Our really useful information leaflet


Our really useful information leaflet
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our really useful information leaflet
For four decades the Federation of Family History Societies has been representing family
historians and supporting, informing and advising our membership, which consists of family history
societies and similar bodies across the world.
If you are a newcomer to family history you may not be aware of the existence of family history
societies or indeed how much you might benefit from joining one!
With an ever-increasing amount of information available on the Internet provided by commercial
as well as volunteer organisations, there has never been a better time to research your family
history. Take a look at our list of useful websites on pages 2 & 3 to get an idea of just how much
information is available to you. It is true to say that in the early stages of research, quite a bit of
progress can be made by going it alone, however, there will be times when your research grinds
to a halt, and that is where membership of a society can be of great benefit.
There are two main options; either join a society local to where you live, or local to the area
where your ancestors lived. This latter option could involve joining several societies if your
ancestors lived in different parts of the country, or even in different countries. Of course, you can
always join a society near you as well as one or more relevant to where your ancestors lived. That
way you get the best of both options.
The Federation of Family History Societies has over 180 member societies throughout the world
including national, regional, specialist and one-name groups. The names and web addresses of our
members are included in this leaflet. They will be happy to share their knowledge and come up
with ideas for you to pursue. They may also have produced transcriptions of the more unusual
records that as yet are unavailable online.
Perhaps you would enjoy joining in discussions on forums and social networking sites or if you
prefer meeting people face to face, pop along to a local society meeting.
Why not consider joining a society today? It could be just what you need to kick-start your
First World War Centenary
The Federation of Family History Societies is a member of the Imperial War Museum Centenary partnership.
Please visit the section of our website dedicated to researching your First World War Ancestors.
• Access to (English) Archives: Currently contains over 10 million catalogue entries from 414 record offices and
other repositories across England: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a
• Adoption Search Reunion: The site contains two searchable databases: a directory of agencies offering support,
counselling and intermediary services, and a database to help people find out where adoption records are held:
• AIM25: Provides electronic access to collection level descriptions of the archives of over ninety higher education
institutions and learned societies within the Greater London area: www.aim25.ac.uk
• Ancestry: Includes 1841 - 1911 censuses plus a large variety of other data: www.ancestry.co.uk
• Archives Hub: A national gateway to descriptions of archives in over 150 UK universities and colleges:
• The Archives Network Wales: Contains standardised descriptions of the extent, type and scope of collections of
documents held by Record Offices, universities and other bodies in Wales: www.archivesnetworkwales.info
• BMD Certificates England & Wales: Buying online: www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificates/
• Borthwick Institute for Archives – One of the biggest archives outside of London. Includes Wills from the York
Diocese: www.york.ac.uk/library/borthwick/research-support/probate-courts
• British History Online: Digital library from medieval and early modem period:
• British Library: Main Integrated Catalogue of over 12 million books, serials, printed music and maps, Newspaper
Catalogue of over 52,000 newspaper and periodical titles and India Office Select Materials: www.bl.uk
• British Newspaper Archive: Vast treasure trove of historical newspapers: www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk
• British Origins: Census, marriage index, marriage licence, will indexes, burial index, Militia Attestations Index:
