The latest news sheet - St Mary's Twickenham


The latest news sheet - St Mary's Twickenham
St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 11 January 20 15
WELCO ME to the Church`s worship as we continue to celebrate God coming
to make His home amongst the human family. Today we celebrate His Baptism
and we also Baptise Thomas George and Am lie Catherine Fallows, and Joseph
James Daniel Burgess whom we welcome into the family of the Church. As
especial welcome to all who have come to share this special day with them.
Coffee and other refreshments will be provided in the hall after the 9.30
Eucharist. Please do come and join us, our hosts today are the Mothers’
8.0 0 am
Holy Eucharist
Acts 19: 1-7 (David Wardrop)
Mark 1: 4-11
9.30 am
O rgan music
O rgan music
Parish Eucharist
Variations on Ubi Caritas Denis Bedard
310 , 4, 172, 453, 27
Acts 19: 1-7 (Fran Martin)
Mark 1: 4-11
Toccata sur ‘il est ne le divin Enfant’ Denis Bedard
11.30 am
1st Lesson
2nd Lesson
Morning Prayer
310 , 4, 172
Venite, Jubilate
Acts 19: 1-7
Mark 1: 4-11
6.0 0 pm
1st Lesson
2nd Lesson
Evening Prayer
46 & 47
Isaiah 42: 1-9
Ephesians 2: 1-10
We pray for all members of our congregation; for Philippines Ministries and Mothers’
Union O verseas Work. We pray for all those seeking God’s intervention, guidance and
healing in their lives, amongst them:
Ewa Grudzien
Ruth Ann Renick
Janice Coxall
Margaret Hastings
Andy Dennison
Nansi Collier
Christopher Price
Raquel Ebbutt
Ronald Leeson
Gordon Hollis
Colin Rennie
Kenneth Miller
Valerie Smith
Keith Schofield
John Palmer
Sylvia Butler
Peter Ball
Ida Curtis
Alan Stanton
Barbara Jenkins
Fiona Roe
Raoul Franklin
We pray for those who have died that they may know new and eternal life:
Rachel Hearn,
Debbie Holloway,
Dan Rodney,
Mollie Peskett,
Gordon Gilby
If you would like the names of anyone included or re-added to the Intercessions list,
please e-mail Jeff, our Vicar, on
or speak to him after the service.
Please can we remind you to keep your valuables with you
at all times while you are in church.
Thank you.
Today is our first stall of 20 15 so come and stock up on fair-trade goodies. We have
fresh supplies of Green Tea and Palestinian olive oil, as well as sale price Christmas cards.
Start the new year with our cleaning products containing fair-trade Palm O il from
smallholder farmers in Ghana!
Many thanks to all of you who bought our Christmas goods: we have been able to send
£10 0 to Traidcraft Exchange to help develop producers’ businesses and support health
and education projects in their communities.
Forthcoming Events
St Mary’s Group Social - Come and celebrate the New Year in the Windsor Room at
8.0 0 pm tomorrow, with games, drinks and snacks.
The next lunch out will be on Wednesday 14th January at the Fountain Staines Road at
12.0 0 noon. All are welcome but please let me know if you are coming on 88925911 or
email Jreddrop@btinternet.
Hymn singing at Nightingale House – will take place on Sunday, 18th January. New singers
welcome. Meet Pat Ingham in the Hall at 10 .50 am.
Mothers’ Union – will meet on Tuesday, 20 th January at 2.30 pm at 34 Sion Court to see
a DVD of the Parish Pilgrimage to Padua and Venice.
The Social Group invite you to our local production of East is East at Richmond Theatre,
Friday 23rd January at 7.30 pm. If you are interested please contact Katherine on 0 7775
677842 or at
A lexander A rdakov concert - a date for your diaries! O n Sunday 25th January at 7.30 pm
our first concert in the St Mary's Music Programme 20 15 will feature this distinguished
pianist. We are now able to bring a concert grand piano into the church! Please come
and bring your friends and relations. Fliers are at the back of the church and tickets go
on sale next week after the service. Proceeds to the re-ordering fund.
General N otices
Readers and Intercessors
The new rota is now displayed on the noticeboard at the back of church,
new contributors are always welcome.
Flower A rranging - We are looking for new members to join our flower arranging team.
It requires a commitment of a few hours four or five times a year. You would be
supported by a more experienced arranger, to find out what it entails contact Caroline
Taylerson 8977 350 8
Stewardship - Just a note to encourage you to return your giving sheets as soon as
possible. Please complete your gift aid form as the Inland Revenue are getting stricter on
having a hard copy the up to date one. If you would like a hard copy set of t he
documents please see Tony. Thank you so much for your much appreciated giving to St
Garden of Remembrance - We are looking for a few helpers to assist Barbara and Rafael
to keep the rose beds weeded and tidy. If you can spare 30 to 60 minutes from time to
time to attend to one (or two) of the individual beds at your convenience and time, it
would be of great help. Please contact Barbara/ Rafael Carmona on 8755 3955
Email addresses - a number of emails in our recent communication failed to transmit as a
result of out of date addresses, if you have changed your email address please use the slip
in this newssheet to update your details on the parish list and pass to a sidesperson or
Food Bank - Many, many thanks for the really generous response to the Christmas Food
Bank appeal and the donations throughout the last year. The Vineyard are extremely
grateful. Also, thank you to all who have given me lifts to Richmond with the food. I
certainly couldn't have done it without you! Jenny Kelly
Please pray for these events which are taking place amongst the Church family during the
coming week.
8.45 am
11.0 0 am
10 .0 0 am
11.0 0 am
11.15 am
8.0 0 pm
10 .0 0 am
Music Meeting, suggestions for hymns for
forthcoming Sundays welcome.
Morning prayer rota meeting
The School Bible Service will be held in the church
when we will present Year 3 children with a bible.
Minnows meeting in the vestry.
Funeral of Gordon Gilby
Fundraising meeting, church office.
Holy Eucharist
Sunday 18 January 20 15
Epiphany 2
8.0 0 am Holy Eucharist
9.30 am Parish Eucharist
1 Samuel 3: 1-10
John 1: 43-51
1 Samuel 3: 1-10
John 1: 43-51
11.30 am Holy Eucharist
1 Samuel 3: 1-10
John 1: 43-51
6.0 0 pm Evening Prayer
Psalms 96
Isaiah 60 : 9-end
Hebrews 6: 17 – 7:10
St Mary the Virgin Church Street Twickenham Middlesex TW1 3NJ
Parish Priest
The Revd R J Hopkin Williams
0 20 -8892 2318
Assistant Priest
The Rev’d Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski email:
0 20 -8891 5421 (Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays)
Charlotte West: 0 20 -8891 0 461
Tony Dempsey: 0 20 -8898 2860
Parish Verger
Audrey Thomas
0 20 -8892 9628
Parish Office
0 20 -8744 2693
(9am-11am daily Monday-Friday & 2pm-4pm Monday & Friday)
Parish Visitor Co-ordinator
Margaret Mence 0 20 -8977 3679
Peter Sheil
Parish Giving Recorder
0 20 -8755 0 454
Parish List and Data Protection
If you are new to St Mary’s or your details have changed, please complete as below, tear
off and pass the slip to a churchwarden and this will assist in ensuring the parish list is
kept up-to-date.
St Mary’s Church is committed to protecting your privacy and will handle all personal
data in accordance with the principles required by the Data Protection Act 1998. A parish
list is maintained and all information provided will be used only for the administrative
purposes of parish life and your details will not be shared with any other organisation,
institution or company.