
The GS1 Global Forum is the global annual event where the GS1 community learn about key
global initiatives updates, share implementation and innovation best practices, listen a wide
range of industry speakers and to network with peers from over 80 countries.
Asia-Pacific Steering Committee Meeting (contact for more information)
By invitation only
GS1 BCS (Board Committee for Standards) Meeting
BCS Members or by
invitation only
Parallel Workshops
 Newcomers Session
Join the GS1 Global Office for an informal welcome to all New Comers to GS1 or first time
For new GS1 Member
participants of a GS1 Forum. Global Office staff, from all the main departmental areas,
Organisation staff or
will showcase the available services and tools that help you implement the GS1 standards
delegates attending the
in your country. You will receive an overview of who-does-what at the Global Office and
Global Forum for the first
information to help you make the most of your time at the GS1 Global Forum.
Facilitators: David Bucley, GS1 – Antoinette Jansen, GS1
 Healthcare Unique Device Identification for MOs
Learn more about how GS1 standards can be used to implement the regulatory
GS1 Member Organisation
requirements on the unique identification of all medical devices (UDI) in order to improve
staff interested in the Medical
product recalls, traceability and many other processes in Healthcare.
Devices sector
GS1 Global Office has been accredited as UDI issuing agency with the US FDA on behalf of
all GS1 Member Organisations. The FDA is expecting that all GS1 member organisations
will support their local industry in meeting the UDI requirements.
GS1 can also play a major role in countries where UDI regulations will be adopted in the
coming months/years. To prepare you for the questions from your community we would
like to invite you to join this training session.
Through this educational workshop, you will have a better understanding of the purpose
and content of the UDI system and you will have a chance to ask questions directly on the
AIDC and GDSN related implementation issues.
Facilitators: Geraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, GS1 - Chuck Biss, GS1 - Pete Alvarez,
Plenary sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
 Building the Future of Fresh Foods with GS1 Standards
Now that the Fresh Foods industry has developed business process implementation
guides, they are ready to take the discussion of standards-based business processes to
the next level. Join us to learn how this key retail food sector is now driven by industry
“hot-button” issues, regulatory requirements and growing consumers
demands. Challenges surrounding food safety and traceability for example, have become
key drivers for the adoption of GS1 standards and applications around the globe. This
session will provide insights and case studies about:
GS1 implementations in Fresh Foods
"Fresh and Safe”: How can GS1 help solve these challenges for business
Traceability stories: When having it or not having it makes a big difference
Facilitators: Greg Rowe, GS1 - Diane Taillard, GS1
 Fundamentals of GS1 in Apparel
Learn about what makes GS1 standards so interesting in today’s (fast-) fashion
GS1 Member Organisation
environment and which opportunities GS1 can leverage from this sector. Learn about the
staff interested in Apparel,
challenges that the Apparel Industry is facing these days on a global level and how we
Fashion and Footwear sector
can assist and support the sector in creating increased efficiencies. Topics that will be
addressed during this introductory session include:
Omni-channel business models and EPC Item-level-tagging,
The enhanced customer focus through e-Commerce and innovation,
Upstream collaboration and supplier support,
Data quality and Product Information Management,
…and much more….
MO experts in Apparel will share their experiences and thoughts, including :
Brascol use case…or how a vlothing wholesaler invested in EPC at item-level and
realised an ROI within 8 months.
Moods of Norway use case…..or how also smaller local retailers benefit from GS1
Review of activities in the US and in Germany….or how the increasing interest for
GS1 standards go beyond EPC/RFID
Facilitator: Enzo Blonk, GS1
 GS1 API's: Building a platform for the future
In this age of the always Connected Consumer, Omni-channel e-Commerce, Internet of
Things, Big Data and Cloud Computing, Application Programmer Interface (API's) are the
transformative force that binds applications to the data and content that power's today's
(more relevant for people
digital revolution. It is THE way that apps talk to each other that has made them front
with a technology disposition)
and center to corporate digital strategy and computing infrastructures. APIs accelerate
innovation by allowing app developers to use technology in a standardized way and utilize
other's digital assets to create new and innovative digital experiences for consumers.
GS1 along with Auto-ID labs ETH Zurich has been innovating and fostering an API based
eco-system for App Developers, Solution providers and Retailers. This initiative has the
potential to truly unleash the power of GS1 standards and digital assets for the future of
digital commerce.
