Our Current Newsletter - St. Mary`s Episcopal Church


Our Current Newsletter - St. Mary`s Episcopal Church
St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dousman, Wisconsin
is February 18
Join us for Mass
with the
Imposition of Ashes
at 9 am and 7 pm
Lenten Series Set for Adults
On Sunday Mornings 9:05 to 9:50 am
This year, we will invite the adults in our parish
community to learn and pray about one of the most
grave injustices of our time, human trafficking. The
book we’ll be using is entitled, God in a Brothel.
Here’s what the book is about: This is the true story of an
undercover investigator’s experiences infiltrating the
multi-billion-dollar global sex industry.
It is a story of triumph for the children and young teens
released from a life of slavery and the rescuer who freed
many hundreds of victims leading to the prosecution of
dozens of perpetrators. And it is a story of haunting
despair for those left behind in corrupt systems of law
It is the personal story of Daniel Walker, one man who
followed a path of costly discipleship, agonizing failure
and unlikely redemption.
And it is a challenge to
God’s people to join in the
battle that all might be freed.
St. Mary’s will provide
books to participants for
which they may choose to
reimburse the parish.
February 2015
Wednesday Evenings in Lent
February 25, March 4, 11 and 18, 6 pm to 8:30 pm
Join us for Evening Prayer or Stations of the Cross at
6 pm. Following prayer we’ll join together in a soup
supper and then spend some
time with our theme this Lent.
We’ll be looking at The Last
Week in the earthly life and
ministry of Jesus. Join us as we
look at the daily events in the
life of Christ during his final
week in Jerusalem, leading to
his crucifixion and resurrection. Our series begins with a
presentation by our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Steven Miller.
“There is no remedy
for love but to
love more.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Watch for Our
Lenten Devotional Booklet
Members of our own parish are creating the reflection
material as well as doing the layout and printing of our
Lent devotional materials this year. Many thanks to
coordinator Sally Williams, editor Staci O’Brien, layout
person and printer Bill Scott and to the many, many parish
members who took time to reflect on the gospel readings
for each day of Lent and share their thoughts, struggles,
ideas, questions and a prayer.
Joys, Sorrows and Prayers for Healing
Happy February Birthday to YOU!
01 – Elizabeth Hoffman
03 – Kirsti Haughton
04 – Elizabeth Schroeder
09 – Michael Funk, Jr.
09 – Ken Leinweber
10 – Emma Krauska
11 – Fr. Scott Leannah
11 – Mia Leannah
13 – Jennifer Ackerman
17 – Crystal Stukel
Please remember in your prayers:
Mary Alice Eschweiler, recovering from a serious
fall and dealing with a fractured fibula
Dick O’Konek, who will be having stem cell/bone
marrow transplant surgery as he continues to be treated
for cancer
Marge Stephan, Ruth Secosh, Suzanne Stigney,
Doris Angelroth, Pat Buckley and all parish members
who are homebound, living in a skilled nursing care
facility, or not able to be with us
Parish member Molly Mulroy, who is out of the
hospital and back at home after being treated for a
burst appendix and infection.
Lars Skoglund, and blessings on his new ministry
In thanksgiving for the many blessings of St. Mary’s
Parish as we complete the celebration of our Annual
For blessings on our newly elected vestry and deputies
to the diocesan convention
Sue Troemel, who is receiving radiation therapy for
cancer while she and Dick are in Arizona for the
For blessings on the mission and ministry of Western
Waukesha Family Promise, a new ministry that has
started in this area and of which our parish is a
The family of Evelyn Agne, who died on January 19.
May she rest in peace.
Steve Agne, who is recovering from hip surgery,
which prevented him from attending his wife Evelyn’s
Parish member Kreigh Knerr, whose grandfather
Virgil Luther, died on January 18 at the age of 95.
