Sung Communion - Hitchin, St Mary's


Sung Communion - Hitchin, St Mary's
The Second Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday 18th January 2015
Welcome to St Mary’s. If you are a newcomer please introduce yourself to
one of the clergy or fill in and hand to one of us the detachable section of our
new Welcome Bookmark. Do come and join us for coffee in Church House
(opposite the North Door) after the 9.35am service.
The Collect
Eternal Lord,
our beginning and our end:
bring us with the whole creation
to your glory, hidden through past ages
and made known
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
8.00am – Holy Communion
Canon Michael Roden
9.35am –Sung Communion with storytelling
President & Preacher:
Processional Hymn:
Lesson Readings:
Prayers are led by:
Offertory Hymn:
Communion Hymn:
Recessional Hymn:
Canon Michael Roden
144 Come let us join our cheerful songs – Nativity
Revelation 5:1-10 read by Ben Watson
I the Lord of sea and sky
John 1:43-51
Leon Norton & Sister
I cannot tell – Londonderry Air
The Lamb – Tavener
SGP118 Will you come and follow me – Kelvingrove
458 Forth in the peace of Christ we go – Duke Street
Please take your bulletin home
11.15am – Mattins
Officiant & Preacher:
Offertory Hymn:
Canon Michael Roden
144 Come let us join our cheerful songs – Nativity
SGP118 Will you come and follow me – Kelvingrove
458 Forth in the peace of Christ we go – Duke Street
6.30pm – United Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity at Walsworth Road Baptist Church (see future events)
No evening service at St Mary’s
Forthcoming Services
Morning Prayer (9:05am) and Midday Prayer (12:15pm) is said on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Fridays
Tuesday 20th January
10am Holy Communion
Thursday 22nd January 12.15pm Holy Communion
Sunday 25th January
8am Holy Communion
The Conversion of St
9:35am Sung Communion
Paul 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP)
4:30pm Christingle (see future events)
6:30pm United Taizé Service for the Week of
Prayer for Christian Unity at St
Mark’s (see future events)
Tuesday 27 January
10am Holy Communion
Thursday 29th January 12.15pm Holy Communion
Sunday 1st February
8am Holy Communion
The Presentation of
9:35am Sung Communion
Christ in the Temple 11.15am Storyteller Service
6:30pm Evensong
Readings for 25th January
Morning Services: Acts 9:1-22; Galatians 1:11-16a; Psalm 67; Matthew
Please take your bulletin home
Prayers for people
We pray for all those who are to be married, including: Migle Zitinskaite &
Thomas Girulis
We pray for all who are ill, and by name for: Jacqui Brockett, Dot Milton, Alice
Hazelwood, Ron Walters, Julie Stewart, Sam, Mollie Jenkins, Mary Frost,
Margaret Beddard, Charlotte Sabey-Corkindale, Paul Rushby, Paul, Katherine.
…and we pray for all who love and care for them.
We pray for church members at home or in residential care: Colin Atkinson,
Sheila Axtens, Dennis Cole, John Coxall, Roma Greenaway, Adrian Haigh,
Cameron Harrison, Edith Ingram, Cynthia Myers, Sheila Pay, José Perry, Joan
Randall, Shirley Robinson, Peg Saunders, Bill Shinn, Mark Vincent, Eileen
…and we pray for all who love and care for them.
We also pray for: Ann, Anna, Anne, Alan and Jean Bailey, Sue Bartrum, Bernie
Bottesch, Joan Burton, Alison Crisp, David, Scilla Douglas, Ethel Edwards, Mary
Foster, Margaret Gorman, Jenny Hall, Helen, Ted Hollingdale, Liz Hughes, Joy
Hukin, Jacquie, Jill, Brian Jones, Emily Kilby, Hanna King, Michael Laurens,
Alan Lawson, Adrian Lucas, Angela McNally, Agnes Emmanuel Odiachi, Orla,
Ann Steward, AIan Stewart, Julia Stocker, Paul Street, Sally Thompson, John
Toll, Lewis Willis, June Wimpory, Jenny Yateman.
…and we pray for all who love and care for them.
We remember before God those who have died: Jean Pay, Duncan Harris,
Patricia Jamieson, Vicki Bryder.
…and we pray for those who mourn.
Prayers for the World Church
United society (US), working in partnership with churches around the world to
bring health, education, peace and justice, is inaugurating a CONNECT
scheme to help churches in the UK to keep better in touch with the areas where
their giving is focused. Churches will be given updates online quite frequently,
so prayer can be informed and encouragement for money raisers enhanced.
Let us pray for the wide take up of the CONNECT scheme, and for closer
partnerships across the world to be maintained.
Please take your bulletin home
Future Events
18th-25th January Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The theme this year is
The well is deep based on John chapter 4. The following events are planned:
Sundays 18 & 25 January - morning pulpit exchanges
Sunday 18 January - 6.30pm: United service at Walsworth Road Baptist Church,
including the induction of the Revd John Hardaker of Christchurch as Chair of
Churches Together in Hitchin
Tuesday 20 January - 7.45pm: Ladies’ united service at St Faith’s
Sunday 25 January - 6.30 pm: Taizé service at St Mark’s
More information from John Richardson 01462 435595. Material for the Week,
can be found at -
25th January Christingle service this year will begin in the Market Place at
4.30pm and then in church at 5.00pm. Everyone is welcome to this service, it is
one of our ways of raising money for The Children's Society. Pauline
27th January “What is Theology?” Theology Cafe at Hitchin Christian Centre
led by Dr Brendan Devitt. The event is free, all welcome, and refreshments will
be provided.
