View this week's bulletin - Saint John the Baptist Parish • Quincy, MA


View this week's bulletin - Saint John the Baptist Parish • Quincy, MA
St. John the Baptist Parish
Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
February 1, 2015
Mission Statement of St. John’s Parish
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the community of St. John’s Parish works
to spread the Gospel message through a ministry of compassion, education,
and stewardship. Our life as believers is centered in the Eucharist, which
encourages and fosters a deep sense of identity in Christ Jesus and the mission
the Lord Jesus calls us to embrace.CHEDULED MASS
We welcome all who have come to worship in our parish community. If you are new to our parish,
please introduce yourself to any of the priests or deacon. May we experience together the love of
Jesus Christ.
Liturgical Celebrations
4:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass)
7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,
11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. Monday - Saturday
Latin Mass: 7:00 a.m. (lower chapel)
1st & 3rd Wednesday
Holy Days and Holidays: as announced
Rev. Robert J. Cullen, Administrator
Rev. Michael K. Harvey, Parochial Vicar
Rev. William C. Palladino, In Residence
Dn. Paul A. Lewis, Financial Administrator, 617-773-1021
Dn. William R. Proulx
Donna Niosi, Administrative Assistant, 617-773-1021, and
Secretary of Religious Education, 617-877-5014
Joanne Curry, Religious Education Director, K-9, 617-877-5014
Paul Kelly, Music Director
Edward Philie, Director of Maintenance, 617-921-1026
St. John’s Food Pantry, 617-472-4908
Sacrament of Matrimony: Congratulations! In order for
the priest or deacon to spiritually work with the couple,
arrangements must be made at least six months before the
wedding date.
Infant Baptism: Celebrated third Sunday of the month at
1:00 p.m. Call a Parish Priest or Deacon at least one month
in advance.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Lower chapel,
Wednesdays, 8:30-9:00 a.m.; Saturdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m. or by
appointment at the rectory.
Confirmation and Holy Orders: Call a Parish Priest or
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Before you
enter the hospital for tests or surgery, we encourage you to
celebrate the Anointing of the Sick at one of our Eucharistic
celebrations. Priests are not available at the hospital as
they once were to anoint patients. We strongly advise you
to clearly inform the admissions staff at the hospital that
you are Catholic and desire to be visited by one of the
Catholic Pastoral Care Ministers.
Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 31
8:00 a.m. 13th Anniversary Thomas Guerin
4:00 p.m. Birthday Memorial Paul Philip Loring
Sunday, February 1
7:30 a.m. Mass for the People
9:00 a.m. Memorial Andrew K. Taylor
11:00 a.m. Memorial Rose Gaven
5:30 p.m.
Monday, February 2
8:00 a.m. Nora Joyce, Healing
Tuesday, February 3
8:00 a.m. Memorial John Kearns
Wednesday, February 4
8:00 a.m.
Thursday, February 5
8:00 a.m.
Friday, February 6
8:00 a.m. Memorial Valerie DiTullio & Jean Ladas
Saturday, February 7
8:00 a.m. 12th Anniversary John K. Foley
4:00 p.m. Memorial Dr. Thomas Foley
Sunday, February 8
7:30 a.m. Mass for the People
9:00 a.m. Memorial Louis & Barbara Genatossio
11:00 a.m. 3rd Anniversary Michael Norton
5:30 p.m. Memorial Robert Howlett
Your Prayers are Requested for:
Cornelia F. “Connie” Mahoney, John J.
Mullin and all our parishioners who have died
recently, and for all our deceased relatives
and friends. Also, please remember all those who are ill
and pray for the intentions of all our parishioners.
If you would like to make a memorial
donation for the altar bread and/or the altar
wine in memory of a loved one or for a special intention,
please call the rectory at 617-773-1021. The donation for
the altar bread or the altar wine is $30 each for one week
($60 for both).
The Spirituality
Receiving God’s Gifts gratefully;
Nurturing God’s Gifts responsibly;
Sharing God’s Gifts
in love and justice;
Returning God’s Gifts generously.
Weekend of January 24/25
Church Collections
On-Line Giving
Total Sacrificial Offering by Parishioners
Second Collection - Church in Latin America
Total Sacrificial Offering by Parishioners $1,726.50
This weekend Jan. 31/Feb. 1 there will be one collection. Next
weekend, February 7/8 there is also one collection.
Thank you for your generosity!