22 – Gary Metzer
23 – Sarah Beneker
23 – Nance Horn
24 – Janine Voruz
26 – Staci O’Brien
26 – Sunny Turner
28 – Jackson Beneker
(Adrian Rowen’s family)
20 – Terry O’Brien
21 – Suzanne Peters
21 – Alyssa Webster
Monthly Men’s Breakfast Planned
Every third Saturday of the month there is now a Men’s
Breakfast at 8:30 am in the Parish Hall. Men of St. Mary’s
and their guests are welcome. Come for breakfast and
fellowship. If you have time, stick around for a DVD
presentation and discussion facilitated by Brother Chuck
Runge on the topic, “Kingdom Men.” This is a series of
talks given by T.D. Jakes, a well-known Christian Minister
and author.
Guys: Brother
Chuck wants to
assure you that
it’s okay to come
just for breakfast and hit the road if you want or need to –
the DVD/discussion is optional, but very inspiring and
Here’s the topic for our second month (February 21):
Greatness Is Your Destiny
As men, we want to be something. We crave significance,
influence, and impact. This desire for greatness shows up
in the sports we play, the wilds we roam, and the movies
we watch. In this month’s gathering we will discuss Why
You Were Born, A Man’s Dominion, Redefining Greatness, Greatness Exercised, and Accessing Your Authority.
St. Mary’s Messenger
February 2015
are welcome and have a place. I also see people
welcoming new members, reaching out, and seeking to
get to know one another. This must be an on-going
project for us.
Father Scott’s Reflections
Dear Friends,
Blessings and peace to you in this
New Year! Did you make any
resolutions for 2015? Gina and I
get together with dear friends on
New Year’s Eve every year and do
a review of the year and then talk
about what we’d like to focus on
in the coming year. We find this to
be a helpful practice and a way to
talk about our lives in the company of those who know and
love us. Gina and I try to do this as a couple on a regular
basis too, usually in the early morning before you-knowwho wakes up and the morning get-ready-for-school
agenda kicks in!
4. My final goal was to help us grow in our knowledge
of faith and Scripture. This, too, is a goal that is
harder to measure and one that should be a goal for our
parish every year. What I can share is that we have an
active Adult Formation Committee that works hard to
be sure there are engaging opportunities for education.
We have a Youth Group that includes Scripture, prayer
and sharing as a regular component. We have a
renewed Sunday School program that is offering a
variety of engaging materials for kids. Children’s
Liturgy of the Word also helps children to learn about
their faith and interact with God’s Word.
I give thanks for all that has been a part of the year that has
ended. I pray that God watch over, bless and guide us in
this New Year.
It is a good thing to share with another or with others the
stories, joys, hopes, dreams and struggles that are woven
into the fabric of our lives. Part of what happens as we
share our stories and our very selves is that we grow in
connection, community and love. It’s part of why Christianity is a religious path that is so insistent on the image of
all of us helping to make up the Body of Christ. We’re all
in this thing together, is another way to put it.
Fr. Scott
Strawberry Fest It’s Right Around the Corner
I have some resolutions for St. Mary’s in 2015. I’ll share
these at our Annual Meeting and in future newsletters,
bulletin articles, on the website, and in other ways.
by Elizabeth Hoffman
Can you believe it is only 171 days (as of January 8th
when this was written) till the most favorite day in the life
of every member of St. Mary’s?
That is Strawberry Fest!
Before sharing my goals or resolutions for us in 2015, I’d
like to take a look at the goals I offered for our consideration in the year that has just ended. You may remember the
goals I asked us to embrace, but in case you didn’t, here
they are:
Save the date: Sunday, June 28th.
Let’s make this year’s event the best ever!
Plus it’s never too early to pray for warm weather!
Current temperature is 11o ; Wind Chill is -4o. Let’s hope
we get a 70o difference for the day of Strawberry Fest!
1. Growth in attendance at Sunday worship. We have
met this goal. Our Sunday attendance in 2014 grew
from 113 to 118. Let’s pray and strive to continue this
positive trend.