• British Postal Museum & Archive: Online resource of British postal heritage: www.postalheritage.org.uk
• Commonwealth War Graves Commission: Debt of Honour Register of Commonwealth forces who died in WWI
or WWII: www.cwgc.org
• Connected Histories: A range of digital resources of early modern and nineteenth century Britain:
• Cyndi's List of genealogical websites. www.cyndislist.com
• Deceased Online: UK burial and cremation records: www.deceasedonline.com
• Ellis Island: Searchable database and copies of passenger manifests of ships arriving at Ellis Island from 1892–1924:
• Faces of the First World War: Photographs of men who served in WW1:
• Family Relatives: BMD entries from GRO indexes 1837-2004 (pay-per-view) Parish Registers, Military Records
WW1 & WWII, Soldiers who died in the Great War, Overseas and USA Records. www.familyrelatives.org
• Family Search: LDS Church's IGI, Ancestral File, FH Centres, 1881 Census, etc.: www.familysearch.com
• Find a Grave: Searchable database of graves: www.findagrave.com
• Findmypast.co.uk: Comprehensive collection of UK family history records, plus records from Ireland, US, Australia
and NZ: www.findmypast.co.uk
• Free BMD: Search GRO Indexes for England & Wales (ongoing). www.freebmd.org.uk
• Free CEN: Search UK census online (ongoing): www.freecen.org.uk
• Gazetteer of British Place Names: www.gazetteer.co.uk
• Gazettes, London, Edinburgh or Belfast: These contain a wide range of official notices including state,
parliamentary and ecclesiastical notices, transport and planning notices as well as corporate insolvency and
personal bankruptcy notices to name a few. In addition, a number of supplements are published covering honours
and awards, premium bonds, armed forces promotions, and company information: www.gazettes-online.co.uk
• Geneabloggers: A list of genealogy related blogs: www.geneabloggers.com
• Genes Reunited: Online family tree linking website, 1841-1911 census, BMD entries from GRO indexes 18372004, military, passenger lists and parish records: www.genesreunited.co.uk
• GENUKI: UK & Ireland Genealogy, including forthcoming genealogical events on GENEVA. www.genuki.org.uk
• Guild of One-Name Studies: www.one-name.org
• Guildhall Library (London) Manuscripts Section: www.history.ac.uk/gh
• Historical Directories: A digital library of local and trade directories for England and Wales, from 1750 to 1919:
• Imperial War Museum, London (WWI & WWII Collections): www.iwm.org.uk
• The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies: The School of Family History Founded in 1961:
• Irish Origins: Includes Griffiths' Valuation, Dublin City Census 1851, Census of Elphin 1749, William Smith O'Brien
Petition, Index of Irish Wills 1484-1858, Militia Attestations Index 1872-1915: www.irishorigins.com
• London Metropolitan Archives: Includes Middlesex wills:
• Moving Here: Irish, Caribbean, Asian and Jewish immigrants, 1800-2000: www.movinghere.org.uk
• MyHeritage.com: Build your family tree for free and find relatives with Smart Matching technology and automatic
matching to 4+ billion names in historical records: www.myheritage.com
• The National Archives [British]: The National Archives has a number of searchable resources to help you find the
records you require. Includes the Catalogue, Documents Online plus census records:
• National Archives of Ireland: The National Archives has a selection of online catalogues and lists to help you find
the records you require; the records themselves however cannot be viewed online: www.nationalarchives.ie
• National Archives of Scotland: Number of searchable sources (ongoing) of records created by Scottish
government, as well as private records created by businesses, landed estates, families, courts, churches and other
corporate bodies; also see Scotland’s People website: www.nas.gov.uk
• National Library of Ireland: Online searchable catalogue includes books and periodicals, Photographs, Prints and
Drawings, Manuscripts and Newspapers: www.nli.ie
• National Library of Scotland: Scotland's only legal deposit library, main catalogue of over 3 million records plus
Scots abroad database: www.nls.uk
• The National Library of Wales: Online catalogue containing over 4 million printed volumes books, periodicals,
newspapers, maps, and music. Also houses manuscripts, archives, pictures, photographs, posters, ephemera.
