August 14, 2016 - St Anne Catholic Church


August 14, 2016 - St Anne Catholic Church
August 14, 2016
God has gathered us here today so that we may be
strengthened in our faith regardless of the obstacles that we
face. Being a disciple is difficult and can indeed cause
division among the people we know. Let us pray for the
strength to be the best disciples that we can be, and for the
courage to do God’s will whatever the cost.
Remember St. Anne’s in your Will and Trusts
We ask your prayers for Raymond Rice, a member
of our St. Anne’s parish family, who died recently.
Notes of sympathy may be sent to his wife, Cassie, at
501 Glenway Ave., Bristol, VA 24201.
Your prayers are asked for Patsy Johnson, a
member of our parish family, who died last Sunday.
Notes of sympathy may be sent to her husband, Jim,
and daughter, Jo Ann, at 335 Peachtree St., Glade
Spring, VA 24340.
A Special Note…
Many thanks to Saint Anne’s parishioners for your
ongoing prayers, cards, and kindness during this time
of my medical issues and surgery. May God bless you.
Charlie Duff
Senior High Youth Ministry
Readings for this week (August 15-20)
Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
1 Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56
Ezekiel 28:1-10;
Mathew 19:23-30
Wednesday: Ezekiel 34:1-11;
Matthew 0:1-16
Ezekiel 36:23-28;
Matthew 22:1-14
Ezekiel 37:1-14;
Matthew 22:34-40
Ezekiel 43:1-7a;
Matthew 23:1-12
Scripture for next Sunday
(21st Sunday/Ordinary Time)
Isaiah 66:18-21
Outcasts will be gathered home by God as a precious
offering in glory.
Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13
Discipline strengthens what is weak.
Luke 13:22-30
The doorway into the kingdom is narrow.
Both Isaiah and Jesus show us how those whom we least
expect will be part of God’s saving plan. How are we to fit
in? Saint Paul tells us that we can start by accepting the
discipline of God in our lives. Let us listen to these words
of God next weekend for the clues we need to help make
God’s kingdom a reality in this world, and to be part of that
kingdom ourselves.
(grades 9-12)
Upcoming Schedule:
Aug. 14 —Parent/Teen Meeting (GR/BYC 6-8p)
■ Meet in the Great Room
■ At least one parent must accompany
their teen!
■ After the meeting, teens will be sent to the
BYC for a cookout and games on
the playground.
Aug. 21—Youth Group (BYC 6-8p)
■ “Why am I here?”
Aug. 28—Fun Day! (10:00am-5:30pm)
■ Bike the Creeper Trail
Sept. 4—NO SHYM
■ Labor Day Weekend
Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
(Holy Day)
Mass on Monday, Aug. 15
7 p.m.
(This is not an obligatory Holy Day
this year, however, we encourage
you to take the time to come join us
for this special Holy Day liturgy
Monday evening.)
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please take note!!
There will not be a weekday Mass here at St. Anne’s
this Tuesday, August 16. But we will have weekly
Adoration and Confessions this Tuesday.
ADORATION of the Blessed Sacrament on this
Tuesday, August 16, 9:15 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Please
consider spending an hour in prayer with our Lord.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA will not meet this Wednesday, August 17.
RCIA will attend the Assumption of Mary Holy Day
Mass on Monday, August 15 at 7 p.m. Regular
RCIA classes will resume next Wednesday, August 24.
This Week in Adult Faith Formation:
Wednesday, Aug. 17:
Little Rock Scripture Study, 1:00pm-2:30pm in
the St. Vincent de Paul Center - “The Book of
Exodus”. Join us any Wednesday. We will begin
the new study on “The Book of Isaiah” on August
24. Sign up in the commons!
NO RCIA this week.
Thursday, Aug. 18: Scripture Study (to prepare us
for the Sunday readings) at the St. Vincent de Paul
Center, 7:00pm-8:00pm (after Mass). Bring your
Bible! (Please note: If there is no Mass at 6:00pm, the
time for scripture study changes to 6:00pm-7:00pm.
For more information about any of the above
programs, email or
call 276-669-8200 ext. 32.
Catholic Daughters (CDA)
Monday, August 22
Members of the Catholic Daughters, Our Lady of the
Rosary local court #2624, are reminded of their
meeting on Monday, August 22, at the Knights of
Columbus Hall. Social hour at 6:30 p.m., and the
meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Any lady needing a ride,
please call our Regent, Carol Reynolds, at 276-5911134. Any Catholic lady wishing to join CDA, please
call Gina Rossetti at 423-878-7827. We look forward
to seeing you there!
The CDA Theme is “For Him, we live and move and
have our being.” (Acts 17:28)
MR Foundation Charitable donations:
The Knights of Columbus will be giving away Tootsie
Rolls and collecting donations for the MR foundation
of Tennessee. This is the Annual fundraiser for this
Charity. The MR Foundation’s mission is to provide
assistance to persons and other Foundations that
support those individuals that have Intellectual
Disabilities. This is the primary charity beneficiary of
the State of Tennessee Knights of Columbus. Our
Knights will be stationed at the exterior exits of the
church after Masses next weekend, August 20/21.
Knights of Columbus Meeting:
September Business Meeting is rescheduled due to
Labor Day. The meeting will be on Wed., Sept. 7 at
the Columbian Center.
Officers Meeting
6:30 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
Council Meeting
7:30 p.m.
St. Anne’s Friendship Club
Thursday, August 18
The Friendship Club will meet this Thursday,
August 18, at Mellow Mushroom Restaurant (exit 7).
