internet safety expert educates community
internet safety expert educates community
The Geraldine News Ngä Pükörero o te wiki ki Raukapuka Y p Wh PR Y GERALDINE BUTCHERY Y M S EA OD T& SM ALLGO Wiener Schnitzel plain or crumbed $12.99 kg Butcher’s Own Pure Beef Sausages WILSON STREET, GERALDINE Y PHONE $8.99/kg or 2kg for $16.00 farm-fresh free-range eggs $6.00 dozen 6 Wilson st, geraldinE v PH 693 8538 Geraldine office 3-5 Wilson Street, Geraldine P: 693 8207 F: 693 8266 E: supporting local communities RUGBY Sat 15th August 7.30pm Bledisloe Cup New Zealand v Australia LIVE MUSIC Sat 15th August 9pm The Elevators EVERY WEEK Wednesday 7pm QUIZ NIGHT Friday 9pm Open Mic / Karaoke 3255 copies delivered each week Internet safety expert educates community foodies choose he to t IUM QUALI s re EM T ho e established 1992Thursday 13 august 2015 Three days of online-safety workshops at Geraldine Primary School and Geraldine High School have left students, parents and teachers enlightened, empowered and empathetic. Internet safety and risk assessment consultant, John Parsons, educated and entertained as he outlined the reality of cyber danger and provided solutions to 693ensure 8538children and adults enter the world of technology knowing how to stay safe from online predators. While he stated, “I can go geek” about technology, his focus is on healthcare and mental wellbeing as he “journeys into sensitive areas”. His work includes consultancy for the New Zealand police and the New Zealand government educating, supporting and providing child protection. He explains the victim is always at the centre of his decisions. In his evening workshops, John outlined case studies of real predators at work within New Zealand. One 15-year-old girl had 900 connections on Facebook. Some were strangers. She was friended by a paedophile who groomed her to send over 60 sexualised selfie photos to him, which he posted online. In another incident, a 60-year-old widow, groomed by an online predator, parted with thousands of dollars. She had formed an online relationship with three men and decided he was The One. In fact, he was all three men. The predator had created three different false profiles on a dating site. John’s workshop at Geraldine Primary School was an age-appropriate version of the evening sessions and year 4, 5 and 6 students from Geraldine Primary School, Carew-Peel Forest School, Woodbury School, Waihi School and Winchester Primary School attended. His key message to children is, “use your digital muscles” and create a “digital boundary” to keep family, friends and yourself safe. “If you get butterflies in your tummy, listen to your butterflies. Always John Parsons: “He was amazing. We were so privileged to have him here,” says Sarah Wilson. Photo: Pip Goldsbury. show Mum and Dad.” A show of hands at the primary school workshop indicated a number of children have already been asked for photos, names and age by online strangers. While John spoke of the reality and the dangers of the cyber world, he is positive about technology and encourages its safe use. “Don’t blame IT. It’s the behaviour.” He says, “If we teach our children to cross the road safely, they can cross the road safely anywhere in the world. This is the same for technology.” He adds, “We don’t open the front door of our house and invite strangers in; we shouldn’t do it online.” John dared his audience to care and “look for what we do good in the physical world and do it in the cyber world”. Parent and primary school teacher, Sarah Wilson, was impressed with John’s workshops and his ability to impart his message at age-appropriate levels. “He was amazing. We were so privileged to have him here.” Molly Wyborn, year 7 student at Geraldine High School, echoes Sarah’s enthusiasm. “He made me feel safer on the internet and I’m sure he helped a lot of people. I was glad he came to our school and talked to us about it.” Pip Goldsbury Narrative poem of mishaps and characters to be shared Local poet Jan Vernon is reading her recently self-published narrative poem, The folk at Kaka Courts at the Geraldine Library, on Thursday 20 August at 1.30pm. “It is a fictionalised and folksy account of the mishaps, characters and observations of a small community of older folk – tales of my imaginary friends in rhyme,” she says. A previous reading engaged her listeners to the extent that Jan Vernon has had to pen a sequel to round off the characters and to satisfy the “what-happened-to “questions. “I don’t rely on my own judgement. As this is self-published, I sent it individually to two qualified and critical friends in Otago for their honest opinions before going into print. I am about to do the same with the sequel. I write poetry to keep my mind going and with this one particularly aimed at older people I hope that it will be enjoyed.” The nonagenarian and winner of first prize in the 2007 Timaru Festival of the Roses poetry section, has been a lifetime poet and writer but it wasn’t until she was about 70 that her poems were first included in a published anthology. Several of her amusing poems have also been published in The Geraldine News. Kent Slocombe IN THE DINING LOUNGE Mediterranean Lamb Filo with minted yoghurt mmm... Dessert... Salted Caramel Danish 41 Talbot St Ph 693 1004 OPEN FROM 11am DAILY The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015 Reward yourself with the home you’ve always wanted and 8,000 Fly Buys Points.