The Jaguar's Purr - Jaguar Clubs of North America


The Jaguar's Purr - Jaguar Clubs of North America
The Jaguar’s Purr©
Is an official publication of
A chartered, non-profit corporation
Founded in 1965 and incorporated in 1968.
©copyright 2015 All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
January 2015
2014 December Breakfast & Business Meeting
A record 33 DVJC members and 20 Jaguars turned out for our December Breakfast and Business Meeting. The new slate
of officers for 2015—2016 was unanimously elected at this meeting Please see page 19 for the current slate of officers.
Diners at Andy’s Diner were surprised to see such a distinguished group of people and automobiles.
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Newsletter Contents
Advertising Rates ......................................3
List of Officers ..........................................3
Upcoming DVJC Events .......................... 4
Other Interesting Events ......................... 4
2015 50th Anniversary Flyer .....................5
Important Message .................................. 6
President’s Mewsings ...............................7
Michael Smyth meets Cyrus Mistry ........ 8
AGM Flyer ................................................ 9
AGM Registration Form ......................... 10
Roving Reporter ...................................... 11
NOTICE—It’s time to renew your membership for
2015. The deadline is January 15, 2015, to continue
benefits without interruption. The membership fee is
$55.00. If all your information is the same as last
year please feel free to send a check to Ann Perry
made out to DVJC. If any of your information has
changed please use the renewal form on page 20.
Please remember the membership directory and listing of vehicles owned is shared only with active
The Jaguar’s Purr
Auction Items On Hand ............................... 12
When is a Jaguar a Jaguar? ........................... 15
DVJC Breakfast Social flyer .................... 16
Claiming Your JCNA National Award ... 17
Classifieds ............................................... 18
Welcome New Members .............................. 18
2015—2016 Election Results ................... 19
January 2015
Page 2
Thank you to our advertisers.
CloverLeaf ............................................................................ 2
Lindley Motors ………………………………….……………………………..3
Ragtops and Roadsters ........................................................ 6
Triumph Rescue .................................................................. 6
British Wiring ...................................................................... 6
American Collectors Insurance .......................................... 21
K&T Vintage Sports Cars .................................................... 21
Welsh Enterprises............................................................... 21
SNG Barratt ........................................................................ 22
JC Taylor ............................................................................ 22
Jaguar Main Line and Jaguar Willow Grove ......................23
XKs Unlimited ................................................................... 24
Full Page $300/ year; $45 / issue
Half Page $165/year; $30 / issue
Quarter $ 85 / year; $20 / issue
Business Card $50 / year
Members’ ads free of charge
For up to three inserts for each item
Non-members $10.00 per insert
$55.00 per year
Youth Enthusiast
$15.00 per year
DVJC Badge
JCNA Badge
DVJC License Plate
Packing & Postage
$ 6.00
$ 3.00
Vice President
Director of Membership
Web Master
Roving Reporter
Concours Chair
Head Judge
Technical Advisors
Club Historian
Club Merchandise
Paul Merluzzi
Alex Giacobetti
Bill Beible
Clara Saxton
Rich Rosen
Mike Wolf
Ann Perry
Brian Craig
Mike Tate
Brian Craig
Gerry Kunkle
Kurt Rappold
Charles Olson
Kurt Rappold
Brian Craig
Jim Shields
Steve Kress
Ken Ruocco
Kurt Rappold
Tom Murray
Montgomery County
Delaware County
Lehigh Valley
Philadelphia County
Regional States: Delaware
New Jersey
The Jaguar’s Purr
Charles Olson
Charles Olson
Michael Wolf
Kurt Rappold
Gerry Kunkle
Brian Craig
Kurt Rappold
Rich Rosen
Charles Olson
January 2015
Page 3
January 18, 2015
DVJC 50th Anniversary Celebration (see p. 5)
William Penn Inn, Route 202 & Sumneytown Pike
Gwynedd, PA 19436
Contact: Michael Tate,
February 15, 2015
DVJC Breakfast Social (see p. 15)
Andy’s Diner, 505 W. Ridge Pike, Conshohocken, PA
Contact: Charles Olson,
Renew your membership now!! Deadline for renewal without loss of benefits is January 15, 2015. See page 2 and page
20 for details. A reminder e-mail will also be sent.
