Women`s Ministry Women`s Ministry
Women`s Ministry Women`s Ministry
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! Readings & Mass Intentions For The Week SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 5:00 PM St . Anne Parishioners SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 (Nm 11:25-29; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48) 9:00 AM St. Anne Parishioners 11:30 AM St. Anne Parishioners 5:00 PM St. Anne Parishioners TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 (Dn 7:9-10, 13-14, Jn 1:47-51) 8:00 AM +Shirley Lalicker r/b James & Judy Lalicker WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 (Neh 2:1-8; Lk 9:57-62) 5:30 PM +Josephine Hilton r/b Diana Mae Jago THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 (Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12) 8:00 AM Dale Lucas r/b Celestine Lucas FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 (Bar 1:15-22; Mt 18:1-5, 10) 8:00 AM Mel Docto r/b Aurora Docto & Family SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 (Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Lk 10:17-24) 8:00 AM Hyacinth Cabugnason r/b Shella Hand READINGS FOR OCTOBER 4 First: Gn 2:18-24 Second: Heb 2:9-11 Gospel: Mk 10:2-16 OCTOBER 3 - OCTOBER 4 ALTAR AIDS: Martha Wallace & Debbie Adamson COFFEE & DONUTS: Roxie Hill SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Commitment Weekend 10:15 AM Coffee/Donuts 10:15 AM RCIA 10:15 AM New Comers Reception 10:15 AM Faith Formation 12:00 PM Confirmation 6:00 PM Apostles Mtg. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 6:30 PM ET Rehearsals 7:00 PM Boy Scouts TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 6:30 PM ET Rehearsals 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 12:00 PM Confessions 5:30 PM Mass 6:00 PM Holy Hour & Confessions 6:30 PM Youth Group 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study 9:00 PM ET Rehearsals FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 First Friday 8:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Exposition 5:00 PM Benediction SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 9:00 AM Baptism Class ENTERTAINMENT SHOW!!! September 27, 2015 Volume 77, Number 89 WRITE YOUR ENVELOPE NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK!!! OUR FAIR SHARE TO GOD IN HIS CHURCH September 21, 2015 Total Regular Collection Capital Campaign $ 12,936.00 $ 4,329.00 If you are making a payment towards your Capital Campaign (CC) pledge, please clearly mark this amount on your envelope! There is no 2nd Collection this week. There is no 2nd Collection next week. Flowers for the Altar Pray to End Abortion r/b Bob, Debbie & Alex Adamson Flowers for the altar for any special intention can be purchased for $35. Please call the parish office at 251-4000 to reserve your date. St. Anne Memorial Bricks Would you like to remember a loved one by having their name engraved on a paver brick that will be placed in the courtyard next to the St. Clair statue? If so, please contact Judy in the parish office for pricing and more information. Women’s Ministry … Movie Night Friday, Oct. 16 in St. Francis Hall Popcorn and soft drinks are provided, BYOB, ice is available. Call Jodi Lalicker 918-9518541 or Jodi Erickson 918-381-1281 with movie suggestions or for more info. Babysitting available. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Stewardship Corner Don’t forget to turn in your Commitment Card! We’re still in the midst of our annual Stewardship Renewal. If you haven’t returned your Commitment Card, you still can mail it to the parish. If you haven't returned your card yet, you’ll soon receive an extra card in the mail. Returning your card is an important part of being an active member of St. Anne. Please take this opportunity to express your support for our parish with your time, talent and treasure. HOSPITALITY SERVICE COFFEE & DONUTS: Don’t forget to stop by the Parish Hall between Masses to have Coffee & Donuts with fellow parishioners! This is a great way to meet new people, connect with old friends & support our parish with your donation. Donations are appreciated. NOTE: Anyone who needs to have Communion brought to them during Mass and cannot make it up to the front pew, please inform the Deacon or Jack Boucher before Mass so we can bring it to you. If you have a family member in the hospital or homebound, and wish them to receive the Eucharist, please call the parish office (918-251-4000) and we will make arrangements for a member of the Pastoral Care committee to visit and bring the Eucharist to them. St. Clare Needle Arts Ministry Do you like to crochet, knit or sew? Would you like to learn how? Come join the St. Clare Needle Arts Ministry! Both men and women welcome. Let us use our talents to share God's love and create items for the needy and infirm. For more info. email Margarete at Galster_m@yahoo.com or call 918-261-8073. The Ministry of Compassion is in need of food items to restock their pantry, especially canned fruits, jelly and canned soups. Please consider picking up a few non-perishable items in your regular Grocery trips. Ministry of Compassion Following in the footsteps of the dear Mother Teresa are the wonderful volunteers of Ministry of Compassion here at St. Anne. They change hearts and lives with their commitment to help those in need. Did you know the Ministry of Compassion here at St. Anne’s can help if you are facing a temporary financial setback? Office hours are on Tuesday mornings 9am-1pm, Tuesday evenings 6pm-8pm, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 9am-1pm, and the first and third Saturdays of the month 9am-noon. Please come and see us in Dabrowski