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here - Unity Church
A very warm welcome! Join with us today as we worship, pray and find out more about
God’s amazing message of love for us.
Today: 4th January 2015
Happy New Year!
11.00am Morning Service with Communion
Ray Bell
1. What sort of church will we be?
Acts 2:36-47
If you are visiting us from another church where you would normally take
communion, you are very welcome to share in our communion this morning.
Step up
School-aged children are most welcome to join in with our Sunday
Club, which meets in the cabin for stories, crafts and games during the
second half of the service. Step Up for older children meets in the new
cabin where they are encouraged to use their creativity in the context
of Celebrate! All age worship and in assisting with other activities such
as Crèche or Sunday Club on “Step up!” Sundays.
A supervised crèche for babies and pre-school children is held in the
small side room. Feel free to drop in as needed.
If you are visiting us this morning, you are most welcome.
To find out more about our fellowship, please browse our
website, or complete our contact card, found on the table at
the back. If you are seeking a place to worship on a regular
basis, we would love to invite you to join us each week.
We have a hearing loop installed. If you wear a hearing aid please
switch it to “T”.
All our songs are projected onto the screen but there are printed
sheets of the songs available, if you would prefer to use them.
Please join us for refreshments and a time to chat and get to
know each other better, after the service.
 CTiO.
for Ministers
as they seek to be envisioned for the New
and Pray
Year. Pray for The Epiphany Services this week.
 Our Partner Churches as they start their New Year programmes. Pray
for the leadership teams and for Jay and Trevor in their ministries
 The work of Release International as they engage with those who are
persecuted for their faith in God.
 Those who are ill: Aries Smith and her family, Hannah Pinkerton,
Enid Evans who is undergoing chemo therapy, Gillian Willatt (Sue’s
sister-in-law) who has liver cancer, Dorothy Lawry (Sue Pasifull’s Mum)
recovering at home with care and Grace Malomo who is waiting to
have a knee operation.
Our sermons are recorded. You can listen to them via the
church website. Just go to the Sermons tag and select the one
you want to hear. Please let those who can’t easily get to
church know about this.
Meet twice monthly, on either a Wednesday or Thursday evening.
Everyone is welcome to be part of a group, where we learn more
about God’s word and share with each other.
We will be following the
“Freedom in Christ, Grace Course”
Groups meet on:
January 14th & 15th and 28th & 29th
If you would like to join a group please contact Ray Bell
Sunday Morning Services at 11.00 a.m.
Sunday Date
Jan 11th
Jan 18th
Jan 25th
Jan 25th 4-6pm
1st Feb Communion
8th Feb
15th Feb
Ray Bell
Penny Avann
Ray Bell
Liz Maltman
Dozie Moneme
Liz Maltman
Damian Luke
2. Devoted to Fellowship
CTiO Pulpit Exchange
3. Devoted to Prayer
Messy Church
Romans 12:3-13
Acts 12:1-19
The next meeting dates are:
Friday 16 January 10.00 - 11.45 am at 29 Mosyer Drive.
Tuesday 20th January 10.00 - 11.45 am at 29 Mosyer Drive.
The Alpha Course is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life. There will
be opportunity for discussion and asking any questions. All are welcome.
Please contact Carole on 07954 166143.
11 - 16 year-old Youth Group. Wednesday 7th January 3.45 - 5.00pm.
knit & natter Next meets on Thursday 8th January 2.00 - 3.30pm
Come and make new friends, share and learn new skills and enjoy making items for
prem. babies, Saxon Centre and needs overseas. All are welcome, whether you are
a beginner or have lots of experience.
Next meets on Friday 9th January 2015. We will be having a social
time together. Details to follow
Helpers needed – We all enjoy our tea or coffee after our services, but we need
some more people to help serve and wash up. If you would be able to join the team
please let Iris know.
Next meets on Tuesday 13th January 2015
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Unitychurch and Monaichurch
Twinned in God’s service in Orpington, UK and Bethlehem, South Africa and beyond
As we start a New Year, let’s thank God for some of the blessings that he has given
to the church family in Monai over the last year
 Provision of a building to worship in
 Finance to clear and refurbish the premises
 Provision of Lebohang as assistant leader
 Growth in the church family
 Development of their ministry among the children
 Protection of Jeremy and Laura and their family in leadership
Praise God for His abundant mercy, grace and peace
Messy Church is an informal style of church for all the
family, including arts and crafts, songs, stories and a hot
meal. We usually meet on the 4th Sunday of the month, 4 –
6 pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Look for “Unity Messy Church” on facebook!
For more information, please contact Liz Maltman.
Jan 4th
Jan 11th
Jan 18th
Jan 25th
Feb 1st
Liz Maltman
Peter Price
Liz Maltman
Peter Clarke
Sue Pasifull
Terry Down
Peter Bell
Sue Pasifull
Neil Maltman
Iris Aldridge
Carole Bell
Neil Maltman
Iris Aldridge
Julie Sears
Jean Ridout
Lydia TaylorDown
Lynn Price
Jean Ridout
PA System
Alan Warrington
Lorna Maltman
Ati Geczy
Alan Warrington
Ati Geczy
Ann Rumm
Jo Colwill
Janet Wilson
Andrew Wilson
Peter Bell
Lydia & Terry
With Sunday
Lynn & Joyce
Iris & Carole
Margaret & Jean
To be advised
Ati & Louise
Jo & Mandy
In Church
Jo & Mandy
Peter & Lynn
Lydia & Carole
Neil & Miriam
Liz & Larrissa
Peter & Lynn
Lola & Sue
Larissa & Anita
Liz & Theresa
Carole & Step Up
Lola & Sue
Step Up
Please let Peter Bell have any information for next week’s sheet by 6.00 pm on Tuesday
Contact Information
Rev Ray Bell 01689 810265
Peter Bell
Terry Down 01689 870039
Children’s Work:
Liz Maltman 07971564189
Music Co-ordinator: Peter Price
01689 856501 (ansaphone)
01689 828550
Premises Letting:
Sue Pasifull 01689 896449
Peter Price
Unity Church, Rye Crescent, Orpington, Kent, BR5 4NH.Registered in England & Wales No: 8326589.
Registered Charity Number: 1151334.