corn meal, and also makes an
excellent animal feed. It is very resistant to both insects and to damage by
molds, rot, etc. Dr. Bradshaw has grown this corn several years and
especially enjoys grinding it for corn meal. Plants should be spaced two
feet apart and hilled to prevent lodging during high winds.
PKT (100) $3 (200) $5
Imperator 58 NEW Heirloom 70 days. Slender, 8-9” roots are sweet,
tender and deep orange color. Does best in loose soils. PKT (2000) $2
Little Finger 50-60 days. Baby Heirloom gourmet carrot, color develops
quickly, can pull early, 3" long x 1" wide, cylindrical blunt roots, very small
core, smooth skin, deep orange color, small weak tops. Developed for
canning & pickling whole, must be harvested early. PKT (2000) $2
Mokum 60 days. Hybrid Excellent choice for the home garden. Very
juicy, sweet, almost coreless, early bunching with slender 6" roots. Fine
“baby” carrot due to its high sugar content & rapid coloring. PKT (300) $2
Mountain Rest White Favorite Bradshaw Heirloom Collection 115
days. 12 ft. tall plants. 12-18” ears. Suitable for table use & corn meal.
PKT (100) $3
(200) $5
Nantes Heirloom 70 days. For over 100 years Nantes type carrots
have been a favorite of home gardeners for their flavor & attractive
appearance. Cylindrical roots are 1½" x 6" with a blunt end. Orange flesh,
nearly coreless, sweet, tender and crisp. Good for storage, freezing and
juice. PKT (2000) $2
Organic PKT (1000) $2
Pencil Cob 80-100 days. Sometimes called Tennessee Red Cob corn.
This southern Heirloom has existed since the late 1800’s. Produces
yellow shoepeg kernals. The plants are very sturdy and are often grown in
an intercropping system to provide support for pole beans. Each ear is
medium large in size. Excellent for roasting ears. PKT (150) $2 ½ LB. $5
Armenian Cucumis melo var. flexuosus 60-70 days. Heirloom from the
1400’s. Slender burpless fruit is usually about 3’ long and 3” diameter.
Tastes and looks like a cucumber but is a variety of melon. Best used
when 12-18". Thrives in hot weather. PKT (100) $2
Boston Pickling Improved 55 days. Released in the late 1800’s. A
dependable Heirloom variety that bears over a long period of time if kept
picked. Blocky, bright green fruits perfect for pickling PKT (100) $2
Reids Yellow Dent 85-110 days. This productive, hardy Heirloom corn
was a prize winner at the 1893 World’s Fair. Developed by James L. Reid
in northern Illinois from a Gordon Hopkins cross his father brought from
Brown County, Ohio in 1846. Vigorous 6-7' plants with 9-10" well-filled
ears. Use for roasting ears. PKT (150) $2 ½ LB. $5
Bush Pickle NEW 50 days. Heirloom 24"-36" vines are great for small
gardens or containers. Produces 4"-5" long fruit. PKT (20) $2
Truckers Favorite White 115 days. Heirloom 8-9’ plants produce 8-10”
ears. Grind for flour or use for livestock feed. PKT (150) $2 ½ LB. $5
Calypso 56 days. High yielding pickling hybrid developed by N.C. State
Univ. Blocky shape, medium dark green, white spines. Compact plant.
Excellent disease resistance/tolerance. PKT (100) $2
Indian 100-110 days. Rainbow colored Indian corn. PKT (150) $2
Carolina 55 days. Hybrid pickling cucumber with medium dark green,
straight, well-shaped, white spined fruit. Resistant to a broad disease
complex. Developed by Clemson University. PKT (100) $2
Strawberry 100 days. Crimson-mahogany colored with 2-3” ears that look
like a strawberry. Good as popcorn or ornamental uses. PKT (100) $3
Diva NEW Tender, crisp, sweet, bitter-free and seedless AAS winner.
Best eaten small (4-6”). Gynoecious and parthenocarpic. PKT (20) $2
SWEET CORN-Open Pollinated
Country Gentleman Heirloom 92 days. Often called "Shoe-peg".
Popular in Mid-Atlantic region for over 100 years. 6-8" ears are tightly
packed with round, white, deep kernels arranged in irregular fashion
instead of rows. Sweet, white and milky kernels with a wonderful flavor.
Freeze or make cream style corn. Eat or freeze immediately after harvest
while sugar is highest. PKT (100) $3 (200) $5
Lemon 65 days. This unique Heirloom was introduced in 1894. The
small, lemon shaped cucumbers are pale yellow when mature, with mild,
crisp, white flesh. Use for pickling, slicing and in salads. Very easy to
digest. PKT (100) $2
Long Green Improved 65 days. This Heirloom dates back to the mid1800’s. Vigorous and productive plants produce 10-12" dark green fruits
with black spines. Excellent slicing cucumber. PKT (50) $2
Golden Bantam (8 Row) 7 in. ears, two per stalk. Early main crop for the
home garden with excellent sweet flavor. This Heirloom has been the
standard yellow sweet corn for American home gardens for more than 100
years. PKT (100) $3 (200) $5
Marketmore 76 68 days. Open-pollinated slicer developed by Cornell
University. Fruit: very dark green color, 8-9", straight, uniform. T/R:
cucumber mosaic, scab, powdery & downy mildew. PKT (100) $2
Stowell's Evergreen 80-100 days. Bradshaw Favorite The original
strain of this open-pollinated Heirloom was bred by Nathaniel Newman
Stowell and introduced by a “so-called” friend to the seed trade in 1848.
After 150 years, this variety is still one of the leading white varieties for
home gardens and market growers. 7-9" ears with 14-18 rows of kernels,
1-2 ears per stalk. PKT(100) $3 (200) $5
Muncher 62 days Heirloom Strong, vigorous vines that prolifically
produce smooth, tender 6-9”. Good slicer that does not get bitter and is
burpless. Mosaic virus resistance. PKT (50) $2
Poinsett 76 65 days. Slicing type. Fruit: dark green, 7-8", smooth,
cylindrical with well-rounded ends. Heavy yielder. PKT (100) $2
Merit Hybrid. 80 days. This widely adapted variety has been a favorite
for over thirty years. Large uniform heavy ears, well filled with straight
rows of deep, narrow, bright yellow kernels of excellent flavor. Sugar
converts to starch rapidly after harvest. Plants 6-7’ tall are vigorous and
very productive. T/R: bacterial wilt, common smut, corn leaf blight and
one strain of maize dwarf mosaic virus.
Treated Seed PKT (150) $3 ½ LB. $10
Spacemaster 80 60 days. Heirloom Dwarf bush type plants produce 8"
fruit with excellent flavor and disease resistance. Use for salad or pickles.
Ideal for containers. Excellent disease resistance/tolerance. PKT (50) $2
Straight Eight 65 days. This Heirloom was a 1935 All American winner.
Smooth, straight, dark green, 8” fruits. A good slicing variety. PKT (50) $2
Silver King Hybrid. 84 days. If you like Silver Queen then consider this
sugar enhanced home garden winner! Matures 10-12 days earlier than
Silver Queen. Sturdy 6' plants with fancy 8" ears with white kernals.
Good disease tolerance. Treated Seed PKT (150) $3 ½ LB. $10
Sumter 50 days. Standard for pickles. Straight, symmetrical green fruits
to 6" are tasty & firm. Good disease resistance & very productive.
Developed by Clemson University. Organic PKT (50) $2
Suyo Long NEW Sweet flavored, bitter free, ribbed fruits growing up to
15” long. This long fruited variety should be trellised. Widely adapted.
PKT (20) $2
Silver Queen Hybrid. 94 days. After more than 30 years, Silver Queen
remains a favorite late white corn. The 8 inch ears fill to the tip with 14-16
rows of tender, sweet white kernels with excellent flavor. Kernels contain
moderate degrees of sugar and convert to starch rapidly after harvest.
Treated Seed PKT (150) $3 ½ LB. $10
Tasty Green Burpless 62 days. Japanese “Burpless” monoecious
variety. Fruit has shallow ridges on dark green skin, 12” long, slender and
gets snake-like if grown on the ground. PKT (20) $2
Arkansas Little Leaf 55 days. The parthenocarpic
flowers (sets fruit without pollination) produce fruit under heat stress.
Medium-sized, blocky fruits. Slicing and pickling. Organic PKT (50) $2
Tendergreen Burpless 60-65 days. 8-10" fruit are dark-green, non-bitter,
acid free. Resistant to downy & powdery mildew. PKT (50) $2
Ashley 66 days. 1956 Clemson University Heirloom is recommended for
hot, humid areas. Productive vines produce 7-8 inch dark-green fruits,
tapered on the stem end. PKT (100) $2
White Wonder 60 days. Heirloom, dates back to 1893, matures to a
lovely ivory white color. Pick small for pickles. Very productive in hot
weather. PKT (100) $2
Red Russian 40-60 days Popular Heirloom introduced in 1885. Very
colorful and flavorful variety that grows 2' tall. Leaves are bitter-free, very
tender, and are intersected by purple-pink veins, lightly tinged with purple
on the margins. In cold weather the leaves turn reddish-purple and are
very attractive. Produces an early crop of very tender, mild sweet flavored
leaves. Organic PKT (500) $3
EGGPLANT Black Beauty 80 days. Heirloom introduced in 1902.
Fruits are dark purple, high-quality, 6-1/2" long by 5" in diameter and may
weigh 3 lbs. (best when harvested smaller). PKT (100) $2
Long Purple 80 days. Italian type 24-30" plants produce four or more 2"
in diameter and 8-10" in length, dark purple fruit. PKT (100) $2
Siberian 65 days Extremely hardy, rapid growing, huge blue green
slightly curled feather shaped leaves, non-heading 12-16 inch plants. Sow
spring or fall. Light frost improves tenderness and flavor. PKT (1000) $2
ENDIVE Batavian 90 days. 1934 AAS Heirloom produces large, thick,
dark green, frilly 10-12" leaves. Compact head and easy blanching.
Tasty, tender with a pleasant flavor. PKT (1000) $2
Vates Blue Curled Slow bolting Scotch type, finely curled blue green
leaves, low growing, 12-16" tall x 24" in diameter, short stem, hardy,
especially tender after light frost, does not yellow from frost or heat, hardy,
sow early spring-July, non-heading. PKT (1000) $2
Green Curled Ruffec 80-100 days. This Heirloom, dating back to 1870,
is hardy and resistant to wet and cold weather. 'Frisee' type with deeply
cut, dark green leaves. Sow in summer or fall. PKT (1000) $2
GOURDS Birdhouse Bradshaw Heirloom Selection Dr. Bradshaw
KOHLRABI Early White Vienna 50 days. 2” bulb is pale green with
tender, white, crisp flesh. PKT (500) $2
has selected for 40 years for shape and rind thickness. The “perfect”
Martin house. PKT (10) $2
Purple Vienna 55 days. Crisp, 2-3” bulbs have tender, white flesh and
colorful purple skins. PKT (500) $2
Bottle Lagenaria siceraria 100-120 days. Originated in Africa dating back
to 3500 BC. This Heirloom is easy to grow and almost free from disease
and insect attacks. PKT (15) $2
LEEKS Large American Flag 130 days. One of the best varieties for
Bushel Lagenaria siceraria 120 days. Gigantic 3-4’ feet in diameter &
weigh 50+ lbs. Excellent for making crafts. PKT (15) $2
many years. Thick necks, vigorous plants, outstanding quality with mild,
sweet onion flavor. PKT (500) $2
Healing Squash Bradshaw Heirloom Collection When young, fruit can
be eaten as other squash. Source: Edith & Bill Gambrel, Clayton, GA.