Jan. 16—18, 2015
Allentown Automania
Agricultural Hall
302 N. 17th Street, Allentown, PA 18104
Jan. 31—Feb. 8, 2015
Philadelphia Auto Show
Pennsylvania Convention Center
1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
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The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 5
Please see page 5 for the flyer for the 50th
Anniversary Party which will also serve as
our annual holiday and awards celebration.
Because of the preparation necessary admission will have to be paid prior to attending.
No tickets will be available at the door. Mike
Tate’s contact information is on the flyer.
Please contact him with any questions.
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 6
President’s Mewsings January 2015
Happy New Year everyone.
Writing this column on New
Yea'rs Day is my first official task as President of the Delaware Valley Jaguar Club. My
second official task is to welcome Alex Giacobetti (one of the oldest active members of
the club) as Vice President and Bill Beible as
Treasurer and to thank Clara Saxton
(Secretary), Ann Perry (Membership Director), Mike Wolf (Director), and Rich Rosen
(Director) for staying on in their respective
positions. Most of all, thanks are in order for
Charlie Olson, who served as President for
the better part of the last decade and who I
am sure will remain a key member of the
I am looking forward to a very active year
with the club which will include celebrating
our 50th anniversary and hosting the Jaguar
Clubs of North America (JCNA) Annual
General Meeting (AGM). Recommended
Reading: The November/December 2014 issue of the Jaguar Journal has an article about
the AGM written by our own Clara Saxton.
The January/February 2015 edition will have
the second installment.
Mike Tate has done a great job of organizing
the 50th Anniversary Party scheduled for
January 18, 2015 (see page 5 in this issue for
the flyer), including a wonderful collection of
auction items and one of our founding members, Frank Weikel, as guest speaker. YOU
EVENT so do not hesitate; the party is just
over two weeks away as I write this column.
Charlie and I have co-chaired a very active
AGM committee (Alex Giacobetti, Clara
Saxton, Ann Perry, Kurt Rappold, Mike Tate,
Bill Beible, and Gerry Kunkle) in preparation
for the event that will span March 19 – 21,
2015. The host hotel for the AGM is the
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Sheraton Society Hill on Dock Street, right in
the heart of the Philadelphia Historic District.
Please take a look at the flyer on page 9 and
the registration form on page 10. Registration will open on Thursday, March 19 at
2:00pm. The business activities will kick off
with a Directors Meeting on Friday March 20
at 8:00am. The social/technical activities will
kick off on Friday March 20 with two tech
sessions (at 3:00pm and 4:00pm) followed by
a Welcome Party at the Simeone Foundation
Museum on Friday evening at 7:00pm. The
Welcome Party will feature a tour of the museum, a display of about twenty club cars, a
Philly style dinner, and maybe a surprise visit
by something distinctly Philadelphia in nature. Transportation from and to the host hotel is included. The business meeting for the
delegates will be held on Saturday from
9:00am until 3:00pm, followed by two more
tech sessions at 3:00pm and 4:00pm. A
cocktail reception and silent auction starts at
5:30pm Saturday, followed by the Awards
Banquet at 6:30pm.
The Keynote Speaker at the Awards Banquet
will be Kim McCullough, Vice President of
Marketing for Jaguar/Land Rover North
America. The committee is actively seeking
sponsors and donors to help offset the cost of
the event since the registration fees cover
only a fraction of the costs. Without sponsors and donors, the registration fees would
be prohibitively expensive for delegates and
guests. If you have a small business and
would like some exposure at the event
through a sponsorship or if you simply want
to help the cause with a donation, please contact one of the DVJC officers or directors for
sponsorship or donation information. Contact information is available on page 3.
