2015 Membership Brochure - MGMA


2015 Membership Brochure - MGMA
January 12, Liberty
February 9, NKCH
March 8, Liberty
April 12, SLNH
May 10, NKCH
June 14, Liberty
July 12, SLNH
August 9, NKCH
September 13, Liberty
October - Symposium
November 8, NKCH
December 13, Liberty
Central Office
1105 NE Westwind Drive
Lee’s Summit, MO 64086
P 816.806.1838
F 816.326.9132
February 10, NKCH Lewis & Clark Room
Topic: Revenue Cycle Managment Panel
Panel: Natalie Scott, Dale Farrell, Scott Walterbach
and Crystal McIntosh
March 10, Liberty Hospital, Education Center
Topic: Hearing From Our Insurance Affiliates
Panel: BCBS, Coventry, HCUSA and more
April 14, SLNH, Barry Conference Rom
Topic: Practice Makes Perfect (QI Part of Culture)
Speaker: Marla Tobin
May 12, NKCH, Lewis & Clark Room
Topic: Employee Discipline
Speaker: Jill Crutchfield (NKCH Speaker)
June 9, Liberty Hospital, Education Center
Topic: PQRS (meaningful use/Value Based Modifier
Speaker: Kathryn Ayers of GBS (LHE speaker)
July 14, SLNH, Barry Conference Room
Topic: Marketing Tips Speaker: TBD
August 11, NKCH, Lewis & Clark Room
Topic: Learning from Our Business Partner Experts
Trade Show and Pane “5 Tips”
September 8, Liberty Hospital, Education Center
Topic: Hiring and Interviewing Speaker: TBD
October Symposium TBD
Enhance the skills you
have in healthcare
management and share
your knowledge with
other managers.
2015 application is now
available on our website. Membership dues
are at a nominal price
and you get great value
for your money! No
cost for meetings.
Strengthening the Pulse of Northwest Missouri
January 13, Liberty Hospital Education Center
Topic: Where Your Top Provider Is Labeled a Bully
Speaker: Sandy Brown
November 10, SLNH Barry Conference Room
Topic: Fraud (LHE Speakers)
Speaker: Chris McCullough and Rhonda Harrelson
December 8, NKCH Lewis and Clark Room
Topic: Stress Management in Workplace/Annual
Business Meeting and Charity Event
Speaker: Paula Nigro (NKCH Speaker)
Understanding what is necessary
to thrive in today’s healthcare
environment and take
your practice to the next level
Benefits of
Let’s Meet!
Can You Help?
Educational Focus!
What you get!
FREE monthly meetings are
scheduled on the second
Tuesday of each month from
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Meetings rotate between our three
sponsoring hospitals: North
Kansas City, Liberty, and Saint
Lukes’ Northland hospitals.
All members are encouraged to participate in some way, be it serving on a committee or helping with hospitality.
Monthly Programs: The association has
quality education at all monthly meetings as well as our annual symposium.
Expert local/national speakers present
timely information for our members.
All general meetings are
FREE, provided compliments
of our sponsor hospitals. This
is a great benefit of membership!
An up-to-date list of topics
and confirmed speakers are
posted on the website calendar. Online registration is as
easy as clicking on the home
page link at the following link:
Our ACMPE Forum Rep for
MGMA provides information and focus on continuing
education credits for medical managers, available for
all meetings, conferences,
practicums and special educational events throughout
the year. Qualified expert
speakers in various fields of
healthcare bring a wealth of
knowledge to our members
every month.
National MGMA provides the
latest information on political
action initiatives, and management news in our bulletin.
The Program Committee develops quality
education events throughout the year.
Expert speakers share important information on relevant topics, and panels,
exchanges or round table discussions
include everyone in the process of learning from each other.
The Membership Committee meets
members needs in varioius ways. Several
ad hoc committees are always looking for
assistance throughout the year. Getting
involved on a committee is a great way
to serve and develop long-time relationships with our members.
Keep Connected. . .
The central office sends out periodic news
via the listserv and emails to keep members up-to-date on important healthcare
issues, education opportunities, and
changes from MGMA/CMS/WPS, etc.
These communications convey a variety
of internal association information such
as meeting dates, topics, speakers and interactive news from affiliate organizations
such as MSMA and Mid America Coalition.
Annual Fall Symposium: This day-long
event is packed full of excellent education and networking opportunities.
Managers meet with exhibitors from
diverse specialities who service the
healthcare industry. Managers feel
supported and learn the latest innovative technologies that are available.
Not only is the networking between
Managers and Business Partners
valuable, relationships create a solid
groundwork for long-term friendships.
$ Great Value $
Managers Annual Dues: $100
Partner Annual Dues:
No Meeting Fees:
Free Monthly Meetings w/Meal
Sponsoring Hospitals
The listserv has become a favorite communication tool to stay connected. It is
used by Managers to ask all sorts of management questions of their peers and get
the answers quickly. Business Partners can
offer their input within the rules allowed.
Intent + Action + Refocus = New Growth
Affordable member dues
Expert speakers, panels, and FREE meals at
monthly meetings (meals
and facility generously
provided by our sponsoring hospitals)
A full day of education
with national speakers
and recognized local
experts at MGMA Northwest Missouri’s Symposium. CEUs awarded
Excellent networking
Communication with
state and national MGMA
Listserv interaction to answer manager questions
Referral opportunities
Website resources
Membership assistance
Programs of interest
Business Partner opportunities include best
value options for advertising in variety of ways.,
website advertising, and
door prizes. Time to
describe your service/
product while networking
at meetings