The Church of St. Anne, Ortonville, Michigan August 2, 2015


The Church of St. Anne, Ortonville, Michigan August 2, 2015
The Church of St. Anne, Ortonville, Michigan
August 2, 2015
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Church of St. Anne, Ortonville
Religious Education Office
Marianne Boesch, DRE, ext. 131
Catechists and Helpers Needed
Faith Formation Classes
There is an ongoing need for Catechists
in our parish program in every grade
level. As baptized Catholics, we need to
grow in our own faith and spirituality
and share our faith with the next
generation of Catholics.
What is a Catechist?
Anyone who is sharing and passing on
our wonderful Catholic Faith is
considered a catechist. The word
“catechist” literally means “to echo.” A
catechist echoes the Word of God to his/
her young disciples. We do not teach a
subject, we teach a life-style…the
Catholic-Christian, life-style.
What qualification do I need to
have to become a Catechist?
If you are a faith-filled individual, enjoy
being with children, are dedicated to the
Catholic faith, and feel that God is
calling you to get more involved…you
may be just the person we are looking
Catechist of the Week!
Shana DeVoe
My name is Shana DeVoe and this will
be my 4th year as a middle school youth
group leader. Over the years I have
loved working with children as a coach
and camp counselor. So when the
opportunity came to work with children
at my church I could not pass up the
opportunity. Having a place where
young adults can come be accepted,
grow in their Catholic faith all while
enjoying themselves and making friends
is why I like volunteering in youth
ministry. Watching these kids grow and
find themselves is something to truly be
enjoyed and cherished.
Lisa Schmaltz, Assistant
St. Anne’s parish offers weekly faith
formation class for children in grades 16. Each class meets on Tuesday
afternoons from 4-5:30pm. We gather in
the hall for an afternoon snack and then
meet in classes divided by grade level.
Prayer, Sacraments, morality and the
creed are focused on each year. We
gather for special activities each month!
Service projects, prayer services,
liturgical celebrations and much more!
Family Catechesis
This program is for families to attend
together to learn and grow in our
Catholic faith. Children in grades 1-6
gather monthly with a parent or adult
family member to learn about our faith.
We pray, learn and grow! We meet one
Saturday each month. After opening
prayer, students gather together with
their Catechist while parents gather for a
faith formation discussion. We take a
snack break and then families participate
in an activity together. Activities vary
each month: prayer services, crafts, and
service projects. Homework is then
assigned for students and parents to
complete together at home before the
next month.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation Classes are for students in
grades 7+ who are ready to prepare for
the Sacrament. We meet one Sunday
each month from 11:30-4pm. Lessons
provided cover prayer, morality,
sacraments, creed and becoming a
young disciple in our Catholic Church.
This is an ungraded class room setting.
Students preparing for Confirmation can
be in grades 7-12.
Adult Confirmation
Are you an adult in need of
Confirmation? (18+ years old) If so, we
have a gathering for you! Many adults
have been baptized and had their First
Eucharist but find themselves in need of
Confirmation. If this is the case, why
not continue on your Sacramental
journey? Adult Confirmation meets on
Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from
7-8pm from September through
Call me for more information!
Middle School
Youth Ministry
Students in grades 6-8 are invited to participate in our Middle School Youth Ministry
twice each month. This offering is above and beyond Confirmation classes and it’s a
group your youth will defiantly enjoy!
Our middle school youth ministry is led by two amazing
young adults who will lead and inspire your young teens.
Shana DeVoe and Elizabeth Genslak, who are wonderful
examples of our faith, lead our youth in service projects,
celebrations, and prayer.
Encourage your middle school students to attend one or
many of their gatherings. Here they can make good friends,
learn to make good choices and have lots of fun! We gather every other Tuesday from 7-8:30pm.
Church of St. Anne, Ortonville
Page 3
Thursday -
A recurring theme in Exodus is the
grumbling or murmuring of the people
against Moses and the Lord. In today’s
text they accuse Moses and Aaron of
having brought them out of Egypt
“into this desert to make the whole
community die of famine!” In response the Lord sends them quail and
manna, “bread from heaven,” not only
to provide for them but also to test
them, “to see whether they follow my
instructions.” These gifts from heaven
serve to prove to the Israelites “that I,
the Lord, am your God.” They have
just departed Egypt, a land with hundreds of gods, but it is the Lord who
cares for them and who invites them
into an exclusive relationship.
