pathways february - Christ United Methodist Church


pathways february - Christ United Methodist Church
February 2015
Friday, Feb 27
1475 Center Road, Venice, FL 34292
941-493-7504 / 888-833-9408
nc er
In Co
A love offering will be taken.
I began hearing about the Missions Festival before I arrived here
last July. And now it is here. I am thrilled to see the energy and
hard work that is going into it. I am so grateful to be the pastor of a
church that has a passion for missions locally and globally.
Every person who calls themselves a Christian lives with the
commission to go into all the world and make disciples of Jesus
Christ. How we do that is as varied as the personalities in the
church. God is wonderful that way. So February 4-8th we will
celebrate Him, what He is doing in the world, how He is doing it,
and the men and women through whom He is doing it. It’s going
to be a blast! You can see the schedule for the Festival inside the
Or Current Resident
PERMIT # 808
Huntley Brown’s music has been described as inspired, anointed,
powerful, and explosive. He has recorded many CD's that cover a wide
range of musical styles. People are not only impressed with his
incredible technique, they are touched by his deep love for Jesus. As
one friend has said, "Huntley plays as if God is whispering in his ears."
Huntley's ministry extends from churches, to auditoriums, to colleges, to
opera houses, to gang-infested urban high schools--where, in one case,
a student body was allowed to assemble, under police guard, for the
first time in four years to hear Huntley, and responded with rapt attention
and wild appreciation, including a deafening, heart-rending standing
This is a ministry based on prayer, and Huntley realizes that to be
effective as a musical ambassador for Christ, his spiritual life is more
significant than his keyboard skills. Music is an offering of praise, a gift
that Huntley wants to give back to God. His continual prayer is that the
glory of God will shine through the notes, and the Holy Spirit will send
the music straight to the heart, drawing people to the abundance of life
in Christ. Learn more at
Now you may think that the men and women through whom God is
doing this work are the missionaries. That would be partially
correct. We are going to be celebrating them, no doubt. But all of
us are the men and women through whom God is working in the
world, both locally and globally. You can share the light of Christ
in places you will never go, by supporting these missionaries with
your prayers and gifts.
Faith Promise Giving is the way most of us can be a part of the
work of God that our missionaries are doing. On Sunday, Feb 8 th
you will have the opportunity to make a Faith Promise to support
missionaries locally and globally. Please consider what you might
give towards missions and then fill out the card on Sunday the 8 th .
I have no doubt that God has blessed us to be a blessing. Our
faithfulness in giving to missions, both here and around the world,
is a blessing that will reap eternal glory for God. It’s time to
Sharing the Light with you,
Pastor Mike
Sunday Worship
8 & 10:45 am
9:15 am
Rev. Michael Hudson
Rev. Larry Potts
Robert Haley
Cheryl Smith
Bobby Whipple
Jeff Dunn-Rankin
Jonetta Dudley
Marcia Schaberg
Susan Pence
Nancy Kinney
JoEllen Whipple
Michele Morley
Anita Burton
NOTES from the
On Friday evening, February 27,
2015, CUMC Music Department
will be sponsoring a free concert
featuring pianist, Huntley Brown.
The concert, which is open to the
public, will begin at 7:00PM in
our sanctuary. A love offering
will be received to help Huntley
in his music ministry.
Huntley Brown is an
internationally known pianist,
who loves Jesus Christ and wants
everyone to know Him. He has
played in many different
countries around the world.
Huntley has played with the Billy
Graham Association and Bill
Gaither’s Homecoming. Huntley
uses a variety of styles in his
concerts. There will be
something special for everyone.
Come and receive a blessing
from this servant of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
The chancel choir rehearses
every Wednesday evening from
6:45 to 8:15PM. Choir members
come to the choir room on
Sunday morning for a 10:15am
run-thru of the day’s anthem.
Choir robes are worn from
October through May each year.
If you or anyone you know is
interested in praising the Lord in
song, please invite them to come
and sing with us. Anyone who is
high school age, 9th through 12th
grade, and older may participate
in our chancel choir.
Joyful Sound singers are
welcome to come to Wednesday
evening rehearsals, whenever
they are able. We usually
practice the anthem for the
following Sunday at the first part
of rehearsal. This small ensemble
sings all year round at our Early
Riser Service at 8:00AM.
Singers report to the sanctuary at
7:30AM to run through the
anthem for that day.
Epiphany is the third season of the liturgical church calendar.
It begins on January 6, the date that we remember the visit of
the wise men and Christ’s manifestation to the gentile world.