Pastoral Planning Office- Disciples in Mission
In his letter to the Corinthians Paul writes, “Brothers and
Sisters, I should like you to be free of anxieties.” What a
wonderful message! Parishes in Phase III collaboratives are
preparing for a new way of leadership and ministry that will begin
in June. Along with excitement and hope, surely there is some
anxiety. We pray for the parishioners, clergy, and staff of these
parishes, that they will move forward in prayer and with courage.
St. John’s Seniors Meeting
St. John’s Seniors will be meeting on February 4, 2015 at
11:00 a.m. in the Church Hall.
We will be paying for our St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at
this time. The cost of this dinner is $19.00.
Stay well & warm! Looking forward to Spring. Josephine
will be collecting dues from those who were not here in January.
Receipt for Tax Purposes
If you need a receipt for Tax Purposes, please fill out the form
below and return it to the rectory. Please mark the envelope to
the attention of Deacon Paul Lewis. Thank you.
CITY__________________ ZIP CODE________________
TELEPHONE #__________________________________
February 1, 2015
A Note from Father Bob
The 2015 church calendars are beautiful and once again we
want to thank the Sweeney Brothers Funeral Home for their
generosity in providing them. We hope that you had the chance
to pick one up for your home. Along with the date these
calendars provide useful information about the seasons of Lent,
Easter, Advent, Christmas, and the not so ordinary time. Holy
Days are also indicated on their respective dates. If you did
not have a chance to get one while they were in the church,
we do have a limited amount of them left in the rectory.
The season of Lent is fast approaching. We are working on
having a 3 night Lenten Retreat and will provide more details
as they enfold.We will also be adding confessions on the
Wednesday Evenings during Lent, commonly referred to by
the Diocese as “The Light is on For You.” I hope the additional
times bring more people to this wonderful sacrament of
Father Bob
Miramar Retreat Center - Valentine Event
Miramar Retreat Center, 121 Parks Street, Duxbury, MA will
celebrate couples at an elegant wine and dine evening on
February 14 from 6-9:30 p.m. The evening includes a wine
and cheese social, an elegant dinner prepared on site, and
amazing dessert. Between dinner and dessert Peter and Sheila
Oprysko and Miramar’s Fr. Tom Griffith, SVD will offer a
short presentation “Fairytales Can Come True”, all for $90.00
per couple. Contact Miramar before Feb. 10th to make
reservations, or for more information, call 781-585-2460 ext.
312; online Visa and Master Card
Scout Sunday at the Seminary
Calling All Scouts: St. John Seminary in Brighton together with
the Catholic Committee on Scouting will be hosting Scouts from
all over the Archdiocese of Boston on Sunday, February 8th
from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Please join us at St. John’s Seminary (127
Lake St., Brighton) for a talk by Seminarians, prayer and
snack.To save a spot please contact Kathy Stebbins: at 617746-5811 or
St. John’s Food Pantry
Thank you for supporting St. John’s Food Pantry. The Pantry’s
office hours are from 6:30-7:30 p.m. each Wednesday evening
in the convent garage for St. John’s Parishioners. For those
who are so generous to the important work of St. John’s, please
send donations directly to the rectory or use the blue envelope
marked SJFP and drop it into the regular parish collection. For
further information, please call 617-472-4908. Our pantry is
sustained through the generous donations of our
parishioners.Thanks for all your support!
St. John the Baptist & St. Joseph
Family Religious Education Program
Winter Session - 617-877-5014
A detailed calendar for the second half of the year was mailed
to all registered families last week. If you didn’t receive a
calendar below is the start of classes and you can pick-up a
calendar at the first class.
Sunday, February 1
10:00-10:50 a.m. Class grades 1 & 2
Monday, February 2
6:00-6:50 p.m. Class grades 6 and 7
7:00-8:00 p.m. Class grades 8 and 9
Saint Joseph Retreat Center
An At-Home Busy People’s Retreat For Lent:
Do you desire to deepen your relationship with God during
Lent this year? The week of March 8-12, St. Joseph’s Retreat
Center, Cohasset, is offering an opportunity for busy people
to experience a directed retreat in the midst of their daily
lives. You would pray 30-60 minutes each day at home (or
work etc.), meet individually at the Retreat Center for 45-60
minutes a day for four days with an experienced spiritual
director to share about your prayer and relationship with God.
Meeting times would be scheduled at your convenience. The
retreat will begin with a gathering of all interested people on
Sunday afternoon, March 8, at St. Joseph Retreat Center.