Today’s Gospel continues the story of
the loaves and fish as the disciples
follow Jesus to Capernaum, “across
the sea” from where they were fed. He
challenges their motive for following
him, claiming that they are seeking
him “because you at the loaves and
were filled.” More important than the
food he gave them, which is “food that
perishes,” is “the food that endures for
eternal life.” They compare the food
he gave them to the manna their ancestors ate in the desert. But Jesus tells
them that it is not Moses by “my Father who gives you the true bread from
heaven.” Their response is to ask him
to “give us this bread always.”
The author of Ephesians encourages
his audience to “no longer live as the
Gentiles do.” Embracing the Christian
faith, they are called to “put away the
old self” and “put on the new self, created in God’s way in righteousness
and holiness of truth.”
(Taken from Ministry & Liturgy)
Weekend of August 8th & 9th, 2015
5:00—Imelda Ingman, Margaret Lee
8:30—Cynthia Potts, Judy Schmaltz
10:30—Annalisa Sokol, Stephanie
Eucharistic Ministers
5:00— Ken & Angie Sheper d, Howard Mallory, Judy & Bob Henley,
Don Stalker (MS) need 1 more
8:30—Mike & Ellen Johnson, Linda
Mizejewski, Gary Putt, Kim Rossman,
Lloyd Schmaltz, Gary Schafer (MS)
10:30—Judy Glissman, Doris McCarville, Tim & Donna Smith, Jerry Bellefeuille, Tom & Kathy Middleton (MS)
Altar Servers
5:00—Lucas Lasky, Lainey Lasky,
Rose Ingman
8:30—Michelle Purgiel, need 2 more
10:30—Delaney Sebring, Savana Decker, Isabel Stickney
Readings for August 9th, 2015
1 Kings 19: 4-8
Psalm 34: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Ephesians 4: 30—5:2
John 6: 41-51
08-02-2015—Debbie Davis
08-09-2015—Marge Sisson
August 7th
Jerry & Jedine Bellefeuille
August 7th at 7 p.m.
Our annual parish Tiger game has been
scheduled for the above date. There are
2 tickets left. If you are interested,
please call me, 248-627-3965 ext. 107.
8a.m.—7 p.m.
We have people committed to each hour
but everyone is welcome to come during
any hour. There must always be
someone in the presence of the Blessed
Sacrament while it is exposed.
Are you being called?
These initials stand for the “Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults” and label
the process used to initiate adults into
the Catholic faith. This process, which
has its roots in the early church, was
reinstituted during Vatican II. The
period of initiation is unique to the
individual and may last from 9 months
to several years. During this time, your
journey will lead you to a conversion of
heart and bring you to a closer
relationship with Jesus Christ, after
whom we are called to model our lives.
Is R.C.I.A. for you?
 I have never been baptized and want
to learn more about the Catholic
 I was baptized in another Christian
religion and want to become
 I was baptized Catholic but have not
received any other sacraments and
have little if any religious education
 I am married to a Catholic and
attend Mass and would like to
receive the sacraments.
 My kids are old enough to ask
question and I want to be able to
practice what I preach.
If you would like more information
about this program, please call me at 248
-627-3965 ext. 107, or come up to me
after Mass. I look forward to hearing
from you.
Enjoy the warm weather!
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Church of St. Anne, Ortonville
Christian Service
families time to participate in the school
supplies sale and to get the items they
may not have gotten in our distribution.
Have you ever grumbled about anything?? Sure you have, we are human,
but does it really get us anywhere?
This weekend’s readings are all about
the unhappiness of the Israelites and
how they are finding that going to the
Promised Land wasn’t as easy as they
thought. The groaning started way back
in Egypt as they looked for a Savior to
lead them from bondage. God sent Moses who finally convinces Pharaoh to let
his people go; only to come to the Red
Sea looking right at them while Pharaoh’s armies are hot on their heels.
These readings are full of “if only we
had…if only I had…they grumbled each
step of the way, why?? I think it is because their journey with the Lord was
new and they were frightened. Where
were they to find water in a desert or
food? The Lord speaks to Moses and
sends the bread from heaven to help
sustain them during their journey. Although they witnessed many miracles,
they were still lacking what all of us
sometimes lack, and that is to put our
trust in the Lord and let him work for
us. Easier said than done!
