St. Mark Catholic Church - Denton June 18
St. Mark Catholic Church - Denton June 18
St. Mark Catholic Church - Denton 6500 Crawford Road, Argyle, TX 76226 940-387-6223 † June 18 - 19, 2016 St. Mark Catholic Church Denton, TX Parish Contact Info 6500 Crawford Rd. Argyle, TX 76226 (940) 387-6223 Parish Office (940) 464-7808 Fax If a patient and/or the family wishes a pastoral visit, please call Fr. George on his cell phone (940-268-6760) or the parish office (940-387-6223). Parish Office Hours: Monday -Thursday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm; Friday: 8:30 am-12:30 pm Weekend Parish Office Receptionist Hours: Saturday: 4:30 pm-6:30pm; Sunday: 8:30 am-1:00 pm and 3:30pm-5:30pm Religious Education Office Hours: Sunday: 8:30 am-1 pm and 2:30-5:30 pm; Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 9 am-noon and 1-4 pm; Wednesday: 2-6:30 pm; Friday: 9-noon Parish Library Hours (by reservation): Call Religious Education Office for access to library Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3-4 pm Adoration: Mondays & Tuesdays from 8am - 8pm, Wednesdays from 8am - 8:00pm, and Fridays from 8am -11:30 am. Rosary: Saturdays at 4:30 pm; Second Sundays at 11:00 am; Rosary making 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm in RE Rm 105. Immaculate Conception Catholic School: 2301 N. Bonnie Brae Street, (940) 381-1155 or (940) 381-1539 SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL VOLUNTEERS Parish Staff Pastoral Staff Fr. George, cell (940) 268-6760, Deacon Jim Galbraith, (940) 262-0600, Parish Secretary Elsa Vasquez, (940) 387-6223, Director of Liturgy & Annulments Joy Medley (502) 671-9035, Religious Education Director of R.E. Elementary - Yvette Crumly (940) 222-8072, Assistant Director of R.E. Elementary - Andrea Woolums (940) 222- 8081, Director of High School Youth Ministry- Brad Horn (940) 387-6223, ext. 192, Director of Middle School Youth Ministry - Amanda McGowan (940) 222-8290, Director of Adult Formation - Father George (940) 268-6760, Music Ministry Director of Music Ministry - Bridget Bem (940) 220-7326, Marriage and Family Life Ministry Director of Marriage and Family Life, RCIA- Rick Wright (940) 220-7160, Administration Business Manager - Joan Godfrey (940) 220-7380, Bookkeeper - Kathy Christopherson (940) 222-6678, Safe Environment Coordinator – Rosie Swanson (940) 222-6702, Weekend Receptionist - Kara Kolar Data Entry - Skip Rawley Custodial Care/Maintenance - Enrique Zamora Please contact Rosie Swanson in the parish office, to find out how to meet these requirements. All volunteers must fulfill these requirements before they may begin volunteering in a ministry: Baptism: Preparation classes are held monthly, on the Youth 8-10 yrs – Must be trained annually in the “Called to Protect For Youth” program provided through Catholic schools or Religious Education programs. Youth 11-12 yrs and in 6th Grade - Must be trained annually in the “Called to Protect For Youth” program provided through Catholic schools or Religious Education programs, AND have PreTeen Leader Training administered by parent. Youth 13 yrs and in 7th Grade or above to Age 17 – Must be trained annually in the “Called to Protect For Youth” program provided through Catholic schools or Religious Education programs, AND must attend the Teen Leader Ministry training (required every three years). ADULTS: All volunteers must attend Safe Environment training session every three years and submit a background clearance form. In addition, for those driving as a part of your volunteer ministry, a separate driving record clearance must be filled out. If you handle or count money, you must fill out a form for credit release and authorization. second Thursday, from 7pm - 9pm. Parents and godparents are required to attend. The sessions are held in the RE Building. To register or for more information, go to or contact Elsa Vasquez at (940) 3876223 or If the child is seven