Although the common name of this vegetable is "squash", it is an edible
Cuccuzi gourd. It originally came from Italy and has been maintained in
the family almost 200 years. Like most other gourds, they are rampant
growers and enjoy a stout trellis for best growth and fruit development.
However, they will run freely over the ground. Pick when 6-10 inches long
and use like summer squash. When young, half the fruit can be cut off for
eating as other squash. Remaining fruit will heal itself and continue to
grow, hence the name "healing squash". Fruit may reach 3-4 feet long
and look like a club. PKT (15) $2
LETTUCE Black Seeded Simpson Heirloom 46 days. A real old timer
(1850) still very popular. Loose, light green crinkly leaves retain their crisp,
tender eating qualities longer than most other leaf lettuce varieties. Best
for early spring and fall crops. PKT (1000) $2 Organic (1000) $3
Buttercrunch 65 days. 1963 All-America selection butterhead type
released by Cornell University. Excellent for home gardens. Medium size
head with smooth dark green crisp leaves. Slow bolting & heat tolerant.
PKT (1000) $2 Organic (1000) $3
Cimmaron Romaine 60-70 days. Heirloom 10-12 inch deep-red heads,
good flavor, crisp tender texture, virtually impervious to bolting. Broad, flat,
crisp leaves range from dark red to bronze. PKT (1000) $2
Long Handle Dipper 120 days. Neck is long and makes a perfect handle
when dried and the bulb end is cut into the shape of a dipper. PKT (15) $2
Dark Green Cos 70 days. Plant produces flavorful dark green heads of
romaine lettuce. Leaves are loosely folded on heads. PKT (1000) $2
Luffa Sponge Heirloom grown for many generations to provide natural
sponge-like scouring pads suitable for scrubbing floors, automobiles, and
are even used as shower sponges and for facials. The immature 5-6"
fruits are edible and may be cut up and fried much like okra. Sponges
obtained from the mature dried fruits will last for many years. This is a
very aggressive vine and should be provided with a sturdy trellis in full sun.
Rich green foliage with contrasting bright yellow flowers late into the
season make this an attractive ornamental vine to screen off unsightly
views. PKT (25) $2
Green Salad Bowl 50 days. 1952 All-America Selection released by
USDA. This high-quality loose leaf type is ideal for home gardens. Large
upright plants form a rosette of tender light green leaves. Slow to bolt.
Heirloom PKT (1000) $2 Organic PKT(1000) $3
Iceberg (Head) 82 days. Heirloom Medium size, light green with a tinge
of brown, tightly folded, crinkled. Crisp white interior. PKT (1000) $2
Ornamental Egg Gourds Bradshaw Heirloom Collection This delightful
little ornamental gourd has been grown by Dr. Bradshaw over forty years.
It has a vigorous habit of growth with rich green foliage, and it flowers
prolifically. Displayed on a large trellis, its many snow white, egg-shaped
fruit appear in marked contrast to the foliage. The dried gourds are almost
indistinguishable from brown hen eggs and are quite useful for arts &
crafts. PKT (15) $2
Oakleaf 48 days. This leaf lettuce Heirloom dates back to 1771. Thin,
light green, oak shaped leaves makes delicious addition to salads. Can
stand some hot weather. PKT (1000) $2
Parris Island Cos 66 days. Widely adapted Heirloom Romaine type
developed by USDA & Clemson University. Upright 8-10" plants. Interior
is pale green to cream with grayish green, slightly savoyed outer leaves.
Good field holding ability. Mosaic tolerance. PKT (1000) $2
KALE Lacinato 60 days. Italian Heirloom dates to the 18th century
has blue-green, savoyed leaves 3" wide x 10" long. Ornamental as well as
edible. Flavor is enhanced by frost, extremely winter hardy. Best quality is
produced where summers are cool or when it is grown into the fall or
winter. Best eaten when small and tender. PKT (500) $2
Red Deer Tongue Loose Leaf 50-70 days. Very popular Heirloom
named for its pointed leaves with red edges. Heat tolerant and less prone
to bolting under high temps. Good texture and rich nutty flavor. Widely
adaptable and tolerant of different climates. An excellent choice for home
gardens. PKT (1000) $2
Red Romaine 70 days. Useful and colorful tart addition to any salad, 1012 inch heads. Color varies from green to deep red to bronze. Dark color
develops best in cool weather, gourmet variety. PKT (1000) $2
Hale’s Best 85 days. Heirloom introduced in the 1920’s. Large, (3-5 lbs)
oval fruit. Thick, salmon-orange, very sweet flesh. Resists powdery
mildew. PKT (50) $2
Red Sails AAS winner. Heirloom Slow bolting ruffled, green leaf lettuce
with ruffled, fringed leaves & burgundy tips. Resist tipburn. PKT (500) $3
Hearts of Gold 70-95 days. Aromatic sweet deep orange flesh very thick,
firm, small cavity, nearly round 6.5 x 5.5". diameter, 3-4 lbs. PKT (50) $2
Red Salad Bowl 50 days Loose leaf Heirloom similar to Green Salad
bowl with reddish-bronze color. Introduced in 1955. Attractive plants
have a sweet flavor and are slow to bolt. PKT (1000) $2
Honeydew Green Flesh 105-115 days. Smooth, creamy white rind with
high sugar content, luscious, thick green flesh. PKT (50) $2
Honey Rock 80 days. An early Heirloom melon, 3-4 lbs., thick sweet firm
deep-salmon flesh. 1933 AAS winner. PKT (50) $2
Rouge de Hiver Leaf 60 days. This heat tolerant European Heirloom
dates back to 1880’s. Large, flat, broad leaves vary in color (green,
bronze, deep red) have a sweet buttery flavor. Organic PKT(1000) $3
Iroquois 80-90 days. Coarse heavy net melon, oval shape, 7 x 6 in.
diameter, 5-7 lbs. Thick, sweet deep orange flesh. Excellent choice for the
mid-west and northeast. PKT (50) $2
Speckles 40-45 days. Mennonite Heirloom dates back to 1799. Bright
red speckles on lime green leaves with a buttery taste. This hardy butterhead type is slow to bolt. PKT (500) $2
Prizehead 50 days. Non-heading, leaf type. The leaves are upright,
deeply curled, broad and light green. Heirloom PKT (1000) $2
Mainstream 90 days. Small compact plant. 4 lb. cantaloupes with bright
orange flesh high in vitamin C. This variety does well in wet or humid
conditions. Rated by many as one of the best tasting cantaloupes of all
time. Excellent for home gardens and market growers. PKT (50) $2
Tom Thumb 70 days. Heirloom dates back to 1850. Compact plants
with small tennis ball sized heads. The sweet leaves are medium green,
slightly crumpled with creamy yellow center. Easy to grow. PKT (1000) $2
Minnesota Midget Melon 60-100 days. Heirloom Compact, 3 ft. vines.
4" melons, thick meaty gold yellow flesh, unique flavor, high sugar content,
high quality, fine dense netting, early, resistant to Fusarium. PKT (50) $2
Tango 45 days. Attractive loose leaf plants form tight rosettes, with
sharply cut leaves that resemble endive. Leaves are dark green with a
tender tangy flavor and are high in vitamins. PKT (500) $2
Planters Jumbo 86 Days. Fruits average 4 lbs., uniform, attractive,
round-oval and well netted. Thick salmon-orange flesh. PKT (100) $2
Plumgranny Melons Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: Edith and
Bill Gambrel, Clayton, GA. Local gardeners grow these interesting little
melons primarily to bring fragrance into the kitchen. I am told by old timers
that the rind can be made into excellent preserves or pickles similar to
watermelon rind pickle. Very vigorous growing melon producing numerous
fruits the size of a tennis ball. PKT (25) $2
Colored Romaine Blend Red and green romaine lettuces.
Organic PKT (1000) $3
Gourmet Salad Mix A blend of red and green loose leaf lettuces. Even as
seedlings their appearance is quite different and they can be easily thinned
to your chosen proportions in the row. Sow small amounts regularly for a
continuous harvest. Pretty enough for the flower garden. Matures in 60-80
days. Organic PKT (1000) $3
Rocky Ford Green Flesh 85 days. Tasty Heirloom from the 1800’s
produces 5-6" melons with light green flesh & nutmeg flavor. PKT (50) $2
Sakata's Sweet 90 days. These small 3"-4" Asian round melons are very
sweet with high sugar content. Crisp and crunchy with edible skins. Small
size & golden rind make them very attractive. PKT (50) $2
Mesclun Mix A blend of lettuce, mustard, arugula, endive, and kale.
Wonderful combination of colors, textures and flavors provided by varieties
that are quick to harvest. Plant short rows of mixture every week or so.
Harvest all varieties and mix to make the perfect European style salad.
PKT (1000) $3
TAM Dew 99 days. Medium-large oval fruit with smooth rind. Green flesh
matures earlier than white rind. Harvest prior to full slip. PKT (50) $2
MELONS Banana 80-100 days. Heirloom 18-24" long by 4" diameter
Tigger Melon 85 days. Fruits are vibrant yellow with dark orange zigzag
stripes. Powerful fragrance. One pound melons with white semi-sweet
flesh. PKT (15) $2
yellow melons weighing 4-8 lbs. with juicy salmon-pink flesh PKT (25) $2
Crenshaw 107 days. Heirloom Yellow-green skin with very sweet,
salmon colored flesh. 6-10 pounds. PKT (50) $2
MUSTARD Florida Broadleaf NEW 45-55 days. Bright green, broad
leaves with white midribs. Vigorous growing plant. PKT ½ oz. (8000) $2
White Crenshaw 100 days The creamy white, sweet flesh is well worth
the wait on this variety. Lush foliage and delicious flavor. PKT (50) $2
Mizuna 40 days. Large clusters of long, thin, crisp, deeply cut and
notched leaves. Sweet and mild;, great for stir-fry and salads. Slow to bolt.
PKT (2000) $2
Delicious 51 81 days. 4-5 lb. fruit are round to oval, well netted,
moderately ribbed. Flesh is thick, golden, crisp, juicy and delightfully
sweet. PKT (50) $2
Mizuna Lime Streaked 35-45 days. A popular type of Asian greens
harvested as baby leaves used in Mesclun salad mixes. It has a mild
sweet and tangy mustard flavor. Produces heavily serrated leaves on
upright stalks & has a lime green color to its leaves. Upright habit makes
for an easy harvest. Regrows after each shearing. PKT (2000) $2
Edisto 47 90 Days. Heirloom Firm, tough, ribbed rind with heavy net.
Thick salmon-orange flesh with tender firm texture. 4-5 lbs. PKT (100) $2
Green Nutmeg 70-90 days High yields of 2-3 pounds melons with
slightly oval, ribbed, heavy netting, light green flesh with salmon center,
sweet with a unique spiciness. Heirloom introduced in 1863. PKT (25) $2
Mizuna Red Streaked NEW 35-45 days. Deep red color as baby leaf.
Some green when grown to full size. Serrated leaves. PKT (1000) $2
Osaka Purple NEW 22-50 days. Fast growing for spring or fall plantings.
Dark green-purple leaves with white veins. Harvest small for salad or let it
grow to full size for boiling. PKT (1000) $2
GARDEN/ENGLISH PEA Alaska 52-55 days. Contains less sugar
and matures earlier than most other English peas. 28” plants are sturdy
and grow well in cool weather. Smooth seed suitable for canning.