I like the following passage from Malachi 3:10, which reminds us of the Lord’s
gift to us: “Test me in this…and see if I
will not throw open the flood gates of
heaven and pour out so much blessing
that you will not have room enough for
it.” God’s ability to perform and care
for us is beyond our imagination. I think
of this passage, and those like it, when it
is time to come to our community in
asking to share what you can with our
neighbors in need. At times I feel I
overwhelm everyone with my requests,
but without all of us coming together we
would not be practicing one of the core
principles of Catholic Social Teachings,
“The moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. We are to put
the needs of the poor and vulnerable
first.” In doing so we practice solidarity
in loving our neighbor.
The school supplies list is in the Gathering Area and we will continue to accept
school supplies until after the first week
of school ends. Although we are doing
the actual distribution earlier than we
normally do, this way it gives our
Thank you to our wonderful community.
Peace and blessings,
We have had several requests for assistance from our
pantry clients. If you can assist, please
give me a call in the Christian Service
office. Thank you.
Gas Stove, regular size.
Regular size gas stove.
Regular size refrigerator.
OCEF Needs Your
Cleaning out your garage, attic or basement? Don’t know what to do with all of
your “junk” that may be a “treasure” for
someone else? Don’t throw it in the
trash! Recycle it by donating it to the
OCEF Rummage Sale in September!
Box it up, store it neatly and bring it in
to St. Anne on Monday, September
Recycle and let someone reuse your
good items. The money that OCEF
makes from your no longer useful items
will purchase food for the OCEF Food
Pantry that serves our community. It’s a
win-win situation for everyone!
Needed: Jeans, coats, sweaters,
baby/children’s clothes, dresses
We are not accepting large appliances, mattresses, computers, or
Early Bird Sale: Wednesday, September 16
6:00-8:00 p.m. $5.00 admission fee
Sale Dates: Thursday, September 17 and
Friday, September 18—9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
In 1993 Karen Seery (daughter of Dick
and Nancy Seery) graduated from
Brandon High. She was highly energetic
and participated in countless activities
both at school and here at St. Anne. She
was the president of her class, captain of
the varsity soccer team, a member of our
youth group, the National Honor
Society, Student Counsel, SADD and
many more. During high school Karen
engaged in activities that deepened her
faith and brought her closer to the
Lord. For example, she attended the
Christian Leadership Institute, CYO
summer camp, Rainbow and many youth
group outings to serve the poor, lost and
forgotten. The Lord was shaping her
and preparing her in ways that only He
This past January, the Lord called
Karen, her husband and their four
children to be missionaries overseas. He
asked them to give up the comforts of
home and the security of family, friends
and gainful employment to take the
Gospel to “all the ends of the
earth.” After lots of prayer, discussion
and discernment, Karen and her family
said “yes” to the Lord.
They will leave this September for three
months of extensive training with the
Family Missions Company, which is an
approved apostolate of the Catholic
Church. During training, they'll find out
what country the Lord is calling them to
serve. In January, they begin a two year
commitment; a commitment to live poor
among the poor. Their goal is to
transform lives, communities and even
the world with the saving power of the
Please welcome the Carmody family at
Mass this weekend as they share their
story. Please pray for them and consider
offering your support because they
cannot fulfill God’s mission without
August 7, 2015
Jason Michael Stein
Nicole Marie Dafoe
Church of St. Anne, Ortonville
Thank You from the
Mersino & Pendred Families
We would like to thank Father Gerry,
the staff, and especially the ladies, for
the wonderful luncheon they served after
the funeral of our daughter/mother, Suzan Pendred.
Your prayers and thoughtfulness helped
so much in our loss.
The Mersino & Pendred Families
Capuchin Soup Kitchen
Annual Benefit
You are invited to attend the 22nd Annual Benefit on the Bay to support
the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, on Friday,
August 21, 5:30 PM, at MacRay Harbor
on Lake St. Clair. Music by John Dickson & the “C-Notes,” The Key Suspects,
and special musical guests, the Capuchin
Soup Kitchen Choir! 100% of the
event’s profit benefits the Capuchin
Soup Kitchen. $65 ticket includes appetizers, dinner, dancing, beer, wine, and
desserts. There will be both a live auction and a silent one. For advance tickets call: 313-579-2100 ext. 153.