Radio and TV recordings, films, videotapes and sound recordings: www.llgc.org.uk
• National Maritime Museum: www.nmm.ac.uk/researchers
• Old Bailey: The Proceedings at the Old Bailey 1674-1913: Over 100,000 London criminal trial records:
• Old Maps: www.old-maps.co.uk
• Origins – Pay per view or subscription website; baptism, marriage and death records; also York Probate Index:
• 192.com: People finder site (pay-per-view) includes comprehensive database of current UK residents:
• Pharos Teaching & Tutoring: Specialists in online courses in genealogy and family history: www.pharostutors.com
• Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: PRONI is the official place of deposit for public records in Northern
Ireland: www.proni.gov.uk
• Rootsweb.ancestry.com: Largest and oldest free genealogy information website.; host to mailing lists, news groups,
message boards, volunteer projects, websites etc. www.rootsweb.ancestry.com
• Royal Navy Biographical Database, since 1660: www.navylist.org
• ScotlandsPeople: Early BMD indexes, early Parish Registers, censuses 1841-1901 and Scottish wills and testaments
1500-1901: www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk
• S & N Genealogy: Broad range of family history research material, software and related products. Variety of online
databases, including nonconformist registers: www.genealogysupplies.com
• The Scottish Archive Network: A single electronic catalogue to more than 20,000 collections of historical records
held by 52 Scottish archives: www.scan.org.uk
• The Scottish Association of Family History Societies: www.safhs.org.uk
• Service Personnel & Veterans Agency: For information on how to obtain more recent service records including
personnel who served in WW2: www.veterans-uk.info/recordsmedalsbadges.htm
• Society of Genealogists: The National Library and Education Centre for Family History:
• UKBMD Project: FHSs, etc, computerising local Registrars' Indexes to publish on the Internet:
• University Research Libraries (COPAC): Merged catalogues of 24 of the largest university research libraries in the
UK and Ireland, plus the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, and the National Library of Wales:
• Valuations of British Money, 1264 to 2002: www.measuringworth.com/ppoweruk/
• Workhouses in Britain (Peter Higginbotham’s site): www.workhouses.org
• World Vital Records: Search worldwide datasets containing more than 4 billion names in historical records:
by Simon Fowler
With the centenary of the First World War more and more people are researching what their
fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers experienced during the First World War. Fortunately it’s
pretty easy to find out about them.
However, before you start you really need to know which service and unit or ship a man served
with, together with his service number. This is particularly important if your ancestor had a common
name. You may be able to identify the regiment from cap badges or tunic buttons in old photographs
or there may be family papers that could help.
The records for individuals vary tremendously. Sometimes you may be overwhelmed with
information, but often there won’t be very much. As a rough rule you are likely to find more about
men who enlisted early in the war, saw action at the front, or who were killed in action.
Nearly six million men, and a few hundred thousand women, served in British forces between August
1914 and the Armistice in November 1918. Most men of course joined the Army. Conscription was
introduced in early 1916, before then everybody who joined was a volunteer.
All men (and women) who served overseas were entitled to the British War and Victory medals. In
addition if they had been sent overseas before the end of 1915 they were entitled to a third campaign
medal. This was either the 1914 Star, if they saw service by 22 November 1914, or the 1914-15
This information is recorded on Medal Index Cards available on Ancestry (www.ancestry.co.uk). The
cards will tell you which unit (or units) a man served with, his regimental number(s) and very roughly
where he served. You may find other information such as a date of death or whether he had been
awarded a gallantry medal, such as the Distinguished Conduct Medal or Mention in Dispatches.
Ancestry also has registers for men who claimed the Silver War Badge. This was given to men who
had been discharged from the services because they were no longer fit to fight.
Only about a third of service records survive for other ranks (that is privates, lance corporals,
corporals, sergeants and sergeant majors). The rest were destroyed by fire in 1940. Again they are
with Ancestry. In addition The National Archives (TNA) has records for men who served in the
Household Cavalry, while the Guards Regimental Museum (www.theguardsmuseum.com/FamilyResearch) still has records for former guardsmen.
The contents of each soldier’s file varies greatly, but you are likely to find attestation forms (which
will give you the place where he enlisted, age at enlistment, home address and next of kin), medical
records (usually recording how a man was injured and the hospitals where he was treated, and
disciplinary records (generally for drunkenness or petty theft).
Amy officer’s records, however, are not online. You will need to go to The National Archives to read
them. Unfortunately the files have been heavily weeded and the contents are largely about pension
and related matters. But they are worth using particularly if the officer you are researching was killed
in action. The appointment, promotion and resignation of officers should also appear in Britain’s
official newspaper the London Gazette (www.thegazette.co.uk or www.london-gazette.co.uk).