Join this workshop to gain a perspective on the vision to leverage API's to position GS1 as
a platform for commerce. This workshop aim's to:
Provide an overview on the GS1 API strategy
Share research updates from Auto-ID labs ETH Zurich on API's
Have an open discussion on the foundations for creating GS1 API standards
Facilitators: Dipan Anarkat, GS1 - Nick Fergusson, GS1 - Klaus Fuchs, ETH Zurich
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 2
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
 GS1 Transport & Logistics
The objective of this workshop is to:
MOs engaging or interested in
Drive awareness of GS1 Transport & Logistics activities
engaging their local market
Present tools and resources available to MOs to support local engagement activities
on the use and value of the
Build the GS1 Transport & Logistics MO community
GS1 System in Transport and
Logistics processes
Facilitator: Audrey Kremer, GS1
Coffee Break
GS1 Opening & Global Brand Launch Plenary
 Welcome Remarks
Mike McNamara, Tesco, Chief Information Officer & GS1 Chairman
Tim Smucker, The JM Smucker Co., Chairman of the Board & GS1 Vice-Chairman
Miguel Lopera, GS1, President & CEO
 GS1 Global Brand Launch
 Introduction
Alain Jonis, GS1, Chief Marketing Officer
Joe Horwood, GS1, Marketing Manager
Christopher Bailey, Bailey Brand Consulting, President & CEO
 How Brazil and UK transformed their websites with the GS1 brand
Virginia Vaamonde, GS1 Brazil, CEO
Holly Porter, GS1 UK, Chief Marketing Officer
 Global Forum Kick-Off
Miguel Lopera, GS1, President & CEO
GS1 Healthcare Plenary
The Power of Global Standards in Patient Care
 Introduction
Nicolas Florin, GS1 Switzerland, CEO
 How GS1 Standards Help Meet UDI Requirements
Mike Wallace, Abbott Laboratories, Director, Global Standards & Serialisation
 National Health Service in England - eProcurement Strategy
Steve Graham, UK Department of Health, Lead of NHS eProcurement Strategy
 The Benefits of Global GS1 Standards for Data Visibility in Developing Countries – The WHO
Recommendation for Vaccines
Daniel Thornton, GAVI Alliance, Director Strategic Initiatives
 Wrap-up
Nicolas Florin, GS1 Switzerland, CEO
GS1 Retail Plenary (Part 1)
Safety: The Foundation For Consumer Trust
 Introduction
Marianne Timmons, GS1, President, Industry Engagement
François Deprey, GS1 France, Deputy CEO
Diane Taillard, GS1, Director Safety & Traceability
 Food Safety: a Shared Responsibility
Véronique Discours-Buhot, Consumer Goods Forum, Director of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)
 Managing Consumer Safety in the Retail Industry
John Carter, Metro Group, Vice-President & Global Director of Quality Assurance for Metro Cash & Carry
 Wrap-up
François Deprey, GS1 France, Deputy CEO
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 3
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
Coffee Break
GS1 Retail Plenary (Part 2)
Consumer-Driven Retail Model
Today’s consumer is in charge, and retail models are quickly evolving to meet dynamic customer
expectations. Consumers expect that products are represented accurately and consistently in potentially thousands of
different places online for a seamless shopping experience. This is both an opportunity and a threat for creating and
delivering positive customer experiences. Hear how Marks & Spencer, eBay, and The J. M. Smucker Company are
leading their organizations to meet these challenges head on. Then listen in as we hear MOs and these retail
organizations identify and discuss the implications to GS1.