* 7HUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVDSSO\ 6HHÁ\EX\VFRQ] Jennian Homes Mid & South Canterbury $VKEXUWRQ2IÀFH 3DUN6WUHHW$VKEXUWRQ T 03 307 7308 E PLGFDQWHUEXU\#MHQQLDQFRQ] 7LPDUX6KRZ+RPH +LOWRQ+LJKZD\7LPDUX T 03 688 0146 E VRXWKFDQWHUEXU\#MHQQLDQFRQ] 0800 JENNIAN 1 NEED TO MOVE SOME DIRT? BIG SMALL WE MOVE IT ALL Our services include: • Trenches • Siteworks • Building foundations • Vegetation clearing/control • Landscaping • Cleaning out dairy sheds CALL US TODAY Denys - 027 686 2237 Jared - 027 277 9519 or 03 692 2963 (ah) Nathan wins overall merit at Blue Light Nathan Davis (photo right) won the Overall Merit award at the Blue Light Life Skills camp he attended at Burnham military camp during the school holidays. The New Zealand Police and the Defence Force collaborate to run the weeklong life-skills courses. Young people aged 14-17 years from all over the South Island attended. They took part in activities that built selfrespect, respect for others, working within boundaries, self-care, teamwork and problem-solving. The Blue Light Like Skills co-ordinator, Alison Bevan said that Nathan won the Nathan Davis with his merit award. Photo: Supplied. award “because the camp solving and was always respectful to staff and fellow course staff felt that he had significant and consistent improvement in attitude, self-discipline, members.” self-confidence, participation, teamwork and problemSubmitted Geraldine Rugby JAB Breakup BROKEN WINDSCREEN? Geraldine - We Come To You! Twice Weekly, Quality Guaranteed, Locally Owned Visible Quality, Clearly Better 23 - 25 Theodosia St Timaru. Call 0800 441-331 CONtACt US Snow no problem at the Geraldine Rugby Football Club JAB prizegiving. Photo: Pip Goldsbury. The skiff of snow didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of 140 young rugby players last Saturday morning at the annual Geraldine Rugby Football Club JAB prizegiving. Fifty-two children received awards for best team player, tackler or rippa of the year, most improved player and sportsperson of the year. Regan Thomas won the overall Sportsperson of the Year trophy and Innes Hanrahan received the Jayden Patterson Memorial trophy for attitude, effort and attendance. Pip Goldsbury Quality garments Superior service Competitive prices 28 Talbot Street, Geraldine. Ph 693 7118. Using only high quality certified concrete, Aoraki Kerb & Channel specialise in: Driveways ▪ Car parks ▪ Garden edges ▪ Machine-laid continuous kerbing With experience across small and large commercial and residential projects, we can cater to any of your concreting needs. P. 0800 688 000 E: W: Ph 0800 693 800 fax 03 525 8699 Requests for submitted articles: phone The Geraldine News at least two weeks prior to event. Usual deadline for all items: Noon Mondays. Agents: Hammer Hardware. Advertising costs: Classifieds: 50c/word. Display ads: contact us for details. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication, The Geraldine News does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The content of submitted material is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make final decisions on layout of submitted ads. Copies can be bought and we have a subscription service. 2 The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015 Hamlet abridged at The Lodge Theatre Geraldine Rugby Football Club Special General Meeting 16 August 2015 @ 4pm, GRFC Club rooms A special general meeting is called to gauge interest in afternoon grade rugby. The club is currently of the view that without considerable new input we will be unable to field a senior rugby team next season. The meeting is open to all members who have an interest in local rugby. If local support is not forthcoming then, unfortunately the current committee will have to look at more dire options. So the question is: do you want local afternoon rugby? If so we look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Any inquires please contact Brian Bolt – President 027 693 7689 Brent Patterson – Vice President 027 231 9956 Email: COMMUNITY FUNDING APPLICATIONS Cast: (from left to right) Kirby Brown, Taylor Scott, Jac Paterson, Bella Kircher, Elkan Powley and Max Paterson. “To be or not to be”; “Neither a borrower nor a lender be”; “Though this be madness, yet there is method in ‘t”; “This above all: to thine own self be true”. You’ve heard these words before somewhere. It may have been a few years since you studied Shakespeare but there’s a wonderful opportunity this week to catch a Shakespearian tragedy: sword fights, Medieval jesters, insanity, ghost visitation and most of the cast dead by the end of the play: Hamlet – possibly Shakespeare at his best. “The students are doing an absolutely fabulous job,” says director Kay Paterson. “They have fully engaged with their characters and absorbed the complexity of the Shakespearian language. I have seen them develop as actors and grow in their understanding for the play and all its layers of meaning over the rehearsal period.” The cast of six has been working since last term on this 60-minute abridgement of this classic, and between them Photo: Supplied. cover 13 characters. “So there’s a few quick changes.” says Mrs. Paterson. “The dead Polonius is dragged off by Hamlet and then has to do a quick change to be back on as Horatio in the next scene.” “There are a few unsafe seats that we will have to keep as unavailable,” says Kay. “as the final fight scene between Laetres and Hamlet uses not only the stage space but the aisles as well.” “Whether people know students in the cast or not, the community needs to get out and support these young vibrant actors,” says Kay. “It’s a compelling and moving show. Well worth getting out to see.” The second performance of Hamlet is on this Saturday 15 August at 7.30pm at the Lodge Theatre. Tickets, available at Just One Wish or at the door for $5. Submitted We are now calling for funding applications for projects in the Timaru District in the following categories: • Public Events • Rural Community Halls maintenance • Non-profit organisations providing free, ongoing community service • Non-profit organisations focused on preserving history and making it publicly available at little or no charge • Low interest loan funding to develop new or improve existing facilities Application forms are available from the Council offices in Timaru, Geraldine and Temuka and on the Council’s website For further information please contact Jenny Ensor, ph (03) 687 7254. APPLICATIONS CLOSE 4 SEPTEMBER 2015 Acland Falls track open Peel Forest’s Acland Falls track is cleared of debris. “After extreme weather and snowfall, a lot of work was needed to clear tracks including at Peel Forest, Kelcey’s Bush and Talbot Forest,” says Chris Coulter, DOC’s South Canterbury district partnerships ranger. Restoring order to the local track network was a substantial job. “Two people came from Oamaru and joined the team for five to six weeks,” says Chris. All tracks on the district’s public conservation land are now open for use. Jan Finlayson Peel Forest’s Acland Falls track, cleared of debris. Photo: Supplied. 34 High St Geraldine Ph 693 1401 Dedicated WOF inspector Waiting room available or Pick up and delivery of vehicle All mechanical Repairs Servicing of all modern vehicles Prompt efficient service National Superannuation card holders now get 15% discount The team who cares about your car. The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015 3 Language Perfect World Championship success s to your home hot water, space ion, making Fairlie. e Eleven of the 12 Geraldine High School gold award winners. Photo: Submitted. Last term 44 Geraldine High School students from Years 7-13 participated in the Language Perfect World Championship, an online vocabulary competition run over a ten-day period. “The results were fantastic, both individually and as a team,” says French teacher Jane Donald. “Twelve students gained gold awards, four students gained silver, ten students gained bronze and 16 students gained credit awards.” As a team, Geraldine High School was first for French in the 1-50 students category - not just in New Zealand, but internationally. Out of 144 schools in this category, from eight different countries, they won by a huge margin of 15,000 points. Submitted r community. financial focus: Follow your financial values ce The process of accurate self-examination is a critical component of successful financial planning. Surprisingly, in spite of its importance, hardly anyone talks about the need to get very clear about why we do what we do with our money. This avoidance is an enormous mistake As local as local is and it’s a mistake that any good financial adviser should be “Ring me first well-equipped to help you fix. - you’ll be so glad you did” You can do this without an adviser but, for maximum benefit, you need to be brutally honest with yourself. Start by asking yourself a few simple questions to reveal what matters to you the most: • Why is money important to you? • Why do you spend the way you do? • Why do you invest the way you do? These questions will help reveal your unique financial values. Some might go even further and describe them as life values. If you don’t initially have answers to these questions, you will need to dig deeper. For example, if you don’t understand why your money is invested in a certain way, ask more questions. Whose advice are you following? What advice have you ignored, and why? It may sound obvious, Count on us – reliable 45kg LPG cylinders to your Countdelivery on us –ofreliable delivery of 45kg LPGhome cylinders to your but home the best investments for you need to be based on your or business. or business. true goals and values. Use your answers as a starting point to discover how you Transform your Transform home – supplying LPG for all your hotLPG water, space your home – supplying for all your hot water, space really spend your time and money but, remember, you have heating and cooking needs. heating and cooking needs. to be honest. Does your behaviour match up with what you We have 3 dedicated trucks servicing region, makingthe region, making said was most important? We delivery have 3 dedicated deliverythe trucks servicing egular deliveries to Temuka, Geraldine, Waimate and Fairlie. regular deliveries to Temuka, Waimateinand Fairlie. Warning - the first time through this process can be pretty Delivering to homes andGeraldine, businesses Count on us – reliable delivery of 45kg LPG cylinders to your home scary, maybe even painful. It is not uncommon for people to y owned and andand proud to be part of yourto community. the Geraldine district, 3 days every week Locally owned operated and proud be part of your community. oroperated business. discover inconsistencies between what they say they value Transform your home – supplying LPG for all your hot water, space and what they actually value. ockgas Timaru on I have helped people through this process many times and Call Rockgas Timaru on heating and cooking needs. often found people who were shocked to learn they spent 686 6340 03 686 6340delivery trucks servicing the region, making We have 3 dedicated time and money on things that didn’t match their values. regular deliveries to Temuka, Geraldine, Waimate and Fairlie. So, the first time through, don’t be dismayed if you Locally owned and operated and proud to be part of your community. discover there is very little overlap between your actions and what you say you value. Identifying these inconsistencies Call Rockgas Timaru on doesn’t signal a failing. On the contrary, identifying them helps you on the path towards making better and more 03 686 6340 relevant financial decisions. Our goal here is to uncover those moments when the way 4 we spend our time and money