2. Pay off our building debt and transition from the
status of “mission” to that of “parish.” At our recent
diocesan convention, St. Mary’s was, by unanimous
vote, given the status of “parish,” meaning that we are
no longer dependent on aid from the diocese for our
operations. Also, we will be debt free in April of
Great News!
Former Seminarian, Fr. Patrick
Edwards, is engaged in a building
project at his parish, St. Margaret
Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge,
3. Growth in building relationships and connections
with one another. This goal and the next one are
harder to measure but it seems to me that we are
continuing, together, to create a community where all
St. Mary’s Messenger
Former Seminarian/Anglican Studies
student Fr. Robert Baker was
recently ordained to the priesthood!
February 2015
Outreach Opportunities
Update From an Oblate
by Sally King
by Sally Williams
At this time of year especially, there are many needs in
the community and beyond. We have become aware of
plans that are coming together in Waukesha to provide a
warm place for people in need this winter. Working
together with the City of Waukesha and a number of notfor-profit agencies, 20 beds will be available through
Hebron House and The Salvation Army. This began
January 1. In addition, on the nights of severe cold as
declared by the National Weather Service (normally a
-15 degree wind chill or below), the downtown churches
in Waukesha will provide warming stations. Each congregation will cover one night during the week. A critical
need at this point is to form seven teams to cover the
seven nights of the week. They are asking for the support
of other churches and organizations in the following ways:
Lectio Divina is an ancient Christian approach to praying
over the Scriptures that was introduced to me at Holy
Wisdom Monastery (HWM) near Madison, and has been
practiced here at St.
Mary’s at various times
on Monday nights. In
a booklet on Teresian
Prayer by noted
Carmelite retreat director,
Sam Anthony Morello,
OCD, the elements of
lectio are offered as
1. Lectio, or “reading,” involves repetitious recitation
of a short text of Scripture with a focus on repeating
what attracts you in the text. Reading the text slowly
and aloud can assist in bringing full attention to the
1. Spread the word of the need for volunteers to help
staff the seven teams. What they need is your name,
contact information and preferred night of service.
Volunteer names can be sent to Pastor David
Simmons at St. Matthias Episcopal Church in
Waukesha at david@stmatthiasonline.org
2. Meditatio, or “meditation,” is an effort to fathom
the meaning of the text and make it personally
relevant to you and your life.
2. Financial support to help cover the costs of the
Warming Stations. Donations can be sent to St.
Luke’s Lutheran Church, 300 Carroll Street,
Waukesha, WI 53186. Make sure to clearly mark
donations for Warming Stations.
3. Oratio, which means “prayer,” involves
articulating your personal response to the text.
3. Sleeping bags and sleeping pads are needed.
Pastor Andy Fetters at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
in Waukesha is coordinating the sleeping bags and
sleeping pads. You can contact Pastor Fetters at
(262) 547-8213. New and/or gently used bags and
pads would be greatly appreciated.
This method has been suggested for those contributors to
the St. Mary’s Lenten Reflections booklet available on Ash
Wednesday. I want to encourage you to try this method,
perhaps as a Lenten discipline that you take on. And, let
Fr. Scott or me know of your experience with the practice.
If you are interested in helping or have questions, you can
contact Sally King at sallyking@att.net. Your support of
this special ministry would be greatly appreciated.
For alternate descriptions of the practice, check out
YouTube or one of these web sites:
4. Contemplatio, translated “contemplation,” is
the final state in which one experiences and sees
the text as mystery and reality.
We are excited to welcome Suzanne Diesness and Jim
Lemerand as new members of the Outreach Committee.
Jim has also agreed to be our liaison with The Gathering,
filling the “big shoes” of David Rowen who has “retired”
after years of service. David has been such a faithful
worker in this outreach ministry and said he will continue
to serve at The Gathering meals.
Just a reminder that our committee meets the last Wednesday of each month at 6 pm, as needed. We are always
looking for new members and new projects to help us
help others.