To register, or for more information, please contact (click on Busy Person’s Retreat
on the left side of the Home Page.), or call 781-383-6024.
Men’s and Women’s Cursillo
An Opportunity to Deepen Your Faith
Archdiocese of Boston - Men’s and Women’s Cursillo
Cursillo is a short course in Christianity. It is an encounter
with Christ in a small community of the Church, in order to
deepen your own faith and strengthen your ability to be
witnesses of Christ in the world.
The dates for the weekends are:
Women’s Cursillo Weekend March 5-8, 2015
Men’s Cursillo Weekend
April 23-25, 2015
The weekends run from Thursday evening through Sunday
afternoon and are held at the Campion Center in Weston,
For information and registration, please check the Boston
Cursillo Website: or call the Office
of Spiritual Life at 617-779-3640 or you can email us at
St. John the Baptist Parish
February 1, 2015
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught
them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” Jesus
was doing something different. His teaching was new,fresh,
surprising. The Jewish people were used to the teaching style
of their scribes, the scholars who interpreted the Scriptures
and taught the corresponding laws. The scribes were legalists
by trade, who focused on what was required of the Jews
based on the holy writings. For them, the law was dominant.
But when Jesus showed up in the synagogue and began to
teach, he was dominant. As the incarnate Son of God, he
spoke with an authority that was greater even than the religious
And just in case those who heard him doubted his legitimacy,
Jesus proved his authority by more than words; he cast out
evil spirits. When the people witnessed Jesus commanding
“even the unclean spirits” and saw that these spirits obeyed
him, they were “amazed” at this “new teaching with
What our Jewish ancestors experienced is recorded for us to
bolster our own faith. Although we were not there to see
these events unfold, if we meditate on the reality of today’s
Gospel story we will also be astonished and amazed. Jesus is
more than a teacher. He is more than a kind man with an
attractive philosophy. Jesus has power over the spiritual world!
His authority over us is real. And he exercises this authentic
authority for our own good. He has the power to do away
with evil and to set us free, both through his teachings--passed
on to us in the Bible and in the Church--and through his action
in our lives. We only need to follow his lead.
Liturgical Publications Inc.
Espousal Retreat House - Retreat and
Programs Winter/Spring 2015
Discovering God’s Will - What shall I do? Discovering the
best choice. Presenter: Fr. Bob Masciocchi, CSS, will take
place on February 15, 2015.
For further information on all there Retreats and Programs
please contact: The Espousal Retreat House, 554 Lexington
St., Waltham, MA 02452, Phone: 781-209-3120.
Calendar of St. John’s
Upcoming Dates & Events
Saturday, January 31
2:30-3:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Lower Chapel
Sunday, February 1
10:00-10:50 a.m. Religious Ed Classes Church Hall
Grades 1 and 2
Monday, February 2
6:00-6:50 p.m. Classes Grades 6 and 7 Church Hall
7:00-8:00 p.m. Classes Grades 8 and 9 Church Hall
Wednesday, February 4
8:30-9:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Lower Chapel
11:00 a.m.
St. John’s Seniors
Church Hall
Thursday, February 5
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Deacon Paul’s Group
Church Hall
First Friday, February 6
8:30 4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration
Latin Mass
Lower Chapel
Lower Chapel
First Saturday, February 7
8:30-9:45 a.m. First Saturday Devotions
Lower Chapel
2:30-3:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Lower Chapel
Sunday, February 8
10:00-10:50 a.m. Religious Ed Classes Church Hall
Grades 3, 4 and 5
6:30-8:00 p.m. Confirmation Class
Church Hall
Stations of the Cross:St. Joseph’s Holy Name Society
will be leading the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. on Friday’s
(weather permitting) during Lent in the Church. All are invited
to participate. Come celebrate The Way of the Cross as told
by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The first date for the
Stations of the Cross is February 20th and will run every Friday
(weather permitting) until March 27th. Sponsored by Holy
Name Society, St. Joseph’s Parish, 500 Washington St., Quincy,
Welcome to St. John’s!
We encourage all our parishioners who worship with us to register. Our registry is a
vital source of information that we use when we need to contact parishioners. Please call the rectory, 617-773-1021, or
return this form to the rectory by the collection basket, mail, or in person. Would you like to have the bulletin emailed to
If you would, please give us your email address:_____________________________________________________
Name:____________________________________________________Tel. #___________________________
Check if address change:
Moving out of parish:
Would you like envelopes? (Please circle) YES