don’t actually align with our values. As we uncover them we need to keep two things in mind. First, what we said was important to us, and what we thought was important to us, might not be important at all. I’ve seen many instances where someone was convinced they valued something very highly, only to find out they were relying on someone else’s values, like their community or their parents. For years, a friend of mine kept telling himself that he really valued buying a home. He had convinced himself that he valued the security he associated with it. He certainly had the financial resources to buy one, but he kept making decisions that didn’t get him any closer to obtaining this thing he thought he valued. After he took the time to really reflect on his values and ask honest questions of himself, he finally realised that he valued flexibility and freedom more than security. Buying a home turned out to be someone else’s value and letting go of it gave him the freedom to align his choices to his real values. Second, we are never ‘finished’ when it comes to aligning our behaviour with our values. Going through this process doesn’t magically transform us into perfect people. We’re still human after all, and we tend not to get things exactly right all of the time. However, over time, the process of reviewing our values and our behaviour can help us get closer to more consistently aligning the two. The alternative is the path that too many of us take, chasing after random prescriptions for our financial lives and telling ourselves that we’ve got it all figured out. We can carry on in this blissful ignorance or we can stop, take a deep breath, and ask ourselves “why?” Only then can we really determine if what we are doing aligns with the things we say matter the most to us. To contact Damon, phone 029 977 8861, or email DISCLAIMER: Damon O’Brien is an Authorised Financial Adviser. His column provides general information and opinions and it should not be considered personalised financial advice. Damon is not liable for any loss suffered by those who follow the information provided in his column. A disclosure statement is available on request and free of charge. The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015 Challenges and tuition at Writers Group Woodbury resident Judith Farley has started a new writing group. “Anyone can join from beginners to a published person – anyone who has an interest in having a play with words.” Judith wants to assure would-be writers that the emphasis is on having fun. “There are some great imaginative people out there and they have this amazing skill of storytelling but maybe something is holding them back [from writing it down].” The Geraldine Writers Group is all about positive critique and provides an informal opportunity to meet people, have a chat, brainstorm and learn about writing in a low-key way. Under nominal leadership from Judith who stresses she is not the owner of the group, members are also set fun exercises and challenges to stimulate creative writing from the heart. Skills such as punctuation are also covered. “A lot of people are really great writers but are put off by punctuation so I thought it would be a good thing to look at.” Teaching sessions with in-house and external tutors are planned on proof reading, autobiography, playwriting, poetry, song writing, how to write for television and how to get published. Judith is a published writer and her first book The Soul’s Journey, and How it Affects your Life was published in 2013 by AuthorHouse. “I woke up one morning and knew I had to write a book.” Judith says the Geraldine Writers Group, which has been running for three months, started over a cup of tea. She had tried to start a writing group in Woodbury several months ago but it did not get off the ground. Then when talking to a friend, Faye McGunnigle, the conversation turned to their joint interest in writing and Faye suggested they start a group in Geraldine. “Faye and I decided to give it one more go and get one World War 1 Weak and tired, I look to my left, And see my mate shot in the chest. Skin and bone is splattered everywhere, He is quiet, lifeless and struggling for air… Why do we need war? Upset and angry, I hatch a plan… I’ll need to go into no-man’s-land, To throw a deadly grenade as the day begins to fade. Why do we need war? I run back for cover and dive into the trench, The ditch is muddy, wet and full of stench. After many long days of this evil fight, Yes! The enemy surrender in the night! Why do we need war? Rian Proudman (8) Geraldine Lions changeover The Geraldine Lions Club held its annual changeover meeting of its president and board recently. With over 100 attending the evening made up of Lions Club members and partners, and visitors from other Lions’ clubs. Outgoing president Jim Hopa gave an interesting report on the club’s very successful year and the distribution of many thousands of dollars to worthy causes and individuals. The club’s new president for the 2015-2016 year, Dave Doy, was then introduced. Entertainment for the evening was provided by the Geraldine Primary School Kapahaka Group; four talented senior Geraldine High School students, comprising of a classic guitarist and a trio of violinists; and talented local singer Zoe Scott. Submitted Police Notebook It has been a relatively quiet time recently, according to Geraldine’s Snr Constable Murray Thatcher but there remains an unsolved issue of low value burglaries and thefts which appear to be opportunistic and possibly linked to crimes committed by previous suspects. “Until we can catch them in the act we can’t arrest them, The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Qualified local carpenter and joiner