Latest Newsletter On-line - East Glenville Community Church


Latest Newsletter On-line - East Glenville Community Church
February 2015
Monthly Newsletter of
East Glenville Community Church
A Word from Pastor Jim
Mark Your
February 1st
Youth Super Bowl Party
February 3rd
Servant Leader
Council Meeting
February 7th
Men’s Breakfast
Bridal Shower
Maybe it's because I like basketball. Maybe I
just like the simplicity of the thought. In one of
his books about being a man in church, Patrick
Morley told the story how "one day my son, a shooting guard
on his Christian high school team was playing in a basketball
game at the gym of a long-time rival -- also a Christian high
school. Some our fans were getting little too animated, a bit
too much into the game. Finally the referee stopped in front
of our section in the stands and yelled out, 'You're Christians!
Act like it!' Admittedly a bit unusual, but it raises a good
question. How does a Christian know how to act?"
The directness from the referee makes me say
"ouch"….though I love Morley's question? How do we know
what the Lord asks of us in our behavior? Such a good God
not to leave us without direction! For we have His Word as
our guide for faith and practice (II Timothy 3:16-7).
That's what's behind our current preaching series from
Colossians called "Genuine Community in Church
Relationships." I warmly invite you to continue with me in
this study of how Paul was guiding the Colossians Christians
in their life together as followers of Jesus. Miss some
Check out the sermons listed on-line on And please continue in prayer
for me and all of those around you as we absorb and apply
God's Word into life here.
A Word from Nature
about Relationships in Church
God speaks his truths in his revealed Word. But how striking it is
to see God's heart and mind expressed in the natural handiwork
of the Creator. An example about church life…
"The huge redwood trees in California are considered the largest
things on earth and the tallest trees in the world. Some of them
are 300 feet high and over 2500 years old. One would think that
trees so large would have a tremendous root system reaching
down hundreds of feet into the earth. The redwoods actually
have a very shallow system of roots, reaching no deeper than 810 feet. One way the trees are able to keep from falling over is
by growing close to other redwood trees. Their root systems
spread out and intermingle, providing more support together
than they would have alone. When the storms come or the
winds blow, the redwoods stand. They are locked to each other,
and they don’t' stand alone, for all the trees support and protect
each other."
Seems a fitting parable?
17 degrees. That’s the temperature outside as I write to you. Am I
alone in occasionally wondering “Why in the world did God create
winter?” I doubt it. And yet answers abound… to put nitrogen back
in the soil, to replenish the water supply. My favorite is that He
intends for the land to rest… and us too.
This month new classes will be starting and Phil Sears and I will be
focusing on the topic of knowing the will of God. “What does winter
have to do with the will of God?” you may ask. Well, one of the
things necessary to know God’s will for us is to stop long enough to
listen. I’ve quickly asked for God’s guidance and then rushed on
without the answer before. Haven’t you? So, while the land is
resting and it’s cold enough that we’d prefer not to rush around,
perhaps we too can rest and listen for God’s still small voice?
Romans 12:2 tells us “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able
to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and
perfect will.” Let’s use this winter to spend time listening for how the
Lord wants to transform us.
Alex Crum
Have you seen the new church
visual graphic yet?
It's starting to appear…watch for
Spirit Powered Activities
Reaching Kids
it more all around.
Grades K - 5
Friday, February 27th
6:30 - 8:00pm in Buchanan Hall
Theme is: VBS Weird Animals - Day 4
Revisit VBS Bible Point & Bible story & music!
Snack, songs, games, lesson!
Come and bring a friend.
Donation requested: $1 per child
Contact Susan Perregaux: 384-7296
Trustee Talk
Well, your opportunity has come! If you
remember I told you last month about the
great time we had at our Fall Work Day. We
raked, cleaned up outside and had fun, food
and fellowship. We had such a great time that
we thought we would give everyone a chance
before the Spring to join us in another Work
Party. This one will be an all Church Work
Day on March 14th 9 am - noon to do inside
work on all the buildings. Everyone is invited,
bring the whole family!
Come and join us to help wash windows,
clean carpets, repair chairs, change light
bulbs, dust window ledges, clean out closets
and cabinets etc. We look forward to seeing
you there!
This new visual representation for EGCC is
a product of a process of conversations,
edits and feedback, and some creative
graphics work for the final design (which
was contributed by Tammy Durant).
Starting last summer, the Elders were
presented a set of options from different
originators. Editing ideas and fresh variants
were generated, and the shortlist finally sent
out to our staff and media projection team
for vetting. Their feedback led back to the
Elders for final approval in November.
