UK National DermSoc Day - British Association of Dermatologists


UK National DermSoc Day - British Association of Dermatologists
UK National DermSoc Day Monday 19th January 2015 10.30am to 5pm British Association of Dermatologists 4 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 5HQ This National Day looks at the link between Dermatology and other specialties, with a series of interesting talks by high profile speakers, and a packed CV boosting section featuring audit, elective, research and academic training. Lunch is provided. RSVP by Dec 21st 2014 to /e/dermsoc-­‐national-­‐day-­‐tickets-­‐14446617221 Organised by DermSoc National-­‐ Anna Ascott, Natasha Lee, Dr Amiee Vyas and Dr Fangyi Xie UK National DermSoc Day Monday 19th January 2015 10.30am – 5pm British Association of Dermatologists Willan House What to expect CV Section with Professor Eugene Healy Hear from previous BAD prizewinners to get ideas for research and electives. Hear about making the most of audit from Dr Ketaki Bhate, and learn about clinical academic training from Professor of Dermatology Eugene Healy, the Director of Academic Training at Southampton University. Dr Sue Burge on Dermatology in General Medicine Previous BAD President and OBE for services to Dermatology Dr Gemma Angel On cultural and historical aspects of skin and tattoo Dr Alia Ahmed On psychodermatology Dr Karen Gibbon On the GUM and dermatology interface Professor Roderick Hay on Tropical Dermatology Chairman of the International Foundation for Dermatology Organised by DermSoc National-­‐ Anna Ascott, Natasha Lee, Dr Amiee Vyas and Dr Fangyi Xie