Please call Gina Rossetti (423-878-7827) by this
Tuesday, Aug. 16 to reserve your spot for lunch.
Little Rock Scripture Study
The Book of Isaiah begins August 24
Join us on Wednesday afternoons, 1:00-2:30pm, at
the St. Vincent de Paul Center, for a study of The
Book of Isaiah. Please sign up at the religious
education table in the commons to join the group and a
study set will be ordered for you. The cost of study set
is $15.
Take Note!!
—St. Anne’s School starts on Monday, Aug. 22!!
—Parish Office Hours (beginning August 22) are
Mondays 1-4pm; Tuesday thru Friday, 9a-4pm.
August 14, 2016
A Couple of Reminders
from Father Kevin
about Holy Communion
“When receiving Holy Communion, the
communicant bows his or her head before the
Sacrament as a gesture of reverence and
receives the Body of the Lord from the
minister….. When Holy Communion is
received under both kinds, the sign of
reverence is also made before receiving the
Precious Blood.” (General Instruction of the
Roman Missal #160) (This is a different bow
position from the bow which one makes when
one passes in front of the altar — when
passing in front of the altar, one makes a
profound bow (a bow from the waist.)
The second reminder (which you may
remember from last year) is that if someone
has missed Mass on any given Sunday or on a
Holy Day of Obligation, when he or she could
have come (this is excepting those who are
genuinely sick or unable to get to Mass), that
person should go to Confession before
receiving Holy Communion again.
attendance at weekly Mass is so important,
i.e., God wants us to be there to worship Him
and be nourished by Him, that we need to
reconcile with Him sacramentally if we have
neglected that duty.
I hope these reminders will help us all to live our
Catholic faith in unity and with ever-deepening
commitment to Jesus Christ, our Lord.
God bless you.
Father Kevin
Remember St. Anne’s in your Will and Trusts
33 Days to Morning Glory
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Saint Anne’s will offer a group preparation for Total
Consecration to Jesus through Mary following the new
book 33 Days to Morning Glory, which reflects on key
saints who consecrated themselves through Mary:
Saint Louis de Montfort, Saint Maximilian Kolbe,
Saint John Paul II, and soon-to-be Saint Teresa of
Calcutta. Resources will be available for purchase and
a small number will be provided by the parish. Please
prayerfully consider joining this small devotional
group and spend the final month of the Year of Marcy
(November 5, 2016—December 8, 2016) reading
about God’s loving relationship with Mary and our
participation as sons and daughters. More details to
follow. Seminarian Jamie Hickman is the main point
of contact.
St. Dominic Catholic Church
Senior Ministry Consultant
Working from the stated goals of its Home campaign,
“Maintenance to Mission”, St. Dominic Catholic
Church in Kingsport, TN is seeking a person to
formulate the structure of parish senior ministry. This
is a temporary position lasting three to four months.
This person will be charged with the study of best
practices of senior ministry within other churches in
the area, researching Catholic Church resources
regarding senior ministry, surveying the Saint Dominic
parish community regarding senior ministry needs,
seeking input from various groupings within the parish
regarding senior ministry, seeking input from the
parish staff, working in close consult with the parish
nurse throughout the process, and finally, presenting a
plan of action, including identified best practices and a
recommended job description for a parish “senior
minister” to the pastor. This person may apply for the
position of “senior minister”, but will not be assured of
being hired into that position, once it is established.
This temporary position will pay $6,000 plus expenses
in installments deemed best by the pastor and the
person hired. If interested in this temporary position,
please submit a resumé and a letter outlining the skills
you possess that will enable a successful completion of
this task to the Saint Dominic parish office (2517 John
B. Dennis Hwy., Kingsport, TN 37660 or email to by August 31.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 13 (Vigil: 20th Sunday/Ordinary Time)
5:30 p.m.
†Avila Harnois
Sunday, August 14 (20th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
8:30 a.m.
†Carol Aloisio
10:30 a.m.
†Emilia Cruz
2:00 p.m.
(Spanish Mass)
Monday, August 15 (Holy Day: Assumption of Mary)
7:00 p.m.
†Regina C. Finan
(No weekday Mass here on Tues., Aug. 16)
Wednesday, August 17
8:30 a.m.
†Gloria Gionet
Thursday, August 18
6:00 p.m.
†Julian David Pryputniewicz
Friday, August 19
7:30 a.m.
†Ann P. Rogers
Saturday, August 20 (Vigil: 21st Sunday/Ordinary Time)
5:30 p.m.
†Pauline Snyder
Sunday, August 21 (21st Sunday in Ordinary Time)
8:30 a.m.
†Dr. Neal Jewell
10:30 a.m.
†Richard Heatherton
2:00 p.m.
(Spanish Mass)
“Run the race which lies ahead.”
Are you called to keep your eyes fixed on Christ and
run the race of faith to heaven as a priest, deacon, or in
the consecrated life? Call Father Michael G. Boehling,
Vicar for Vocations, 804-359-5661 or email him at
LIVING OUR MISSION—Please mail your pledge
donations to: Living Our Mission (Diocese of Richmond),
P.O. Box 8450, Richmond, VA 23228. (Checks should be
payable to “Living our Mission”.) Thank you!!
Collection Report (August 6/7)
School 2nd Collection $ 5,343.75
Holy Day/Assumption $ 100.00
Pastoral Council Elections — at ALL MASSES the
weekend of August 27/28. See the parish website for
more details!!