First appearing in our Christmas Eve
invitation and printed program, we'll now be
including the new graphic into the wide
range of our printed and digital media which
describe East Glenville Community Church.
Look over the coming months too for new
informational brochures helpful for friends
and visitors looking for more details about
what goes on here at EGCC. If you are
responsible for promotion in your specific
program area, contact Pastor Jim. Let's talk
about ways we can begin to use this new
graphic to help represent the Lord's work
here among us.
Women of
the Well
We invite all of you to join us
at our spring activities:
“Getting to Know You” is a 5week prayer partnering. If
you have not participated in
one of our events yet this
encourage you to join us for this program. Please fill
out the survey page available on the information table
in the foyer and place it in the box there. After the
service on February 15th there will be a short meeting
where you will be paired with your partner and spend a
few minutes chatting and planning the way you will
communicate your prayer requests to one another.
Monday evening March 23rd from 7 to 8:30 will be the
closing for the Getting to Know You program. Even if
you were not able to join in the prayer group, please
come for a casual evening to hear about the
experiences of those who participated and a talk on
Developing Intimacy with God.
Our next Book Club will meet on Friday March 6. We
will be discussing Lisa Wingate’s “The Story Keeper”.
Copies are available at local libraries. Questions? See
Melisa Olson.
April 24th is the date for our retreat, Garden Getaway,
where women walk with God. We will meet from 8:30
to 4:30 at Sacandaga Bible Conference. Rather than
using a speaker, this retreat will be an interactive time
where discussion leaders take small groups through
times of study, prayer and sharing. It will be full of
friendship, faith and fun as we walk through six
sessions, including times of worship, a prayer walk and
a fun craft to give as a gift. Cost is $50, with an optional
dinner at extra cost at a local restaurant. Registration
forms are available throughout the church and from the
women on the Women’s Ministry team. Come and be
Bridal Shower
Friends of Jackie Feurer will be
hosting a Bridal Shower for her
on Saturday February 7th at
12pm, in Buchanan Hall. All
teens and ladies are invited to
join us in the joyous
We will enjoy lunch together so if
you plan to come, please bring a
salad to share.
To contribute toward a group
gift see Margaret Shaver,
Melissa Foti
or Cindi Phillips.
Even if you don't know
Jackie, please come for fun,
food and fellowship!
to serve in
the Sound
As our music ministry is growing
in many exciting ways, the
Sound Team Ministry is in dire
need of volunteers who have a
desire to serve our God. As a
Sound “Tech”, we are primarily
responsible for setting up and
taking down the stage, and
operating the sound system for
services and special events.
Prior experience is desired but
not necessary. An orientation
and ongoing training will be
provided. Sound techs work in
pairs and your commitment will
usually be to serve at one to two
services per month, plus a
rehearsal and sound check for
each service. So, if you have a
love for music and a servant’s
heart, please contact Pat Daly,
Sound Team Leader, at 518-852
at for more
Adult Sunday School Update:
Come and Be Part of our
Current Classes!
Communication and Conflict – Buchanan Hall
Whenever two people come together and start to
communicate, there is the potential for conflict.
Misunderstandings, miscommunications, misperceptions
and misreading of other personalities. In all these and
more…we see conflict arise in our friendships, our
workplaces, our homes, and in our church life too. No big
surprise here to God. The Bible lists many examples of
people in conflict and many helpful instructions too for
how to defuse conflict in a positive way. This 6 week
class will help us in practical ways (and humorous at
times too!) to
Define what Scripture says about conflict
and authentic communication
Discover our own personal conflict style and
positive steps you can take for confronting conflict
Describe what Biblical reconciliation looks
like, and the real-life skills to practice it.
Whatever your age and however long you have been in
church life, come and be a part. Led by Pastor Jim Smith
and Dan Meguin, we meet around discussion tables in
Buchanan Hall.
Kingdom Living – Family Wisdom from Proverbs 3 –
Classroom BH-1
This is both a discussion class and small group rolled into
one. Sharing life together as young couples and parents
of children, this group meets in Classroom BH-1. Come
and share coffee and light breakfast to start, and be part
of developing the wisdom from Proverbs as it applies to
home life with marriage and children. Look for monthly
special celebration and fellowship times Sunday
mornings, plus special helpful workshops through the year
offering practical life skills. This is group formed in a new
way to share life together and invite others to join them in
their marriages and home life as Christians.
