Bulletin - July 10, 2016 - Our Lady of the Black Hills Catholic Church


Bulletin - July 10, 2016 - Our Lady of the Black Hills Catholic Church
July 10 – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your being,
with all your strength,
and with all your mind,
and your neighbor as yourself."
12365 Sturgis Road, Piedmont, SD57769
phone: 605.787.5168
email: olbh@olbh.org web: olbh.org
Facebook: Our Lady of the Black Hills
Twitter: @OLBH_church
Fr. Andrzej Wyrostek
Walt Wilson
John Osnes JOsnes@diorc.org
Greg Sass gsass@diorc.org
Parish Administrative Assistant:
Larry Williamson
Office Assistant
Tanya McCaskell
Lorinda Collings
Liturgy Coordinator:
Lorraine Rieth-Ptacek
Maintenance Coordinator:
Todd Phillipe
Coordinator of Faith Formation and
Director of Youth Ministry:
Teresa Thompson
Coordinator of Evangelization and
Adult Fatih Formation:
Joni Osnes
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Jenny Scherr
Children’s Ministry Coordinator:
Megan Hamer
(Luke 10:27)
Dear Friends in Christ,
First of all, thank you so very much for a very nice and warm welcome to
our Parish Family. I say ours, as I feel that I am home. I know I will need to
work on many things and discover many ways this parish operates on, but
I believe that with God’s blessing and your help all will be fine. Thank you
for your encouragement. The ride on the 4th of July Parade was a great
experience, and was good to hear some of you cheer us up as we drove
by. I am already looking forward to the next year.
As I reflect on this Sunday’s readings, I cannot help but to reflect on the
last part of the quote above. We have spent many moments reflecting on
how we love God, how we serve him and how can we do it better. Our
Catholic Way of Life calls us to make the love of God our daily routine. We
should not need a special moment to do that, but we need to live as it was
just a normal everyday routine. I would say, time with God should be just
familiar to us as is our morning routine, or as is our work routine. The
quote however does not end with our call to love God only. It also calls us
to love our neighbor as ourselves.
This little quote means to me a lot. It calls me to keep balance in my life.
Serving God is very important, serving the neighbor is very important as
well. But before we can really serve the neighbor, we need to remember to
nurture ourselves. This balance in the love of God, neighbor and ourselves
helps us to keep our faith alive and strong. After all is rather difficult to
share what one does not have. What I have seen so far in our parish, I
believe you are on the right track, I see many of you are already involved
in spiritual growth. I see you have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on
Wednesdays, with prayers throughout the day. I have heard from some of
the parish leaders about the study opportunities and prayer groups. Some
of you are even part of the Veritatis Splendor Institute. Very impressive.
Liturgy and Prayer
Sunday Liturgy:
Anticipation Mass Saturday, 5:00 PM
Sunday, 9:00 AM & 6:00 PM
Daily Liturgy:
Tuesday through Friday: 8:00 AM
Eucharistic Adoration:
Wednesday, 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Wednesday, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
Saturday, 3:30 – 4:30 PM
Please know that we need to take care of ourselves before we reach out to
others. Sometimes we have many good intentions, but then we get burned
out, only because we forgot to nurture our souls. Remember, even Jesus
spent time in solitude and on prayer. I invite you to discover new ways to
nurture your souls and hearts, as we prepare ourselves and continue to
serve God and our neighbor.
In Christ, Fr. Andrzej
Real Presence Radio
Job Opening
Listen to local Catholic radio at 89.9 & 94.7 FM.
Applications are being accepted for the part-time position of
Housekeeper for the Diocese of Rapid City. Function: To
clean the Chancery offices, Monday through Friday, for
approximately two hours each evening. Qualifications:
Experience in cleaning with knowledge of cleaning
products. Attention to detail and safety Application
Process: Interested individuals should request an
application form by calling or e-mailing Mark Hazel, Director
of Diocesan Facilities. Contact him at 343-3541 x219 or at
mhazel@diorc.org. The position is open until filled.
Daycare for 9:00 AM Mass
Daycare is provided during 9:00 AM Sunday Mass. The
daycare room is downstairs in the area of Saints Anne &
Joachim Hall (past the kitchen).
Job Opening
The Cathedral has an opening for an assistant
maintenance/custodian. Duties to include cleaning of
church, rectory and Newman Center, repairs, setting up all
activities and events, maintaining grounds, trees, gardens
and parking lots. The assistant reports to the Maintenance
Director. Position is full time. Experience is desirable.
Organizational and motivational skills are required.
Competitive salary and benefits package is available.
