Women`s Ministry Women`s Ministry
Women`s Ministry Women`s Ministry
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! Readings & Mass Intentions For The Week SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 5:00 PM St. Anne Parishioners SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 (Dt 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13) 9:00 AM St. Anne Parishioners 11:30 AM St. Anne Parishioners 5:00 PM St. Anne Parishioners TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 (Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15) 8:00 AM Happy Anniversary Donna & Steve Ehrhardt r/b Hank Johnson WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 (Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32) 5:30 PM +Les Crawford r/b Frank & LaVerne Elia THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 (Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12) 8:00 AM Randall & Joyce Reeves & Grandson r/b Dorothy Crockett FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26) 8:00 AM +Rita Birmingham r/b Jack & Evelynn Boucher SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 (Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48) 8:00 AM +Olga Webb r/b Pastoral Care Ministers READINGS FOR FEBRUARY 21 First: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 Second: Phil 3:17-4:1 Gospel: Lk 9:28b-36 FEBRUARY 20-21 COFFEE & DONUTS: Marty Griffin & Gaylord Farrell MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Ministry of Compassion Meeting TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 6:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Bible Study WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 12:00 PM Confessions 5:30 PM Mass 6:00 PM Holy Hour & Confessions 6:30 PM Youth Group 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Bible Study THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Bible Study 6:00 PM Walking With Purpose FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (Confirmation Retreat) 11:00 AM Lenten Adoration 6:00 PM Stations of the Cross 6:30 PM Lenten Meal 7:30 PM Lenten Movie SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 (Confirmation Retreat) 9:00 AM Women’s Retreat 10:00AM Confraternity of Penitents 6:00 PM Supper Club SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 (Confirmation Retreat) 10:15 AM Coffee/Donuts 10:15 AM Faith Formation 10:15 AM Lenten Bible Study 10:15 AM Lenten Missionaries 10:15 AM Newcomers Reception 6:15 PM Children’s Choir February 14, 2016 Volume 77, Number 107 PLEASE WRITE YOUR ENVELOPE NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK! OUR FAIR SHARE TO GOD IN HIS CHURCH February 9, 2016 Total Regular Collection Capital Campaign $ 14,625.05 $ 3,797.54 If you are making a payment towards your Capital Campaign (CC) pledge, please clearly mark this amount on your envelope! There is no 2nd Collection this week. The 2nd Collection next week benefits Religious Education. CELEBRATION OF DEACON JOHN O'NEIL'S ORDINATION: Let's all enjoy cake & punch in the Parish Hall on Sunday, Feb. 14 after the 11:30 Mass to celebrate Deacon John's ordination as a transitional deacon as he now prepares for the priesthood! Women’s Ministry … "God's Love in the Year of Mercy" Join us for a day of prayer, sharing and personal reflection at the Chancery (12300 E 91st St S. in B.A.) on Feb. 20,2016 from 8:30am-3:00pm. Our retreat leader is Deacon John O'Neill! Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Contact Sue Birk 918-693-5762 or Martha Wallace 918-688-2678 for reservations and additional information. No babysitting provided. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT STEWARDSHIP CORNER In today’s reading Moses speaks not just to the Israelites, but to us as well, as is always the case with Holy Scripture. Moses makes reference to giving of one’s first fruits. Giving of first fruits is a way to acknowledge and honor God because it provides the Lord with His portion first, before any is used for one’s self. That, of course, is an important aspect of stewardship, as challenging as that may be. Moses points out that it is more than giving first fruits, however. He recognizes that all comes from God, and we are called to return this first portion in thanksgiving for God’s grace . and love and blessings Moses would also remind us that giving must come from the heart, with a true attitude of gratitude. HOSPITALITY COFFEE & DONUTS: Don’t forget to stop by St. Francis Hall between Masses to have Coffee & Donuts with fellow parishioners! This is a great way to meet new people, connect with old friends & support our parish with your donation. Donations are appreciated. If you have a family member in the hospital or homebound, and wish them to receive the Eucharist, please call the parish office (918-251-4000) and we will make arrangements for a member of the Pastoral Care committee to bring the Eucharist to them. A Lenten Commitment of Caring & Sharing Please consider bringing a needed item below or a cash donation each week during Lent to help our neighbors that are less fortunate and in need. Peanut Butter, Jelly, Tuna, Canned Chicken, Pasta Sauce, Pasta, Hamburger Helper, Canned Fruits & Vegetables, Laundry Soap, TP, Deodorant, Shampoo/Conditioner, Bar Soap, Toothpaste/brushes Ministry of Compassion Following