REI 2015 poster - REI-18


REI 2015 poster - REI-18
18th International Conference
Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI-18)
Dates: 26 to 31 October, 2015
Conference Venue: Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Welcome message
The REI conference has a history. The first REI was held in 1981 in Arco, Italy and the last one was in Helsinki in 2013. The international committee
in Helsinki decided to hold the next REI in Jaipur in 2015.
The organizing committee is pleased to announce the 18 international conference on 'Radiation Effects in Insulators', REI-18, in Jaipur, a centre
for several historical monuments and cultural sites. The city was founded in year 1727 and is presently known as pink city. We look forward for
active participation of researchers from all across the world. The conference will provide a platform for academic interaction at international level
for sharing views and novel ideas with international experts. The participants will have opportunity to explore the touristic and exotic city of
Jaipur with vibrant and colorful traditions and culture.
D.K. Avasthi, IUAC, New Delhi
IC member and Chairman
Important Dates:
January, 2015
24th & 25th October, 2015
26th October, 2015
29th October, 2015
Online Registration Starts
International School
Welcome & Registration
IC Meeting
Alma Dauletbekova,
Darrell Comins,
Eduardo Alves,
Eugene Kotomin,
Giovanni Mattei,
Kazuhiro Yasuda,
Lionel Thome,
Moni Behar,
Vladimir Skuratov,
Yugang Wang,
Astana, Kazakhstan
Wits University, South Africa
IST Lisbon, Portugal
University of Latvia, Latvia
University of Padova, Italy
Kyushu University, Japan
Universite Paris Sud, France
Porto, Alegre
JINR, Dubna, Russia
Peking University, China
For more details and updates, kindly visit:
Christina Trautmann,
Devesh Avasthi,
Elke Wendler,
Giancarlo Rizza,
Jose Olivares,
Kai Nordlund,
Mark Ridgway
Rodney C. Ewing,
William J. Weber,
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
IUAC, Delhi, India
Jena, Germany
Paris, France
Madrid, Spain
University of Helsinki, Finland
Australian National Uni., Australia
Stanford University, USA
The University of Tennessee, USA