years or older, please contact the Faith Formation Office. Marriage Preparation: A nine month preparation is required. Please contact Rick Wright at (940) 220-7160 or to register. Annulments: Please contact Joy Medley at (502) 671-9035 Facilities: If you have a meeting/activity you wish to schedule at St. Mark, please contact Elsa Vasquez at (940) 387-6223, or email 2 Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday at Noon, ten days prior to bulletin release date. Please submit articles to Elsa Vasquez at 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 18 - 19, 2016 Our mission is to be a God-centered Catholic community of faith which teaches, evangelizes, and ministers to the needs of God’s people. Parish Ministries Mass Schedule ACTS Adoration Adult Formation Altar Flowers Altar Servers Angel Tree Apple Tree Art & Environment Bread of Life Building Committee Carmelite Spirituality Miguel Lira, Joy Medley, 502-671-9035 Father George, 940-268-6760 Helen Fairchild, 940-367-5207 Joy Medley, 502-671-9035 Pat & Renee Claytor, 940-453-8960 Mia Price, 940-566-6756 Margaret Canizares, 817-403-1202 Greg Studer, 214-435-5355 Leo Wehkamp, 817-859-1030 Ann Dawson, Catholic Daughters Pat Zimmerer, 940-597-6908 Cause of Joy for Moms/Kids Crystal Kulle, 940-783-6331 Charismatic Prayer Group Mary Trevino, 214-868-5559 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Rosie Swanson, 214-529-5195 Counseling Services Elizabeth Merrick, LCSW, 214-923- 4733; Finance Council Kim Bonfield, 940-241-1386 55+ Bunch Mary Birden, 940-565-1980 Funeral Meals Elsa Vasquez, 940-300-2009 Gabriel Project Mary Stroupe, 940-464-3224 Hospital Ministry Deacon Jim Galbraith, 940-262-0600 Justice & Peace Charles Moore, 972-754-4641 Knights of Columbus Joe Davis, 972-880-7137 Lady Knights Marcie Yoder, 817-542-4123 Landscaping Charles Ervine, 940-367-0804 Lifeteen Music Travis Scott, 940-391-0221 Liturgical Ministers/Schedule Joy Medley, 502-671-9035 Men & Women’s Deacon Jim Galbraith, 940-262-0600 Prison Ministry Linda Green, 940-464-4777 Music Bridget Bem, 940-220-7326 Nursing Home & Homebound Marilou Anderson, 817-992-1804 Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Outreach Business Office Parish Library RE Office, 940-387-6223 Pastoral Council Dennis Pettit, 972-317-7020 Peru Mission Oscar Salas, 940-453-5484 Prayer Shawl Ministry Shirley Royster, 940-206-7682 Pregnancy/Infant Loss Support Sharon Kohl, 337-962-2925 Group Jodie Gibson, 940-735-1645 RCIA-Adults & Children Rick Wright, 940-220-7160 Rosary Cenacle Suzie Barger, 940-387-9332 Schoenstatt Movement Brent & Andrea Woolums, Scribe Ministry Barbara Criscuolo, (940) 497-4120 Stephen Ministry Dave Siefker, 940-595-0234 Maria Aparicio, 469-774-0143 Stewardship Committee Tom Stecik, 214-908-1983 St. Helena’s Circle Marlene Blank, 940-484-4554 Suicide Support Group Larry Walker, 940-367-1170 Carol Walker, 940-367-1313 Ushers Joe Davis, 972-880-7137 Vacation Bible School RE Office Vocation Cross Joy Medley, 502-671-9035 Welcoming Committee Pete Lane, 940-387-7767 World Wide Marriage Enc. Israel & Angeles Munoz, SATURDAY 6/18/16 (2 Chr 24:17-25/Ps 89:4-5, 29-34/Mt 6:24-34) 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Reconciliation 5:00 pm - Mass (Manuel Correia & Family ) 7:00 pm - SPANISH Mass (Alvertano Ornelas ) SUNDAY 6/19/16 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/ FATHER’S DAY (Zec 12:10-11; 13:1/Ps 63:2-6, 8-9/Gal 3:26-29/Lk 9:18-24) 7:00 am - Mass (For the Parish) 9:00 am - Mass (Salvatdre Maiorano) 11:30 am - Mass (Robert Romo & Manuel Romo ) 4:00 pm - LIFETEEN Mass (Ernesto Marquez ) MONDAY 6/20/16 (2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Ps 60:3-5, 12-13/Mt 7:1-5) 7:30 am - Mass (Mary Ann Dawson, Sp. Int.) 8:00 am - 8:00 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament TUESDAY 6/21/16 St. Aloysius Gonzaga (2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36/Ps 48:2-4, 10-11/ Mt 