in the footsteps of the dear Mother Teresa are the wonderful volunteers of Ministry of Compassion here at St. Anne. They change hearts and lives with their commitment to help those in need. Did you know the Ministry of Compassion here at St. Anne’s can help if you are facing a temporary financial setback? Office hours are on Tuesday mornings 9am-1pm, Tuesday evenings 6pm-8pm, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 9am-1pm, and the first and third Saturdays of the month 9am-noon. Please come and see us in Dabrowski Hall, and let us help ease your burden. The Ministry of Compassion food pantry currently needs Jiffy mix, peanut butter and pork & beans. Thank you all for your continuous help in our ministry and God bless you! “If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.” - Mother Teresa FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! February 14, 2016 Volume 77, Number 107 Prayer Please pray for the following who have requested our prayers: James Allen, Laura Banks, Edward Barnhill, Pat Blake, John Cueves, Tim Collins, Ro Doyle, Cindy Duca, Donna Ehrhardt, Gina Falcon, Shirley Folwarski, Logan Fritz, Bobbie Guinan, Brenda Hester, Graem Hobbs, Mary Kassen, Steven Kazmierczak, Dot Kellar, Diane Laughlin, Jeff Leslie, Ron Lewis, Charles Lutz, Bob Mangram, Jane Moore, Marianne Nuspl, Julie Nyikos, Yvonne Perez, Chris Poole, William Schmees, Donna Shanahan, Joyce Shank, Loretta Torczynski, Juanita Trammell, Bradley Verel, Brooke Verel, Becky Walker, Alan Wells, David Wells, Madaline Wells, Diane Whittaker, Ginny Zweigle Adult Faith Formation Join newly ordained Deacon John O'Neill on Sunday mornings during Lent from 10:15-11:15 to explore how Jesus calls us to be authentic in our faith as we live, work and play in the world today. There are no books, no homework, not even a sign-up - just come and share fellowship, discussion, and maybe learn something new! Coffee and donuts will be available. Sessions start February 14 at All Saints School, next to the parish hall. THEOLOGY UNCORKED On March 3rd, enjoy a nice wine with your fellow parishioners and hear a talk on Sin & Repentance or Else, presented by Fr. Ripperger. Doors open at 6:30pm and the presentation will begin promptly at 7:00pm. Please sign up in the vestibule or email the parish office at parishsec@stanneba.org each month you plan to attend. Make sure you indicate if you need child care—reservations are first come, first serve. Youth Faith Formation YOUTH NEWS!!! Please don’t forget to bring clothes for the clothing drive after all Masses this weekend! All Saints Catholic School Enrollment All Saints is a co-ed elementary and middle school. Our goal is to provide a first rate Catholic education to children in pre-K through 8th grade in a safe, loving environment which promotes distinctive Christian values. Enrollment begins February 16th for new families. We are located at 299 S. 9th St. in Broken Arrow. For more information, please call our office at (918) 251-3000 or visit allsaintsba.com. Thank you! PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES WHO WILL BE GOING ON THEIR RETREAT FEB 19-21! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Other News & Events GUYS NIGHT OUT AT THE RECTORY! February 21st at 6pm ~ Sign up in the vestibule. In the Father’s Footsteps Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, February 27 9AM-4PM Norman, OK · Embassy Suites Convention Ctr Registration forms in the vestibule. Please contact Drew Fenton at 714-904-1346 for more info. Catholic Charities Adoption Services is in need of Catholic married couples ages 21-45 who are willing to adopt. For more information, call 918-508-7131 or go to www.cctulsa.org/services/adoption-services Start the New Year off right: Enrich your marriage - With the Grace of the Lord, make your good mariage GREAT! Attend Let’s Talk - - the Diocesan marriage enrichment program will be offered on Saturday, Feb. 27, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, in the Parish Hall at Church of the Madalene. Learn communication skills, tools for problem solving, exercises to help you know your spouse even better - all biblically and spiritually based - - sharing a Catholic perspective! Preregistration is encouraged - - Here is the link for more information and to register: http://bit.ly/ LetsTalkFeb2016 or you may visit our FaceBook page at Tulsa Let’s Talk or call Jim Killerlain at 918-629-6561. Two elderly parishioners are in need of a ride to weekly 11:30 AM Sunday Mass. The persons live in close proximity to the church. Please call the parish office to arrange contact with the individuals. Yearly contributions to St. Anne Catholic Church are tax deductible. If you need a statement of your 2015 donations, please call the parish office at 251-4000 or email parishsec@stanneba.org and we will be happy to send you one. Statements are not automatically sent. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Please consider donating one or more of the following unopened and unexpired items to the Haiti Mission: -Children’s Ibuprofen or Children’s Acetaminophen -Lamisil (cream or gel) Please place all donations in the bin marked “Haiti” located near the current church entrance by Feb. 19. DGP PRAY FOR & PATRONIZE OUR SPONSORS
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