If somebody died during the war, then the Commonwealth War Graves Commission is the place to
turn to. Their superb website (www.cwgc.org) will tell you where he is buried, when he was killed,
and details of his unit. And there may also be something about the next of kin.
Another useful source for the fallen is the Soldiers Died in the Great War database, which is available
on both Ancestry and Findmypast (www.findmypast.co.uk). Compiled after the First World War by
the War Office it contains additional information to that provided by the Commission.
What service records won’t tell you is anything about the actions a man saw or what he got up to day
by day. For this you will need the unit war diaries, which are at The National Archives. The diaries
are probably the most important surviving records from WW1. They are slowly being uploaded onto
TNA’s website. They rarely name anybody but officers. Instead there is a mass of unique information
describing what happened in the front line and behind the lines as well as the results of battalion
football matches. Also of interest are regimental histories, which tell the story of individual regiments
during the War. Both The National Archives and the Imperial War Museum have very good
collections. Otherwise your local library should have those for local regiments.
If your ancestor was awarded a medal for gallantry (such as the Military Medal or Military Cross) the
date the award was made is recorded in the government’s official newspaper the London Gazette
(www.thegazette.co.uk or www.london-gazette.co.uk). There may be a citation, which describes the
circumstances in which the award was made. Unfortunately the indexing of the Gazette is not
particularly good, so you may need to check both websites to find the entry you want.
Regimental museums are often a useful source, although what each one holds varies greatly.
However, they are not the first place to go as they do not have service records and, in any case, you
are more likely to find more about officers than about ordinary soldiers. The Army Museums Ogilby
Trust (www.armymuseums.org.uk) has links to regimental museums and archives.
The Imperial War Museum (www.iwm.org.uk/collections-research) has a huge collection of private
papers, diaries and other records of soldiers and officers, so you may find information about the unit
your ancestor served with.
The Long Long Trail (www.1914-1918.net) is an excellent website devoted to the First World War
and how to research the men who served in it. It is also worth searching Google to see what is
available about the regiment your ancestor served with and the battles in which he saw action.
Service records for Navy and Air Force officers and ratings and airmen can be downloaded from The
National Archives website for a fee, currently £3.36 per document (www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
TNA also has many records relating to the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force (and its predecessors
the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service) although not much is online.
For the Navy it is worth looking at the superb Naval History Net (www.naval-history.net/#ww1)
and U-boat Net websites for information (www.uboat.net/wwi). The air forces are less well
provided for, but for the Royal Flying Corps try The Aerodrome (www.theaerodrome.com) and the
Air War (www.airwar1.org.uk).
Several hundred thousand women also served in the services, some were nurses, while others
undertook a range of support work thus releasing men for the front.
The National Archives (www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/records/our-online-records.htm) has put
service records for women from all three services online including nurses, although the records aren’t
terribly informative and many are missing. Some records of nurses are with Findmypast.
Unfortunately almost no records survive about life at home and the vast expansion in the
employment of women (and men) in munitions and other factories, as well as elsewhere in society.
Ancestry has some records of women employed in the railways and the Post Office.
Finally, a major but often neglected source is newspapers. They are full of stories about local men in
the services as well as life at home. As a result they are well worth checking out, particularly as an
increasing number are available online through the British Newspaper Archives
(www.britishnewspaperarchives.co.uk) and to an extent on Findmypast.
Further reading
Simon Fowler, Tracing your First World War Ancestor (Pen & Sword, 2013)
Simon Fowler, Tracing your Army Ancestors (Pen & Sword, 2012)
Norman Holding, World War 1 Army Ancestry (4th edition, Family History Partnership, 2012)
Simon Fowler is a professional researcher, teacher and writer with a long-standing interest in the First World War.