7:6, 12-14) 7:30 am - Mass (Anthony Menezes ) 8:00 am - 8:00 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament WEDNESDAY 6/22/16 St. Paulinus, St. John Fisher, St. Thomas Moore (2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Ps 119:33-37, 40/Mt 7:15-20) 12:00 pm - Mass (Morgan Donoghue ) 8:00 am - 8:00 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament THURSDAY 6/23/16 (2 Kgs 24:8-17/Ps 79:1-5, 8-9/Mt 7:21-29) 7:30 am - Mass (Dessa Morales, Sp. Int.) FRIDAY 6/24/16 Nativity of St. John the Baptist ( Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-15/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80) 7:30 am - Mass (David Liston ) 8:00 am - 11:30 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament SATURDAY 6/25/16 (Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Ps 74:1-7, 20-21/Mt 8:5-17) 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Reconciliation 5:00 pm - Mass (Donald Langa ) 7:00 pm - SPANISH Mass (Luis Corderio ) Next Sunday, the readings are: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/ Gal 5:1, 13-18/Lk 9:51-62 3 St. Mark Catholic Church Come as a guest, leave as a friend! Denton, TX We are delighted that you have joined us for worship and we hope that you will return to pray with us often. If you have moved into the area, we invite you to become a member. Please visit or call the parish office at 940-387-6223 or visit our website at May His Spirit grow in you! JUNE 2016 Parish News St. Mark Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Monday, June 27, at 7pm in the RE Building. Anyone who can knit or crochet, or would like to learn, is invited to attend. Yarn and patterns are provided. Contact Shirley Royster 940-206-7682 or Nancy Casey 972-816-9713 for more information or to gift a shawl. JUNE 2016 Contribution Update OFFERTORY (Stewardship) Come join 55+ Friday, July 1, 2016 at 6:30PM in the in the new Parish Hall (NE of the Education Bldg.) For a cool Pot Luck, plan to bring your favorite summer main-dish, side-dish, salad, or dessert to share for dinner. Beverages will be provided unless you want something special. Be sure to bring your own serving utensils. 55+ is a great way to meet new people, visit with old friends, then stay to play dominoes, cards, or bring your favorite board game. Remember we have lots of new 55+ friends, so let’s have a great turnout and make them feel welcome. Contact Mary Birden at 565-1980 for more information. Fiscal Year to Date (7/01/2015 - 6/30/2016) Total Contributed - Stewardship $1,450,772 Budget - Projected Parish Need (42 wks FYTD) $1,319,227 Over/(Under) Budget $ 131,545 Week #1 Total $ $ 21,138 21,138 Special Collection- Building Fund $ 4,004 Registered Families - as of May 2, 2016 2,034 Building Collection (Cumulative from 1/1/16) BREAD FOR FRIENDS Thank you for your generosity in supporting Bread of Life's expanded ministry to include personal care items for Denton's Friends of the Family. This week's requested item: towels/wash cloths. Thank you for helping families in need. $ 57,568 DeBerry Funeral Directors 940-383-4200 (Continued on page 5) 4 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 18 - 19, 2016 Religious Education Elementary Religious Ed., Middle & High School Youth Ministry & Sacrament Preparation Do you want to help shape the future of the Catholic Youth at St. Mark? Volunteer today to become a catechist for the 20162017 school year! We are seeking catechists for the following positions: Sunday morning catechists (1st, 2nd and 5th) Sunday evening catechists (most grades) Wednesday evening catechists (1st, 3rd and 4th) Sacramental Preparation Catechists to prepare our children (with their parents) for their First Reconciliation and First Communion (Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening sessions) Foundation year catechists to help build a foundational understanding of the Trinity, the Church and a faith life for students