Contact Beth Strain at the rectory office at 605-342-0507,
beth@cathedralolph.org, for an application and job
High School Summer Beach Party
All high school youth are invited to attend a party on
Sunday, July 24 behind Terra Sancta Retreat Center at
5:00 PM. There will be Fear Factor games, volley ball,
outdoor Mass and a bonfire. Our Lady of the Black Hills
chaperones are attending and plan to have fun. Gotta
friend? Bring ‘em. Contact Teresa Thompson for more
information, 787-5168.
Pancake Breakfast
The Knights of Columbus will present a Pancake Breakfast
after the 9:00 AM mass on July 17 and a bake sale after all
Masses on July 16-17. The breakfast will include sausage,
eggs, pancakes, apple sauce, juice, coffee, and tea. The
cost for the breakfast is $5 per person with a maximum of
$20 per family.
Cornerstone Mission Volunteers
There will be a meeting and appreciation dinner for Our
Lady of the Black Hills Cornerstone Mission volunteers on
Thursday July 28 at 6:00 PM in St. Joseph’s Hall. All
cornerstone volunteers are welcomed. We are also in need
of more volunteers, so anyone interested in becoming a
cornerstone mission volunteer is encouraged to attend. If
you have questions or to RSVP please contact Estela at
209-2396 or haak@midco.net. Thank you.
No Mass
There will be no Mass this Tuesday.
New Members
Welcome to Our Lady of the Black Hills! If you would
like to attend a welcome dinner with Fr. Andrzej please
contact the office. To initiate the registration process
please register on our website olbh.org; or you may
also complete a form found in the rack in the narthex.
Online Donations
Visit olbh.org and click on the “Donate” button. You
may choose to make a onetime donation or automatic
recurring donations for a selection of funds with
several interval options.
Please prayerfully consider automatic contributions via electronic withdrawals, check service, or online giving on our web site www.olbh.org
Please prayerfully consider including the Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation and Our Lady of the Black Hills in your estate planning.
Build With The Mercy of The Father
This Week at Our Lady of the Black Hills
July 11, 2016 through July 17, 2016
Psalter Week: III
Monday, July 11
Saint Benedict, Abbot
No Daily Mass
Tuesday, July 12
No Daily Mass
5:00 PM: Praying the Bible – Lumko Method
Wednesday, July 13
Saint Henry
6:00 AM: “Just” Men Bible Study & Witness
6:30 AM: Early Bird Bible Study
8:00 AM: Mass
Mass Intention: +Bertha Lee Witte
8:30 AM – 8:00 PM: Eucharistic Adoration
9:00 AM – Noon: Food Pantry
5:30 PM: Confessions
8:00 PM: Eucharistic Benediction and Reposition
Thursday, July 14
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin
8:00 AM: Mass
Mass Intention: +Alfred Biegler
Friday, July 15
Saint Bonaventure, Bishop, Doctor of the Church
8:00 AM: Mass
Mass Intention: Severina Kraft
Saturday, July 16
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
9:00 AM – Noon: Food Pantry
3:30: Confessions
5:00 PM: Mass
Mass Intention: Dave Trautman
Sunday, July 17
9:00 AM: Mass
Mass Intention: OLBH Community; OLBH sister parishes
10:00 AM: Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
6:00 PM: Mass
Mass Intention: Diocesan Masses for Life
Low Gluten Eucharist
Low gluten hosts are available for those that suffer from
gluten intolerance. They contain less than .01% gluten,
and are approved by the Church for being used for the
Eucharist. If you would like to receive low gluten
Eucharist please notify the Sacristan prior to Mass –
the Sacristan will place the low gluten hosts in a
designated pyx that is used only for low gluten hosts. A
designated Eucharistic Minister will distribute the low
gluten Eucharist on the first step in front of the ambo,
please approach them for reception of Eucharist. If you
are highly gluten intolerant please contact Fr. Steve for
other options.
Prayers for Life and Health Concerns
Prayers for the Repose of the Soul
• Ray & Betty Walz • Auston Harris
• Bud Gross (Father of Mary Langbehn)
• Dean Antonsen • Alan Kinney • Sharon Long
• Lori Koch (daughter of Coleen Short)
• Gene Albrecht • Don Policky
• Mary Lee Hathaway • Allen Merrill
• Shirley Tisher (grandmother of Kami Serfling)
• Myrtle Osnes (mother of John Osnes)
• Savannah Weishaar • Jeanette Hoven
• Rita Strand (aunt of Jason Serfling)
• Theresa Knutson (mother of Stephanie Heier)
• Susan Woods (mother of Jaylyn Derickson)
• Frances Schmidt (mother of Pamela Weaver)
• Christine Rogala (daughter of Joe & Diane Norman)
• Martha Nelson • Verna Olsen • Fr. John Lule
• Kamryn Schumacher (great granddaughter of Judy)
• Casey Smith (brother of Debra Jensen)
Vickie Bergeron (daughter of Loretta & Bernard Wiehl)
• Blanche Rieth (mother of Lorraine Ptacek)
• Karen Weyrich (sister of Marcia Senn)
• Diane Clarke • Chris Pothoff • Vickie Crowley
• Steve Schaubel
• Christina Black Bird (mother of Shary Haag)
Intentions of the Holy Father for July
Universal: That indigenous peoples whose identity and very
existence are threatened, will be shown due respect.