Epiphany means “revelation”. We are celebrating the
revelation that Jesus came as God’s Son. The color green is
used because green is the color that signifies nature, growth,
and new life. During Epiphany, we grow in the knowledge
that Jesus came as a baby to be our Savior. Epiphany lasts
until Lent.
Our CUMC praise orchestra
accompanies our 10:45 worship
services from the first of October
through the end of April. This
year, the praise orchestra will
play though and including
Sunday, April 26, 2015. We
practice in the sanctuary on
Tuesday morning at 11:15AM to
If you know of anyone who is an
instrumentalist, please encourage
them to come and join us.
Anyone who is high school age,
9th through 12th grade, and older
may participate with our Praise
Please contact Cheryl
Smith if you are
interested in or would
like more information
on any of our music
David, Sue
Shrader, Jeb
Shrader, Thomas
Canfield, Jason
Ellis, Arloine
Gardner, Tyler
Barrett, Emilee
Barrett, Scott
Knerr, Don
Lashway, Charlotte
Mason, Roy
Romig, Dorothy
Gilmore, Bill
Jackson, Charles
Moore, Meridy
Shehorn, Shane
Wansaw, Shirley
Messner, Jeanne
Ball, Curtis
Coleman, Brittany
Davenport, Mary
Halliburton, Carole
Lawhun, Barbara
Loud, Hal
Honn, Bill
Pugh, Kitty
Theise, Karen
Ziozios, Nancy
Card, Lynda
Kurinsky, Judy
Gould, Tom
Gaylor, Phyllis
Kell, Kay
Morley, Joshua
Hahn, Norma
Cowin, Marian
Walz, Joan
Moitis, Sharon
Trieble, Charlie
Vandegrift, Jeff
Eichert, Matt
Hallman, Ginny
Schuetz, Wayne
Pack, Jane
Schultz, Virginia
Coleman, Shaun
Knapp, Jack
Rawling, Shelba
Callihan-Wilson, Arlene
Kegerreis, Richard
McKenna, Joyce
Krauss, Martha
Sabrosky, Richard
Geremia, Joe
Greiner, Mary Rose
Ordway, Norma
Reiter, Bill
Ruehr, Sean & Amanda
Austin, Ly/e & Connie
Potts, Larry & Regina
Sargent, Jack & Jeanne
DeArk, George & Betty
Lafave, Dick & Irene
Quinn, Leighton & Karen
Herren, Carl & Laquitta
Drobisch, Chad & Deanna
Parkinson, Robert & Romaine
Sandilands, Gary & Sally
Pinkerton, Brent & Stacy
Berry, Bernard & Morag
Blomerley , Peter & Barbara
Birthdays are great!
Please give a donation if you
can to the Scholarship Fund at
Christ UMC. Even though we
cannot give large amounts
(although we'd like to!), every
little bit helps. College has
gotten so expensive, and
whatever help you can give is
appreciated more than you
know. Thank you!
BLS MI NISTRI ES (Blessed Lord and Savior)
Surviving Wives Retreat - May 17-20
Sometimes you need a place to get away, unwind and share your heart with others. This retreat is just for
you ladies! All this included in price: three nights in resort accommodations at Bonnet Creek Resort
Orlando, meals, transportation and daily devotions with Lenee Schroeder. May 17-20, Deposit of $100
by January 31 is all you need to hold your place! For more information please see or call Nancy Kinney,
Our Missions Festival each year is an opportunity to “Celebrate” what
God is doing through His servants here in Venice, around Florida, in the
U.S. and throughout the world. Yes, that is where your prayers and
support to missions are being put into service. The Festival allows you to
meet, one on one, some of the missionaries and mission organizations that
your financial giving supports. PLAN TO PARTICIPATE
August 5-20...European River Cruise
September 2015 will be a BLS Fellowship Trip to Washington D.C. and Old Alexandria, Virginia
We will explore the colonial town of Alexandria, Virginia, on the Potomac River, and visit places like "Captains
Row" George Washington's Town House, Old Christ Church, museums and shops. Also, we will go into
Washington D.C, and see the sights.
For more information on any of the listed activities, call Lenee at 497-1088.
Mark your cal endars and look for some home state décor. The All States Dinner will be on Friday,
March 13th. This year, besides all the fun we have sitting with people from our northern roots state, and
enjoying a delicious dinner, we are excited to have a couple from Nashville, TN, Jeff and Sue Duffield,
to present a musical program. You can read about Sue’s singing and Jeff on the keyboard at http://
Christmas Thank Yous!!
From Center of Hope:
Thank you to all who donated toys for the children and gifts for men
and women who are in need or homeless in our community. We provided 190 Christmas gifts for adults
and many toys for the Center of Hope toy giveaway to needy families. You brightened the lives of many
this Christmas season!
From Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive:
Thanks to everyone who rang bells at the
Publix shopping center this year. We had our best year yet! You raised $11,943. Praise God and Thank
Children! Be a
Mission Marcher!!
Wednesday, February 4
Dinner tickets purchased ahead of time – Kickoff for the Festival in
Memorial Hall
Join the Parade of Nations
for the Mission Festival on
February 8th.
What’s a
Festival without a Parade?
This is an important part of
the Festival, and it can’t
Watch at
Sunday School, Exploration
Station and the Current for
sign up sheets. You can use
a costume you have, or use
costumes. For more info,
contact Susan Pence (4687550) or Kristen Myers
Thursday, February 5
Various Small Group Meetings
Friday Banquet, February 6
Preregister for dinner at no cost. But you do need a ticket. Hear
firsthand reports from Missionaries. Plus participate in Youth
Dessert Auction to support their summer mission trip.
Saturday, February 7
Fruit Gleaning – Gleaners report at 8am and Baggers at 10am.
Sunday, February 8
Missionary Speakers in all 3 services
United Adult Bible Class at 9 am
Youth Missions Dessert Auction at the Banquet Feb 6!
During the Missions Banquet on February 6, our youth missionaries will hold
their annual Dessert Auction. The auction raises funds to help pay for the youth
summer mission trip to Gary, West Virginia, in July. It also provides lots of
dessert choices at the banquet! We hope that many of you who donated great
desserts in past years will do so again. Join in the fun and contribute to a great
cause! During the evening, banquet guests bid on desserts (silent auction bidding). Winning bidders
share desserts at their tables so no one misses out. Often there are extras to take home! If you make a
dessert to donate, you may drop it off in Memorial Hall in the afternoon on February 6, or bring it with
you if you’re attending the banquet. Desserts will be displayed at 5:30 for bidding. Please call or e-mail
Marcia Schaberg ( or call the church office (941-493-7504) if you’d like to
contribute or have any questions. The youth missionaries will truly appreciate your support!
How do referrals work?
happens when you ask about
Stephen Ministry for yourself or a
friend? Someone will contact you to
talk more about Stephen Ministry and what it can
mean to you Then you will be matched with a
Stephen Minister who will listen and support you
through this tough time.
The whole process is completely confidential. No
one knows what you talk about with your Stephen
Minister except the two of you. If you would like
more information you may call a Stephen Leader,
Judy Obregon 445-5682, Don Paull 497-5597 or
Juli St. Clair 416-2171 to talk privately.
We extend our
deepest Christian
sympathy to:
Pat Young in the death
of her husband, Roger Young
the friends and family of Lucille Olsen
Betty Stalnaker in the death of her brother,
Charles Bitler
Carole Bonanno in the death of her husband,
Joe Bonanno
the family and friends of Grace Smith.
Club Whatever Sundays at 5:00pm
Seventh through Twelfth Grade students come to the Family Life
Center each Sunday evening for a time of games, snacks and worship.
See our Youth Ministry page on the website ( or
contact Jonetta Dudley for more information.
SAFE Ministry Mondays at 6pm
SAFE is a ministry of Support and Addiction Family Education. SAFE Support meets every Monday
evening at 6:00 in Memorial Hall, Room 24. In addition to sharing and support, meetings include a brief
educational discussion of a topic related to addiction and recovery, as well as prayer, good fellowship,
and hope! Everyone who has a loved one with alcohol, drug, or other addiction problems is cordially
invited to attend., email, or call Jewell at 941-716-6169.
Guest Follow-Up Ministry Wednesdays at 10am
A Portion of a Letter Received from the District Superintendent:
Are you one who loves to meet new people? Are you one who loves to brag on the ministries of
CUMC? Are you one who believes in outreach for our Lord Jesus Christ? Then this is ideal for you.
We go out two by two to greet the visitors from the previous Sunday, and new-comers to the area.
You’ll be blessed! Call Pastor Larry at 493-7504.
Worship at The Windsor Assisted Living Facility Wednesdays at 11am
Come and join us for a short worship service at the Windsor Assisted Living Facility every Wednesday
at 11:00am. Your support and interaction with the residents in this outreach opportunity to worship with
others outside our church is appreciated.
Exploration Station & The Current Wednesdays at 6:45pm
Exploration Station is for elementary age children and The Current is for middle-schoolers. Both groups
meet in the Family Life Center each Wednesday evening and are fun, engaging places for young people
to learn and grow together in their faith. Contact Susan Pence at the church for more information.
Pastor’s Bible Study Wednesdays at 5:00pm
Meet in the main Sanctuary for a time of inspirational, practical, and Biblical teaching
by Pastor Mike; currently, teaching through the book of Genesis.