and parents returning to Faith Formation/ Church (any class session, bilingual) Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (adapted for children and families). Bilingual catechist needed to prepare children (with their parents) to be accepted into the Catholic faith at Easter vigil. Substitute catechists for all class sessions If you feel called to volunteer in this ministry or have questions, please contact Yvette Crumly at (940)222-8072 or OR Andrea Woolums at (940) 222-8081 or Father's Day Blessing Let us pray... Gracious God and Father, our first father, You are the One who has brought us to life in this world you created. You created us and everything around us. We turned away from you and only after disappointing you did we return your love. Adult Formation Look with favor on our earthly fathers. They helped create us in your image. We have disappointed them, but have come to realize just how important they are to us. Bless all our fathers, living and deceased, with comfort and health. We bring all their needs to you and ask for strength so they may live worthy lives. We ask all this in the name of your Son, our model of what it means to reverence our fathers. In Christ's name. Amen. 5 St. Mark Catholic Church Denton, TX Those who are ill: Dr. Daniel Redmond, Jonathan Allen, Louise & Cal Face, Alex Manning, Elsa Lara, Frank J. Santoro, Kathleen Easler, Dottie Meadows, Orletta Hogard, Pamela Garrett, Xavier Sagui, Pete Markwald, Sam & Bill Bufkins, Ginny Kirik, Travis Kettle, , Dan Alford, Bernice Kirik, Jim Riddle, Irene Tribble, & Ben and Susan Story Our military, especially: USAF Colonel Laurie Ann Dickson (daughter of George & Elaine Wittman) USAF Colonel Kevin Franke (son of Mike & Suzanne Franke); US Army Major Kelly Pajak (nice of Dan and Eileen Pajak); US Army Pvt. Douglas H. Fuller (Son of Douglas A, Fuller Of Cypress, Tx and Gransdon of June and Henry Fuller of Robson Ranch.Tx); USMC Corporal Austin Turner (son in law of Bobby & Diane Turner);US Army Pvt. John Thomas Sciara (son of Eric and Jackie Sciara), USAF Capt. Thomas W Wagner, Jr (grandson of Margaret Wagner, nephew of Jane Wagner); US Army Pvt. Ryan Gottwald (son of John & Caroline Gottwald); US Army Pvt. Patrick Stanton (son of Bill & Ruth Stanton); USAF Major Raymond Sagui (son of Xavier and Rosie Sagui); US Army PFC Garrett Teubner (son of Doug and Peggy Teubner); Tech Sgt. Andrew Ahel (son of Walter and Fran Ahel); US Army Captain Mike Winn (son of Don and Judie Winn); USAF Major Joel Elterman (son of Janet Elterman-Lee and Curtis Lee); US Army Major Phillip Lamb (nephew of Jack & Tish Becker); USMC Lance Corporal Brock Geddes (son of Gil Geddes); USAF Staff Sgt. Eric Bergman (son of Jan T. Bergman); and LCDR Geoff Plant (brother of Marla Testerman). To add someone to either prayer list or update information, please email Sydney Tarvin at News from the Diocese/Community Immaculate Conception Catholic School (KINDERGARTEN BUDDIES SCIENCE PROJECT AT OUR LADY’S SCHOOL) DID YOU KNOW THAT IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL HAS A FULL-DAY, FIVE-DAY KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM? REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR! CLASSES BEGIN AUGUST 15!! If you have a child who will be age 5 by September 1, the Immaculate Conception Catholic School Kindergarten might be for you! Our parish school, with an enrollment of 240 students ages 3 through grade 8, features the best of all worlds--a strong academic program in a nurturing environment of faith. Our professional and faith-filled faculty is totally dedicated to the holistic development of the each unique child of God as we partner with each family. Want to know more? Contact us today!! Call 940-381-1155 to schedule a tour or for more information Application and Tuition Information Online: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE!! 6
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