British troops at Serre, 1917 © IWM
The following websites may help you in your quest to discover more about those who served
during the Great War and to gain a greater understanding of the times. Visit our website for
details of regional specific websites relating to aspects of the First World War:
• Ancestry: Extensive military data plus a large variety of other data: www.ancestry.co.uk
• Army Museums: Details of regimental museums: http://www.armymuseums.org.uk/
• Blind Veterans UK (Formerly St. Dunstan’s): Established in 1915 Collections & Archives holds details of veterans military
Enquiries by email: www.blindveterans.org.uk/
Caribbean Roll of Honour: Whilst incomplete, a useful website for those researching Caribbean service personnel.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission: Debt of Honour Register of Commonwealth forces who died in the two world wars:
Faces of the First World War: Photographs of men who served in WW1: www.1914.org/faces
Family Relatives: Military Records WW1: www.familyrelatives.org
Findmypast.co.uk: Extensive military collection plus Merchant Seamen records. www.findmypast.co.uk
Forces War Records and Military Genealogy: http://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/
Imperial War Museum: WWI & WWII Collections plus details of programme for the First World War Centenary across the
family of IWM sites: www.iwm.org.uk
London Gazette: Published military appointments, promotions, awards and notices: http://www.london-gazette.co.uk
Maritime Memorial Trust: Site dedicated to all who lost their lives at sea during the conflicts of the 20th century, Merchant
Navy, Naval, Army and civilians: http://www.maritimememorialtrust.com/
Military Genealogy: 2 million records available on a pay per view or a subscription basis:
• National Museum of Scotland: Details of First World War Centenary programme of events and exhibitions:
• National Railway Museum: Free searchable database of over 20,000 railway employees who died in World War One. It
combines information from items in the archive and library collections (such as railway staff magazines), and the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission: http://www.nrm.org.uk/RailwayStories/worldwarone.aspx
Naval & Naval-History.net: Royal Navy Log Books of the WW1 era and The Ships Histories, a Citizen History Project. Plus
information pertaining to WW1 Casualty Lists, Royal Navy Despatches and Royal Navy Honours and Gallantry Awards:
Roll of Honour: Site dedicated to those men and women who fell fighting for their country. http://www.roll-of-honour.com/
The Aerodrome: Aces and Aircraft of World War One: http://www.theaerodrome.com/index.php
The British Newspaper Archive: Search by newspaper or browse by location: www.britishnewspaperarchives.co.uk
The Genealogist: Military records including 'Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns, 1826-1921', this includes marriages
between British soldiers in France, Flanders and Holland during and after the First World War, including many who had been
prisoners of war: http://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/
The Long, Long Trail: The British Army in the Great War. Provides helpful advice for anyone wishing to research a man or
woman who served with the British Army of the First World War including where to find records and how to interpret them:
The National Archives: Official UK government records of the First World War, including a vast collection of letters, diaries,
maps and photographs: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/firstworldwar
The Royal Flying Corps 1914-1918: introduction to the history of the Royal Flying Corps and its aircraft during the First World
War: http://www.airwar1.org.uk/
The War Graves Photographic Project: Free searchable database. Copies of photographs of graves or memorials available for a
minimum donation: http://www.twgpp.org/search.php
The Western Front Association (WFA): Furthering interest in The Great War of 1914-1918. Aim to perpetuate the memory,
courage and comradeship of all those on all sides who served their countries in France and Flanders and their own countries
during The Great War: http://www.westernfrontassociation.com/
U-boat War in World War One: Details of all the German U-boats of both World Wars, their commanding officers and
operations including all Allied ships attacked technological information and much more: http://www.uboat.net:8080/
Wales Remembers: Details of news, events and signposting information for the commemoration of the centenary in Wales:
War Memorial Archive (formerly UK National Inventory of War Memorials): Free searchable database of the war memorials
recorded so far: http://www.ukniwm.org.uk/
War Memorials Online: Seeks to create the UK’s most comprehensive understanding of the condition of war memorials, some
images available: https://www.warmemorialsonline.org.uk/about-us
WW1 Soldier’s Wills (her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service): Search for the will of a soldier who died whilst serving in the
British armed forces between 1850 and 1986: https://www.gov.uk/probate-search
During 2014 the FFHS will be attending a number of events around the country. Do
come along and say hello. We are happy to help with general family history enquiries and make
suggestions for future research.
Please check our website for up to date information.