Gib-stopping, painting, etc Free quotes All work guaranteed Competitively priced References available Ph 027 930 9768 or 03 693 8829 Judith Farley: New writing group. Photo: Supplied. running for the community here.” The group meets on the last Sunday of each month in the Geraldine Library conference room from 2-4pm. All welcome. For more information, contact Judith on 692 2927. Jo Bates geraldine’s news in brief Geraldine Schools’ Poetry Competition results Paul Shatford so we need the public to continue to be on the lookout and report to us as quickly as possible.” Speeds on the open road seem to have come down generally with most drivers in the 95-102 kph band with the odd “idiot” still travelling too fast, Snr Constable Thatcher observed. However, having recently caught a driver coming through one of the Stop signs in town he said that there is still room for some people to better observe the safety rules. Kent Slocombe Geraldine’s Community Vehicle Trust meets needs Board chair Alister France presented the trust’s 19th annual report recently. In it Mr France noted that taxi passengers decreased in the 2014-15 year but charter business grew. The trust’s vehicles rentals and charters travelled a total of 73,946 kilometres. This is similar to the 73,419 kilometres travelled in the previous year. Mr France reported that day bus custom fell by 2,174 passengers on the previous year. “We raised our fares at the end of our 2014 year and has this resulted in a 9 per cent reduction in gross taxi income and a 28 per cent reduction in numbers of taxi passengers carried. It is also interesting to note that our vehicle expenses are similar to last year yet we have one more vehicle in the fleet. Our charter gross income increased by $8,146, possibly reflecting the change in our pricing structure last year.” The new Toyota HiAce bought in September 2014 cost around $58,000 on the road, said Mr France. It was paid for from trust funds so there was no need to seek special grant funding. Mr France paid particular tribute to Barry Hill, who resigned from the board after about 12 years’ service. Submitted Letter Just wanted to let the community know that the people from Lotto recently came and surprised and filmed Wendy Patrick at Mainly Music to thank her for all she has done for Plunket over the years. They put together a one-minute clip of the interviews they did here, and the shoot at Mainly Music. This will play on the Lotto draw this Saturday, and will be on the Lotto website next week. Thought this might be of interest. Meg Catherwood 1HHGD3URIHVVLRQDO Need a Prof(OHFWULFLDQ" essiona K l Ele ctr ici an ? $BMM-BTFS&MFDUSJDBM Call Laser Electrical! 08(FSBMEJOF5FNVLBþ 00 438 527 www.lase RXU VHUYLFH GD\V DZHHN 6\YSVJHSS`IHZLKLSLJ[YPJPHUZHYLYLHK` [VOLSW`V\7OVUL\Z[VKH`MVYHIVVRPUN >LUV^OH]LHUL^WYLTPZLZPU;LT\RH ,SLJ[YPJPHUZH]HPSHISL 6ɉJLVWLU>LKULZKH`ZMYVTHTWT /$6(58 1FFM4USFFU(FSBMEJOF 7JOF4USFFU5FNVLB 1IPOF 1IPOF ZZZODVHUHOHFWULFDOFRQ] results golf Geraldine District Golf Club. Tuesday 4 August. NZR stableford round 3. J Gallichan, D Dewe, L Collins 37, J Kellahan 36, A Reid, C Jopp 35, A Cornelius 34. 9 Holes: M Gregan 20, P Leslie 18. Nearest the Pin: M Blackmore. Nett Birdies: A Reid, C Gibbs, J Kellahan, A Cornelius 9 Holes: E Gunn, J Oliver, K Redwood, M Gregan. bridge Wednesday 5 August. North/South: 1 Kay Le Lievre & Diane Stuart 66.67%, 2 Mary Thatcher & Alison Bragg 59.17%. East/West: 1 Marj Lamming & Anke Numan 55.56%, 2 A Tiffen & Jane Te Whata 52.78%. Thursday 31 July. Geraldine Handicap Pairs 2. North/South: 1 L Johnson & H Rinaldi 55.38%, 2 E Lyon & J Nicholson 53.50%, 3 C Johnson & F Numan 50.92%. East/West: 1 R Bray & J O’Brien 64.08%, 2 J Harmon & R Pitelen 61.53%, 3 P Kippenberger & M Reilly 51.78%. Cribbage Results after Round 9: R Bray & S Rinaldi 66, S Thompson & A Wilson 65, P Kippenberger & R Brylkowski 60, J Scott & J Cooper 60, F Kippenberger & H Bragg 59, E King & M Ellery 57, J Ellery & C Coulter 53, C Flannery & G Rate 52, M Burridge & G Imms 50, B Lewis & J Desborough 50, K Inwood & R Hartley 48, H Holmes & B O’Keefe 48. Rose Bowl: Results after Round 3: S Thompson & A Wilson 23, J Ellery & C Coulter 22, J Scott & J Cooper 21, E King & M Ellery 21, P Kippenberger & R Brylkowski 20, F Kippenberger & H Bragg 18, C Flannery & G Rate 18, H Holmes & B O’Keefe 18, K Inwood & R Hartley 17, R Bray & S Rinaldi 17, B Lewis & J Desborough 15, M Burridge & G Imms 11. Games: R Bray & S Rinaldi 7 v P Kippenberger & R Brylkowski 6, S Thompson & A Wilson 7 v M Burridge & G Imms 0, E King & M Ellery 9 v K Inwood & R Hartley 3, J Scott & J Cooper 8 v C Flannery & G Rate 5, H Holmes & B O’Keefe 7 v F Kippenberger & H Bragg 5, J Ellery & C Coulter 9 v B Lewis & J Desborough 4. 5 Recent AGM / Hui ā tau - Nō nā tata nei For sale / Hei hokohoko Wanted / Hiahia Organisations may have their new committee members’ names printed in this column for free if emailed to FIREWOOD. Bluegum. Ph Clearwater Firewood 693 8168. firewood. Semi-dry Oregon. Possible late-season burning, definitely next. Ph Clearwater Firewood 693 8168. Militaria wanted to buy by collector. Firearms, badges, bayonets or any items of military interest. German items are of particular interest. Ph Pete Young 693 8876 a/h. Public notices / Pānui a whānui SILAGE. 