For Evangelization: That the Church in Latin America and
the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may
announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.
Prayer Chain/Card Ministry
If you or someone you know needs prayer or a prayer
blanket, or a card for shut-ins, illness, sympathy, etc.,
please contact the Parish Office at 787-5168 or Mary
Langbehn at 605 350-1907. If you would like to join this
ministry please contact Mary.
Build With The Mercy of The Father
Ministry Schedule
July 16-17
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
Fr. Andrzej Wyrostek
Fr. Andrzej Wyrostek
Fr. Andrzej Wyrostek
Greg Sass
Greg Sass
Greg Sass
Altar Server
Rileigh Kronmiller
Delainey Kronmiller
Nicole Bartlett - Lead
Haley Gruba
Kade Schroeder
Boone Biegler - Lead
Shane Curtis
Caleb Weishaar (sub req.)
Dave Noble
Bread Baker
Jerry Meyer
Marty Quinn
Shayla Heid
Eucharistic Minister - Blood
Joe Deaver
Joni Osnes
Deacon Greg Sass
Loretta Wiehl
David Higaki
Crystal Hocking
Deacon Greg Sass
Larry Williamson
Brad Blauvelt
Karmen Horton
Deacon Greg Sass
Pauline Stoffel
Eucharistic Minister - Body
Ken Van Asma
Mary Antonsen
Deb Steele
Billie Inman
Frank Boner
Duane Schubauer (sub req.)
Alexis Kaschmitter
Kim Kaschmitter
Dillon Kaschmitter
Dave Allardyce
Kathy Van Asma
Joyce Williamson
Jean Schubauer (sub req.)
Pascal Bedard
Angie Oberle (sub req.)
Joe Schacher
Linda Schacher
Barb Erickson
Gary Erickson
Brad McCaskell
Tanya McCaskell
Schedules are posted online at OLBH.ORG and at schedule; if you do not have internet access schedules are available in the office.
If you are unable to serve as scheduled please arrange for your replacement – use the (request sub) link on your schedule in Web Terminal
Facebook: Our Lady of the Black Hills
Twitter: @OLBH_church
Safe Faith Environment Coordinator
Teresa Thompson (605)787-5168
Safe Faith Environment Training is mandatory for all paid staff and adult volunteers please contact Teresa for details.
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Barbara Scherr (605)209-3418
Confidential and Caring: The role of the Victim Assistance Coordinator is to support “as a knowledgeable companion, persons
who bring complaints of sexual misconduct by church personnel either to their attention or to the attention of the diocese.”
Diocese of Rapid City, PO Box 678 Rapid City, SD 57709
Daily Readings
To remember in prayer for the repose of their souls, on the
anniversary of their death or burial, those whose deaths are
recorded in the parish; and the bishops, priests, and
deacons that have served the Diocese of Rapid City.
IS 1:10-17; PS 50:8-9, 16BC-17, 21 AND 23; MT 10:34-11:1
IS 7:1-9; PS 48:2-3A, 3B-4, 5-6, 7-8; MT 11:20-24
IS 10:5-7, 13B-16; PS 94:5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 14-15; MT 11:2527
IS 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; PS 102:13-14AB AND 15, 16-18, 1921; MT 11:28-30
IS 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; IS 38:10, 11, 12ABCD, 16; MT 12:1-8
MIC 2:1-5; PS 10:1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 14; MT 12:14-21
GN 18:1-10A; PS 15:2-3, 3-4, 5; COL 1:24-28; LK 10:38-42
July 12
Rev. Aloysius Keel, S.J. (1936)
Rev. Michael J. Brogan (1957)
Rev. Henry J. Dunn (1968)
Edmund L. Fye (1984)
Faith Eleanor Albrecht (2007)
Barbara J. Varilek (2014)
July 13
Rev. Thomas A. Coleman (1957)
Jeremiah Stephen Noviek (1990)
July 16
Daniel Joseph Smith (2014)
July 17
Rev. Tarcisius Keller, O.C.D. (1957)
Upcoming Special Collections
September 11: Catholic University of America
Build With The Mercy of The Father
Diocesan Social Justice Commission
Humanae Vitae 48th Anniversary
The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be
protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if
human rights are protected and responsibilities are met.
Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and
a right to those things required for human decency.