Plenary chair: Bob Carpenter, GS1 US, President & CEO
Chris Resweber, The J.M. Smucker Company, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
Richard Jenkins, Marks & Spencer, Head of RFID Strategic Development
Amit Menipaz, eBay, General Manager of Structured Data
Panel Discussions
Moderator: Mike Wehrs, GS1, Senior Consultant (previous CEO of Scanbuy)
 MO Panel:
François Deprey, GS1 France, Deputy CEO
Gary Lynch, GS1 UK, CEO
Ahmed El Kalla, GS1 Egypt, CEO
Bob Carpenter, GS1 US, President & CEO
 Interactive Q&A Panel:
All speakers listed above
GS1 BCS & Data Excellence Board Dinner (off-site
BCS & Data Excellence
Board members or by
invitation only
ICC Meeting
By invitation only
ASEAN MO Coordination Meeting (contact for more information)
By invitation only
GS1 Transport & Logistics Plenary
Boosting Efficiency and Interoperability in Key Supply
Chain Processes
 Welcome & Introduction
Gary Lynch, GS1 UK, CEO
This plenary will present two engagement initiatives:
 Visibility in Shipping & Receiving: Getting Value from Standards Adoption
Andy Robson, GS1 UK, Supply Chain Solutions Manager
David Ellis, Tesco, End2End Manager
 Visibility in Transport Management - Improving end-end supply chain visibility on inter-modal transport
corridors providing industry wide benefits to shippers, receivers of goods and transport providers
David McNeil, OneSteel, Manager Supply Execution
 Wrap-up
Gary Lynch, GS1 UK, CEO
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 4
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
GS1 Humanatarian Logistics Plenary
GS1 Standards in Humanitarian Supply Chain
 Welcome & Introduction
Miguel Lopera, GS1, President & CEO
 Protecting and Assisting Human Beings. The Role of Logistics.
Nicolas Florin, GS1 Switzerland, CEO
Vicente Escribano, UNHCR, Head Supply Management Logistic Services
 Wrap-up
Nicolas Florin, GS1 Switzerland, CEO
Coffee Break
GS1 Data Quality Plenary
Bringing Trusted Product Data into the Digital World
 Welcome & Introduction
Malcolm Bowden, GS1, President Global Solutions and President GS1 Data Excellence Inc.
 Enabling The Digital World With Trusted Product Data
John Phillips, PepsiCo, SVP Customer Supply Chain & Go-To-Market
 Wrap-up
Malcolm Bowden, GS1, President Global Solutions and President GS1 Data Excellence Inc.
Market Place Exhibition
GS1 Data Excellence Board Meeting (including a
private lunch)
Data Excellence Board
Members or by
invitation only
Welcome Cocktail in the Market Place
GS1 Board Executive Committee Dinner (off-site
GS1 Board Members or
by invitation only
Parallel Regional Forums (Asia Pacific; Europe; Latin
America; MEMA; North America)
GS1 MO delegates or
by invitation only
GS1 Board Executive Committee Meeting (followed by a
private lunch)
GS1 Board Ex. Comm.
Members or by
invitation only
GS1 MO IT Managers Meeting (contact for more information)
By invitation only
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 5
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
Coffee Break
Parallel Workshops
 Test-Drive” the New GS1 Innovation Network!
The GS1 Innovation Network was recently approved by the General Assembly as the place
GS1 Member Organisation
where future needs will meet future possibilities. The Network will identify business
staff and invited guests
opportunities in the coming 3+ years and technology innovations needed by industry. It
will leverage the vision and diversity of the GS1 Community and bring together truly
innovative minds.
At this workshop, you will participate in a realistic Network experience first-hand, provide
feedback of your experience, and leave ready to engage your local MO and industry
Attendees will be immersed in the Innovation Network and experience it “hands-on,”
starting with conversations in the “InZone” – our new social/discussion platform for
exploring topics of potential interest – and then voting on the most compelling topics and
conversations. Finally, the group will plan an “Incubator,” e.g. a study, workshop, pilot
project, hackathon, etc., that promises to provide GS1 with insight about whether the
chosen topic should be pursued, deferred, or further studied.
Bring your laptops, open your minds, and get ready to “drive” the future of GS1 and
Facilitator: Steve Bratt, GS1
 Training Network
Session where GS1 Member Organisations will share training best practices, receive an
GS1 Member Organisation
update on Global initiatives and discuss common issues.
staff involved/interested in
Facilitator: Claudia Riemer, GS1
Training activities
 Public Policy
Three CEOs will present on their MOs public policy strategy, government engagement and
GS1 CEOs, senior staff
lessons learned to encourage broader GS1 public policy engagement.
engaged in public policy, and
Ravi Mathur, CEO GS1 India: Case studies from India’s long-term government
all who are interested in
engagement strategy and lessons learned from mapping the opportunities and
government engagement
positioning GS1 with different Government agencies.
Bo Raattamaa: engaging with Parliament, how the political side is different from
the Cabinet Departments or Ministries.