19 medium square bales. Ph 693 8448. EMPLOYMENT Living Waters. An authentic Christian fellowship meets every Sunday at 10am at The Orari Domain Hall, Orari. Join us as we share in a Living Word and fellowship in the joy of His presence. “..In order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:3. All welcome! Enquiries: 693 8056 or 03 688 8702. Chiller trailer for hire: $65 per day. Contact Geraldine Rugby Club 027 494 9229. living WATERS. In-depth Bible Study, Wednesdays at 7pm, the Orari Hall, Orari. Ph 03 688 8702. TOPSOIL, screened or unscreened. Ph 693 7321. Loan trailer and delivery available. GENERATORS, pumps, concrete saw, paving and tilecutting bench. All for hire at Village Landscapes & Hire, ph 693 7321. WATERBLASTERS. Discover why Geraldine’s best painters keep coming back. 30000psi trailer unit and 2000psi portable model available for hire. Ph 693 7321. FreshChoice is also on the lookout for a part-time cook to join our deli team. If you’re after a couple of shifts a week and are a competent cook please email aaron@freshchoicegld. GERALDINE Farmers’ Market. Market co-ordinator, six hoursAdvert weeklyfor (negotiable) two hours on2015 Saturday Geraldineincluding News Thurs 13 Aug mornings between October and April. Must have computer Column and people skills.Employment Ph Joan Donnell, chairperson, for full description, 021 0226 6528. Geraldine District Golf Club MUSHROOM compost at Village Landscape & Hire, 31 Wilson St. Thank you The Geraldine High School Agrikids team would like to thank the following Sponsors without whom the team could not have been so successful in the NZ Young Farmer competition. • Four Peaks Transport • Natural Log Homes • Steve Houston Horsemanship • Kuhmo Tyres Geraldine • Woodleys Transport Also PGG Wrightson, Hammer Hardware, Geraldine Cinema, RD1, Farmers Mill, Mitre 10 and Fresh Choice Geraldine. ROTARY hoes, three models including tractor mounted, for hire. Ph Village Landscapes & Hire, 693 7321. PLATE compactor, concrete vibrator and concrete screeds, all at Village Landscapes & Hire, 31 Wilson St. SEED potatoes. Large range to choose from at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. SMALL appliances and light bulbs. We are endeavouring to cover the needs left vacant in our town. Geraldine Hammer Hardware. MOBILE shearing for sheep and alpacas. Generator available. Ph 693 9112. HANDYMAN. Repair and maintainence jobs around your home, garden, business. Monthly maintainance contract for business, rental, domestic customers. Please ph Ian 027 925 1411 $50 BALE LINSEED straw e ric special p Rats, mice. Pre-baited stations from $5, single-feed rodenticide, ideal for chook houses, woodsheds or feed stores etc. Ph Craig’s Pest Solutions Ltd 693 7263. Accounting services, tax returns, book keeping, registered tax agent. Ph Raylene 693 7163, 027 274 3264. Faulty sliding door rollers need replaced? Window catches no longer secure? We can replace these and get your house secure again. Ph Geraldine Glass 693 9927. brookside Boarding Kennels. Farmstay for dogs. 208 Woodbury Road. Ph 693 9929. DOUBLE glazing enquiries. Ph Geraldine Glass 693 9927. Prompt efficient mechanical service, contact Geraldine Auto Restorations, 34 High St, ph 693 1401. PICTURE framing. Jex and Dave Allison, now The Art Of Framing. 34 Havelock St, Ashburton. Ph 03 307 6651, 027 431 5108. painter. Geraldine-based. Friendly professional service, good rates, excellent local references. Ph 693 9803 or 027 962 4841. auto parts and accessories. North End Motors, ph 693 8673. Stump Grinding Solutions will be in your area soon. Our services include stump and root grinding, tree felling and site clearance. Ph Paul 021 232 3099 or 03 688 7244. PC upgrades/repairs: Geraldine Computer Solutions. Ph 693 9496. Car troubles, contact Geraldine Auto Restorations, 34 High St, ph 693 1401. Stewarts Panel & Paint, 214a Talbot Street. Ph Stacey and Brook 693 8446 for all your panel and paint requirements. COAL, coke, firewood and kindling available from Geraldine Hammer Hardware. ELECTRIC blankets. Single $35, queen $59.98. At Geraldine Hammer Hardware. 6 $30 BALE Applications Close: 5pm on Fri 28 Aug 2015 chimney sweep. For a clean, reliable and local service call Dan Mckerrow for chimney sweep and repairs. Ph 021 118 7580. Clothing alterations, mending, creations. Ph Raylene 693 7163. We offer a good range of modern machinery, and a competitive salary package. If this sounds like you then we would be delighted to hear from you. Send written applications including contact details for two referees and a copy of your CV to: Geraldine District Golf Club PO Box 61 Geraldine 7956 Or email: TRAVEL broker, Sue Hammond. Ph 693 9141. Email: car grooming. North End Motors, ph 693 8673. We are seeking a qualified and experienced greenkeeper to maintain and develop our picturesque 18 hole golf course. This is a full-time sole charge position with good support from members. The successful applicant must be experienced in all aspects of golf course maintenance. For more information and a copy of the job description, contact the Secretary, Max Bensemann, on 693 8938. Trades and services / Mahi a ratonga Van Coffee. Geraldine-based mobile espresso. Bookings contact Ian on 021 187 8095. GREENKEEPER Waihi Lodge Care Centre cOOK Geraldine Lions Annual Fertiliser Drive Time to give your garden a boost! Order forms will be delivered to your mailbox mid August. Orders to be returned by 30 August. Deliveries will be on 5 September (if wet 12 September) Waihi Lodge Care Centre is a community-owned facility providing rest-home level care to elderly residents. We have an opportunity for someone to join our team: • Working in the mornings 8.30-1pm/2pm to prepare and serve the main lunchtime meal. • 40-50 hours per 4-week roster, plus the opportunity to provide leave relief for the other cook. We are looking for someone who can cook for a crowd (up to 40 meals), is well organised and is a great team player. A food safety certificate would be a bonus! Please contact Kim Harris, manager for further information or to apply on 693 8131, email Any enquiries please phone 021 221 2051 and leave message. Another Geraldine Lions Community Project e ffe se