10th - 16th of Jan. 2015


10th - 16th of Jan. 2015
Week Programme
Qpening times: Monday to Friday 09.00 to 12.00 am and 14.00 to 17 .00 pm
Bewegung. Ruhe. Genuss.
Saturday 09.00 to 12.00 am
phone: +43 (0)6243-4040-0 I ferien@abtenau-info.at I www.abtenau-info.at
10TH _16 TH OF JANUARY 2015
Welcome to your holiday resort Abtenau.
This weekly program offers a variety of events and excursions for an
exciting week in Abtenau.
Saturday, 10th of January 2015
08.00 pm
I inn "Zum Schiff"
Also this year the "Edelweißball" take pi ace at the inn "Zum Schiff'.
The band "Quintett Melody" ensures atmosphere and good music. Entrance: € 6,00.
Saturday, January 10 to Saturday, 1i 2015
from 9.00 am
I Gosau at Dachstein West Ski Area
The sky of Gosau changes into a colourful"sea of balloons". About 40 teams of 10 different nations
take part of the International Alpentrophy in the Dachstein West Ski Area.
Passenger ride: You'd like to drive on your own up in the sky and enjoy the wonderful view over the
massive mountains? Registration at Gottfried Koller, Tel +43(0)6136-8841.
Sunday, 11th of January 2015
Family Sunday at the Celtic museum
I Hallein
Take a short walk with Benjamin Huber through the museum you williearn many interesting facts about
the life of the Celts and their richly ornamented weapons. Following this, you build your own Celtic
ceremonial dagger, decorated with precious stones and gold foil.
Cost: € 6.00
I Please register at: 0043 6245 80783
Monday, 12th of January 2015
07.45 pm
"Come and See"
I parish centre Abenau
Songs and prayers night at the parish centre Abtenau.
Friday, 16th of January 2015
07.00 pm
Night of the balloons
I Gosau at Dachstein West Ski Area
About 25 balloons lighten up the sky of Gosau. l1's an amazing lightshow. An wonderful firework take
place at the end of the show. This unforgettable spectacle can be visited.
full time
Horse sleigh ride
I Abtenau
Booking: Gasthof ledererwirt, Tel. 06243-2269, Fam. lanner, Tel. 06243-2435 or Tel. 0664-9676220
and Fam. Reschreiter, Tel. 06243-2947.
Fixed departure times at the market place at 10:30 am, 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm.
Additional trips possible on request!
09.00 am-04.15 pm Toboggan run
I Abtenauer Bergbahnen-Karkogel
The "Karkogel" ofters you toboggan run day & night! Toboggan rental at "Active-Outdoor-Unlimited"
directly at the bottom of the Karkogel. At the valley station you can borrow family toboggan, sport
toboggan and other sport fun equipment, such as the popular "Bockerl". Tel. +43 (0)6243-28874.
Flootlights tobogganing: Thursday till Saturday from 6.30 pm till 9.30 pm depending on the snow
conditions! (flootlights tillll.OO pm)
10.15 am
Bus to the "Postalm"
I departure at the post office
Every day, the Postbus takes you up to the Postalm, Austria's largest alpine plateau with
winter hiking facilities.
Departing at 10.15 am at Abtenau post office - arrival at 10.52 am in the "Postalm.
Returning at 03.55 pm and arrival in Abtenau at 4.30 pm. Bus ride € 2,00 (2 ways incl. toll for guests and
on request
Trend sports
I ocr Outdoor Consulting Team - Karkogel
You' d like to try a new sport? Make a new experience: the OCT-Team will guide you through your first
trials on an airboard, snowbike, snowcart or maybe a snowbockerl. Or enjoy the wonderful winter
landscape in the traditional way with snowshoes.
Registration at OCT: Tel. +43(0)699-13012009.
10.00 am
Information Walking Tour
I meeting pOint: market square Abtenau
Come with us to a guided "walking tour" through Abtenau. Discover your holiday destination and get
impressions of one of the most beautiful places in Salzburg.
The easy walk takes approximately 1,5 hours.
10.30 am
Cross country skiing
I meeting point: Nordic Cent re Abtenau
Cross country skiing basic course free of charge in Abtenau for all guests holding a regional guestcard.
Registration until Monday 5.00 pm at WM Sport 2000 Tel. +43(0)6243-3644 or
Intersport Schwaighofer Tel. +43(0)6243-3192.
02.00 pm
Nordic walking
I meeting point to be announced by booking
Nordic Walking basic course free of charge in Abtenau for all guests holding a regional guestcard.
Registration until Monday 5.00 pm at WM Sport 2000 Tel. +43(0)6243-3644 or
Intersport Schwaighofer, Tel. +43(0)6243-3192.
11',11. #I. ,-I ,. ,. ,,,
Tatarenhut essen
frische Saiblinge & Forellen
Voranmetdung unter Tel. 06243-3059
Mar1d: 253 A • "',5441 ~u
Telefon +43 40)6243 2255
Fax +43 (0)8243 22ss-.t
~..abtilnllu O sbg.M
Get more informa t io n at : www.abtenau- info.at
- - -- -www.voglauer.com
Besuchen Sie unseren Möbelschauraum!