Charlie will continue to chair the Concours
d’Elegance at the Oakbourne Mansion as part
Page 7
President’s Mewsings January 2015 (cont’d.)
of the Cars and Motorcycles of England
Show on Saturday, May 30, 2015. While we
will continue with our competitive driving
events (slaloms and rallies), I want to have
more low-key driving activities that allow us
to get the cars out for relaxing social events.
Tours and Gimmick Rallies (there are many
forms of these) that challenge your observation skills rather than driving skills may bring
out more members.
Recruiting and retaining new members is our
biggest challenge as an affiliate club of the
JCNA. Recently we have gotten a bump in
membership through the Great Britains dealership. They are including a club membership with every new Jaguar they sell. That
has a short shelf-life unless we are proactive
in attempting to retain them as members. I
plan to personally call every new member
and welcome them to the club. Part of the
conversation will be to promote the advantages of membership, including the opportunity to make new friends, enjoying the use of
their car for social and driving events, subscription to the JCNA Jaguar Journal and The
Purr, and access to technical information and
experts. I feel that the effort will be success-
ful if we retain one-half of the new members
after their first year of membership.
The club officers will be meeting on January
17 (the day before the 50th Anniversary
Party) to suggest and plan programs for 2015.
I will keep you appraised in future columns
as the plans develop. In the meantime, plan
to attend our Breakfast Socials at Andy’s
Diner in Conshohoken which generally occur
on the third Sunday of the month (see page
16 for the schedule).
It will be an exciting year IF we make it so
by participating, volunteering, and communicating. Obviously taking part in and helping
to organize events keeps the club alive and
vital. Communicating ideas about what turns
you on as a club member will keep the club
progressive - the more suggestions we have
from our members the more effective we can
be in making the Delaware Valley Jaguar
Club enjoyable for all.
Be Happy. Drive safe. It’s a Jaguar kind of
Paul Merluzzi
Michael Smyth, President and Chief Operating Officer
of The Great Britains Automotive Group, recently met
with Cyrus Mistry, the new Chairman of Tata Group,
the owners of Jaguar Land Rover. Mike Tate has commented on numerous occasions in The Roving Reporter
about the wonderful things Tata Group has done for our
favorite marque. We also appreciate all the things Michael Smyth and his organization do to support our
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
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The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
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The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 10
Roving Reporter - January 2015
By Michael Tate
Thank you so very much to all those who answered my request for donations for the two Silent
Auctions. One auction at our Party on January 18
and the second at the JCNA AGM in MARCH.
All proceeds go to our club funds. I NOW HAVE
OVER 100 ITEMS. But do not stop donating as
March is two months away,
At the December breakfast meeting , which had a
record attendance of 33 members and 20 Jaguars,
I was overwhelmed by the generosity of member’s
donations. Thank you! Also they combined to
vote unanimously for the slate of officers for 2015
-16 as presented in the December Purr.
This means we have a new President, Paul Merluzzi and Vice President Alex Giacobetti to lead
us into 2015 together with new Treasurer Bill Bieble and with Clara Saxton( Secretary), Ann Perry,
(Director of Membership), Rich Rosen and Mike
Wolf (Both Directors) remaining in their current
Charlie Olson did not contest the vote but will
remain as Chairman for our hosting of the JCNA
AGM in March and Chair of our 2015 Concours.
I plan to work with Charlie so that I can write an
article for the Purr acknowledging his time as
President of our club. Also I would like to produce an article introducing our new President and
Vice President and this will be done. We will also
be saying goodbye to Gerry Kunkle as Treasurer
who has been a most valuable member of the Executive team. Gerry is so knowledgeable about
Jaguar and travels extensively to attend and participate in meetings all over the USA & Canada..
Thank you for all the work you have done for the
club and we look forward to continue receiving
your valuable input as a club member
Now more on the club’s party. The STAR PRIZE
you can bid for is ONE WEEK’S USE OF THE
NEW F – TYPE donated by Main Line Jaguar.