Corresponding to these rights are duties and
responsibilities--to one another, to our families, and to the
larger society. www.usccb.org
On July 25, 2016, the Church will celebrate the 48
Anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on married love,
Humanae Vitae, a timeless teaching, which is incredibly
timely today. Pope Paul VI predicted that contraception
would lead to a myriad of unintended consequences
including marital infidelity, lower moral standards, a
lessening of the “reverence due to a woman” and
increased interference by the government into “the most
personal and intimate responsibility of husband and wife.”
Unfortunately, one doesn’t need to be a social scientist to
see that his warnings were sadly prophetic. But there is
hope. St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body increased
the Church’s understanding of the beauty of married love,
and scientific advances in Natural Family Planning have
made it possible to responsibly live out the call to authentic
married love in the 21 century. Come find out and
celebrate how the timeless, yet timely, teaching of the
Church is more relevant today than ever. Join us for a
Celebration of Humanae Vitae, NFP and Married Love
Including a Talk, Holy Hour and Reception at St. Joseph
Catholic Church in Spearfish, July 25 from 6:30-8:30 PM.
Jail Ministry
On occasion we like to share with you information about
our Hope For New Life members. We have been blessed
recently with the addition of Father Ed Witt from the Parish
of St. Isaac Jogues to our ministry. He describes his jail
ministry experience as follows: "In addition to serving as
Catholic Chaplain for the Rapid City Police Department, for
the past three months I have accompanied members of
Hope For New Life Jail Ministry. I have been very
impressed by the men and women of this ministry. My only
other experience of this kind of ministry was back in the
1990s when I assisted a fellow Jesuit at the prison in
Waupon, Wisconsin. My role then was to hear
Confessions and preside at Eucharist. Under the current
circumstances, unfortunately, I am unable to offer
Eucharist at the Pennington County Jail. However, I have
heard Confessions at the jail. In the future I am hoping that
we will be able to offer the Eucharist or conduct
Communion services. In the meantime, I see my primary
role as a support for the Hope For New Life team. I think
that it is important that HFNL continue to be a lay driven
ministry rather than a clerical one." To learn more about
the HFNL ministry please contact Bill Gradoville (3412721).
Vacancy Announcement
Applications are being accepted for the full time position of
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Development for
the Diocese of Rapid City. FUNCTION: Performs
administrative, secretarial and clerical duties for the Office
of Development and assists in the design, implementation,
tracking, and reporting for the Annual Diocesan Appeal,
Terra Sancta Guild and other funds as assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS: A demonstrated high level of
confidentiality and dependability with excellent secretarial
and computer skills especially in the area of databases.
Must have a high level of accuracy and be detail oriented.
Good written and oral communication skills and the ability
to work without direct supervision. A high degree of
efficiency in planning, organizing and carrying out fund
raising social events. An understanding of and respect for
the Catholic faith required. APPLICATION PROCESS:
Interested individuals should send a résumé and letter by
e-mail or postal mail listing three professional references
along with a completed application form that can be
downloaded from the diocesan website
St. Vincent de Paul
Thank you so much for your generosity. Baskets were held
in the Narthex during the second weekend in June and
$896 was collected for St. Vincent de Paul.
Job Opportunities
The Rapid City Catholic Schools are seeking individuals
for various position openings. All job opportunities may be
found online at rccss.org.
Bishop’s Golf Invitation
The Third Annual Western South Dakota Bishop’s Golf
Classic and Bunco Social will be held Monday, August
15 at Arrowhead Country Club, Rapid City. Enter a team
for $600 or play individually for $150. The Bishop’s
Parish Challenge awards $1,000 to the winning parish
team. Not interested in golf? A Bunco Social for $50
(including dinner with golfers) will be held at the country
club in the afternoon. Enter at wsdcf.org or call Doris at
343-3541. Your support will benefit the Western South
Dakota Catholic Foundation, Catholic Social Services,
and Rapid City Catholic Schools.
Catholic Daughters
Our summer picnic will be at 6:00 PM, Monday, July 18
at Terra Sancta Retreat Center on the South
Patio. Chicken, utensils and paper goods will be
furnished. Please bring a potluck dish for 10
persons. Table games and lawn chairs would be
welcome too. In case of weather concerns, the patio
adjoins an indoor party room. Look for the large tent
and picnic tables. This picnic is for the whole family
including your out-of town guests. A playground and
other outside games are available, as well as indoor
table games. Contact Bonnie at 342-1657 or Florence
at 431-0851 if you have any questions.
Sharon Long
Sharon Long is back in the hospital and welcomes your
prayers. Cards may be sent to Sharon Long, Patient Mail,
Hospital Room 743, PO Box 6159, Omaha, NE 681060159
Build With The Mercy of The Father
Please let these advertisers know you saw their ad in the OLBH bulletin!
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St. Vincent de Paul Conference
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For information on ads or to place an ad, please contact Larry at 787-5168 or email olbh@olbh.org