Hall, and let us help ease your burden. The Ministry of Compassion food pantry currently needs canned fruits, jelly and canned soups. Thank you all for your continuous help in our ministry! “If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.” - Mother Teresa FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! September 27, 2015 Volume 77, Number 89 Our RCIA inquiry classes have begun but it is not too late to join and explore all that the Catholic faith has to offer. We meet on Sundays, 10:15-11:15 am in the Parish Hall. For more information call the church office at 918-251-4000. Prayer Please pray for the following who have requested our prayers: James Allen, Laura Banks, Edward Barnhill, Pat Blake, Tim Collins, Ro Doyle, Cindy Duca, Donna Ehrhardt, Gina Falcon, Shirley Folwarski, Logan Fritz, Bobbie Guinan, Brenda Hester, Graem Hobbs, Mary Kassen, Steven Kazmierczak, Dot Kellar, Diane Laughlin, Jeff Leslie, Ron Lewis, Charles Lutz, Bob Mangram, Jane Moore, Marianne Nuspl, Julie Nyikos, Yvonne Perez, Chris Poole, William Schmees, Joyce Shank, Loretta Torczynski, Juanita Trammell, Bradley Verel, Brooke Verel, Becky Walker, Alan Wells, David Wells, Madaline Wells, Diane Whittaker, Ginny Zweigle, the repose of the soul of Linda Bisdorf’s mother Adult Faith Formation RCIA classes are held in the Parish Hall. Tables and chairs will be set up in the back of the hall if parishioners would like to come and listen to the speaker. 10/4: Story of Salvation, presenter – Fr. Kastl 10/11: Who is Jesus, presenter – Kevin Jacobs 10/18: Paschal Mystery, presenter - Deacon Tom 10/25: The Mass, presenter – Fr. Kastl THEOLOGY UNCORKED On Thursday, October 1st, enjoy a nice wine with your fellow parishioners and hear a talk on Euthanasia, Abortion, & the Death Penalty. Doors open at 6:30pm and the presentation will begin promptly at 7:00pm. Please sign up in the vestibule or email the parish office at parishsec@stanneba.org each month you plan to attend. Make sure you indicate if you need child care—reservations are first come, first serve. How will you form your faith? October 1, 10:00 – 11:30 am – 8 Sessions Jack Boucher will lead our Thursday morning class on “Mary, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother.” How interesting to watch a video of the places Mary lived and hear a narrative of her life. This Bible study was filmed in the Holy Land and will lead you on a pilgrimage of her earthly life. The more we know Mary, the more we know her Son. October 15, 7:00 – 8:30 pm – 6 Sessions We are happy to introduce “Walking with Purpose: Seven Priorities that Make Life Work.” Dana Funk and Jodi Erickson will facilitate this six week class on Thursday evenings. Walking with Purpose is a Catholic women’s Bible study that aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Sign-up online or in the folder in the back of the church. Youth Faith Formation YOUTH NEWS!!! Saint Anne Children’s Choir Does your child like to sing? Sing for the Lord in the St. Anne Children’s Choir! Choir practices are Sunday nights at 6:45 p.m. beginning October 4th! Church of the Madalene has openings in their Mother's Day Out program. Hours are 9:00 - 2:00 Tues, Wed, Thurs. Ages accepted are 15 months through 4 years. We are a small group and perfect for children new to Mother's Day Out. Call Becky Holder at 918-744-0023. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Other News & Events Tune in to 102.9FM St. Michael Catholic Radio! Spotlight on San Miguel: Dancing with the Tulsa Stars ...is a fun-and-fund raiser for San Miguel Middle School of Tulsa to be held Saturday, November 7 at the Cox Business Center. Local celebrity dancers Kevin Murray, Katie Maguire, Eric Marshall, Tami Marler, Eric Outlaw and Jill Donovan are competing for votes ($10/vote) to benefit San Miguel. Table and ticket sales are open at spotlightonsanmiguel.org. Mobile voting now open at spotvoting.org. Questions? Call Kathy at 918-633-1252. Most Rev. Edward J. Slattery is celebrating a 25th, 40th, 50 and 50th+ Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, October 25th, 2015, at Holy Family Cathedral. Mass will begin at 2:30pm followed by a reception in Heiring Auditorium. If you, or a couple you know in the Diocese of Tulsa, is celebrating or has celebrated their 25th, 40th, 50th and 50th+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2015, please contact your parish office by September 25th so an invitation can be sent. th Tickets on Sale at St. Anne the last 2 weekends in September The Secular Franciscan would like to invite you to a reading of the Transitus of St. Francis from this life into God on October 4th at 3pm in the Chapel. Please let us know if you can attend so we will have enough material to go around. Dee Hrankaj OFS 918 455 5703 Annual Sock Drive for the Clinic at the Day Center for the Homeless Make your good marriage GREAT! Attend Let’s Talk — a six-week, Diocesan marriage enrichment program. Monday evenings, Oct. 12 – Nov. 16, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM St Anne’s Parish. Learn communication skills, tools for problem solving, and exercises to help you know your spouse even better, all from a Catholic Perspective! Registration is only $25 and Babysitting will be provided. To register or for more information, email: tulsaletstalk@gmail.com or call 918-629-6561. EXTENDED ONE MORE WEEKEND Please bring NEW, WHITE, ATHLETIC SOCKS for men and women to all Masses. Last year we donated 3,000 pairs and they are gone! Your continued support is appreciated! SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Blossom Shoppe PRAY FOR & PATRONIZE OUR SPONSORS
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