Green Sheet 011115 - First Congregational Church


Green Sheet 011115 - First Congregational Church
Attendance Figures for January 4, 2015 8 AM: 10 - Worship 10 AM: 123 - Worship; 32 - Teachers, Children and Youth
The Board of Deacons would like to have
greeters at the Parking Lot doors during the
winter months. If you can help folks who are
dropped off while their driver parks and in
doing so, welcome them to our church,
please sign up in the Blue Book located on
the Gathering Table in the Atrium.
Men’s Choir Begins Rehearsals on January 18th at 9
AM in the Choir Room. This is the opportunity for
the men in our church to participate in the musical
life of our congregation. Consider this, gentlemen, an
engraved invitation to join us in this year’s edition of
the Men’s Choir of First Congregational Church. We
will sing on February 15th.
OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Serving January 11, 2015 – Serving January 18, 2015 – 8 & 10 AM 8 & 10 AM 8 AM: Greeter/Usher: Bob Henschel 8 AM: Greeter/Usher: ________ 10 AM: Greeters: Peter & Peggy Haesler, Sandy 10 AM: Greeters: ________, Parking Lot Greeters: Wilch, Parking Lot Greeters: the Mason/DeYoung ________ family Ushers: Nancy Hayes -­‐ Captain, Dick & Gaye Clark, Ushers: Steve Hayes -­‐ Captain, Dick & Gaye Clark, Jennifer Wakefield Jennifer Wakefield Acolytes: Maya and Mollie Meyer Acolytes: ________, Serena Stern Coffee Hour Host: Cheryl Lund Coffee Hour: Chili Cook-­‐off/Dessert Bake-­‐off Sign up to serve in the Blue Book located on the Gathering Table. Ministers: The Members of this Church Assisted by: Senior Minister – Rev. William S. Trump, Jr. –
Associate Minister of Pastoral Care – Rev. Dr. Barry W. Szymanski –
Seminary Student — Joel K. Boyd —
Moderator – Jane Boyd –
Administrator – Michael “Chip” Smith –
Music Director – Lee Jacobi –
Organist – Thomas Gregory –
Director of Christian Education – Tonia Wallner –
Junior & Cherub Choir Director – Roxanne Trump-Miles –
In case of emergency, a minister is on call at 414-258-7378.
Church Office: 414-258-7375 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:30 AM–4:30 PM; Fri., 8:30 AM–Noon
The Congregational Home
The Congregational Home, founded as an extension of the mission of the First Congregational Church of
Wauwatosa, creates and maintains a caring community for the elderly;
offering housing, health care and quality of life services.
President/COO – Charles Nelson, R.N., M.S.
Chaplain – Rev. Joseph Phillips
Board Chair – Thomas Galfano
1511 Church Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 – 414-258-7375
Calendar for the Week of January 11, 2015 Sunday, January 11 8:00 AM Worship in the Chapel
8:45 AM Lectionary Discussion - Chapel
9:00 AM Sunday Symposium – Lounge,
Discovery Kids – LL5, Junior Choir reh. –
10:00 AM Worship in the Nave/Children in
Church/PF/Sunday School for ages 3 – 5th
11:00 AM Coffee Fellowship – Social Hall
11:15 AM Young Families Bible Study –
Monday, January 12 12:00 PM Twentieth Century Club – Lounge
5:30 PM Faith Finders (Dinner at 5 PM) –
Social Hall
6:30 PM Bd/Trustees - Lounge
7:00 PM Bd/Education, Al-Anon – LL4W
8:00 PM AA – LL5
Tuesday, January 13 12:00 PM Circle 7 – Lounge
6:30 PM Tosa Historical Society - Lounge
7:00 PM Boy Scouts – LL5
8:00 PM AA (United We Stand) – LL4W
Wednesday, January 14 6:30 AM Men’s Ministry - Library
7:00 AM Women’s Ministry – Parlor
9:00 AM Cream City Rug Club – Social Hall
10:00 AM @Cong. Home – Baking Group
6:00 PM Debtors Anonymous – LL5
Thursday, January 15 8:45 AM YOGA - Lounge 9:00 AM Big Band – Social Hall
10:00 AM Sidetracks – Library
6:45 PM Bible Study Fellowship – Chapel,
Social Hall
7:00 PM Choir of First Church reh. – Choir
Friday, January 16 9:00 AM Harmony Singers – Lounge
Saturday, January 17 No church events scheduled
On January 18th, following the 10 AM
worship service, the Board of Fellowship
hosts our annual Chili Cook-­‐off and Dessert Bake-­‐off. Enter your prize-winning chili or
dessert. ‘Fabulous’ prizes will be awarded to
the winners. There is NO CHARGE if you
bring an entry to be judged. The cost for
others is $5/adults; $3/children under 12.
Please sign up at the Gathering Table in the
Atrium. If you wish to help that day, contact
Cheryl Lund ( or
Jennifer Wakefield (
Please label any entries that contain nuts for those
with allergies.
Church Life! Welcome to our guests
Rev. Dr. Barry Szymanski will lead a presentation, followed
by a discussion, on Sunday, February 1, 11:30 AM in the
Lounge. The discussion will follow the similarities and
dissimilarities of why organizations and churches fail.