YARD and GROUNDS CREW Fridays at 7am (or so)
We have openings for men and women to operate self-propelled
mowers and weed-eaters, clean-up sprinkler heads, maintain
equipment, plus a host of other things. Please just show up on Fridays
before 8am; come to the maintenance building. For more information,
contact Matt Eichert at 497-0965.
Pastor’s Social on the first Wednesday
We dnesday, Fe b 4, meet in the Memorial Hall Parlor at 6:45pm for an informal time to meet
with Pastor Mike, ask questions, find out what it means to be a disciple at CUMC, and get to
know others. Please call the church office to RSVP so that we know to expect you. Then, if
you are interested in becoming a member of Christ UMC, we invite you to attend a 2 week
orientation class that will help you get connected, and grow in your faith. These classes are
held on the second and third Wednesday, 6:45.
CUMC Nite at DAIRY QUEEN on the first Thursday
Thursday, Fe b 5 join us at the Venice Avenue Dairy Queen from 5-8pm.
10% of their sales during this time period are donated back to us for local missions.
Pancakes & More Breakfast on the first Saturday
Saturday, Fe b 7 in the Memorial Hall from 8:00am til 9:30am. This is a
United Methodist Men’s sponsored breakfast with proceeds benefitting
orphans in India.
United Methodist Men’s Dinner on the second Tuesday
Tue sday, Fe b 10 at 6:00pm, women are invited. Come for dinner in Memorial
Hall and a guest presentation by Dr. Landis. Sign up on Sunday mornings after
services; dinner is $6, payable at the door.
Senior Singles Mingles (A Christian Social Group) Lunch & a Movie
Monday, Fe b 16 meet in Memorial Hall at noon. Glenn Petty will prepare lunch.
Our program will be presented by Paul & Esther Baxendale on their recent trip to Asia and
South Korea. They were guests of Dr. Billy Kim, who visited our church last spring with the
Korean Children’s Choir. Paul & Esther will show pictures and share their exciting
experiences with us. $5 for lunch, payable at the door. RESERVATIO NS NEEDED. Call Pat
Lysher at 484-4380 (after 9:30am) before Friday, Feb 13.
United Methodist Women’s Luncheon on the third Tuesday
Tue sday, Fe b 17 meet in Memorial Hall at noon for our luncheon, Mission Study,
Call to Prayer & Spiritual Growth, and short business meeting. Lunch is provided
for $4; please RSVP to your Circle Leader.
Dali/Picasso and Vinoy (St Pete, FL)
Thursday, Feb 12, bus loading at 9:00 am
$79 per person
The ehibion i!asso " #ali, #ali " i!asso$ promises
to be an internaonal blo!%buster &or both museums
as it will &eature rarely loaned wor%s &rom more than
2( internaonal art museums and pri)ate !olle!ons
• Guided #ali" i!asso Tour
• Lun!h"Tour at Vinoy
Giraffe Ranch and Surprise Stop TBA(Dade City, FL)
Thursday, Mar!h 12, bus loading at 9:30 am
$79 per person
At Giraffe Ran!h in #ade City, FL you'll eperi en!e firsthand, the li)es o& giraffe and other spe!ies &rom around
the world. The animals li)e under huge li) e oa%s and
open grasslands in a se=ng that is right out o& A&ri!a.
Learn about eo! animals &rom an epert guide &rom
the !om&ort o& spe!ially designed 4-wheel dri)e
)ehi!les. We are wor%ing on a surprise stop on the way
home TBA.
• Admission to Giraffe Ran!h with guided riding tour
• Lun!h at Lun!h on Limoges
The Odd Couple- Off Broadway Palm
(Fort Myers, FL)
Thursday, April 9, bus loading at 10:00 am
$6( per person
The Tony Award-winning Neil Simon !omedy shows
what happens when neat -&rea% Feli mo)es in with his
old &riend, messy sport writer Os!ar.
• Full Buffet Meal in!luding #essert Bar
• Off-Broadway alm Show
Church Basement Ladies- Broadway Palm
(Fort Myers, FL)
Thursday, June 11, bus loading at 10:00 am
$7( per person
The e) er popular Chur!h Basement Ladies are ba!% to
ser)e up some laughs! From the senior matriar!h o& the
%it!hen to the bride-to-be learning to arrange things in
proper order, e) eryone will re!ognize the humorous
and down-to-earth !hara!ters. Added is a liEle
roman! sr &or the new pastor and the out!ome is
hea)enly ent ertainment!