St. Mary’s Messenger
February 2015
St. Mary’s Calendar Highlights
February 2015
Eucharist/Holy Communion/Mass
Sunday mornings at 8 am & 10 am
Nursery available at 10 am
Centering Prayer
Mondays at 6 pm
Morning Prayer with Holy Communion
Wednesdays at 9 am
9 am Morning Prayer with Eucharist
8 am & 10 am Eucharist
9:05 - 9:50 am Sunday School for Adults
9:05 - 9:50 am Sunday School for Kids
6 pm Centering Prayer
Ash Wednesday
9 am and 7 pm Mass with Imposition of Ashes
First Sunday of Lent
8 am & 10 am Eucharist
9:05 - 9:50 am Sunday School for Adults
9:05 - 9:50 am Sunday School for Kids
12:30 pm Youth Group
6 pm Centering Prayer
9 am Morning Prayer with Eucharist
9:30 am Book discussion group (title TBA)
6 pm Lenten series – Bishop Miller joins us for Stations
of the Cross at 6 pm, soup supper at 6:30 pm and he
will lead our presentation/discussion – everything wraps
up by 8:30 pm
8 am & 10 am Eucharist
9:05 - 9:50 am Sunday School for Adults
6 pm Centering Prayer
6:30 - 8 pm Episcopal 101 Class
9 am Morning Prayer with Eucharist
1 pm Eucharist at Compass Point
9 - 11:30 am St. Mary’s Parish Hall: Diocese of
Milwaukee and St. Mary’s host presentations by
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and author
Barbara Ehrenreich on “The Common Good,” a
symposium held at Trinity Episcopal Church, Wall
Street. An identical presentation will be held on
February 9 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Annual Meeting
Election Results
8 am & 10 am Eucharist
9:05 - 9:50 am Sunday School for Adults
12:30 pm Youth Group
6 pm Centering Prayer
6:30 - 8 pm Episcopal 101 Class
6:30 - 8:30 pm St. Mary’s Parish Hall: Diocese of
Milwaukee and St. Mary’s host presentations by
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and author
Barbara Ehrenreich on “The Common Good,” a symposium held at Trinity Episcopal Church, Wall Street.
An identical presentation will be held on February 7
from 9 - 11:30 am.
Vestry members elected to two year terms:
Two-Year Vestry Term ................................Pam Ferguson
Two-Year Vestry Term ......................................John Wolf
Two-Year Vestry Term..........................Shirley Robertson
Alternate Vestry Member ......................Suzanne Diesness
St. Mary’s Messenger
Senior Warden ..................................................Kelly Noles
Junior Warden ..........................................Theresa Wilson
Treasurer ..........................................................Mike Sterk
Thanks to these vestry members who are continuing in
their elected terms......................Rod Riek and Nina Radi
Big thank yous to Sally Williams and Joe Zember who
have just completed their terms on Vestry. Thanks for all
your work!
February 2015
Fr. Scott’s Goals for Us in 2015
Pre-Christmas Pottery Sale Helps Haiti
by Mary Alice Eschweiler
First, it is my hope to continue to increase participation
and quality of our Sunday worship experience. We
always want to be sure that our prayer is welcoming and
engaging. Our experience should be life-giving and transformative and embracing of and accessible for visitors.
Many thanks to those who did some of their Christmas
gift shopping at our pottery table! We were able to raise
$499. Our goal was to raise $400 to help pay a stipend to
a Haitian dentist, Dr. Brice Butler, who makes an annual
visit to St. Marc’s, Jeannette. Dr. Brice works with Dr.
Paul Scholl of Wauwatosa,
to extract over 500 teeth in
the course of three days.
Dr. Brice always goes to
each classroom to instruct
children on dental care and
good nutrition.
Second, as we prepare to pay off our building debt this
coming April, I would like to work with parish
members to highlight the existence of our Endowment
Fund. This will be a great way to invite our members and
friends to keep St. Mary’s in mind when considering estate
planning, financial gifts such as annuities and proceeds
from stock sales and other types of gifts that can help to
support our ministry on this corner well into the future.