PKT (150) $2
½ LB. $5
Red Giant 50-70 days. An attractive, flavorful, oversized mustard. Slow
to bolt and extremely winter hardy. PKT ¼ oz. (4000) $2
Laxton's Progress #9 60 days-Early, long-podded garden pea has been
a favorite for generations. 4-5". pods hold 6-9 plump, delicious dark green
peas. Equally tasty fresh, canned or frozen. Vigorous 18-20" dwarf vines
don't need staking. Organic PKT(150) $3 ½ LB. $8
Southern Giant Curled
Heirloom 45-50 days. 1935 All-America
selection. Vigorous upright plants. Bright green leaves with crumpled,
frilled edges and mild flavor. Slow bolting. Use for salad, braising mix or
cook. PKT ½ oz. (8000) $2
Lincoln NEW 65 days. Heirloom Produces 6-9 seeds per 4” pod.
Stands early heat and resist common wilt. Bush habit adapted for home
garden and best choice for freezing.
PKT (150) $2 ½ LB. $5
Tatsoi Brassica narinosa 20-40 days Dozens of pencil thin, white stalks,
and deeply cut fringed leaves, mild flavor, will grow after cutting. Very
productive. PKT (2000) $2
Wando 68 days. Heat tolerant for late plantings. Dependable cropper
developed by USDA. Dark green 3" pods are well filled with 6-8 dark
green peas. Excellent flavor. Bush habit adapted for home garden and
quick freezing.
PKT (150) $2
½ LB. $5
Tendergreen 40 days. "Spinach Mustard". Mild flavored, smooth and dark
green leaves. Cook or use raw like spinach.
PKT ½ oz. (8000) $2
Organic ¼ oz (4000)$2
Dwarf Grey Sugar 55-60 days.
Early maturing plants bear petite, edible snow peas. Plants 30-36” in
height. Pea pods are sweet and crisp. Dwarf Grey is an old Heirloom
favorite commonly used for its purple flowers and twirling tendrils in stirfries, salads and garnishes. (Pisum sativum) PKT (150) $2 ½ LB $5
OKRA Clemson Spineless 80
55 days. A uniform Clemson
Spineless type released by Clemson University in 1980. The plants grow
four to five feet tall. Pods are spineless, ridged, medium green, straight.
Appearance, except for increased uniformity, is very similar to Clemson
Spineless. PKT (300) $2 ½ LB. $5 1 LB. $8
Mammoth Melting 75 days. Heirloom developed by USDA. By far the
largest and finest of the sugar/snow or edible-podded peas. Vigorous 45’ vines need to be trellised. Pods average 5-6" and are thick and fleshy
and remain stringless and sweet longer. PKT(100) $2 ½ LB $5
55-60 days. This AAS winner combines the value of a
vegetable and beauty of an ornamental. Burgundy stems & branches with
the green leaves having burgundy mid-ribs and venation. The flower is
similar to a creamy yellow miniature hibiscus Dark red pods can be used in
all okra recipes since the pods taste the same as green pods and lose the
red color when cooked. Release by Clemson. PKT (300) $2 ½ LB. $6
Oregon Giant Snow 69 days. Harvest big sweet pods at immature
stage when peas are just slightly formed inside and pods are still flat. Very
vigorous determinate plant (30-36"). T/R: common wilt race 1, pea enation
mosaic virus & some races of powdery mildew. PKT(100) $2 ½ LB. $5
Choppee Okra Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: Anne Diedre
Jacobs, Georgetown, SC. This okra has been in the Jacobs family since
the mid-1800’s. As the name implies, it has been grown in the Choppee
area of South Carolina near Georgetown. This area is named after Native
Americans indigenous to this area. Because okra readily cross pollinates,
it should not be grown in close association with other okra varieties.
PKT (50) $2 (200) $6
Organic PKT (50) $3
Oregon Sugar Pod II Snow Light green, smooth edible pods 4" long by
3/4" diameter with a mild flavor good for eating raw, in stir fries or steamed.
Freezes well, retaining the full, sweet flavor and color. Sets double pods,
very productive vines over a long period of time. Height 30-36". 68 days.
Good disease resistance. Organic PKT(100) $3 ½ LB $8
Cow Horn 55 days. Pre-1865 Heirloom. A heavy yielder of 8-12 inch
pods on plants that may reach 7 to 8 feet tall. Although the large pods
remain spineless and tender up to 10 feet, the best quality pods are picked
when 5 to 6" long. Heavy yielder with many side branches; and it can be
depended upon to make a superb crop. PKT (300) $2 ½ LB $6
Sugar Snap NEW 70 days. This AAS Gold medal winner is the original
snap pea. Crisp and tender 2-3 inch pods on 5-6 foot vines requiring a
trellis. PKT(100) $2 ½ LB. $5
Some varieties not available until late February - CALL or email .
Baby Cream High yielding, early maturity, cream-type southern pea with
a compact plant habit. Immature pods have a dark green color. Earlier
and much less bushy than White Acre. PKT (150) $2
ONION Evergreen Long White Bunching 60-120 days. Clusters of
long, slender, tasty stalks with "spring green" ends. Sow in spring for
summer use or in fall to overwinter for spring. Divide clumps in second
year. PKT (1000) $3
Big Boy 75 days — The bushes stand erect and bear eight inch pods
that are high on the plants and easy to pick. A very productive field pea
that is good for fresh use, freezing or canning. Seed are cream colored
with light brown eyes. Available late February - CALL or EMAIL
Welsh Perennial Green Look like scallions. Divide clumps and replant.
Thick base but doesn’t form large bulbs. Eat stems raw or cooked. Plant in
spring, to harvest in fall; plant in late summer to harvest the following
spring. PKT (1000) $3
PARSNIP All-America 90-120 days. Heirloom with smooth, ivory
California Black Eye 75 days. Heavy yields of 7-8” pods with large,
smooth black eyed seed. Eat fresh or dried. PKT (150) $2 ½ LB. $5
colored 10 x 3 inch roots with a tender white flesh and a very small core.
Attains size and thickness early and rarely produces side shoots. Excels in
taste, possesses a high sugar content and stores exceptionally well. The
hardiest of all garden crops, parsnips don’t develop their sweet, nutty
flavor until after enduring frosts and cold weather in fall. PKT (1000) $2
Colossus Very large brown crowder with good flavor. Easy to pick and
shell. Matures in 64 days and normally has a two-week harvest season.
Colossus has rootknot and wilt resistance. Clemson Univ. release.
PKT (150) $2 ½ LB. $5 1 LB $8
And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was
like coriander seed, white: and the taste of it was like wafers made
with honey. Exodus 16: 31
And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his
kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his
kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:12
Dixie Lee Heirloom 68 days. Longtime Southern favorite for its brown
color, strong flavor & dark gravy (pot liquor) when cooked. High yielding
ability. Prostrate plants 12" high with a spread of 42". Slender 7" medium
green pods change to light yellow at green shell stage. Kidney shaped
peas. Developed by MS AES. PKT (150) $ 2 ½ LB. $5 1 LB $8
PEPPER Heat or pungency of peppers are rated in Scoville Heat Units
(SHU- 0 to 300,000). Hot growing conditions, full sun and adequate but
not excessive moisture generally promote pungency. Too much water,
nitrogen or low temperatures will drain the taste. Fruits ripening at 85º- 95º
have more pungency than those maturing at 65º - 70º. The pungency
increases tenfold when the fruits are dehydrated.
Iron & Clay Cowpeas Heirloom Excellent for quail, dove & deer, cover
crop or human consumption as a dried pea. It produces forage in 45
days and small mature seed in 100 days. Iron & Clay produces abundant
amounts of organic matter and nitrogen needed to enrich the soil and
resists common forms of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita).
Grows well in hot summers with moderate irrigation.
PKT (300) $ 2 ½ LB. $5
1LB. $8
Aji Brown 90 days. 42" tall plant produces good yields of 3-5" long by 1
¼" wide mildly hot pepper that turn chocolate brown when mature. From
Peru. PKT (50) $2
Alma Paprika 70-80 days. Excellent for drying and grinding or may be
eaten fresh. Slightly warm & sweet. Pods ripen from cream-white to
orange to red. PKT (25) $2
Mississippi Purple Hull 70 days. A large seeded brown crowder with
reddish-purple pods at green shell stage. Plants have much less vine and
a concentration of pods over the plant with the pods maturing over a short
time span. Pods shell very easily. High yield. Available late February
Anaheim Chile 80 days. Heavy bearing, bushy 2-2½ foot plants bear
plenty of deep green, medium-thick fleshed fruits. The 8" x 1½" peppers
are moderately pungent and mature to a beautiful red color. Great for
drying or frying. PKT (50) $2
Mississippi Silver 65 days. Large seeded brown crowder with pale
green silvery pods at green shell stage. Pods 6" slightly curved & light
straw color when dry. Low bushy plant type. Excellent yields. T/R:
Blackeye mosaic virus & rootknot nematode. Available late February
Ancho Poblano Heirloom Large heart-shaped fruit, turns from green to
red. Sweet distinctive flavor. 4-6" long. Medium hot. PKT (50) $2
Caribbean Red Habanero "Tongue-blistering" Petoseed's habanero
pepper has a wonderful, distinct flavor with tropical tones, but "this hot
baby” delivers a nuclear blast. 445,600 Scoville units (nearly doubling the
heat of most commercial habanero varieties). PKT (25) $2 TREATED
Piggott Pea Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: John Coykendall,
Knoxville, TN. This variety of southern field peas dates back to the 1850's
in Washington Parish, LA. For many years it was guarded by the Piggott
family who would not allow anyone to have seeds of what they considered
the very best tasting field pea. Organic PKT (100) $3
(200) $5
Carolina Cayenne 70 days. Home garden and commercial use. Fruit
excellent for pickling, sauces, dehydration, and fresh market. Mature fruits
are a bright, deep red color and are quite pungent (80,000-100,000 SHU).
Produces excellent yields and high level of resistance to southern rootknot
nematode. Plants are strong, uniformly branched, and may reach a height
of 24-36 inches. Clemson & USDA. PKT (50) $2
Pinkeye Purplehull 65 days. Plants are vigorous, bush to semi-vining in
habit and produce pods that are six to seven inches long. The seeds are
cream colored with a maroon eye. It is resistant to Blackeye Cowpea
Mosaic Virus and Bacteria Virus Resistant (BVR). Available late February
Quickpick Pinkeye 56-60 days. Erect, determinate, non-vining bush
type plant. Highly synchronous pod set. Excellent yield. Immune to
Georgia isolate of black eye cowpea mosaic virus. Developed by
Louisiana AES. Available late February
Charleston Hot Cayenne Developed by USDA Vegetable Lab,
Charleston, SC. Ideal for home gardeners who want a high yielding
compact plant (18"-24"). Pepper starts out yellow-green, changes to
golden yellow, bright orange, and then to a deep red at maturity. Mature
pods are about 5-6" long and very hot (100,000 Scoville heat units).
Matures in 65 - 75 days and has resistance to many types of rootknot
nematodes. NOTE: Normal foliage color is a yellow green. Please do not
mistake this for a nitrogen deficiency. PKT (50) $2
Red Ripper Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Originally from the garden
of Ed Lipscomb of Ware Place, SC, this Heirloom variety was donated by
Louise Powell of Greenwood, SC. This is an excellent variety of southern
field pea with long straight pods that turn a bright burgundy red when they
are mature for picking. Easily shelled from the pod, they yield generously
with good flavor. Dried seeds are a dark burgundy color and with a
smooth skin. Perform best when provided ample trellis or when planted in
a corn patch for support. PKT (50) $3
Chiltepin NEW 98 days. Heirloom. Wild species (capsicum anuum var.
glabriusculum) from Mexico. Very hot but heat variable (50,000-200,000
SHU) depending on growing season and location. Small pea size peppers
with unique flavor ripen from green to orange to red. PKT (25) $2
Red Ripper 90-100 days. Upright vining plants produce high yields of
excellent eating quality fresh or dried medium-small size dark red peas.