The Women’s Faith Finders, a
Ministry study group,
fellowship group for 1st
which meets Wednes– 5 graders, will meet
day mornings at 7 AM
tomorrow evening at 5:30
in the Parlor, begins a
PM. Come at 5 PM for
12-week study on
a delicious supper ($3).
January 14th entitled
“Anointed, TransMaribeth Sullivan, from
formed & Redeemed.”
the City of Waukesha
The messages are
Recycling Center, will
presented in six videos,
be the speaker at 1 PM
two from each of three
on Tuesday, January 13
authors, as well as six
for the Circle 7 meeting.
segments from a
Everyone is invited.
workbook. To order a
workbook, contact Pat
Check out our Little Reddy at
Free Library. There are
now over 20,000
libraries worldwide!
joining us today. Please check
the welcome tables in the
Atrium and the Narthex for
information about our
LOOKING AHEAD: Carolyn Nowacki – one yr. Scott Rondeau – one yr. Bd of Education Mary Dummert Emily Hayes – one yr. Pat Reddy Bd of Fellowship Elizabeth Carger Debbie Hayden Bd of Trustees Laura Petrie Anderson SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015
8 AM – Worship in the Chapel; 10 AM – Worship in the Nave
*Annual Meeting immediately following
*Approve the 2015 budget, vote on the slate of candidates
Proposed Bylaw change: Article 11.B.1.f “The Board of
Congregational Care shall consist of 6 – 10 members.”
The Week of January 18th SUNDAY SUNDAY •Junior Choir reh. – Room LL4E -­‐ 9 AM •Discovery Kids – Room LL5 -­‐ 9 AM •Sunday School for ages 3 -­‐ 5th grade -­‐ 10:15 AM •Pilgrim Fellowship Youth Group -­‐ Room 302 -­‐ 10:15 AM FRIDAY •Fab Flicks at First – Room 302– 6 PM Slate of Nominees for 2015 (All are two-­‐year terms unless indicated otherwise.) Harry Collis – one yr. Moderator – Charlie Wakefield Carol Smith Marc Guscott – one yr. Vice Moderator – Marty Vander Velde Bd of Deacons Past Moderator – Jane Boyd Randy Goelzer Marianne King Treasurer – Cindy Payette – one yr. Peggy Griffith Jeff S
aeger – one yr. Assistant Treasurer – Jim Walsh – one yr. Sally Kalbas Nate S
chloemer Church Clerk – Tom Schalmo – one yr. Carrie Meyer Bd of Stewardship/Benevolence Church Council At-­‐Large Dick Berger Nancy Restyanszki – one yr. Bd of Congregational Care Heidi Boyd Judy Connor Jackie Hipke – one yr. Susan Jensen – one yr. Connie Little – one yr. Retta Meser Therese Ramseyer ANNUAL MEETING Melissa Coppage Jim Harris J. C. Moore Cathy Trump – one yr. Nominating Committee Anne Callen Lyle Dobberke Arlette LIndbergh Year Round Delegate for NACCC Nancy Holz – one yr. The WCA First Fridays group gathers on January 9th at 7 PM at
North Shore in Fox Point. This statewide fellowship program is
for youth in grades 6 – 12. The evening includes dinner, songs,
worship, and small group discussions. Contact Tonia if you plan
on attending,
FCC Social Club SOCIAL NIGHT Saturday, January 24
7:00 PM
at the home of Kevin &
Jenny Breitzmann in
Germantown. Bring an
appetizer you’ve never tried
before or a new beverage
you’ve never tasted before.
RSVP to Jenny at
Fab Flicks at First is for our middle and high school youth. We’ll gather in Youth
Room 302 on Friday, January 23 at 6 PM to watch “SCHOOL OF ROCK,” a
movie starring Jack Black. The world’s least-employable heavy metal guitarist
is entrusted with the minds of upstate New York’s best and brightest in this
fish-out-of-water comedy. $3 gets you pizza, popcorn, and lemonade. Sign up
at the Gathering Table or RSVP to Tonia.
DISCOVERY HOUR -­‐ Sunday, January 18 Discovery Kids -­‐ LL5; C hildcare – Nursery -­‐ 9 AM *Sunday Symposium – 9 AM -­‐ A discussion of today's Lectionary will take place. Folks of all ages are invited. – Chapel Worship on Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:00 & 10:00 AM Worship in the Chapel at 8 AM
Rev. Bill Trump will present the message.
Nick Sluss-Rodionov is the accompanist.
Worship in the Nave at 10 AM
Rev. Bill Trump will present the message.
Children begin worship in Church with their families.
Pilgrim Fellowship youth meet in Room 302.
Sunday School for ages 3 – 5th grade.
Nursery care for ages 2 and under.
Lee Jacobi directs the Choir of First Church.
Thomas Gregory is the organist.
The Torah: A Workshop (OR What is the Torah? OR Why Should Christians Care?) Date: January 24th, 9 AM – 2
PM in the Parlor
Purpose: The aim of this
workshop is to relate the
Torah to one’s personal
spirituality through informal
discussion. Our goal is to
offer a meaningful
experience for all who
Facilitator: Rev. Barry W.
Szymanski, J.D.
Cost: Optional $10
contribution for lunch
RSVP: Sign up at the
Gathering Table.