Widowed Friends Cruise
If you are looking for something to do
on Labor Day, join us for friendship and
a relaxing cruise down the Clinton River
– Monday, September 7th from 1 pm to 4
pm. Please RSVP before August 20 to
Betty at 586-532-9549 or Jeannie at 586264-4572. Pre-paid cost of $41.00 includes the cruise, lunch, entertainment,
and dancing. Check must be received
before Aug. 20; please mail to Clinton
River Cruise, 152 N. River Road, Mt.
Clemens, MI 48043, and mention it is
under the name of Betty Wilmoth of
Widowed Friends. Please arrive at the
dock by 12:30 pm for check-in. The
boat leaves promptly at 1:00 pm. Sponsored by Widowed Friends, a “peer”
support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For further information, visit website at
Votive Candle Intention
For the week of
August 7-13, 2015
A Special Intention
Eucharist Celebrations
Saturday, August 1, 2015
5:00 p.m. Richard Molter req. by Mr.
& Mrs. Mike Jarvis
Sunday, August 2, 2015
8:30 a.m. Allen J. Olsen, Sr. (12th Anniv. & Birthday Rembr.) req. by
Don & Marian Olsen & Family;
Dorothy Pociask (16th Anniv.) req.
by daughter, Linda Jordan
10:30 a.m. Fr. John Hardy (12th Anniv.)
req. by Parish Family
Monday, August 3, 2015
7:00 p.m. People of St. Anne
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
9:00 a.m. Patricia Peiffer (In Memory
of their 20th Wedding Anniv.) req.
by Husband, Lou Peiffer
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
9:00 a.m. Richard Bornais req. by
Friday, August 7, 2015
9:00 a.m. Mary Lou Sesock req. by
Saturday, August 8, 2015
5:00 p.m. Ray Kotowski req. by Bill &
Cris Venglar; Richard Molter req.
by Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jarvis
Sunday, August 9, 2015
8:30 a.m. Michael G. Carolin (1st Anniv.) req. by Bernie & Cynthia Potts
10:30 a.m. Fely Lopez req. by Linda
Lopez; Joyce Olmeda (Birthday
Rembr.) req. by Family
Please Pray for
the Intentions of:
Jackie Schwartz...Carol Zimcosky...Don
Umlah...Arnold Pacer...Sharon Galloway….Terry Lindeman...John Noble...
Jenny Gels…Josie Pesta,,,Holly Owens..
Greyson Stamper…..Mary O’Hagan...
Joyce Opalko….Antoinette Baumgart….
Cindy Mallory…Madison Chind...Paul
Cummings…Lane Wilson…Sue Kelty...
Judy Thurston....Judy Johnson....Michael
Kennedy…Larry & Joyce Bosel..Marsha
Bolton…..John Stark....Polly Mayer….
John E. Mayer, Jr.....John Gilson…Essie
Stamper…...Greyson James Stamper….
George Imbier...Erik Boneff.....Mark
Lungren….J. P. Porcalla…..Donald Bernard….Joel Rivers...Dave Engleman…
Jay Finn…Lucas Dunigan….Kerri Hastings…Darlene Brenan…Barbara Bolus.
..Robert Knowles….George Stone...John
E. Mayer, Jr...Mark Batulis...Jamie Taylor…Robert E. Pilon….Sally Case…
Renae Tucker….David Wood...Marge
Loughead……Shane Holton..…Maria
Genovese…..Jerry Seme...David Robinette...Anita Gromek….Everett Snyder..
Patrick Lamb
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Parish Directory
Pastor: Rev. Gerry Frawley
Parish Phone: 248-627-3965
Parish Fax: 248-627-5153
Parish Staff
Director of Religious Education
Marianne Boesch
Worship Coordinator
Julie Neal
Asst. to the Director of Rel. Ed.