Bob Carpenter, CEO GS1 US: Lessons learned from the GS1 US government
engagement experience.
Facilitator: Elizabeth Board, GS1
 GS1 for Consumer Safety
Consumer safety has become a key driver to deepen the adoption of GS1 standards in the
Retail Value Chain. GS1 is expanding its expertise from just technical standards to full
chain traceability, recall readiness, fighting counterfeit, preventing mislabeling and
enabling compliance with safety standards and regulations. What’s in it for the industry,
authorities and GS1? How to get better recognized by safety stakeholders? This session
will show the new GS1 Product and Consumer Safety strategy in action.
Facilitator: Diane Taillard, GS1
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 6
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
 GS1 Retail - Omni-Channel Workshop
Omni-channel commerce is a significant and disruptive force to GS1’s core sector of Retail
GS1 Member Organisation
and is top-of-mind for leaders of businesses of all sizes around the world. As the pace of
technological change continues to accelerate, GS1 Global is aligning our organisation to
better serve the new challenges of omni-channel commerce while maintaining our
strength across global supply chains. GS1 is working for our Member Organisations to
enable new business processes, to strengthen adoption, to facilitate connection with new
members, and to collaborate on a clear path forward to success across both the physical
and digital worlds of commerce. This session will share the global story of what is
happening today- the “hot topics”, the current focus areas and the latest research. Please
join us to hear featured speakers from several Member Organisations and participate in a
conversation that will bring to light what is happening in each country and region
represented at the Workshop. You will leave with new insights, new materials and
practical information that you can use in your work.
Facilitator: Marianne Timmons, GS1
 Data Quality Industry Best Practices
Share and learn from Data Quality best practices across GS1 Member Organisations. Data
Quality is a key enabler of an efficient supply chain and it can bring real savings to
companies. With the growth of Data Synchronisation adoption and the need for better
B2C information, the community is looking for techniques and procedures to increase and
maintain Data Quality in order to bring about projected supply chain savings and provide
a trusted source of data to the consumer. As more information is exchanged among
trading partners, the need for on-going sustainable Data Quality tools intensifies.
Presentations will include:
Strengthening Data Quality at Source – GS1 UK
Providing Master Data Services – GS1 Mexico
Providing DQ Validation & Monitoring Service – GS1 Netherlands
Best Practices: Data Quality Confidence Levels – GS1 Canada
Best Practices: - GDSN and Data Quality - GS1 Columbia
GS1 Logger for Staff – GTIN Intelligence tool for GS1 Key Validation
Facilitators: Lorraine Knight, GS1 - Mark Widman, GS1
Coffee Break
GS1 MO Presidents and CEOs Session
The objective of this session is to present the upcoming General
GS1 MO Presidents
and CEOs
Assembly proposals to the global community leadership and discuss
strategic topics such as MO Clusters and and the new Trademarks
License Agreement.
Parallel Workshops
 GS1 in Cross-Border Procedures
GS1 in cross-border procedures: How to help facilitate safety and efficiency in
GS1 Member Organisation
international trade.
Drive awareness of how to position the value of standards already in use in the
supply chain as a relevant contributor for safer, more efficient international
Showcase GS1 MO’s best practices.
Present tools and resources available to MOs to support local engagement
Facilitators: Audrey Kremer, GS1 - Patrik Jonasson, GS1 - Diane Taillard, GS1
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 7
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
 AIDC: Expanding the reach of ‘Capture’
Interactive discussion on the latest developments around AIDC which will include:
GS1 Member Organisation
Conformance Testing, AIDC Test Lab Review, tools to help GS1 Member Organisations
AIDC experts
better understand and explain the GS1 System and much more!
Facilitator: Andrew Hearn, GS1
 GS1 Logger
How the Logger for Staff Platform can bring the GTIN intelligence on the next level on
GS1 Member Organisation
global scale. The verification of GTIN, GLN and other GS1 ID keys are in the focus of
staff involved in user
every GS1 MO worldwide. The GS1 Logger for Staff system (including the mobile
registration and
application and the web-based platform) has already become a widely used tool for this
administration, in local
purpose – nowadays over 400 colleagues from more than 70 MOs use the solution in their
retailers programme and/or
everyday work. Nevertheless the best practice for the verification of GTINs, GLNs or any
in charge of GTIN intelligence
other GS1 ID Keys in a large quantity is to cooperate with trading partners and to control
their lists of thousands of GS1 ID Keys. With the next version of the Logger for Staff, MOs
will be able to give access to their user companies as part of their local service portfolio.