What a treat to have one for a full week. Tak Papariello (GM Main Line) and his wife Lyn will be
there to congratulate the winner. So bring cash
and your check books to win, I am including a list
of items to be auctioned and I have yet to make
the split of which items will appear at which auction. You will see there are many exciting and
unusual items to win. If you see something specific you would like to bid for let me know and I
will make sure it’s there.
What a momentous weekend starting Saturday 1213-14 turned out to be (that consecutive date
won’t be seen again for Eons). I look forward to
seeing you at the William Penn Inn. So far 68
members have paid and signed up and I expect to
see the final number about 80 as many members
leave it to the last minute. I will be submitting our
head count about a week in advance of the event
In Queen Elizabeth 2nd New Years Honors List
Norman Dewis (94), Jaguar’s world renowned test
driver and ambassador, has been awarded the Order Of The British Empire (OBE) for services to
the motor industry. There is not much of the Empire left but it is a very nice honor for Norman.
By the way I am sure the Queen would like it spelt
“honour” as per the English dictionary!
The new 007 film Spectre features a special Aston DB10. Also a number of specially and
uniquely prepared Range Rover Sport were
parked in a JLR parking lot in Germany waiting
for shipment for filming when they were stolen. I
have to wonder if the “Bad Guys” were involved
to get a leg up on James??
My best wishes to you all for 2015.
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 11
Auction Items On Hand
1 Stirling Moss signed book
2 Ian Cooling Books Mascots & Jaguar Collectibles signed
3 copies of “Jaguar Mascots” 2 copies of “Jaguar Collectibles”
3 Watts My Line? The Life and work of Editorial Artist, Lawrie Watts. Many wonderful vehicle cutaway drawings including the TR7, The Bluebird and including Jaguar’s magnificent
XJ13 (page 61)
4 Red 1/18 1949 XK120 Coupe
6 Two x Motor Sport Classic Track Tests Books
7 Two x 100 Greatest Grands Prix books from Motor Sport magazine
8 Paul Skilleter 3 books Lister - Jaguar by Paul Skilleter; XJ 13 by Peter D Wilson and Jaguar
the Classic Marque by Steve Kennedy (Donated by Kennedy) All retail for about 50 pounds
9 Two x 12 month memberships to the Jaguar Enthusiast Club. Includes monthly magazine
10 Mothers Car products…..To be finalized
11 Two x copies of Reprint from The Autocar 24 June 1960 “Jaguar New Competition
Car.E2A. Includes cutaway drawing of E2A12 The Speed Merchants Frame by Frame – The 70s & 80s. Book Autosports Marketing Associates Ltd
13 Vintage Castrol Cooler $50 value X 2
14 Stan Loose sent framed picture titled “ The Lady of the night” by Nathan Wright
15 Frank Weikel Jaguar books and models
16 Version 2 of the Gordon Crosby Mascot (Leaper)
17 Burago 1/18 SS 100 model X 2
18 Burago 1/18 E-Type OTS model
19 100 Stainless Steel Leaper Key chains to be sold for $5
20 Yat Ming 1/18 scale model 1971 Jaguar E-Type
21 Numerous Jaguar parts
22 Jaguar Quarterly ( now monthly) November – December 1991 “C – Type Commemorative
Issue includes facsimile C – Type Brochure
23 various old Jaguar magazines
24 Official Jaguar magazine issue 2- 2010 features X–75; THE FUTURE OF THE SUPERCAR
25 Silk Cut World Sports Car Championship guide 1986. Jubilee Program for Silk
Cut & Jaguar. Includes wall poster illustrating the #51 Silk Cut car and 10 race venues. RARE
26 Polistil 1/18 1964 E-Type Roadster. Red.
27 Wall poster showing various (8) E-Types
28 Wall poster “more than 50 years of Jaguar cars from England. Illustrating three major periods of Jaguar car development’