Excellent food for quail and deer. PKT (150) $ 2 ½ LB. $5 1 LB $8
Giant Thai Hot 70 days. The 3-4" peppers mature from green to red, with
both colors present at once on the plant. 6000 SHU. PKT (50) $2
Whippoorwill Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: John Coykendall,
Knoxville, TN (originally from Lowery Langston in Jefferson County, TN).
The Langston family broadcast the seeds in the cornfield for a fall crop and
for animal forage. Eat green or dry. Organic PKT (100) $3 (200) $5
Habanero 80-90 days. Super Hot! 200,000 - 300,000 SHU. Aka
"Scotch Bonnets". Wrinkled dark green peppers ripen to a bright orange.
Plants grow 3-4 feet tall. Productivity erratic in the North. PKT (50) $2
White Acre 62 days. A small seeded white cream pea that has been
around for a while. It is about half the size of a blackeye and tedious to
shell by hand. Vigorous growth habit, heavy yields and superior flavor.
PKT (200) $ 2
Jaloro 70 days. Yellow jalapeno pepper developed by Texas A&M. Fruit
is a beautiful golden yellow before turning orange then red, making for a
beautiful show on compact plants. Just as hot as regular jalapenos. Plants
are resistant to six viruses that threaten peppers. PKT (25) $2
Jalapeno M NEW 72 days. 3 ½ " peppers mature from green to red on
26” plant. Very prolific. 5,000 SHU. PKT (50) $2
Yardlong or Noodle Asparagus Bean – 75 days. This Bradshaw
Heirloom Favorite is actually in the same species as cowpeas. Harvest
long 24” slender, tender pods in the immature stage and stir fried or cook
mature dry peas. Produces prolifically in late summer-early fall. Pole habit.
PKT (50) $3 (100) $5
Mulato Isleno 80-90 days. The fat, 6" x 3" poblano type peppers are
mild and chewy, with a very distinctive flavor. Fruits mature from green to
deep red/black color. Excellent for salsa, roasting & stuffing. PKT (50) $2
PUMPKIN Big Max 120 days. Slightly rough, red-orange skinned fruits,
Nu Mex Big Jim 83 days. Excellent green & red chile. Large smooth
fruit 2" at the shoulder tapering 8-10" to a blunt end. Heat varies from
mild to hot. Sets fruit under hot, dry conditions. PKT (50) $2
Cinderalla aka Rouge Vif d’Etampes NEW 125 days. French Heirloom
pumpkin with unique red-orange skin. Fruits are deeply ribbed and
flattened resembling a wheel of cheese. 6” tall x 18” wide. Very
decorative, but difficult to carve. Great for pies and baking. PKT (15) $2
weighing up to 70lbs, have bright yellow-orange flesh. Pies, canning or
jack-o-lanterns. PKT (25) $2
Nu Mex Eclipse Ornamental type produces chocolate-brown New
Mexican type peppers 4-6" long. PKT (25) $2
Connecticut Field 110 days. This Native American Heirloom, predating
1700, produces 15-25 pound, twelve inch globe shaped fruit with flattened
ends. Perfect for Halloween decorating. Sweet flesh is great for pies.
PKT (25) $2
Nu Mex Joe E. Parker Use for green and red chile production. Fruit 8"
long and 1¾" wide. Mild pungency (800 SHU). Excellent chile flavor.
PKT (50) $2
Howden NEW 115 days. Heirloom pumpkins weigh 10-20 lbs with deep
orange fruits. Round symmetrical fruits make great jack-o’lanterns. High
yielder and good keeper. PKT (15) $2
Tabasco 75 days. Very Hot (40,000+ SHU). Slender yellow-green fruits
1½" long. PKT (50) $2
Jack O’Lantern 100 days. Medium-orange with shallow ribs the fruit tend
to be 10 inches in diameter and 10-18 pounds. Flesh is sweet, light in
color and fine-grained enough for cooking. PKT (25) $2
TAM Mild Jalapeno 1 65-70 days. Compact plants (24"-30") with multiple
virus resistance. Strong pepper flavor & aroma make this pepper
desirable for fresh consumption, pickling or picante sauce. Mildly pungent
(1100 SHU). PKT (50) $2
Mammoth Gold 110 days. An American Heirloom variety from Kentucky.
40-60 lb pumpkins are irregular globe shaped, golden orange with smooth
surface and thick pale orange flesh. Great for carving. PKT (25) $2
BELL PEPPER California Wonder 75 days. This large, thick walled,
juicy, sweet pepper is one of the most popular. 4” green peppers turn
bright red. PKT (100) $2
Neck Pumpkin Bradshaw Heirloom Collection A buff colored squash
with a very long neck. The thick, orange fleshed fruit measures 5" x 24"
with a 9" bulb. Sweet & good for pies. The flesh is cooked much like
butternut squash. PKT (15) $2
Canary Yellow NEW 100 days. 3 ½" long by 4” wide peppers mature
from green to yellow. Resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus. PKT (50) $2
Chocolate Beauty 67 days green/88 days mature chocolate. Mediumlarge, smooth 3&4 lobed fruits. Tobacco mosaic resistant. PKT (50) $2
Seminole Pumpkin Bradshaw Heirloom Collection Source: J.
Nicholson, Anderson, SC. As the name implies, the Seminole Indians of
southern Florida perpetuated this pumpkin. Small pumpkins (the size of a
basketball) with a light salmon pink rind develop in late summer and fall. A
much smaller inner cavity contains very flat seed. Foliage has interesting
silvery variegations. Thick beige flesh is excellent for pies. PKT (10) $2
Golden Cal Wonder 70 days Same as California Wonder with a bright
gold, changing to orange-red when mature. PKT (100) $2
Keystone Giant 78 days. A tasty variety known for its 5 inch thick, dark
green flesh and heavy yields. PKT (100) $2
Ol Zebs 110 days. Heirloom pumpkins weigh 20-30 lbs with unique
orange skin and a long wispy handle. High yielder and great baker.
PKT (25) $2
Yolo Wonder 75 days. Two foot plants produce thick walled green
peppers that mature to a beautiful red color, with dense foliage to help
protect against sun scald. Larger and more mosaic resistant than Cal
Wonder. PKT (100) $2
Small Sugar 105 days. Fruit is 6-8" in diameter and weighs about 6 lbs.
The bright orange skin is good for carving. Sweet flesh has excellent
flavor outstanding for processing and making pies. PKT (25) $2
Cubanelle Sweet Fryer NEW 70 days. Sweet 5" long by 2" wide fruit.
Thin-walled for frying. Yellow-green fruit turns red-orange. PKT (50) $2
Spookie 90-110 days A cross between Sugar Pie and Jack O'Lantern. 610 pound pumpkins that have smooth, hard, red-orange skin. Excellent
quality; great for pies. Also good for painting or carving. PKT (25) $2
Hungarian Yellow Wax Sweet NEW 70 days. Sweet 6" long fruit have a
waxy flesh, tapering to a blunt tip. Light green fruit ripens to yellow and
red. PKT (50) $2
Green Striped Cushaw 90-110 days. Native to North America this
Heirloom was introduced in the late 1800’s. 10-12 pound, whitish-green
fruit with mottled green stripes produce up to 18 in. oblong shape with
crooked necks and 10 in. bulbous bottoms. The light yellow flesh is slightly
sweet, thick, medium-coarse and fibrous. The large, vigorous vines are
resistant to squash vine borer. Great for pies, baking and fall pumpkin
sales. PKT (15) $2
Pepperoncini 70 days. An Italian Heirloom, bushy and vigorous plants
yield prodigious quantities of slender 3"- 5" sweet green peppers that turn
red and become even sweeter. Use fresh, chopped in salads, served with
dips or breads, or pickled. PKT (50) $2
Pimento 65-90 days. Upright 30" plants produce 3 x 2 ½ " smooth, bright
red, heart shaped, and very sweet fruit. PKT (50) $2
Orange Striped Cushaw 110 days. Pear shaped with crookneck, 25-30
lb fruit are creamy white with gold/orange stripes, hard thin smooth rind,
fine grained sweet golden flesh is excellent for baking or pies, good
keeper. PKT (15) $2
Red Cherry Sweet NEW 80 days. The 1-1½." slightly oblate sweet
peppers mature from green to red. Pickle or eat fresh. PKT (50) $2
White Cushaw 95-110 days. White skin with pale yellow background,
fruits 15-25 lbs., sweet pale yellow flesh, good for canning and baking
pies. This Heirloom may have been available before 1860. PKT (15) $2
Sweet Banana Pepper 65 days. Mild & sweet 6” peppers. Pick yellow
fruit early or let mature to orange and then a deep red color. PKT (100) $2
Giant Nobel 50 days Heirloom plants are very large and spreading in
habit. Plant in late spring (it is slow to bolt) for heavy yields of giant, thick,
dark green leaves. Excellent canning variety. Bred by inbreeding a
monoecious plant found in the 'Gaudry' variety and released by Zwaan
and Van der Molen, Voorburg, Netherlands in 1926. An All-America
Selection winner in 1933. PKT (500) $2
RADICCHIO Palla Rosa Firm, red heads with attractive white veins
or sow like leaf lettuce and harvest young, slightly bitter leaves for salad
mixes. PKT (500) $2
RADISH Black Spanish Round 60 days. Heirloom introduced in
1824. 3-4” globe shaped winter radish. Black skin, solid, crisp, pungent
white flesh. PKT (500) $2
New Zealand 60 days. Heirloom from England dating back to the late
1700”s. Not a true spinach but will produce a spinach-like crop in hot
weather when true spinach will not. Because of its heat tolerance and
resistance to bolting to seed, this is an excellent summer substitute for
conventional spinach. The attractive plants have a bush-like habit and
produce distinctive triangular leaves. Use the succulent leaves and young
stems fresh in salads or cooked. Grows as a perennial in mild winter
areas. May be difficult to start and have low germination rates. The federal
minimum standard is 40%. Soaking seeds in warm water for two to eight
hours prior to sowing may help soften the seed coat and
improve germination results. Additionally, it can take a couple of weeks for
germination to occur (depending on weather). Keep soil moist until
germination occurs. PKT (50) $2
Champion 25 days. Heirloom 1957 All-America Selection. Smooth &
round, with bright scarlet skin. Crisp, mild flavored with white flesh. Grows
to the size of a silver dollar. Slow to become pithy. Suited for spring and
fall plantings. PKT (1000) $2
Cherry Belle Heirloom 25 days. 1949 All-America Selection. Round
roots are brilliant red with crisp, white and mildly pungent flesh.
Organic PKT (300) $2
Early Scarlet Globe 25-30 days. Deep globe, bright red skin, white flesh,
bright green 2-3” tops. Excellent for salads. PKT (1000) $2
Easter Egg 30 days. Multicolored radishes with shades of red, pink,
purple and white all with tasty, crunchy white flesh. PKT (500) $2
Tyee Hybrid NEW 40-45 days. Upright plants may reach 8-10” in height.
Mild flavor. Tender, dark green semi-savoyed leaves. Very heat tolerant
and resistant to down mildew. PKT (100) $3
French Breakfast Heirloom 30 days. 2-3" oblong roots are scarlet with a
white tip. Tender, mild and cold hardy. PKT (1000) $2
SQUASH Early Prolific Straightneck (Summer) Heirloom 45-50
days. 1938 All-America Selection. Bush type. Fruits are slender and club
shaped, creamy yellow turning golden when ripe. Best harvested small
4”-6". PKT (60) $2
Pink Beauty Radish 27 days. A beautiful round pink radish that resists
pithiness. White flesh is sweet, mild & tasty. A must for all radish growers!
PKT (500) $2
Purple Plum 28 days. 1-1½ ” globes have bright purple skin, firm white,
crisp flesh, sweet and mild all season, never pithy or hot, hardy and
adaptable. PKT (500) $2
Yellow Crookneck (Summer) Heirloom 55 days. Flavor is unbeatable.