WhoDoYouThinkYouAre? Live, SECC Glasgow, Exhibition Way, Finnieston, Glasgow. G3 8YW
29-31 August 2014
This is the first time the show has taken place outside London and the
FFHS are delighted to be attending the show. You can find us on
Stand E39 where our representatives and members of the
Scottish Association of Family History Societies
will be on hand to assist you with your
family history enquiries.
The FFHS established a Sponsorship Grant Programme in honour of the FFHS 40th Anniversary.
A variety of events, organised and managed by our member societies have been granted
sponsorship including Family History Fairs, Open Days, One day and Week-end conferences.
For full details please check our website
A full list of known Family History Fairs, events and activities can be found on the online calendar
GENEVA– GENealogical EVents and Activities
Always check the website of the fair organisers for up to date details of the event before
travelling. Please note that at some events there may be talks or workshops taking
place for which
pre-booking is necessary.
The FFHS wishes to thank our sponsors and
member societies for advertising with us
‘A society’s strength lies in their local and specialist knowledge’
Bedfordshire FHS
W: www.bfhs.org.uk
B.F.H.S. publish a quarterly journal, hold monthly
meetings, provide research, publish CD’s of Beds. Parish
Registers, Publish Monumental Inscriptions from
churchyards and cemeteries within Beds., run a bookstall
and library, provide a range of look-up services. New
Members welcome.
Chandler Family Association
T: 1 250 832 3179
W: chandlerfamilyassociation.org
E: DickChandler@ChandlerFamilyAssociation.org
Find us on Facebook
We provide free assistance with Chandler genealogy to
members and non-members world-wide. Hundreds have
been helped already. Tell us about your brick wall and
we’ll try to help you, too. All is explained on our website.
Berkshire FHS
T: 01189509553
W: www.berkshirefhs.org.uk
E: secretary@berkshirefhs.org.uk
Follow us on Twitter
For all family history researchers living in Berkshire &
those researching Berkshire ancestors, and beyond.
Coverage includes pre-1973 county. Extensive library
and computer suite at our Reading Research Centre,
Regular meetings at Reading, Newbury, Bracknell &
Windsor branches.
City of York & District FHS
T: 01904 412204
W: yorkfamilyhistory.org.uk
E: yorkfamilyhistory@btopenworld.com
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Members receive three journals a year. There are
monthly meetings with speakers, a bookstall and a help
desk. A study centre is available for members’ research.
For details of 2014 events please see our website.
Cleveland, North Yorkshire & South Durham FHS
W: www.clevelandfhs.org.uk
E: secretary@clevelandfhs.org.uk
Covers Middlesbrough, Stockton & Hartlepool; much of
the former North Riding of Yorkshire and southern
County Durham. Friendly members with local
knowledge of places and archives. Recorded M.Is, burial
database; some parish register transcripts. Membership
from £9.00, including quarterly journal.
British Columbia Genealogical Society
T: 00 1 604 502 9119
W: www.bcgs.ca
E: bcgs@bcgs.ca
Find us on Facebook
Search for relatives on our website or contact our British
Columbia, Canada Research Committee. Membership
includes quarterly journal, unlimited queries, on-line
members' area access. Visiting BC? Plan your research
trip to our Walter Draycott Library in Greater
Dorset FHS
W: www.dorsetfhs.org.uk
E: contact@dorsetfhs.org.uk
Find us on Facebook
Come to Treetops Research Centre where skilled
volunteers will help and guide you. Join- members get 4
journals, 2 monthly meetings, Speaker/Computer group.
For full details and to find out about our special events
please visit our website.
Calderdale FHS (incorporating Halifax & District)
W: www.cfhsweb.com
E: secretary@cfhsweb.com
Covering 23 townships in the parish of Halifax, Elland &
Heptonstall chapelries. See website for details of area,
publications and membership. All publications available as
downloads from Genfair. Internet Membership £5.50 or
Postal UK Individual £10, Family £12.