29 #24 Jeff Gordon Driver Phone
30 More Jag parts including 4 wire wheel knock offs.
31 Binder of Technical Bulletins Sedan Range 1995 – 1996
32 3 Binders containing XJS Service Manuals
33 6 1978 “Jaguar Driver” magazine
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 12
Auction Items On Hand (continued)
34 Jaguar watch
35 Insulated Jaguar Coffee Mug
36 Drinking glasses marked Jaguar
37 Box of magazines
38 Excellent framed cutaway drawing of a Jaguar E-Type Coupe
39 Cased Brown & Sharpe Micrometer
From John Murphy Santa Fe
40 A 1979 reprint of a 1937 Lucas Ltd catalog of automotive accessories
41 Actual pages of “The Motor Trader” dated Jan 19 1937 re SS Jaguar
42 Actual pages of “The Motor Trader” dated June 30, 1948 21/2 & 31/2 Liter
43 An unmolested original copy of a 3.8 “S” sales brochure
44 An SS/Jaguar Cars Ltd. Commemorative radiator/bar badge
45 A new unopened 1/18 scale model of a 1961 XKE Coupe Series 1
46 A “
1/18 scale model of a Daimler DS 420 Limousine
47 A $25 Wawa Gift Card donated by Rich Rosen
48 50 Years Of AutoWeek July 16 2008
From Frank Weikel
49 6 model cars
50 1978 Book Jaguar Motor Racing and the Manufacturer
51 1962 Book “Jaguar A Biography” By Lord Montagu of Beaulieu
52 1990 Book “Jaguar” by Lord Montague of Beaulieu with Philip Porter
53 1976 Book “Jaguar Sports Cars” by Paul Skilleter
54 Magazine type book. “ The Jaguar XJ Series 111”
55 Book “MG” by Ian Penberthy
56 Book “History of the Motor Car” 707 Illustrations: 485 in full color
57 XJS Oil Filter in box. New
58 New Lucas Spot Light
59 Magnum of BRUT Champagne
60 new jaguar Racing cap marked S. Oliver
61 Box marked “Jaguar fragrances” Contains bottle “Jaguar Eau De Toilet” and Wrist watch
62 Jaguar ball point pen
63 4-DVD collector’s Set “America’s Automotive Museums
64 framed painting of a Series 3 E-Type
65 new XJ 8 Cap
66 Boxed Corgi 1953 Jaguar XK 120
67 Jaguar World Monthly December 2002 ‘XJS The Complete Guide’
68 Jaguar World Monthly November 2002 “Xj Series 1 – 3 A celebration”
69 Jaguar Heritage Magazine first Edition. Features E-Type,William Lyons, Sterling Moss
70 2 X Jaguar Heritage magazines
71Folder“The Heritage Of The Legend” Jaguar – Daimler _ Lanchester portfolio of photos
72Classic Cars. A celebration of the motor car 1945 to 1975 By Martin Buckley
73 1973 Encyloopedia of American Automobiles1
74 1979 Book Rolls=Royce. 75 years of motoring Excellence By Edward Eves
75 1982 Book Great Marques Rolls Royce by Jonathan Wood
76 1980 “
Mercedes Benz. Foreword by Juan Manuel Fangio
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 13
Auction Items On Hand (continued)
77 1/18 Scale model T “New York Police Department”
78 Poster for JCNA AGM…Western States
79 Griots Engine Detailing Kit
From Kurt Rappold
80 Poster detailing route of Great Race 2014
81Handsome wooden box mounted with model of grey S-type
“ “ XK 8
“ “ XJS
“ “ red S-type
85 4 X computer key pads
86 Book “Woodies” By Hans Halberstadt
87 Book 1973 “Post- war British Thoroughbreds. Their purchase & restoration
88 Great Marques Poster Book..Jaguar
89 Envelops marked E-Type Jaguar Forty year anniversary1962 – 2001 contains XK8 ads
90 special Interest Autos. Features XK 150S
91 Book Great Cars of The forties
92 DVD featuring XK, XJ, Xf
93 2 x DVD XJ S-type
94 Video of XJ
95 Book “ You and your XJs” by Nigel Thorley
96 Book Mercedes Benz SL & SLC’s
97 Handbook 3.8 Mark 2 Model
98 XJ6 & XJ 12 catalogue
991976-91 XJS & 1988 – 90 XJ^ Parts Catalogue
100 2.9 & 3.6 saloons parts catalogue
101 series 3 E-type open 2-seater parts catalogue
102 New brochure for the release of the XK 8
103 An XJS Steering Wheel
104 Lucas Spotlight Cover
105 Two Spot Lights
There is still room for more!! Please contact Mike Tate if you have an
item to contribute.