The medical/dental team
will be in Jeannette the last
week of January and we ask
that you keep them in your
Third, I would like to challenge all parish households
to attend one of two parish retreats that we will offer
at the parish in 2015. It will be the same retreat offered
two different times. The schedule would be to come
together for the evening meal and a session on a Friday
evening, go home to sleep and then return for a day together on Saturday. These retreats will be led by me along
with a parish retreat team and will be a way that we can
grow closer to Christ and to one another. My hope is that
we will all make an effort to take part in formation and
education opportunities in the coming year.
Thanks to
and Carl
for helping
in the sales.
We really
cleared out
a lot of
Fourth, in the coming year I’d like for us to learn more
about the various ministries our members are involved
at St. Mary’s. To this end, we’ll hear a brief report from
parish ministry representatives from time to time during
Sunday morning announcements. There will be an opportunity to talk with the ministry representative during
Fellowship hour and perhaps join that ministry, should
you feel so called. This will be a way to celebrate what’s
happening here and see where the Holy Spirit might be
leading us next.
In addition, Trinity Church, Wauwatosa, made over $700
in sales and donations which helped to pay for a Christmas
party at the school.
Parish Game Night a Success
Church Sounds Better Now!
The Parish Community Life
Committee hosted a recent
pot-luck meal/game night in
the Parish Hall. Around 40
parishioners came to share
delicious food and spend
some time playing together.
Parish members of all ages
attended. Veteran members
and some of our newest
families were there. It was a great night to simply be
together and enjoy some fellowship. The next time there’s
a similar event, come and join us!
We have a new sound system! Thanks to the generosity of
Jim and Karen Hyde, we have a new sound system in
our church. Installed by Metro Sound of New Berlin, this
system includes new wireless microphones for Fr. Scott
and Carrie, a highly sensitive boom microphone for our
choir, new high-tech speakers, a speaker in the narthex, the
ability to play CDs and music from MP3 players, new
ambo microphone, new wiring for speakers, and much
more. This gift will serve our parish for decades to come
and on behalf of a grateful parish… THANK YOU!!
St. Mary’s Messenger
February 2015
St. Mary’s life in pictures
Youth Group
Mission Trip
Youth Group
Youth Group
Fall Hike &
Ice Cream Outing
Christmas Eve
at St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s Messenger
February 2015
St. Mary’s Messenger
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Corner of Hwys 18 & 67
36014 Sunset Drive
PO Box 126
Dousman, WI 53118
February 2015
St. Mary’s Vestry
Sunday Services with Holy Eucharist:
8 am & 10 am (Nursery available at 10 am)
Kelly Noles, Senior Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431-4838
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kellynoles@wi.rr.com
Theresa Wilson, Junior Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . 968-2699
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . theresaw@dk-sales.com
Mike Sterk, Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367-6564
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mikesterk@centurytel.net
Pam Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592-3069
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tpferg76@gmail.com
Nina Radi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-2311
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no e-mail
Rod Riek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-5765
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rgriek08@gmail.com
Shirley Robertson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392-9221
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . brobertson5@wi.rr.com
John Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (414) 333-0112
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bluemooncatering1@me.com
Suzanne Diesness (alternate member) . . . . . . . . 965-7242
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sdiesness@gmail.com
Monday Evening Service:
6 pm Centering Prayer with Prayers for Healing
Wednesday Morning Prayer:
9 am with Holy Eucharist
St. Mary’s Staff
Priest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Reverend Scott Leannah
Deacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Venerable Chuck Zellermayer
Church Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (262) 965-3924
Church Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynn Kallas
Church E-Mail . . . . . . . parishoffice@stmarys-dousman.com
Music Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrie Arndorfer
Website: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.stmarys-dousman.com
Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob Roe
Newsletter Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Mitchell
. . . . . . . . . . . . . klmitchell@wi.rr.com or (262) 378-0232
St. Mary’s Messenger
February 2015