Join the meeting and get familiar with this initiative that helps MOs to do their best in
their key role!
Facilitator: David Ketszeri, GS1 Hungary
 Customer Service Network
In this workshop, GS1 Member Organisations will share Customer Service best practices:
GS1 Member Organisation
how to meet members’ needs, increase their overall satisfaction and discuss common
Facilitator: Silvia Venturini, GS1
 Technical Industries
Learn about how the GS1 standards can benefit the Technical Industries and get firsthand
GS1 Member Organisation
information on what GS1 Germany has achieved so far in this sector in terms of sector
penetration and membership increase.
Get the latest update on our efforts in the Defence sector and how GS1 activities in both
sectors could be leveraged globally.
Technical Industries include sectors such as Automotive, Aerospace, Rail, Maritime,
Defence, Energy and Engineering (Machine and Plant) : did you know that the supplier
structure in these different subsectors overlap by almost 75 % in Germany ? And these
suppliers are global companies in search of global solutions. Main areas of challenge
include :
Optimization of spare parts management,
Targeted recalls,
MRO (Maintenance and Repair Operations) and shortened communication channels,
…..all of which are areas where GS1 can make the difference.
MO contributions include :
Bosch : Dr. Scheying will give an overview of how GS1 Standards and EPCIS is
implemented within Bosch global IT-infrastructure. Keyword: industry 4.0
GS1 Germany : Remote Maintenance of spare parts in Navy.
GS1 Sweden & Switzerland : identification and authentication of (spare) parts in
Rail asset management
GS1 Norway & Australia : use of GS1 identifiers for assets and products
upstream in the Oil & Gas industry
Facilitators: Enzo Blonk, GS1 - Daniel Dünnebacke, GS1 Germany
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 8
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
 Standards Development University (SDU): Collaborative
Learning for MOs
The Standards Development University will focus on successful implementation of the GS1
standards by GS1 Member Organisations. This interactive session will allow you:
To get GS1’s Global Product Classification (GPC) expansion into the Horticultural
Sector. You will learn about what is currently available, how the classification was
developed around Genus and Species, and how it is being implemented. Facilitated by
Mike Mowad, GS1 and Ben Ensink, GS1 Netherlands
To share best practices and lessons learnt from GS1 standard implementation stories.
To informally discuss any areas related to standard development and
deploymentWhat is hot and new in Standards Development and where you and/or
your users might want to participateLearn what tools and initiatives are new and the
support available to you from Global Office
Standards Development is the core of GS1 and this session is not to be missed.
Facilitators: Eileen Harpell, GS1 - David Buckley, GS1
Networking Dinner Sponsored by 1WorldSync (off- Everyone
site venue)
Bus meeting point at 19:00 in lobby of the Crowne
Plaza hotel
GS1 Innovation Board Meeting (followed by a private
GS1 Innovation Board.
Members or by
invitation only
Parallel Workshops
 EPCIS in Action: Successful Implementations
Leaving the dry technical details at home, a mix of MOs and users will showcase their
EPCIS deployments, highlighting the business issues addressed and benefits realized for a
number of visibility applications including: Fish; Meat; Rail; Disaster management; RTIs;
Industrial assets; Tobacco; Wine.
Facilitator: Craig Alan Repec, GS1
 Marketing Network
The key topics at the Marketing Network workshop will be:
GS1 Member Organisation
MO Success Stories: latest innovative marketing initiatives from 5 Member
staff interested in Marketing
and Brand initiatives
Global brand: what does it mean for your country?
GS1 Visibility App: what MOs need to know
Facilitators: Alain Jonis, GS1 - Joe Horwood, GS1
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 9
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
 The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Global Farm
Registry Service
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) are planning a global roll-out of a new farm
level reporting system in order to assist farmers to adopt more sustainable agricultural
practices. GS1 has been chosen by UNGC to provide a Global GLN Registry Service for
farmers worldwide. At the same time a parallel and complementary initiative called the
Declaration of Abu Dhabi (DecAD) is also underway.
The overall objective of the UNGC and the DecAD initiatives is to address the challenge of
Food Security whilst ensuring more sustainable agricultural practices.