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 14
When is a Jaguar a Jaguar?
by Bob “Where’s Bob” De Lucia
While on a recent trip to the UK and
the Classic Motor Show at the NEC center
in Birmingham, I had a
chance to talk to members of the "The Daimler
and Lanchester
Owners' Club", one of many
clubs in the Jaguar section of the hall. I always
wondered about my
1991 Jaguar XJ6 VandenPlas, and some particularly odd badging on
it. I had a discussion
above my grill (which I
later found out I was
misstating and were
known as "flutes"), and
above the boot opening.
And that when I lift up
my heavy-duty driver's
side floor mat, and the
original Jaguar driver's
side mat, that underneath it is another mat,
that clearly is printed
"Daimler". Hmmm, a
After discussion
with the Daimler club
member "expert", we
discovered that supposedly my XJ6 was actually a Daimler XJ40
Large Saloon, that was
exported to the US. The
XJ40 was manufactured
between 1986 and 1994.
that decade's (1991) Mercedes-Daimler
branding in the US, the UK Daimler (part of
Jaguar British Leyland at that time) could
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
not be branded a Daimler in the US for legal reasons. He also stated that the Daimler XJ40 Large Saloon
was an upgraded version
of the 1991 Jaguar XJ6
VandenPlas, with a few
more luxury items. Based
on a book called "Daimler
Century" by Lord Montagu it says that "in the
US British Leyland used
the "VandenPlas" designation on its flagship
models, with the odd result that cars that were
with fluted radiator shells
and number plate housings were sold as "Jaguar
VandenPlas" models."
Still a mystery as
even though limited, everything
back-panel with "Jaguar"
and "VandenPlas", door
jams with "Jaguar" and a
leaper on the steering
wheel, and the rearconsole. Even a leaper
on the hood, which looks
like it may have been
added when imported to
the US (not unusual,
even later XK8's, etc.,
have had that added).
So, the question still remains....When is a Jaguar a Jaguar? Or just an
"odd" combination? Or should I be looking
for a US version of the Daimler club, and
entering in British car shows as a Daimler!
Page 15
Delaware Valley Jaguar Club Breakfast Socials
Sunday, February 15, 2014, 9:00 am
Sunday, March 15, 2014, 9:00 am
Sunday, April 19, 2014, 9:00 am
Andy’s Diner
505 West Ridge Pike
Conshohocken, Pa 19428
Phone 1-610-940-1444
Driving directions from the Pennsylvania Turnpike:
Exit at Norristown Interchange, (Exit 333) thru tolls and take the ramp to the right. Exit to the first traffic light
and turn right on to Chemical Road. At Ridge Pike there are two (2) left turn lanes. Get in the right side left turn
lane. Turn left on to Ridge Pike. Andy’s Diner is on your right.
Directions from North: Use the NE extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike south bound to interchange for
westbound Pennsuylvania Turnpike. Stay in the right lane and take Interchange Exit 333, Norristown. Follow
directions above.
From South: Use I-95 to Blue Route I-476. Travel north on I-476 to Exit 18A, Conshohocken. Exit on to
Ridge Pike. Proceed straight through the traffic light. Andy’s Diner is on the right.
For further information contact Charles Olson, or 215-757-2028.