coil purcha e e Fr reta with any DELI ASSISTANT – FULL TIME A Full Time position for a Deli Assistant has become available in our busy, Family Operated Store. Tasks include slicing, packing, preparing food, cooking, stock rotation and counter service. The successful applicant will enjoy working in a team environment, have a positive attitude and be committed to delivering first-class customer service. (MUNDELLS CAFE) GERALDINE ICEBREAKER SALE 30% DISCOUNT (on a huge range of selected items) 10% discount on our all our retail purchases Gifts for all occasions Keep a look-out for new knitwear ranges in store soon MUNDELLS CAFÉ Free coffee with any retail purchase for the month of August Daily roast and chef’s hot dishes Plus extensive cabinet and full à la carte menu If you would like to join a Progressive Business and have the following attributes; • Have excellent communication skills • Be self-motivated • Have an eye for detail • Be a team player • Have a sense of humour • Be honest and reliable We would love to hear from you, email Specific days and hours of work will be discussed at the interview. 6829225AA The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015 Carew Peel Forest School Learning Support Assistant / School Librarian 20 hours per week We seek an energetic and motivated person who would enjoy the opportunity to work with delightful country kids and a supportive staff. Immediate start. Position details available by emailing Kay Ward, Principal health and well-being / Hauora Bowen Therapy practitioner: Nikki Turner, Woodbury, ph 692 2957. Eating out / Kai wahi kē village inn, open every day from 11am. Property / accommodation whare noho ROOM to rent, older woman to share, home central. $150/ week. Ph Tamara 693 7010. House to rent, two bedrooms plus large sunroom, available late August. No pets, reference required. $280/week. Ph 027 231 7303. Upcoming events / Mea pakiri haere Weight Watchers Meeting, 6-7pm, St John’s hall. Ph Leander 027 465 6240. Multiversal paint. Just $58 for the 4 litres, 10 litres $114. Attractive colours at Hammer Hardware. Ph 693 7312. GOLF clubs. Brand new set, complete with trundler, just $599 at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. chainbar lube special. Just $26.99 1 gallon (3.785l) at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. GUMBOOTS for all ages at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. geraldine news deadline, noon on Mondays at Hammer Hardware. GERALDINE CINEMA Cinema Ph: (03) 693 8118 Country Hospitality at its best SCREENINGS FROM THUR 13th TO WED 19th AUGUST A terrific heart warming film! Ben Kingsley & Patricia Clarkson in (M) LEARNING TO DRIVE THUR & FRI AT 5.15PM 4"5"51.t46/"51. WED AT 7.15PM Indoor and outdoor dining Tom Cruise explodes onto the screen! (M) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Rogue Nation '3*%":/*()5"51. Brought back by popular demand! Come along and enjoy UIJT#SJUJTI(FN1( MR HOLMES 5)634%":"51. 46/"51.t8&%"51. Based on the classic Thomas Hardy MPWFTUPSZ(FSBMEJOFTDVQPGUFB(M) FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD 4"5"51.t46/"51. A From Disney/Pixar. A great DBSUPPOTFUJOTJEFBMJUUMFHJSMT head where 5 emotions - Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear & Sadness USZUPHVJEFIFSUISPVHIMJGFŷ(Ÿ INSIDE OUT 4"5"51.t46/"51. COMING SOON... t5IF.BO'SPN6ODMF(Tba) t"8BML*O5IF8PPET(17/9) t5IF#SJUJTI0QFSB4FSJFT 4UBSUT"VHVTU GREAT MOVIES Still GREAT PRICES So get to the Geraldine Cinema and see the movies on the GREAT BIG SCREEN Geraldine Visitor Centre Mon-Sun 10am-4pm COMMUNITY DIARY THURSDAY 13th AUGUST ►Geraldine Toy Library AGM, 7.30pm at Toy Library, 193 Talbot Street, all welcome. Ph Amanda 027 533 9608 ►Yoga, 9.30am and 6pm, both sessions now at The Academy. Ph Paula 693 8109 ►Girl Guides, 6.30-8.00pm for girls aged 9-12½ years at the Guide and Scout Den. Ph Marie 693 8779 for info. ► Social Darts, 7.30pm at Geraldine Town & Country Club. All welcome. Phone Marie 693 8664 ►Arthritis Exercise Class, 10.30am at St Andrew’s Church Foyer. Ph Irene 693 9505 ►Shine Adults Community Choir 7.15-9pm at The Academy, all welcome. Please phone Christopher 027 568 5515 ►Geraldine Rock’N’Roll Club 7.30 - 9.30pm at Town & Country Club. All welcome. Ph Lynda 693 8652 ► Geraldine Bridge Club, Contract Bridge 7.15pm at Geraldine Bowling Club, ph Stan or Helen 693 7566 ► Children’s Choir entry by koha, 4.30-5.30pm at The Academy. Please phone Christopher 027 568 5515 ► Four Peaks Seido Karate, beginners class, 6-7pm at Bowling Club . All Welcome. Ph Gisell 021 0228 7049 ► The Corral Workshop 9am-4pm, woodwork, metalwork, glass & pottery. All welcome. Ph Cyril 693 8630 FRIDAY 14th AUGUST ►Iconz,6.30-8.00pm at St Andrews Hall. Fun, skills, & challenge children aged 6-11 years. Parents welcome. Ph Susan 693 9905. For transport ph Hilary 693 7665 ►Geraldine SeniorCare coffee morning 10 -11.30am at Seniorcare Function Centre, all welcome. Ph Lesley 693 8057 ►St Mary’s Church, Holy Communion at 11.15am, then Luvaduck Lunch at 12noon. All welcome. Gold coin. ►Craft Creators, 9.30am - 12noon at St Andrew’s Hall. Learn card making, scrap booking or knitting, $2 entry, all welcome. Ph Karen 03 303 7397 for more info. ► Parliamentary Clinic, 10am - 12noon at Geraldine Resource Centre. Hannah Lind here on behalf of Jacqui Dean, Jacqui is available by appointment. Ph 0800 679 248 254 SATURDAY 15th AUGUST ►Hamlet 7.30pm at Lodge Theatre. Tickets $5 from Just One Wish or at the door. Make sure you don’t miss this stunning production by Geraldine youth. ►Morris Dancing, 1.15pm at the Academy, Talbot St. All welcome. Enquiries to Rhys, ph 693 8726 ►Walk in Wardrobe, open 10am-12noon at The Lodge Theatre, ph Carol 021 042 0849 SUNDAY 16th AUGUST ►The River City Jazzmen, 2.00pm at The Lodge Theatre. Authentic Dixieland Jazz at its Best, tickets from Tresjoli ►Geraldine Archery Club, coaching at 11am, club day at 1pm, at Orari Racecourse. Ph Stewart 693 9952 for info. ►Catholic Mass, 9am at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, cnr Hislop/Peel St, Geraldine. ►Living Waters Christian Fellowship, 10am at Orari Hall. All welcome. Ph 693 8056 for more info. ►St Andrew’s Church, 9.00am Contemporary Worship, 11.00am Traditional Worship. ►St Mary’s Church, Geraldine, 8.00am Holy Communion, 10.30am Cartoon Church (Children’s Service) ►St Anne’s Church, Pleasant Valley, 9.15am Holy Communion MONDAY 17th AUGUST ►Geraldine Ladies Probus, 10am at Denfield Golf Club. New members welcome. Ph Jean 693 7209 for info. ►Creative Fibre Group, we spin, knit & natter, 10am to 3pm at Geraldine Vintage Car & Machinery Museum. All welcome. Ph Rosie 693 8319 ► Pleasant Valley Playgroup, for children up to 5 yrs, 9am—12pm at the Old School, School Road, Pleasant Valley. All welcome, ph Claire 693 8773 TUESDAY 18th AUGUST ►Orari River Catchment Steering Group, 7pm at SeniorCare Function Centre. Ph Rhys 693 8726 for more info. ►Alzheimers Support Group, 10.30am at Resource Centre. Friendly, informative support for people who support others with memory loss. Ph Barbara 03 687 7583 ►Aoraki Migrant Centre, 1-4pm at Geraldine Resource Centre, free and confidential advice and support for migrants. Ph Rosie 03 687 7371 or 021 837 7717 for info ► Newcomers Network Coffee Morning, 10-11.30 at Mundell’s Café. Come in & make some friends. Everybody new to Geraldine area welcome! ►Geraldine St John Youth, 7.00 - 8.30pm at St John’s Rooms. For ages 8-18yrs. Ph/txt Todd 027 500 4360 ►Mainly Music, music and movement for pre-schoolers and caregivers, 9.30am at St Mary’s Church. $3 / family. ►Indoor Bowls, 1.30 pm at St Andrews Church Hall, all welcome, ph Pam 693 8651 ►Gentle Exercise Class for elderly, 10am at SeniorCare Function Centre. Ph Jenny 693 7076 ►Petanque at Geraldine Bowling Club, 1.30pm-3pm ► Geraldine Scout Groups: 6.30pm Cubs at Geraldine Scout Den. Phone Brian 693 9829 for info. ►Morris Dancing, 5.30pm at the RSA rooms, Talbot St. All welcome. Enquiries to Rhys, ph 021 462 260 ►JP Service for certifying documents, 12.30-1.30pm at Geraldine Community Resource Centre, a free weekly service, no appointment needed. Ph 693 7001 for info. ►Pleasant Valley Smallbore Rifle Club, 7.30pm at Pleasant Valley Hall. All welcome. Ph Jenny 693 8228 ►Geraldine Ukulele Club with Hugh & Fi, 7.30pm at St Andrew’s church foyer. Bring a uke and a smile. WEDNESDAY 19th AUGUST ►Housie, 7.30pm at Geraldine Town & Country Club. All welcome. Ph 693 8713 for info. ►Yoga/Stretchies join us 6-7pm at Woodbury Hall $5 per session, all welcome Ph 692 2980 for info. ►Geraldine Kindergarten Playgroup, all preschoolers & caregivers welcome, 1.00 - 2.30pm. Ph Tracey 693 8888 ►Plunket Nurse in Geraldine, morning home visits and afternoon clinic. Phone Paula 693 8177 MULTIPLE EVENTS ►Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan, 9.30am Sat, 6pm Wed for beginners, 6.30pm Wed gentle exercise. Qigong 11am Sat. All at Geraldine Bowling Club. Ph Tim 021 141 9142 ► Funergy Fitness - Fighting Fit Classes, Tues & Thurs 6.30pm, Geraldine Primary Hall. Ph Lynda 021 264 4400 ►Geraldine Craft Market, 9am - 3pm Sat & Sun, Cox St opposite St Andrew’s. Email ► Geraldine District Golf Club, men’s golf Sat & Wed 12.30pm, women’s golf Tues 10am & Sat 12.15pm, and 9 -Hole women's golf 10am Wed. ►Geraldine Four Peaks Seido Karate Club meets 6 - 8pm, Tues & Fri, Geraldine Bowling Club. Ph John 027 204 5057 ►Geraldine Patchwork Group, Tues 7-9pm ph Maureen 693 8328, and Thurs 10am-3pm ph Joanne 693 8488 ►Geraldine Toy Library, open Tues 10.30-11.30am & Sat 9.30-11.30am, 193 Talbot St. Ph Amanda 693 8294 ►Grande Vue Golf Club, mixed golf Sun 12.30pm, women’s golf Wed 9.30am. New members welcome. ►Midwifery Clinic, pregnancy planning/testing and fully funded maternity care. Ph Kathryn 021 334 254 ►Red Cross Shop, Talbot St, open Tues 10am - 3pm, Thurs 10am - 3pm, and Sat 10am - 12noon. ► Rosie’s Recycled Clothing Shop, Peel St, open Tues to Fri, 11.00am - 3.00pm. ►Zumba® Fitness Mon & Thurs 9.30am at T&C Club, Toning Wed 9.30am at T&C Club, Fitness & Toning Wed 7pm at Geraldine Rugby Club, Gold class for beginners & seniors Tues 10am at T&C Club. Ph Gisell 693 9760 The Community Diary is collated and produced by the Geraldine Community Resource Centre (693 7001) and published by The Geraldine News as a free service for our community. The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015 7 11 $ 99 bag kg Fresh Tegel NZ Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets 500 $ each Tip Top Ice Cream 2L 1 $ 99 1399 $ kg Fresh NZ Beef Blade Steak/Bolar Roast Country Fresh Carrots/Onions 1.2kg 3 $ 99 kg Loose Red/Orange Kumara 800 $ each Alpine Mild/Colby/Edam Cheese 1kg GREAT DEAL! 3600 $ pack Steinlager Classic 24 x 330ml Bottles 890 $ each each Five Flax/Saints 750ml 1 $ 00 each L&P Soft Drink 1.5L 900 $ pack Treasures Nappies/Nappy Pants 15-30 Pack Double up Month! Community Fund FCGN1308 Prices apply from Thursday 13th August to Sunday 16th August 2015, or while stocks last. Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. F 8 FreshChoiceNZ This month our community donation amount will be doubled! If you wish to apply, please pick up an application form at the customer service desk or visit Local owner operators supporting their local communities. FreshChoice Geraldine Peel Street, Geraldine. Phone 693 8529. Open 7am-8pm, 7 days. The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 13 august 2015
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