Lisa Schmaltz
Christian Service Coordinator
Karyn Milligan
Music Director
Ingrid Kasper
Youth Minister
Kim Zernec
Sheryl Van Fleteren
Parish Secretary
Mary Ann McCarville
Building Maintenance
Steve Szach
Worship Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:30 and 10:30 AM
Weekday Masses
Monday, 7:00 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 AM
Holy Day Masses 9:00 AM, 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment
Sacrament of Matrimony
Couples should contact the pastor at
least six months before the marriage
Infant Baptisms
Parents contact the parish office
St. Anne Pastoral Council
Nancy Allar
Renee Banner
Carol Born
Chris Desmet
Keith DeWitt
Jaime Huerta
Jim Kelty
Bernie Potts
Ann Schmid
Anne Schulz
James Sebring
Marge Sisson
The Mission Statement
of St. Anne Parish
"We, the people of St. Anne, are a
growing Catholic Community with
various gifts and talents, and we are
open to the Spirit among us. Rooting
ourselves in The Word of God, we
reach out to all in loving service,
witnessing, and celebrating the life of
Jesus Christ in our midst."
Page 6
Church of St. Anne, Ortonville
December 4th Newsboys, Hawk Nelson
and Ryan Stevenson will be at Mt. Zion in
Clarkston. The Tour is called “Newsboys
We Believe...God’s Not Dead Tour.”
Tickets are on sale now for $35-Please
call Kim if you would like to purchase
one and go as a group?! Youth and
adults welcome, Money due by Aug. 31st.
Middle School Youth Ministry(MSYM) Update:
Shana DeVoe and Elizabeth Genslak have both
volunteered to run MSYM again this year! We
are so blessed to have these young ladies
work with our youth, they are dedicated, joyful servants and mentors. They have decided
to invite 6th-8th graders this year so that
they can have 3 years of MSYM, instead of the
original 2 years. This way they will be ready to
come into our High School Youth Ministry and
know what we are all about. It’s a WIN-WIN!
P.S. Elizabeth just got engaged-CONGRATS!!i
Parish Support
Fiscal Year: July 1, 2015/June 30, 2016
Weekly Budget
Sunday contribution………....….…...…….$8,890.00 (100%)
1st Sunday, Received…………………….. $8,316.00 (94%)
2nd Sunday, Received…………..…..…….$9,369.75 (106%)
3rd Sunday Received………..…….....……$7,508.00 (85%)
4th Sunday, Received…………........…..….$9,917.50 (112%)
July 25/26, 2015
Amount in Envelopes………….…....…….…..$6,905.00
Electronic Offertory……………...………...…$2,630.00
Loose Monies…………………………..……….$382.50
Weekly Over Budget……….............................$1,027.50
Yearly Under Budget………….….....…..............$448.75
AS OF 07/20/15
2015 CSA Target
Total Pledged (235 Pledges) 74,895.00
are all Joyful Servants and we appreciate
your gift of time, energy and enthusiasm.
Total Needed for Target
2015 CSA Target
Total Paid
We can have the best house, car, toys, etc.,
but if we don’t have a relationship with
Christ, we will be restless. We can volunteer
everywhere and donate to everyone, but if
we don’t have a relationship with Christ, we
will not find peace. St. Augustine understands this condition from his own unhealthy
wanderings which were symptoms of this
restlessness. His famous prayer sums it up
“Our hearts are restless, O Lord, until they
rest in you.” Find your inner peace with Christ
through prayer, reconciliation, adoration, and
Balance Due
Leadership Training was very helpful last
weekend. Thank you to Molly Dearing, Natalie
Halligan, Eddy Kaleel, Jamie Kaleel and Gillian
Noonan for participating. I know they will be
great leaders this year and learned a lot of insightful information to use for our meetings.
Sat. August 8th is our last softball game with
Children’s Village. Jim Burke will be the adult
chaperone in charge that day-Thank you Jim!
Fri. August 7th-Sun. August 9th our leadership team will be going to Tawas for our annual planning weekend. Thank you to Molly
Dearing, Natalie Halligan, Eddy Kaleel, Jamie
Kaleel and Gillian Noonan for sacrificing your
weekend for the good of the youth group.
Mission Trip Volunteer Gathering
Those who served on Mission Trip along with
their parents came together last week to discuss the success of this year’s trip and plan
for next years. Thank you to all who helped
out with the meal and shared their ideas.
What an awesome group of families we are
blessed with!
God Bless, Kim