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 16
Claiming Your JCNA National Award
DVJC members who competed in national events and placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, should follow the instructions below to confirm their award AFTER JANUARY 1, 2015. I checked the Web site and it
appears the following DVJC members are eligible for awards:
Bryan & Debby EDWARDS, 1st place, Concours C07
Wayne & Katherine TUBBS, 1st place, Concours C10
Brian CRAIG, 1st place, Rally, driver T1, Pauline CRAIG, 1st place, Rally, navigator, T1
Thomas JONES, 2nd place, Rally, driver, T1, Nancy JONES, 2nd place, Rally, navigator, T1
Bob BROWN, 3rd place, Rally, driver, T1, Kurt Rappold, 3rd place, Rally, navigator, T1
Richard ROSEN, 1st place, Slalom Class E
Steven SCHULTHEIS, 3rd place, Slalom Class J
Alex LA ROCHE, 3rd place, Slalom Class N
If you need help with this process or have questions please let me know.
Brian Craig
After January 1st, 2015, AND NOT BEFORE, members who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd, must go to the
JCNA Web site to confirm their information, and yes, there were a number of addresses and other
items that were out of date from those on record.
After January 1st, to Confirm, not Claim, your award information, please go to Click
Standings Click 2014 Results and Final (right now it says Provisional) Standings, Click Concours
(North American), or Rally or Slalom. You may return and access each of these files.
Scroll down to your name
Click on your score
The software automatically returns to the top of the page Scroll back down to your name You
should see a -- click here to confirm data for your award order -- Be sure to fill in all of the information. If you do not have a fax, that is fine, but do enter your email address. Email is the only way we
have to contact you so it is very important that you include your email address. If you are filling the
information out for a club member that does not do email, we still need an email contact.
Click the Submit button at the bottom.
A list of those who have sent in their confirmation information will be posted as a link from the AGM
page, --2014 JCNA Award Confirmations--.
You will receive a verification email within 48 hours once your information has been received and
posted. Note: This is a manual and not automated process.
Steve Kennedy
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 17
1989 XJS Convertible, 37,000 miles. Like New Condition.
Asking $13,500
Contact James M. Toolan at 484-881-1777
Regretfully I have to offer for sale my 1997 Carnival
Red Jaguar XK8 convertible due to lack of storage
The car scored 99.91 in Class C16A in Pittsburgh
this year. The car has less than 41,000
miles on the clock and I am offering it for $14,000.
Call me at 610-867-6955 or e mail me
Thank you for your consideration. Gerry Kunkle.
1988 XJS Conv., V-12, 68,000 miles, 1 owner, always
garaged, new alternator, water pump, battery, New
Tires (5), All original. This car could be entered in the
DVJC 2015 Concours. Seat warmers, perfect paint &
leather. $20,000 firm
Contact Kurt Rappold, 610-358-4055
Welcome New Members
Lawrence Highbloom
Wynnewood, PA
Francis Sutter
Gulph Mills, PA
Charlotte Lamb
Radnor, PA
Thomas Timby
Lahaska, PA
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 18
Election Results 2015—2016
The election for DVJC Executive Committee candidates for a 2 year term starting
January 1st, 2015 ending Dec 31st 2016 was conducted on Sunday, December 14, 2014,
at the breakfast and business meeting at Andy’s Diner. The results are as follows:
Paul Merluzzi
Vice President
Alex Giacobetti
Recording Secretary
Clara Saxton
Bill Beible
Director of Membership
Ann Perry
Director of Events
Rich Rosen
Director of events
Mike Wolf
Congratulations to our officers and directors. Let’s give them all the support they
need to make our club a success.
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January 2015
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January 2015
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January 2015
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The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
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The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
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Editor : Pauline and Brian Craig
323 lodge Road
Philadelphia, PA 19128-4418
Please let us know if this is the only
page of the Purr you receive; we will be
sure to send you a replacement copy.
The Jaguar’s Purr
January 2015
Page 24