Large, bushy plant is a heavy yielder of bright yellow crookneck fruit. Best
picked small (4-5") as skin gets warty as fruits get larger. PKT (60) $2
Red Silk 28 days. Excellent quality, fancy appearance with smooth, red
skin, dense, white flesh. Upright, medium-sized tops. Good for low ph
soils. PKT (300) $2
Early White Bush Scallop (Summer) 45-60 days Heirloom from the
1700’s. Patty Pan type, early, pale greenish white pie shaped scalloped
fruits, fine grained fine flavored white flesh, 3" deep x 5-7" diameter,
smooth, up to 2½ lbs. PKT (25) $2
Sparkler 25 days. A home garden favorite. 1-1.5 inch round red and
white bicolor radishes. Flesh is very crisp, sweet and flavorful.
PKT (1000) $2
Yellow Bush Scallop (Summer) 49 days. Patty Pan scalloped golden
yellow squash 7" diameter. Easy to grow and rarely bothered by insects.
Creamy texture and very flavorful. Suitable for home garden and market
growers. PKT (25) $2
White Icicle 30 days. A mild, flavorful variety that produces tapered 6”
long x ¾” diameter roots. Crisp, white flesh stays solid, even in warm
weather. PKT (1000) $2
Blue Hubbard (Winter) 120 days. Best choice for winter storage!
Heirloom Very sweet fine-grained yellow-orange flesh. 12-20lb bluegreen squash PKT (25) $2
RHUBARB Glaskins Perpetual NEW Open pollinated all-purpose
rhubarb that can be raised from seed. Fast growing, excellent flavor with
slender bright red stalks. Grow as an annual in the deep south. Start
seed indoors and transplant after last frost. PKT (50) $2
Burgess Buttercup (Winter) 100 days. Heirloom introduced in 1932.
Very sweet, thick, fine-grained orange flesh with excellent flavor. Fruits are
flattened turbans, approximately 5-7" in diameter, 4-5" tall and weigh 3-5
lbs. Rinds are dark green with slight ribs and a "button" on the blossom
end. Bush plants. PKT (25) $2
RUTABAGA America Purple Top 90 days. This Heirloom has been
the standard for home and market use since being introduced before 1920
as an improved strain of Purple Top Yellow. Purple top roots should be
harvested when 4 to 6" in diameter. Mild, yellow, fine-grained flesh turns
orange when cooked. Use bluish green leaves for greens. Excellent
storage quality. PKT ½ oz. (5,000) $2
Butternut (Waltham) (Winter) 100 days. 1970 All-America Selection.
Vigorous vining type plant produces 7-9" light tan blocky fruit. Very uniform
fruit. Rich orange color flesh with high cooking quality, excellent flavor and
stores well. PKT (25) $2
SPINACH Bloomsdale Heirloom 40-60 days. Introduced in early
Delicata (Winter) 100 days. Heirloom released in 1894. Still popular
because of its sweet potato-like flavor. Cream colored with green striped
fruits are 3" in diameter and 7" long. PKT (25) $2
1900's. Vigorous upright plants with savoyed, crumpled dark green
leaves. Fine quality, tender and excellent flavor. Slow to bolt. Adapted for
late spring & summer plantings. PKT (1000) $2
Ebony Acorn (Winter) 100 days. Plant produces high yields of 1½ lbs
green-black squash with yellow flesh. PKT (25) $2
German Aboveground Sweet Potato (Winter) Bradshaw Heirloom
Collection 115 days. This interesting winter squash gets its name from
the fact that it is shaped somewhat like a sweet potato. It can be grown
either on a trellis or it can be allowed to run over the ground in a large
unrestricted area. 18-36” fruit are 6-10” in diameter and tapered at both
ends like a sweet potato. The squash will keep for months at room
temperature. Very tasty in a number of holiday dishes. PKT (15) $2
SWISSCHARD Fordhook 60 days. The broad, dark green, heavily
Green Hubbard (Winter) Thick sweet, dry, fine grained orange flesh.
Excellent flavor and keeper. Can or freeze. PKT (25) $2
Rainbow 50-60 days. A tender variety whose five colors (orange, yellow,
pink, white, and red) stalks make it very ornamental. PKT (300) $2
Pennsylvania Dutch Crookneck (Winter) 100-110 days. Large fruits
weigh 10-20 lbs. Sweet dark orange flesh, great for pies. PKT (15) $2
Ruby Red 58 days. Tender, sweet chard with delicious red stalks, dark
green, crumpled leaves. Beautiful and tasty in salads. PKT (300) $2
Sweet Dumpling (Winter) 90-105 days. Compact (5-6’) plants produce
high yields of 3-4” ½ lb. size fruit that are ivory with dark green stripes
Sweet flesh is golden. Stuff with meat and bake like a bell pepper or
prepare like squash. Very productive & keeps well. PKT (25) $2
TOMATO Fusarium wilt= FW Verticillium wilt=VW (I)=Indeterminate
crinkled leaves of this Heirloom have excellent flavor and quality and grow
on broad, thick, white stalks. PKT (300) $2
Lucullus 50-60 days. Vigorous upright plants, heavily crumpled savoyed
light green tasty leaves. Stands hot weather well. Produces until frost.
Cook mid-rib like asparagus. PKT (300) $2
Amish Paste (I) 85 days. Amish Heirloom. Produces 6-8 oz. red fruits
that are oxheart to almost teardrop-shaped. Meaty fruits are juicy and have
really outstanding flavor. Good for sauce or fresh. PKT (50) $2
Sweet Meat (Winter) 90-110 days. Heirloom with hard slate-gray skin.
9"x5" fruit weigh 10-15 lbs. Flesh is golden yellow, sweet, dry and fine
grained (stringless). Vigorous vines need lots of room. Stores well and
may be baked or made into pies. PKT (25) $2
Anna Russian (I) 70 days. Heirloom at its best. Oxheart gorgeous
tomato with early maturing heart-shaped fruit. The fruit is beautiful, pinkred and normally weigh about 1 lb. each. Has a rich tomato flavor with lots
of juice. PKT (50) $2
Table King Bush Acorn (Winter) 80 days. 1974 AAS winner. One of
the finest winter acorn squash that will produce loads of 2 lb fruit on
compact bush. Glossy, dark gray-green, high quality and taste. Fantastic
keeper. PKT (25) $2
Arkansas Traveler (I) 87 days. Pre-1900 Heirloom produces mediumsize pink, flavorful tomatoes under drought and high heat. PKT (50) $2
Beefmaster VFN (I ) 80 days. Perfect slicing Hybrid. Produces up to 2
lb, smooth, slightly ribbed fruit with outstanding rich flavor. PKT (25) $3
Table Queen Bush (Winter) 80 days. Heirloom introduced 1948. 5 x 4"
acorn-shaped 1-2 lb. fruits. Dark-green rind, fine-textured, golden-yellow
sweet flesh. 3-8 fruits per plant. PKT (25) $2
Beefsteak 90 days. (I) Extra-large (12 oz), meaty, ribbed, deep-scarlet
fruit. PKT (50) $2
Turk’s Turban (Winter) 100 days. This pre-1800 Heirloom used for
decoration because of its unique and colorful fruit. Resembles a butternut
but has a cream-colored cap or “turban” with green, yellow, orange and
red stripes. The 10" diameter fruit weigh 5-8 lbs. PKT (25) $2
Betterboy VFN (I) 75 days. Widely adapted, high yielding Hybrid. Bright
red fruits grow up to 1 lb. Disease resistant. PKT (25) $3 TREATED
Vegetable Spaghetti (Winter) 70-110 days. Vigorous spreading vines.
Round cylindrical buff tan fruits, 8-12" long x 5-6" wide (2-3 lbs). Yields 5-7
per plant. Harvest when skin changes from cream to buff. Store up to 6
months. Use as a low calorie spaghetti substitute. PKT (25) $2
Big Boy (I) 79 days. Hybrid. Smooth skinned, firm and very tasty 12-16
oz fruits are scarlet red with thick walls and meaty flesh. PKT (25) $3
Black Cherry Tomato 65 days. 1 oz. black cherry tomatoes with rich
tomato flavor. PKT (50) $2
Black Beauty (Zucchini) 45-50 days. Bush type zucchini. Long,
straight, slender fruit with slight ridges, black-green color. Flesh greenish
white with very good texture and flavor. Best when 6-8". PKT (40) $2
Black Krim (I) 80-90 days. Dark brown-red large tomatoes 10-12 ozs.
Very rich flavored. Color darker in hot weather, and fruit seems to set well
in the heat, but prone to cracking. Heavy producer. Heirloom from Black
Sea of Russia. PKT (50) $2
Cocozelle (Zucchini) 45-60 days. Pre-1900 Heirloom this Italian bush
zucchini produces 10-12" long and cylindrical young fruits that are dark
green with light-green stripes and the flesh is greenish-white and firm.
Best quality fruits are harvested when 6-8" long. PKT (40) $2
Black from Tula (I) 75 days Delicious productive Heirloom from Ukraine
Rich, slightly salty, smoky-fruit flavor. Beautiful dusky brown to mauve
black colored beefsteak tomato with green shoulders that weighs 10-12
Grey (Zucchini) 49 days. Heirloom 6-8" fruits with gray-green mottled
skin. Open semi-spiny bush plant with heavy early yields. Production is
extended over time, rather than concentrated at once. Excellent home
garden variety. Introduced in 1957. PKT (40) $2
Pink Brandywine (I) Heirloom 85 days. Amish heirloom rated by many
as the best-tasting tomato. Flavor is "very rich, loud, and distinctively
spicy". Very large, often over 1 pound, Fruits are bright pink. PKT (50) $2
Ronde de Nice (Zucchini) 50 days. Heirloom Green with white
speckling, these round zucchinis from the south of France have long been
a fresh market favorite. Harvest when they are a bit larger than golf balls or
even larger to stuff with your favorite filling. Best flavor when 3-4” in
diameter. Freezes well. PKT (40) $2
Red Brandywine (I) Heirloom 80-90 days. This old Amish heirloom
dates back to 1885. Large red fruit. PKT (50) $2
Yellow Brandywine (I) Heirloom 80-90 days. Large (up to 2 lb.)
tomatoes have a rich taste similar to Red Brandywine. PKT (50) $2
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb
of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain
upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there
went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the
ground. Genesis 2: 5-6
And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden: and there He
put the man whom He had formed. Genesis 2: 8
Celebrity 70 days. Hybrid AAS winner. Determinate. Prolific producer of
delicious, firm, 6-8 oz deep red, oblate fruit. Excellent disease resistance.
Oxheart (I) 90 days. Heirloom with firm, 1 lb. meaty fruits with thick walls
and very mild flavor. Heart shaped fruits, few seeds. PKT (50) $2
Patio 70 days. (Hybrid) Plant produces large yields of 2" round red
tomatoes. Compact and upright determinate plants are excellent for small
gardens or containers. Disease Resistant. PKT (25) $3
Cherokee Purple (I) 75 days. Heirloom pre-1900. Medium to large fruit
is dusky pink with dark shoulders. Interior ranges from purple to brown to
green. PKT (50) $2
Pineapple (I) 80 days. This Heirloom tomato produces large bi-colored
red and yellow fruit and is streaked with red both inside and out. The flavor
is wonderful, rich, fruity and sweet. PKT (50) $2
German Johnson (I) This Heirloom is one of the 4 parent lines of
Mortgage Lifter. Large rough fruits averaging .75-1.5 lbs., pink skin with
yellow shoulders, very mild, low acid, very meaty, few seeds. Heavy yields.