• Full Buffet Meal in!luding #essert Bar
• Off-Broadway alm Show
The children's ministry is having a Bake Sale on
February 15th in the breezeway after the contemporary
and the traditional service. If you enjoy baking and
would like to help, please contact Rana Weerasooriya
(941)587-9002. All proceeds go to the Starfish Kids
atÇvçËá aÉàxáM
“Don’t do anything for selfish
purposes, but with humility think of
others as better than yourselves. Instead of each
person watching out for their own good, watch out
for what is better for others. Adopt the attitude
that was in Christ Jesus: Though He was in the
form of God, He did not consider being equal with
God something to exploit. But He emptied
Himself by taking the form of a slave and by
becoming like human beings.”
Philippians 2:3-7
CEB The Wesley Study Bible
From the Wesley Study Bible (*): “ According to
Wesley, the “mind” of Christ is both the gift of
God’s Spirit in justification and the life of love for
God and neighbor that the Spirit produces through
sanctification. In taking the form of a slave to
serve others’ interests rather than His own, Christ
“ emptied Himself of all but love.”
The more I learn about John Wesley, the more
interested I’m becoming!
How is it with your soul today?
Love you,
(*) Common English Bible;
Copyright 2012
Ministry Partner Team
New Ministry Beginnings in 2015!
In last month’s Pathways, I introduced the
Ministry Partner Team whose mission is
“Supporting ministries, leaders, volunteers at
CUMC while building Disciples for Jesus.” The
Team has been busy getting ready to assist you as
you serve in ministry. (*)
The primary focus of the Team now is to continue
to assist the Guest Services and to prepare to meet
each ministry leader/volunteer in doing a ministry
“ check-up.” The check-up will be a gathering of
several ministry groups around dessert(!) to listen
to your ministry ideas/suggestions, followed up
with a session to demonstrate all of the ministry
equipping tools available to help you make
ministry service be easier and increas e our
dependence upon the leading of the Holy Spirit to
lead us in ministry.
To “ whet” your appetite about some new
equipping tools available, here is a partial list:
Volunteer Training Videos · Spiritual Gifts
Inventory · Spiritual Gifts/Volunteer Matching.
Next month – more information about how the
Ministry Check-up is progressing and more about
what to expect. If you have any questions before
then, please see or contact Nancy Kinney: 941-493
(*) Members of the Ministry Partner Team are: Larry Frerk,
Publicity ; Pam Freeland, Group Facilitation and Consensus
Building; Sharon Moitis, Connection Coach; and Chris Budd
Ministry Equipping Tools.
New Women’s Bible Study Small Group
Starting Thursday, Feb 19 at 10:00am will be a six-week study by David Baldacci, “What to do
When You Don’t Know What to Do”. Led by Robert Martin. Call her at 493-4396 for more
information or to register.
Venice Christian Tae Kwon Do School
(Sponsored by Christ UMC)
Perseverance is one of the primary tenants of Taekwondo. The character trait of persistence or
“stick-to-itness” is essential for any success in any endeavor. TKD provides an excellent format
for training young people to understand the need to persevere even when things aren’t going
well or when you don’t feel like it. Studying might be a prime example.
Taekwondo utilizes constant repetition in mastering the skills of the art. A habit of “overlearning” is a valuable asset in the student’s career. The student of the art of TKD learns that
repetition is the mother of learning and memory. But most important of all is
learning of the love of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In Him,
Pastor Larry
White Belt - SSD Red belt - TKD
Seeking all “Walk to Emmaus” Alumni!
Many in our congregation have experienced God’s Grace of
salvation resulting in transformation… asking Jesus Christ to
enter into their hearts after a three day Walk to Emmaus,
Cursillo, United in Christ or similar weekend experience earlier in their Faith.
Is it time to revive and rekindle the Flame of the Holy Spirit deeper into our spiritual walk? The Flame
that produced much change in our lives when we said Here I Am Lord? What a gift that revival could be
if we could stimulate a NEW wave of seekers to experience a “ Walk” weekend!
Our first challenge is to identify and gather current CUMC members who have taken the “Walk,” share
their testimony and stories of how that simple weekend changed their lives. Please contact John Brower
if you have had the “ Walk” experience: 941-941-497-3556
Debunked! Seven Modern Myths Debunked
Don’t forget, Mike and Jan Mandt are hosting a D. James Kennedy series on Sunday evenings, 4:30pm
in Memorial Hall. Even though the series started January 18th, and you may have missed those sessions,
you can join right in throughout February. You will experience discussions on today topics like: Man is
Basically Good; Suicide is a Viable Option; God Helps Those Who Help Themselves ; We Can Have
Morality Without Religion; God and State Must Be Separate; and Traditional Motherhood Is