Our speaker line-up consists of the four key players involved in this vital initiative and
they will present on the following topics:
Kristian Moeller CEO of GlobalG.A.P. - the challenge of Food Security
Peter-Erik Ywema General Manager of SAI Platform - the objectives and rationale
behind the Declaration of Abu Dhabi (DecAD)
Dr. Puvan Salvenathan of UNGC - the objectives and rationale behind the Food
and Agriculture Business Principles (FABs) and will the Pilot Programme which
commences in June this year.
Joe Wozniak of ITC - the ITC Standards Map and how it will support the UNGC/ITC
and the DecAD programmes.
A panel Q&A which will give you the opportunity to ask your question(s on this very
important topic.
This Workshop is relevant to all MOs, whether you have a strong agricultural industry in
your country who you will need to engage, or simply because your members include
major FMCG players like Pepsico, Nestle, Unilever etc., all of whom are actively involved
in supporting these initiatives
Come and hear about this exciting new use of GS1 Standards in this most critical
upstream supply chain.
Facilitator: Jim Bracken, GS1
 GS1 Digital Technologies
Digital Asset Management:
In this session, the attendee will receive an update on the collaborative efforts GS1 has
taken to expand digital asset metadata standards. The session will also outline the
opportunity for the GS1 community and the steps being taken to build a comprehensive
metadata standard for all digital assets such as Images, Videos, Online documents and
Audio files.
Linked Data Educational Workshop:
In addition, the session will review efforts GS1 has taken to enable the posting of Trade
Item Master data on the web as linked data. These efforts include a review of the GTIN +
On the Web Guideline as well as a discussion on the GS1 Web Vocabulary. Providing
structured data about products and product offerings will improve the
visibility/discoverability on the web.
Those interested in the future of GS1 Digital Asset metadata standards and linked data
should plan to attend.
Facilitators: Owen Strouse, GS1 - Eric Kauz, GS1
 Apparel MO Interest Group
Face-to-face meeting (February edition of monthly meetings), where we discuss ongoing
Apparel MO IG members or
topics that are “hot” in the Apparel sector, such as EPC and eCom adoption, upstream
MOs interested in this interest
collaboration, traceability and sustainability. Beyond the registered members of the MO
IG, this sessions is open to any other MO staff interested to participate.
Facilitator: Enzo Blonk, GS1
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 10
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
 GS1 Learning Zone (starts at 9:30)
This session will provide a platform for MOs to share experiences
GS1 Member Organisation
and ideas on how to make the best use the new Learning Zone.
staff involved in Training
Topics of discussion include:
How can MOs use the Learning Zone to best support their training activities?
How does the Learning Zone fit into the broader MO strategy?
How can MOs collaborate and support each other more effectively around the
Learning Zone?
MO keynote speakers: Dr. Heiko E. Janssen, Director GS1 Academy, GS1 Germany Ermanno Bertelle, Training Executive, GS1 Italy - Ben Clarke, Training & Education
Manager, GS1 UK
This will be an interactive session. Active participation is expected from participants.
Facilitator: Milena Boghossian, GS1
 Apparel MO Interest Group
Face-to-face meeting (February edition of monthly meetings), where we discuss ongoing
Apparel MO IG members or
topics that are “hot” in the Apparel sector, such as EPC and eCom adoption, upstream
MOs interested in this interest
collaboration, traceability and sustainability. Beyond the registered members of the MO
IG, this sessions is open to any other MO staff interested to participate.
Facilitator: Enzo Blonk, GS1
 GS1 Partnerships with ISO, UN/CEFACT and Other Standard
Bodies (starts at 10:30)
Everyone (Industry
GS1 works closely with other organisations to maintain and further develop its system of
Engagement and Technical
standards, e.g. the barcode symbologies are also ISO standards, eCom standards are
based on UN/CEFACT and the AS2 Internet protocol is a profile of the IETF standard. In
this session we will:
Share information on existing cooperation with external standard bodies
See the mapping of GS1 standards with ISO, UN/CEFACT and others
View the benefits and constraints of getting GS1 standards recognised externally
Discuss what can be done internationally, regionally and nationally?