Updates for Facilities Policies
One of our accomplishments in 2014 in managing our building and
grounds as wise stewards has been to update our building and
grounds policies. Through the Spring, Summer and Fall, the
Trustees and Pastor Jim have been reviewing, revising and
clarifying our operating policies covering space and the reservation
process for facilities. It had been some time since these had been
reviewed in full and in consultation with staff and other ministry
leaders, we now have brought updates to them across the board.
Policies have been updated, new ones drafted, reservation forms
refreshed and we have brought continuity and consistency in
responding to requests with a new schedule. If you would like to
see these revised versions, please drop by the office and see Gina
our secretary. In the near future we'll be posting these policies and
forms on the church website for digital access too. If you are
planning a church program event, as before, please contact the
office so we can coordinate your event in light of the larger church
schedule. Those seeking space for a personal, non-church, please
contact the office as well. Gina can assist you with the applicable
request form for the Trustees review and answer any questions you
may have.
Dorcas and Flannelgraph
The members of the Dorcas and Flannelgraph would like your help. They are still in need of new
members. To help Dorcas, you would not necessarily have to physically join them on Tuesdays
from 10:30 to 2:30. You could work from home to aid in their efforts to help the poor and needy. If
you can sew, knit or crochet, they can use you. Five people from our church work from home and
six meet regularly in the Dorcas room. Flannelgraph meets on Tuesdays as well from 10am-2pm.
They could use help with set up and take down, cutting out the figures as well as painting.
Both groups join together for lunch and fellowship every week. Speak with Ann Van Wie or Carol
Versocki to learn more - or just stop by on a Tuesday!
Have you found our Prayer Shawls in the Foyer Yet?
Individuals make tiny prayer shawls that can be carried in a pocket, purse, or bag; stored in a small
space; or even used as a bookmark. The shawls are covered with prayer by the one who makes
them while they are being made, when they are placed in the distribution basket, and even after
they are taken by someone. People can help themselves to a shawl from the basket. At difficult
times, or even at any time, it can be held while praying and bring comfort knowing that there is
support available. The shawls are not a special item with power to solve problems. They are a
tangible reminder that the Lord is able to love, comfort, provide strength, etc. and that His Body,
the Church is also there. All we need to do is ask in prayer.
Scripture Memory and Relationships
Please join us in memorizing Colossians 3:1-17. We are
told in this section of scripture to take off our old self, which is
focused on earthly things and to put on the new self, which is
“being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.”
We are called to work on replacing our thoughts about
earthly things with the Word of God, letting it “dwell in us
richly”. As we memorize scripture and meditate on it, our
minds start becoming more focused on God’s purpose for us;
to be reconciled to Him and be in relationship with Him, so he
can free us to stop being so focused on ourselves and thus
learn to love Him and others, as he loved us, sacrificially.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle
and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
(Matthew 11:29)
Colossians 3:1-17
3 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your
hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right
hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on
earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden
with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is
your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly
nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and
greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of
God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life
you once lived. 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all
such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy
language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you
have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put
on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the
image of its Creator. 11 Here there is no Gentile or
Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian,
slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly
loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness,
humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each
other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance
against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And
over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all
together in perfect unity.
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as
members of one body you were called to peace. And be
thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you
richly as you teach and admonish one another with all
wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit,
singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 And whatever
you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
If you are a new attendee or visitor, we
would like to invite you and your family
to join us for a casual luncheon after
the Worship Service on Sunday,
February 8th. The Staff and Church
Elders at EGCC are excited that you
have been joining us and we look
forward to getting to know you better.
There will be an opportunity for us to
present our ministries and to answer
any questions that you may have
about our church.
It’s that time again! We are already
planning for the next school year!
We have an Open House scheduled
on Tuesday, February 10th from 6 8pm and another on Saturday,
February 28th from 10am - 12pm.
We are offering the regular 2 day class
for 3-year-olds and an optional third
day if there is sufficient enrollment.
The 4-year-old classes are
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
morning and afternoon. There is also
an enhanced class on Tuesday
afternoons. If you or someone you
know would like more information,
please call 399-6894, or email us at
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EGCC Information
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship: 10:30am
Senior Pastor:
Rev. James Smith
Location: 335 Saratoga Rd.
Glenville, NY 12302
Phone: 399-3151
Preschool: 399-6894
New Fax #: 631-6673
Check out our
Church Website @
Assistant Pastor:
Rev. Phil Sears
Dir. of Children’s Ministries
Susan Perregaux
Dir. Of Preschool
Linda Wachtel
Dir. of Student Ministries
Travis Phillips
Dir. of Worship Ministries:
Sandie Wanamaker
Administrative Assistant:
Gina Vendetti