Good fresh or canned. Fair disease resistance. PKT (50) $2
Purple Russian (I) 80 days. Original stock of this variety came from the
Ukraine. Plum-shaped fruits are 3-4" long and weigh 6 ounces. Great taste
(sweet and meaty). Very productive. One of the best purplish-black
tomatoes for markets. Does not crack or have bad shoulders. PKT-(50)-$2
German Pink (I) 85 days. Potato-leaf plants produce large one pound
meaty fruits with few seeds, very little cracking or blossom scars. Full
sweet flavor. Excellent for canning and freezing. PKT (50) $2
Pruden’s Purple (I) 68 days. Brandywine type. Plants produce vivid dark
pink fruit, with crimson flesh many weighing one pound or more.
Organic PKT (40) $3
Green Zebra (I) 72 days. A delicious salad tomato. 3-4 oz. fruit turns a
yellow blush when ripe with accentuating darker green stripes. Productive
over a long season. Organic PKT (40) $3
Roma 75 days. Excellent variety for the home garden. Blocky, red, 3”
long plum shaped fruit are meaty with fewer seeds. Excellent for sauce,
paste, juice and canning. Organic PKT (100) $3
Hillbilly (I) 85 days This large 1½ pound , bi-colored Heirloom is from
hills of West Virginia in the 1880’s and features yellow-orange fruit
streaked with red. Very meaty and very sweet. PKT (50) $2
Rose (I) Organic 78 days. Amish Heirloom which rivals Brandywine for
taste. Fruit is a deep rose-red color, usually smoother than Brandywine,
but every bit as large and meaty. PKT (40) $3
Marion (I) 70 days. Heirloom 6-8 oz. fruit is smooth, deep ovate with
red flesh. T/R: FW & gray leaf spot. Moderate resistance to early blight
and cracking. Developed by Clemson Univ. 1960. PKT (100) $2
Rutgers (I) Heirloom 75 days. A top canner famed for full bodied flavor.
Also used for green wrap. Red, globe shaped 8 oz. fruit. Large erect
vines protect fruit from sun. T/R: FW. PKT (100) $2
Marglobe (D) 75 days Released by USDA in 1925. This Heirloom has
good resistance to Verticillium and Fusarium wilt. Globe shaped, red,
smooth and solid 6 oz fruit with a mild flavor. PKT (100) $2
Small Red Cherry Tomato 75 days. High- yielding small red ¾ oz.
cherry tomatoes. PKT (50) $2
Mortgage Lifter (I) 80 days. Heirloom selected in 1930’s from cross of
four varieties. Large 1-3 lb fruit are slightly flattened, pink-red, meaty,
flavorful with few seeds. Good disease resistance. PKT (50) $2
Striped German (I) 78 days Heirloom Medium to large tomatoes shaded
yellow and red. Beautiful interior with fruity flavor. Organic PKT (40) $3
Moskvich (I) Heirloom 60 days. One of most appealing extra-early
tomatoes. Deep red tomatoes have a smooth texture and rich taste.
Fruits average 4-6 oz., smooth and globe-shaped. Organic PKT (40) $3
Stupice (I) 55 days Cold-tolerant Heirloom from Czechoslovakia that
bears an abundance of very sweet, flavorful 2-3 inch, deep red fruit. A
1988 comparative tasting in the San Francisco area gave it first place for
its wonderful sweet/acid, tomato flavor. PKT (50) $2
Mountain Gold 72 days. Yellow-orange variety. Delicious, large (9 oz),
firm, flattened-globe fruit that maintain their quality long after picking. Low
acidity. Determinate bush. T/R: FW and VW race 1. Not prone to
cracking or blossom end rot. PKT (50) $2
Sweet Million (I) 75 days. Hybrid Produces heavy yields of 1" red cherry
tomatoes. Very sweet and flavorful. Plant can produces over 500 cherry
tomatoes. Crack Resistant. Excellent for salads and snacks. Suitable for
home garden or market growers. Very disease resistant. PKT (20) $3
Mountain Pride 75 days. Hybrid. Deep oblate fruit (7-8 oz.) are very
glossy, with uniform deep red color. Solid meat remains firm even when
fully ripe. Good flavor somewhat acid and good shelf life. Suitable for
ground or staking. T/R: FW races 1 & 2 and VW race 1. NC State.
Determinate PKT (25) $3
Tasti-Lee™ Hybrid (D) NEW Developed by University of Florida for vineripe harvest and superb flavor. Unique balance of sweetness and acidity,
true tomato flavor and rich red color. 6-9 oz. fruits. Up to 40% more
lycopene than other varieties. Personal favorite! PKT (10) $3
Mountain Spring 70 days. Dark red 9 oz., deep oblate fruit ripen
uniformly without radical stem cracking. Firmness and a small blossom
end scar add to the marketability of this determinate Hybrid. T/R: VW,
FW. Races 1 & 2, blossom end rot and cracking. PKT (15) $3
Tiny Tim (I) 60 days. Very productive, dwarf plants produce very tasty 1"
fruits. Good container plant. PKT (50) $2
Yellow Pear (I) 78 days. Heirloom from the 1600's. Pear shaped yellow,
low acid tomato. Outstanding for tomato preserves. Prone to cracking.
PKT (50) $2
Mr. Stripey Tomato (I) 70 days. Mild-flavored English Heirloom. Mild,
low-acid flavor and intriguing color. Plum-sized, red fruits with clearly
defined yellow-orange stripes. Yellow flesh/pink center. PKT (50) $2
Nepal (I) 80 days This Heirloom produces meaty 10-12 oz, globe-shaped,
bright red fruits with old-fashion tomato flavor. Organic. PKT (40) $3
Purple Tomatillo 60-90 days. Rare Heirloom variety, prolific and
productive. Smaller 1-1½" fruits with dark purple skin in paper husks.
Sharper flavor than green tomatillos, very sweet, great grilled, makes an
attractive purple salsa. PKT (50) $2
Oregon Spring 60 days Very flavorful, meaty tomato with few seeds.
Excellent for homemade ketchup and sauce. Produces heavy yields of 5
oz. red tomatoes. Does well in cooler weather. Suitable for short season.
Determinate PKT (50) $2
Toma Verde Tomatillo 60 days. Early, green-fleshed, 2", papery-husked
fruit. Sweet-tart flavor for salsa and Mexican cooking. PKT (50) $2
TURNIPS Golden Globe 55 days. Heirloom introduced before 1888.
Beautiful golden skin, amber yellow flesh and delicate flavor. Stores well.
Both tops and root can be eaten. PKT 1 oz. (10,000) $2
Common Chamomile Annual produces small, sweet smelling, daisy like
flowers. Use in herbal tea to aid in digestion and as a gentle sleep inducer.
PKT (300) $2
Purple Top White Globe Heirloom 60 days. Widely used for over 100
years. Large medium green, cutleaf tops are excellent as steamed
greens. Globular shaped roots are smooth, bright purplish-red above
ground (white below) become 4-6" in diameter. PKT 1 oz. (10,000) $2
Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium 65-75 days. Feathery parsley-like leaves
with a delicate anise flavor used in French cooking and as a delicate
garnish. This annual plant grows from 10 to 15" tall. Goes to seed quickly
in the heat, and in fact, prefers a cool, moist and shaded location. To
promote growth and a longer season, pinch off the tops. Successive
plantings will give you a longer harvest. Use only the young green leaves.
May be grown in a container. PKT (500) $2
Seven Top Heirloom 45 days. A favorite since the early 1800's for its
young tender dark green tops only (roots are woody and inedible). Used
as a winter annual for spring greens in South. PKT 1 oz. (10,000) $2
Organic ½ oz (5,000) $2
Chives 80 days. Perennial plants form grass-like clusters 6-12" tall. Mild
onion flavor. Cut tops anytime for flavoring and salads. Use showy
lavender-purple flower heads in late spring for garnish. PKT (500) $2
HERBS Amaranth Red 60 days. Heirloom leaf vegetable. Use young
amaranth greens raw in salads and cook the mature plants. PKT (1000) $2
Cilantro/Coriander 90 days. Popular 2-3' annual used in Chinese and
Mexican cuisine. Fresh leaves are used in salsa and called cilantro (60
days). Seed are used as a spice and called coriander (90 days). Organic
PKT (300) $2
Anise Annual. Cultivated for culinary and medicinal properties. Seeds
have a strong licorice flavor and slightly sweet. One of the oldest known
spices in England that first appeared in the Grocers’ Company of London.
Added to bread and sausage in Italy for centuries. Medicinal: Hot tea
helps break up bronchial mucous. Carminative - a digestive aid for relief of
gas and cramping. Very easy to grow, similar to dill in habit, harvest seeds
when dry. PKT (500) $2
Corn Salad Mache Valerianella locusta Small dark-green leaves have a
mild flavor and delicate texture. Hardy to 0 degrees but doesn’t like heat.
Sow in autumn to stand the winter. Whole plants are harvested for salad
greens. Very high in vitamin C. Grows like spinach (except hardier). Make
successive plantings every three weeks for a continuous supply.
PKT (1000) $2
Arugula/Roquette Heirloom 50 days. Popular spicy salad spiker. Long,
dark green lobed leaves form a loose open bunch. Unique nutty flavor
similar to watercress. Use aromatic, leaves and flowers in salads, tomato
recipes and as a garnish. Prefers cold weather. Plant in early fall.
Organic PKT (2000) $2
Cress-Curled (aka Peppergrass) NEW “Poor Man’s Pepper”, entire plant
is edible. Young leaves can be used as a potherb, sautéed or used fresh in
salads. Substitute young seedpods for black pepper. PKT (2000) $2
Genovese Basil 90 days. Annual. 2" leaves prized for flavor & aroma.
Great for pesto sauces. 24-30" plants slow to bolt. PKT (500) $2
Cress-Upland (aka Creasy Green) 50 days. Similar to watercress but
easier to grow. Harvest year- round. Plants slow to bolt. 6-8" rosettes of
dark green glossy rounded leaves. PKT (2000) $2
Italian Large Leaf Basil Ocimum basilicum 78 days. Large plants very
sweet, very fragrant, medium-dark green leaves up to 4 inches long.
Height: 24-30 inches. Good for pesto and also excellent for fresh use.
PKT (500) $2
Cutting Celery Use the celery flavored leaves in salads or in soups,
stews, and mixed vegetables. Annual. PKT (500) $2
Cumin Low growing. Fragrant foliage similar to dill. Use leaves in salad
mixes and seeds to flavor soups and stews. PKT (100) $2
Lemon Basil NEW Annual. Compact plant (24”) with lemon fragrance.
Use like sweet basil. Ideal for potpourri. PKT (100) $2
Dill Bouquet A hardy annual native to the Mediterranean region. In
Biblical times it was known by its Greek name, Anethon. The common
name “Dill” comes from the old Norse word, dilla (to lull) and alludes to its
historically medicinal use as a carminative. Typically used as a culinary
herb. Fine, tender parts are finely chopped and added to sauces. Also
used fresh in pickling. Seeds and leaves are also used dried as a
seasoning. PKT (500) $2
Thai Basil NEW Annual Lush, deep green leaves with purplish flowers
buds and stems. Sweet basil scent with anise overtones. Use in curries,
spicy stir-fry dishes, dips and salads. PKT (100) $2
Bee Balm/Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) Heirloom used by Native
Americans to make tea. Citrus-flavored leaves can be minced and added
to fruit and jellies. Beautiful purplish bracts, 24-30" tall, aromatic and
colorful in fall. Excellent bee forage plant. Hardy perennial in zones 5-9.