Share MOs testimonials
Facilitators: Henri Barthel, GS1 - Anders Grangard, GS1
Coffee Break
GS1 Reports & Closing Plenary (Keynote Speaker)
 GS1 Executive and Regional Reports
Miguel Lopera, GS1, President & CEO
GS1 Member Organisations representatives from each region
 GS1 General Assembly 2015 Invitation
Maria Palazzolo, GS1 Australia, CEO
 The GS1 Innovation Network Concept and Motivational Speaker Introduction
Steve Bratt, GS1, Chief Technology Officer & President, Standards Development and EPCglobal Inc.
 Explore the Intersections Where Diversity Drives Innovation
This presentation will take you on a journey to places where ideas intersect-triggering extraordinary new innovations.
Learn how diversity drives innovation in the face of uncertainty. Hear how GS1 can become more forward-looking and
creative, both in our core businesses and via our new Innovation Network.
Frans Johansson, Entrepreneur and author of “The Medici Effect
 Closing Remarks
Miguel Lopera, GS1, President & CEO
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 11
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
Coffee Break
Parallel Workshops
 GS1 Project Management Framework
Inform Member Organisations about the GS1 Project Management framework developed
GS1 Member Organisation
through a partnership between Global Office and GS1 Australia. Learn how implementing
CEOs and COOs
this global standard and best practice can improve the effectiveness and quality of your
internal and customer-facing projects.
Facilitators: Regenald Kramer, GS1 - Ilteris Oney, GS1 - Andrew Hearn, GS1 John Ryu, GS1 - Mike Sarachman, GS1
 Traceability Deployment in Retail
The objectives of this session are:
GS1 Member Organisation
To present global updates on traceability, trends and opportunities for driving usage
staff (Traceability experts,
of GS1 standards
industry engagement and
To share MO best practices in traceability deployment the GS1 Global Traceability
business development
personnel within the MOs
To showcase successful MOs as traceability experts in collaboration with external
Facilitator: Carolyn Lee, GS1
 EPC/RFID Deployment Showcase
In this session, a selection of MOs will present implementations and developments which
GS1 Member Organisation
leverage EPC/RFID to address business issues in various sectors:
staff interested in EPC/RFID
Returnable assets at flower & plant cooperative Holambra Veiling (GS1 Brasil)
Electronic toll collection for Indian Highways Management Company (GS1 India)
Grading EPC/RFID reliability with the Tagged Item Performance Protocol (GS1
Inventory visibility of mobile phones at Telefonica-Movistar (GS1 Peru)
Facilitators: Enzo Blonk, GS1 - Craig Alan Repec, GS1
 Foodservice
In this session, attendees will learn about best practices through local MO-Foodservice
GS1 Member Organisation
initiatives. We will also focus on local and global challenges impacting everyday business
processes in the sector and how the GS1 Foodservice strategy will help industry solve
these business challenges.
Facilitator: Greg Rowe, GS1
 GLN Service
Join Global Office Staff for a session on the newest GS1 Service! In this session we will
GS1 Member Organisation
introduce the GS1 GLN Service Engagement Kit. Learn how the content in this kit will
explain the GLN Service value proposition, best practices and use cases to drive local
adoption. An update on the MO use of the production Hosted GLN Service will also be
Facilitators: Kerry Angelo, GS1 - Nora Kaci, GS1 - Pete Alvarez, GS1
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 12
GS1 Global Forum 2015 – Brussels – 9-13 February
Parallel Sessions
 GS1 and Supply Chain Management Training (ends at 12:30)
The Supply Chain Management, GS1 and Supply Chain Management course aims at
fulfilling the following objectives:
Provide a view of SCM from a managerial perspective and help in acquiring a good
Important: For maximum 25
knowledge of the various elements of Supply Chain Management
Assist in the identification of the issues related to building and implementing SCM
Understand how GS1 standards are fundamental to Supply Chain performance
Learn how GS1’s standards maximizes product and information flow in the supply
chain thereby increasing efficiency and minimizing costs
Trainer: Ilteris Oney, GS1 – Silvério Paixão, GS1 Portugal
 GEPIR (ends at 15:00)
In this session, you will get an update on the implementation GEPIR 4.0, inclusive the
GS1 Member Organisation
conformance requirements effort.
Facilitator: Mark Van Eeghem, GS1
eCom Healthcare Group Meeting
By invitation only
(contact for more
Coffee Break
Open sessions for everyone
Workshops and meetings
Networking activities
Private meetings
Version 2-Feb-2015 I Page 13