30th January 7:30pm for 8pm “Grill Peter Lilley MP for Supper” at St. John’s
Church Hall. Supper will be Fish and Chips, wine and soft drinks available.
Tickets £10 from Geraldine Mitchell, 01582 834344 or
31st January 10am-4pm Parish Quiet Day at the Focolare Centre, Welwyn
Garden City. This will be led by Canon Ian Laine, who until recently was Canon
Residentiary for Education at St. Albans Abbey. Cost will be £12. It is hoped we
will take a mini coach from the Parish so book early. If you wish to come please
complete the list at the back of the Church or contact Joan Worboys (434179) or
Michael Taylor (459611)
5th February 8pm Wives’ Group “Humpty Dumpty wasn’t an egg and other
nursery rhymes” by John Edwards in Church House
12th February 8pm Mothers’ Union AGM in Church House
Please take your bulletin home
20th -21st February St Faith's Pantomime – ‘Robin Hood' by Bob Hammond
Performances are at 7pm, Friday 20th February, with a matinée performance at
2.30pm, Saturday 21st February, and a final show at 7pm that Saturday.
St Faiths pantomime is now in its 7th year and this show should provide for a lot
of fun and family entertainment, definitely suitable for all ages. As expected there
will be lots of songs, all the thrills of the stage, just the occasional bit of ad-libbing
and all mixed together with lots of active audience participation - making for a
magical and not to be forgotten experience.
Tickets are available from the box office now on Hitchin 451015 and cost £7 per
adult and £4 for children (under 12). To avoid disappointment it is advised that
you book early.
7th March 10am-4pm Quiet Day at Holy Saviour. Connecting with God - Some
Different Ways of Praying both Old and New
The 2015 diary for flower requests is now at the back of church.
Churches Together in Hitchin Lent Groups 2015 23 February to 27 March
inclusive. If you would be willing to HOST a group in your home or you would
be willing to LEAD a group in someone else's home during these dates please
contact me, Helen Richardson, stating a day of the week you prefer and the
time of day or evening that suits you. A host provides a warm friendly
environment for people to discuss a theme for Lent. The Leader has the
materials to set the session and guide it through within the time frame agreed.
If you host it's helpful if you could let me know how many people you can take.
We have had groups from 4 to 15 but 10 is really a top figure for real
discussion. The material for this year will be “PRAISE HIM – songs of praise
in the New Testament”, a 5-session York course written by Dr Paula Gooder.
Lent groups are open to members of all churches. The informal small groups
are an excellent way of meeting people from different churches and sharing
their Christian journeys. Those who have participated in the past have enjoyed
making new ecumenical friends and gained fresh insights of well-known Bible
passages. I look forward to hearing from you. Helen Richardson 01462
435595/07880 682681 or
Please take your bulletin home
Counting collection money Over the seventeen years I have been doing this
job, I have seen cereal tokens and a wide variety of foreign coins. Recently
though, there was a first – two chocolate £1 coins! Needless to say, they are
now in our stomachs and not in the bank. I ran this one past Michael and he
has asked that we refrain from putting chocolate coins in the collection during
Lent. Jimmy Dawson.
Hitchin Foodbank: The foodbank urgently requests the following items this
month: Milk (UHT or powdered), Fruit juice (UHT), Sponge pudding (tinned),
Toiletries for men and women Thank you for your continuing contributions.
Please take your bulletin home
Please take your bulletin home
St Mary’s Contacts
Team Rector and Vicar - Canon Michael Roden  452758 in the first
instance, otherwise  434017. Please send all mail to Church House.
Michael’s day off is Wednesday.
Parish Office  452758 email:
Team Rector's Secretary - Dorothy Grieves  432951
Churchwardens – Michael Taylor 459611, Robin Sternberg
684588 & Derry Charman 420665
Verger - Stephen Holland  07904 305743
Director of Music – Alan Childs 01582 883420
St Mary’s Facebook Page:
All other St Mary’s contacts are published on the first Sunday in the
month in the Bulletin Supplement.
St Mary’s, through its Charitable Giving Group, supports
AquAid Lifeline Fund’s Philip Veale Children’s Centre in
Malawi caring for over 150 orphans in Gomani. AquAid can
provide a whole month’s child care for just £8. Ask Robin
Sternberg  684588 for more details, or look on the Church
House noticeboard.
All communicant members of the Christian Church are welcome
to receive the bread and the wine at a celebration of Holy
Communion. Others are welcome at the altar rail to receive a
blessing. If you wish for a blessing please ask.
For very young churchgoers: Please feel free to be in church
during the services, but if you feel very distressed the choir vestry
(at the back of church) also doubles as the "early years gurgling
room". In there you will find a cabinet of toys. The room has glass
doors so that you and your parents can see and hear services,
but it also has an environment where you can feel at ease to be
yourself and gurgle away.
Words and music printed under CCL Licence No 224366
Details of future notices are needed by Wednesday and should be sent ideally
by email to or left in the “Bulletin Editor” pigeon hole
at Church House.
The e-bulletin If you wish to be included in the email distribution of this bulletin, please send
an email as above. Tracy Watson
Please take your bulletin home