PKT (100) $2
Dill Mammoth Anethum graveolens 70 days. An attractive, 3-5’ tall plant
with a lovely aroma. The leaves, immature flower tops and mature seeds
are an essential pickling spice. This easy-to-grow productive herb will
reseed itself if allowed. As a companion plant, dill can enhance the growth
of cabbages, onions, lettuce and tomatoes. Sow 1-2 seeds per inch in a
sunny place in the garden in late spring or early summer. Use as a dried
herb, harvest before the plant flowers. PKT (500) $2
Borage An annual that produces 2-3’ tall plants and is covered with blue,
star-shaped flowers from June to August. Bees love the bright flowers
which also make an attractive addition to summertime drinks, either floated
on the surface or frozen into ice cubes. PKT (100) $2
Enchinacea Purpurea (Common Purple Coneflower)
perennial plants used for ornamental and medicinal use. Flowers & roots
used for support & stimulation of immune system. PKT (100) $2
Caraway In the same family as parsley. Use seeds as a flavoring for rye
bread, sauerkraut, sausage, cheese, cabbage and soups. Also,
medicinally considered a digestive aid, has anti-spasmodic and antimicrobial properties. PKT (200) $2
Florence Fennel 65 to 100 days. Sow directly in the garden in spring and
harvest in the fall. The bulb has a sweet celery flavor with a hint of anise
(licorice). The bulbs can be baked or boiled in soups or stews and can
also be used raw in garden salads. The leaves and stalks are also useful
for flavoring. PKT (200) $2
Catnip 80 days. Perennial. Use for mint teas or for amusing your cat.
Vigorous, high yielding. PKT (200) $2
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle and herbs for the service
of man that he may bring forth food out of the earth. Psalms 104:14
Fenugreek Annual herb prized for its culinary (particularly Mediterranean
dishes) and medicinal attributes. Use as an herb (dried or fresh leaves),
as a spice (seeds), and as a vegetable (fresh leaves, sprouts, and
microgreens). PKT (200) $2
Summer Savory Annual repels insects in the gardens which makes it a
candidate for companion plantings. Used as a peppery flavoring for
salads, soups, stuffing, sausage, and gravy. Surface sow as it requires
light to germinate. PKT (1000) $2
Feverfew Produces small, yellow and white, daisy like flowers. Use
leaves for fevers, cramps & migraine headaches. Perennial easily selfseeds. PKT (300) $2
Sweet Marjoram 90 days. Annual. 12-15" plants. Flavor similar to
oregano but sweeter and milder. Fresh or dry leaves may be used to
flavor sauces, meats, pastas, fish and beans. PKT (1000) $2
Hyssop has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times.
Used as a gargle or in lozenge form, it helps to relieve sore throats and
coughing. Use to improve the smell of kitchens and hospitals. Hyssop
leaves are used to flavor chicken, salads, soups, liqueurs and stews.
Essential oil used in perfumes. Attracts bees, butterflies and
hummingbirds. Plants grow 18-24". Perennial in zones 4-9. Do not use
while pregnant. PKT (200) $2
Large Leaf Sorrel Rumex acetosa A hardy perennial plant that produces
8" long narrow tender succulent green leaves with a slightly acid tang or
lemony flavor that adds zest to salads. May also be cooked like spinach or
used in soups. Leaves can be harvested over a long period of time.
Remove flowering tops to keep leaves tender. PKT (1000) $2
Russian Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) Favorite for its sweet, anise
flavored leaves. Use in fish and poultry dishes. Productive, freezes and
dries well, but hard to beat fresh. Perennial in zones 3-8. PKT (100) $2
English Lavender English Lavender is one of the best-known of the
traditional aromatic herbs. Valued for its small lavender flowers as well as
for its fragrant gray leaves, it has been grown and used in Europe since at
least the twelfth century. Jefferson listed it for planting in the Monticello
kitchen garden in 1794. This hardy, dwarf shrub is native to southern
Europe, and thrives in sunny locations where the soil is not too rich and
water never puddles. Sow seed in late spring or summer. Winter-hardy in
USDA zones 6-9. PKT (100) $2
Thyme One of most versatile herbs used in cooking. 16-20" plants with a
sprawling habit. Perennial in zones 5-8. PKT (100) $2
Creeping Thyme
Sturdy, drought tolerant, aromatic perennial can
withstand light foot traffic. Slender creeping stems, round leaves, lavender
blooms. PKT (200) $2
Lovage Young leaves taste like celery. Use in salads or to season potato
and poultry dishes. Also may be used as a digestive aid. Perennial.
PKT (100) $2
Bradshaw Heirloom
Collection This is the original Nicotiana rustica used by the Cherokee
Indians during various ceremonies, rites of passage, etc. A small growing
tobacco, it grows about knee high with several stalks arising near the
crown. A rather pervasive pungent odor is released from the leaves during
times of high humidity. PKT (50) $2
Greek Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 90 days. Perennial. Use dry or
fresh leaves in Italian, Spanish and Mexican cuisine. PKT (200) $2
Dark Green Italian Parsley 80 days. Flat, glossy, dark green leaves with
a concentrated flavor. Use fresh or dry. PKT (1000) $2
SUNFLOWERS Autumn Beauty Mixture of fall colors on 5" flowers.
5-6 foot plants have heat and drought tolerance. PKT (50) $2
Italian Giant Parsley 90 days. Large, flat-leaved parsley, with intensive
flavors. Suitable to grow in pots on the windowsill.
Organic PKT (500) $2
Black Russian Plants grow to 12ft. with large 15-18" heads. Frequently
used in bird seed mixes. Striped seed (gray and white). PKT (100) $2
Moss Curled Parsley 80 days. Compact plant with bright green, deeply
cut and finely divided leaves. Very high in vitamins and minerals. Perfect
for flavoring and as garnish. PKT (1000) $2
Dwarf Sunspot 2-3 foot plants produce 10" heads on short stems which
may last up to five weeks. PKT (50) $2
Incredible Dwarf The golden-yellow flower heads are 7-9 inches across
on dwarf plants that are just 15-20 inches tall. PKT (50) $2
Peppermint NEW Very aggressive Perennial plants. Used in potpourri
and to flavor tea, candy, and medicines. PKT (100) $2
Indian Blanket colorful and brilliant flowers come in many bicolor shades
of rich reds, deep golds, mellow yellows and rusty rusts. Many flowers also
display fluffy petals on the inner disc, making them almost semi-double. 4"
blooms don't easily shed Great for cutting. Continuously blooming, this
multi-branched variety will grow to 4-5 feet tall. PKT (50) $2
Rosemary Attractive evergreen shrub with grey-green pinnate leaves with
a spicy flavor. Perennial in zones 8-10. PKT (50) $2
Sage Classic culinary herb for flavoring dressings, meats and sauces.
Attractive grey-green woody/shrubby plant with beautiful mauve flowers
make attractive landscape plants. Perennial in zones 5-10. PKT (100) $2
Lemon Queen 100 days. Beautiful 4-6” lemon-yellow blooms with
chocolate centers. Very unique; 5’ tall plants produce many brilliant
blooms. PKT (50) $2
Salad Burnet A hardy perennial, great for novice gardeners and
gourmets. Attractive plant looks like rustic maiden hair fern and can be
planted in rock gardens, flower beds, and containers. Leaves have a
cucumber flavor and are added to salads, cold summer drinks, chopped
and mixed with butter for a gourmet spread, and used as a garnish instead
of dill with fish. Easy to grow. PKT (300) $2
Mammoth Grey Striped 80 days Heirloom introduced prior to 1871.
Large head with 9-12 foot stalks . Produces a large single head averaging
10 to 12" in diameter or larger. Seeds are rich in oil and protein, mediumlarge, thin-shelled, with gray and white stripes. Excellent bird feed. Space
plants 18" apart. PKT (100) $2
St John’s Wort Fragrant, rounded, hardy shrubby perennial that grows 1’
to 3’. Leaves are pale green with black splotches. Lemon scented yellow
flowers appear in summer to early autumn. PKT (200) $2
Maximilian Perennial sunflower that produces masses of 3” yellow-gold
blooms from August to frost. Plant height 3-7’. PKT (100) $2
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing of birds is
come… Song of Solomon 2: 12
Peredovik 90-100 days. Black sunflower can grow from 4 to 6 feet high
forming small heads full of black seed high in oil content. Excellent feed
for all game birds, especially doves. PKT (500) $2 1LB $6
Red Sun Multiflora type bears 5-6" blooms in shades of deep dark orangered with a hint of yellow around the brown center. 5-6 ft. plants.
PKT (50) $2
Impatiens ‘Dwarf’ Mix NEW Large, individual and sometimes double
flowers in a wide range of bright colors on 12 inch tall plant. Annual.
PKT 3 grams (300) $2
Skyscraper Bright 14" yellow flowers on 10-12 foot plants. Seeds make a
tasty treat or use as bird feed. PKT (100) $2
Four O’clocks For a blaze of beautiful afternoon color, plant this mixture.
When frost threatens, you can dig the bulbous roots that have formed,
save them (like dahlias or glads) for next spring. PKT 3.5 grams (50) $2
Teddy Bear Small bushy sunflower grows 2-3 feet with double yellow 36" blooms. Great for cut flowers. PKT (50) $2
Marigold Mix "Cracker Jack" NEW African/American marigold Tagetes
erecta Another world favorite annual, great for kids' first gardens.
Mixture of orange and yellow flowers. Plant in full sun. 24”-30”” tall.
PKT 5 grams (1100) $2
Torch or Mexican Sunflower. 60 days. Fiery orange 2-3" flowers attract
lots of butterflies all summer long until frost. A favorite because of its
extremely long bloom period. Nice for fresh arrangements. Branching
plants 4–6' tall. PKT (50) $2
Marigold Mix "Sparky" French marigold Tagetes patula Mixture of red,
orange and yellow flowers. Plant in full sun. 12-14” tall sturdy plants.
PKT 5 grams (1000) $2
Velvet Queen 4-6 foot plants produce 6" velvety crimson flowers that will
last 4 weeks, Great for cut flowers. PKT (50) $2
Dwarf Jewel Nasturtiums stays low and blooms (orange, rich reds &
yellow) profusely in the summer months. These beauties are one of the
most widely-used edible flowers. Blooms have sweet, mild spicy flavor,
commonly used for garnish. Height: 12-18”. Grow in full sun to partial
shade. PKT 5 grams (40) $2
Baby’s Breath is related to the carnation. Excellent as a cut flower. This
annual is easy to grow and will be one of the first to bloom in the spring.
Annual Baby’s Breath has larger blooms than the perennial variety. Height:
12-24”. Bloom season: spring and early summer. PKT 5 grams (2000) $2
Spider Flower Cleome hassleriana Tender annual that grows as tall as
5 ft. Use spider flower (pink/white) as a background plant and borders.
Also good in mixed shrub plantings to fill in while shrubs mature. Needs full
sunlight and good drainage. PKT (200) $2
Bachelor Buttons “Polka Dot Dwarf Mix” Colorful blend of vivid blue,
pink, purple, and white flowers. Height: 12-24”. Bloom season: SpringSummer. Sales are prohibited in NC. PKT 5 grams (1100) $2
Birds, Bees, and Butterflies Mix of some twenty bright, vibrant varieties
of flowers that will attract wildlife and catch the eye of anyone passing by.
PKT 5 gms (1500) $3
Sweet William A relative to the Carnation. The red and pink sweet
smelling flowers enjoy a moist and cooler climate in full sun to partial
shade. Height 12-24”. Plant in the spring. Blooms in summer.