Montag bis Freitag 9"· 17(J(J Uhr
10.30-12.30 am
Winter walking
I meeting point: tourist office Abtenau
We are walking a comfortable tour of 2-3 hours through Abtenau .
02.00 pm
ice curling
I meeting point: market square Abtenau
Popular sport with a lot of tradition and unlimited fun for everyone! Young and Old will play for the
championship medal at the ice curling rink in Abtenau. (at least 6 persons).
08.00 pm
Guided torchlight walk
I meeting point: tourist office Abtenau
Guided hike of about 30 minutes to the inn "Poschenhof" We enjoy the evening comfortably
with hot wine and folk music! Registration till Thursday 5.00 pm in the tourist office: Tel. +43(0)6243-4040
The duration is about 2,5 hours.
Fee: € 4.00 for adults, € 3.00 ecxl. torchlight, kids up to 15 years free of charge.
10.00 am
Gusto Walk
I meeting point: tourist office Abtenau
Idyllic winter walk to "Egel see" with a stop at the distillery "Fliehof" and the traditional inn
"Zur Sonnleit' n". Look forward to an interesting guided tour through the distillery and
the cheese dairy inclusive tasting of fine Schnaps and various delicious cheeses.
€ 10.00 I for Abtenau guest card holders € 6.00
01.30-04.00 pm
Farmers market
01.00-04.00 pm
Farmers market
I Parking place east
Farmers market, providing regional ho me-made products.
I Zur Sonnleit'n
Home-made regional products.
You are planning an exciting "Salzburg-day"?
With the "TennengauTicket" you have the possibility to reach the city of Salzburg for € 2.00 per person and way (with guest
card) - easily by bus and train, with no parking worries!
Enjoy the atmosphere of the old town - stroll in the Getreidegasse, visit the Cathedral, Mozart's birthplace, the residence or the
fortress "Hohensalzburg" . The "Toys Museum" or the "House of Nature" are highlights for children.
Do you already have a souvenir of your holiday? At your info point, there are brand new "polo shirts" and "ca ps" of your holiday
~1-l1 Ab1 en~~
', H , Tel.062·13li192
'> w,<>;I: "tw~ort ~; hw,; ,r'J 'N{I,iJ9 ,t
'Nn,Y i ( illJtl~ j:.;,rL ~1l
Ge t mo re inform atio n at: www.abtenau -info.at
Das Hotel-Restaurant Voglauerhof
hat täglich für Sie geöffnet!
Durchgehend warme Küche von 11:30
bis 22:30 Uhr ! Tel.:+43 6243 3532
Gasthot Foschenhot
KeLVltt~ r
I-t~ Vl-olgeferttgte lA.Vl-LR~te
"Untere Sonnleit'n"
Am Marktplatz 287 I 5441 Abtenau
www.kelmar.at info@kelmar.at
0043 (0)664 32 23 844
Österreichische Küche von
n:30-14.00 und 18.00-20.00 Uhr
Tel. 062432440 (bitte Tischreservierung)
I daily from 09.00 pm to 04.00 am.
Bar "No Hana"
I at Hotel Der Abtenauer I daily from 08.00 pm to 04.00 am. Monday closed.
I at Hotel Der Abtenauer I Monday to Thursday 02.00 pm - midnight, Friday to Sunday 02.00 pm to 01.30 am.
Karkogelhütte and Bar
I mountain station Karkogel I daily opened from 09.00 am to midnight (kitchen opened till 09.00 pm).
I lift station Karkogel I Monday to Wednesday closed, Thursday to Sunday opened from 02.00 pm.
Pub Bar Struwelpeter
I market square Abtenau I Monday to Friday from 04.00 pm to 01.00 am; Saturday, Sunday & holiday
from 02.00 pm to 01.00 am.
The Abtenauer cross-country trails is free to use, but we look forward to a voluntary daily charge of € 2.50.
Tickets are available at the tourist office. The cross-country trails in St. Martin and Lungötz are daily charge of € 2.50. Tickets
are available at the tourist office Abtenau, the inn Lämmerhof and the youth hostel Lammertalerhof.
Discounts with the guest card:
Tennengau-Bus-Ticket, Bus & Train € 2,00
reduction in the Equestrian farm Lammertal
free guided hikes
discount entrance Aqua Salza
free Nordic Walking course
free W-LAN at the tourist info Abtenau
10% discount on a day ticket of the Karkogel mountain cable car
SebslgebmOlllt: Sdmäpse & üköre
Direkt am wandelwtg
Freitag KnödeJtag
~[pengQßtQof ~örretQof
Österreich ische Küche
Montag ~uhetag
Tel: 0043(0)6243-2442
*Frühstücken bis 14.00 Uhr! €11,50
Sonntags mit Lachs und
Prosecco € 14,50
* frische Forellen, Saibling - Wildgerichte
* Durchgehend warme Küche
Tel. 06243-22320
lD..fQ~h. ote!mQJ~LC!!
Get more i nformat ion
www.abtenau - info.at