PKT 5 grams (5000) $2
Black-Eyed Susan prefers full sun, but can tolerate partially shaded
areas. The Black-Eyed Susan is very drought resistant and makes an
exceptional cut flower. Flower is yellow with a brown center. Height: 2436”. PKT 3 grams (10,000) $2
Zinnias “Cut & Come Again” This is the standard mixture of solid color
blooms. Bloom all summer. 18-24” tall. PKT 5 grams (530) $2
Earlybird 50 Niger 50 days. Guizotia abyssinica is an erect, stout,
branched annual herb, grown for its edible oil and seed. Quick growing
annual. Attractive yellow flowers. Plants 24" tall 24" wide. Seed produced
attract finches and other wild birds. Plants are very attractive to honey
bees. With lots of sun and space one plant could have over 300 flowers.
Guizotia abyssinica is not a Federal noxious weed. PKT (100) $2
Pacific Beauty Calendula Mix of orange, yellow and white hardy annual
flowers Prefer a cooler climate. Edible petals from the flower are often
added to salads for color. Height 12-18”. Bloom season: Spring-Fall.
PKT 5 grams (800) $2
Plains Coreopsis is found as a native in many US states. Start outdoors
in full sun to partial shade. The tall (32-48”) variety produces yellow
bicolored flowers with mahogany red centers in the spring and summer.
Deadheading this flower will help to promote more, full blooms.
PKT 5 grams (15,000) $2
Buckwheat is a fast growing short-season cover
crop. It establishes, blooms, and is ready for incorporation in 30 to 40
days. Buckwheat suppresses weeds and attracts beneficial insects and
pollinators with its abundant blossoms. It is easy to kill and extracts soil
phosphorus from soil better than most grain cover crops then releases
these nutrients to later crops. Buckwheat residue also decomposes
quickly, releasing nutrients to the next crop. Buckwheat thrives in cool,
moist conditions but it is not frost tolerant. In the South it is best sown in
May through August for cover crop use. Buckwheat is not particularly
drought tolerant, and readily wilts under hot, dry conditions. Plant
buckwheat after all danger of frost. In untilled, minimally-tilled or cleantilled soils, sow 2-3 pounds/1000square feet at 0.5 to 1.5 inches deep. If
broadcasting, spread as uniformly as you can onto a firm seedbed and
incorporate with an implement that presses the seed and soil together
lightly. 1 lB. $3 5 LB $10
Sensation Cosmos Mix of red, pink, purple and white flowers are native
to Mexico and require full sun. Cosmos work well as cut flowers and are
good container plants. The Cosmos seed is a popular source of food for
birds. Height 24-40” Plant in the spring. Bloom season: Spring-Fall.
PKT 5 grams (1000) $2
Sulphur Cosmos does well in hot, arid climates. The red, orange and
yellow flowers bloom spring-fall. Attract birds & make good cut flowers.
PKT 5 grams (700) $2
Shasta Daisy An extremely resilient white perennial flower that is native
to Europe, and will grow successfully in an area that provides full sun
or light shade. Plant in spring or fall. Blooms spring-summer.
PKT 5 grams (5000) $2
Velvet Beans Bradshaw Heirloom Favorite NOT FOR HUMAN
CONSUMPTION. Legume that was widely grown until about 1900 as a
summer cover crop. Vigorous running plants produce a mass of foliage
that shades out Bermuda grass & nutsedge. Hardy, vigorous, and virtually
pest free, it helps break the nematode cycle and adds nitrogen and organic
matter. Plant seeds 3 ft. apart. PKT (15) $2 JUMBO PKT (40) $5
Painted Daisy is famous for adding really stunning masses of color to any
planting. Flowers are mixture of white, yellow, red and purple. Full sun to
partial shade in the spring. Plant Height: 18-36”. PKT 5 grams (2100) $2
Beauregard Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station release. Rose skin color, orange flesh and stores well. Produces more # 1 roots than Jewel. Resistance to
white grub and soil rot (pox). Susceptible to wireworms and rootknot nematode. Early maturing (100 days).
O’Henry A white-skinned, cream-fleshed variant of Beauregard. Its maturity, disease resistance, and eating quality is similar to Beauregard, though the flesh is a
little drier, but not as dry as some of the old white varieties. (110-115 days)
Bradshaw Heirloom Sweet Potato Selected by Dr. David Bradshaw, this is his personal favorite. A vigorous grower and very productive. The rose-colored skin
covers rich orange flesh. There may be slight variability in the flesh color, but the flesh is always richly sweet and creamy with very few strings. Many growers have
reported white tail deer select other sweet potato varieties to browse, leaving the Bradshaw potatoes with little damage. Dr. Bradshaw says “This is the best sweet
potato I've ever eaten!” Without a doubt, this is our most popular home garden variety. (110-120 Days)
Ordering information for sweet potato plants: Plants are produced under rigid standards to insure trueness to type, physical quality and freedom from disease &
pests. All orders must be received by May 15th. Prices include USPS Ground shipment. Call for UPS Optional 2nd Day Air or 3 Day Select costs.
Plants will be shipped mid-May to early June. Sorry, we cannot ship to California, Arizona, or Hawaii.
COST for PLANTS: $13.00 for first dozen; $5.00 for each additional dozen. (Price includes USPS Priority Mail). If you are interested in purchasing
plants in large quantities (500 or 1000) please contact us for availability and price.
Pussy willow is a name given to many of the smaller species of the genus “Salix” (willows) when their furry colorful catkins (buds) emerge in early winter. Pussy
willow branches are widely sought for floral décor, landscaping, erosion control, windbreaks and land conservation projects. Pussy willows are easy to grow,
attractive to show and delightful to share. For the grower, pussy willow plantings can be developed into a winter season “cash crop”.
You can easily start a pussy willow by rooting one of its branches or cuttings in a gallon pot filled with good potting soil. The best time to root cuttings is February –
April. Plants may then be transplanted into the ground in late fall. We will provide you with instructions on how to root, grow and care for your own pussy willow
plants. Cuttings are sold in bundles of 6-8 cuttings. The number of cuttings per bundle is shown in the descriptions below.
Available Varieties: All of our pussy willow varieties are locally grown by 2014 Carolina Farm Stewardship Association Farmer of the Year Walker Miller. Mr. Miller
and his family own and operate “The Happy Berry” in Six Mile, SC.
French Pussy Willow: (Salix caprea) A native northern European selection which has become a favorite of the floral industry, highlighting white, glossy and
long lasting catkins. Enjoys sun and water. Grows 12’ to 18’. Stem production third year or sooner. Zone 4-8. Packet (6) 8”-10” stems with instructions.
Silver Giant Pussy Willow: (Salix chaenomelodies) A top favorite of many buyers producing long lasting reddish stems and extra-large showy silver catkins. Prolific
with sun and damp soils. Grows 12’ to 18’ if not harvested annually. Production 3rd year or sooner. Zone 4-8. Packet (6) 8”-10” stems with instructions.
Mount Asama: (Salix chaenomelodies) the most colorful catkins showing pale pinkish center surrounded by silky white outside. Grows 8’ to 12’.
Japanese origin. Shapes well following annual winter branch harvest. Zone 4-8. Packet (6) 8” – 10” stems, with instructions.
Pink Pussy Willow: (Salix discolor) Catkin emerges late winter/early spring. Colorful catkins change into a silvery white. Sometimes referred to as the Easter Pussy
Willow. Grow 8’ – 12’. Zone 4 – 8. Packet (6) 8” – 10” stems with instructions.
Japanese Fantail or Dragon Tail: (Salix sekka) A Japanese ornamental woody stem treasure. Sought by florists for the unusual and exotic shape and attractive
small catkins. This willow produces unique, twisting stems and fall color unmatched in the willow family. Grows 8’ to 12’. Zone 4-8. Packet (6) 8” – 10” stems with
Purple Heirloom or Prairie Willow: (Salix humulis). A showy upright willow with long flowing yellowish gold stems producing small attractive purple catkins that
emerge becoming attractive off white to gray. Excellent color and shape for small to tall arrangements. Can be shaped to a topiary form or attractive in hedge or
stand alone. Grows 6’ to 10’. Zone 4-8. Packet (8) 8” – 10” stems with instructions.
All orders must be received by April 20, 2015. Prices include USPS Ground shipment. Cuttings will be shipped February 1 through April 30. Sorry, we
cannot ship to Arizona, California, Hawaii or Oregon.
COST for CUTTINGS: Sold in bundles of six to eight cuttings of the same variety. $15.00 for the first bundle; $10.00 for each additional bundle of
cuttings. (Price includes USPS Mail).
He took also of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field: he placed it by great waters, and set it as a willow tree. Ezekiel 17:5
“As you sow your seeds and plant your trees, you too are a part of the continuing creation of life and beauty. We are all in fact, gardening with God.”
Allan A. Swenson
Heavenly Seed LLC (HS) warrants to the extent of the purchase only that the seed or plants we sell conform to the
description on the label within recognized tolerance under state and federal laws. HS makes no warranty, expressed or
implied, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor does HS assume any obligation with respect to
yield, freedom from seed borne disease, quality or tolerance to disease, insects, or growing conditions of the seed or the
crop produced therefrom.
HS liability, whether contractual for negligence or otherwise, is limited to the replacement of the seed or plants or the
refund of the purchase price under all circumstances. Nor shall HS be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or
consequential loss or damage including amounts expended in using, growing, or harvesting the produce of such seed. The
price of the seed is based on this limited warranty & liability. Prices of the seed would be higher if further liability coverage
were required. Acceptance of the seed or plants by the buyer constitutes acknowledgment that the limitations and
disclaimers herein set forth are conditions of the sale and constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding
warranty and/or any other liability. If not acceptable, return the seed (within 30 days) in their original package for a refund.
Green Beans
Lima Beans
Misc Beans
Velvet Beans
Brussel Sprouts
Corn OP
Corn Sweet
English Peas
Snow Peas
Southern Peas
Pepper Hot
Pepper Bell
Pepper Misc
Misc Flowers
Cover Crops
Sweet Potato Plants
Pussy Willow Cuttings
206 North Fork Drive, Anderson, SC 29621
Telephone: 864-650-5306
Web Page: www.heavenlyseed.net
Email: heavenlyseed@bellsouth.net
Name ____________________________________________________________
PO Box or Street____________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: _________________EMAIL ____________________________
If necessary, may we substitute a similar variety?
Yes No
Use other side for additional orders.
Method of Payment:
Total pg. 1
(Credit card minimum purchase $5)
Security code on back of card (last three numbers): ____________
Expiration Date: ________________
Card Number: ________________________________Name on the Card: _____________________________
Billing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
You may also place your order on our website (www.heavenlyseed.net) using your credit card or PayPal account.
Please add shipping & handling:
$7.00 for first lb. or ½ lb. item plus .50 for each additional
½ lb. item and .25 for each additional packet
NOTE: If only ordering packets, add $2.00 for first PKT
and .25 for each additional PKT.
Maximum Total Postage $15.00
US Funds Only.
Please call and we will be happy to help you calculate postage.
Total pg. 1
Total pg. 2 __________
Grand Total
Total pg. 2
Heavenly Seed LLC (HS) warrants to the extent of the purchase only that the seed or plants we sell conform to the
description on the label within recognized tolerance under state and federal laws. HS makes no warranty, expressed or
implied, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor does HS assume any obligation with respect to
yield, freedom from seed borne disease, quality or tolerance to disease, insects, or growing conditions of the seed or the
crop produced therefrom.
HS liability, whether contractual for negligence or otherwise, is limited to the replacement of the seed or plants or the
refund of the purchase price under all circumstances. Nor shall HS be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or
consequential loss or damage including amounts expended in using, growing, or harvesting the produce of such seed. The
price of the seed is based on this limited warranty & liability. Prices of the seed would be higher if further liability coverage
were required. Acceptance of the seed or plants by the buyer constitutes acknowledgment that the limitations and
disclaimers herein set forth are conditions of the sale and constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding
warranty and/or any other liability. If not acceptable, please return the seed (within 30 days) in their original package for a