Dyfed FHS
W: www.dyfedfhs.org.uk
E: membership@dyfedfhs.org.uk
Dyfed FHS serves anyone interested in genealogy,
heraldry, family history or local history in the three
Welsh counties of Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire and
Pembrokeshire. Meetings take place Llandovery,
Haverfordwest, Cardigan, Llanelli, Carmarthen and
London but most members are Internet users
Cardiganshire FHS
T: 01970 632 821
W: www.cgnfhs.org.uk/
E: ymholiadau@cgnfhs.org.uk
Follow us on Facebook
The Society was formed in 1995 to help those with
family connections within Cardiganshire/Ceredigion.
membership includes 3 journals and monthly meetings.
New publications include monumental inscription
booklets, visit the website for further details.
Essex FHS
W: www.esfh.org.uk
E: secretary@esfh.org.uk
Covers Essex outside London Boroughs but all welcome.
Research Centre with wide variety of local and national
records. Monthly meetings held at Chelmsford and
branches. 2014 sees our 40th Anniversary Conference at
Holiday Inn, Basildon from 29th to 31st August.
Cave FHS
W: www.cavefhs.com
E: admin@cavefhs.com
We welcome descendants of, and from, the Cave family
(and all its variants) throughout the world and anyone
with an interest in the surname. Let us help you further
your Cave family history. Visit our website to find out
Families in British India Society
W: www.fibis.org
E: fibis-chairman@fibis.org
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Many of us have ancestors in British India. FIBIS can help
research them. Our award-winning website offers over
a million free biographical records, plus extensive social
and historical background. We publish guides. Research
advice is available to members. UK subscription: £15 p.a.
Isle of Man FHS
T: 01624 627 769
W: www.iomfhs.im
E: iomfhssec@gmail.com
Isle of Man Family History Society was formed with the
aim of advising on Manx genealogy. Manx records differ
from other British sources so our publications cover
Burials, Monumental Inscriptions and our Journal index.
Please visit our website for more information
Gloucestershire FHS
Tel: 01452 524344
W: www.gfhs.org.uk
E: secretary@gfhs.org.uk
Whether your ancestors came from the Severn Vale, the
Cotswolds, the Forest of Dean or other parts of the UK,
Gloucestershire Family History Centre can help with an
extensive local library, books, CDs and downloads also
available on our website.
The Isle of Wight FHS
W: www.isle-of-wight-fhs.co.uk
E: enquiries@isle-of-wight-fhs.co.uk
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
The society is for all those who want to trace their
ancestors including people who live on the Isle of Wight
whose families came from elsewhere as well as those
with island ancestry who live on the mainland or abroad.
Guild of One-Name Studies
T: 0800 011 2182 (UK - free)
T: 1-800-647-4100 (US/Canada - free)
T: 1-800-305184 (Australia - free)
W: www.one-name.org
E: guild@one-name.org
The Guild is the world’s leading organisation dedicated to
one-name studies - research into the genealogy and
family history of all persons with the same surname and
its variants.
Lancashire Family History & Heraldry Society
T: 01254 239 919
W: www.lfhhs.org.uk
E: membership@lfhhs.org.uk
The LFHHS is an active society with a worldwide
membership and holds meetings in 13 Lancashire centres
and London. We are committed to helping our members
through our Mentoring Service, Surname Interests,
Pedigree Database, Helping Hands and two Research
Huddersfield & District FHS
T: 01484 859229
W: www.hdfhs.org.uk
E: secretary@hdfhs.org.uk
We offer a comprehensive research service and
transcribed births, marriages and burials for most
churches in
our area. Members receive a quarterly journal and can
take part in an online forum. More details about
membership on our website: www.hdfhs.org.uk
London Westminster & Middlesex FHS
W: www.lwmfhs.org.uk
E: secretary@lwmfhs.org.uk
Our society covers the cities of London and Westminster
plus much of Middlesex. £12 membership includes
quaterly journal, members’ interests database, website
forum and five monthly branch meetings. We offer
friendly help and encouragement by email and our
journal Metropolitan.
Huntingdonshire FHS
W: www.huntsfhs.org.uk
E: secretary@huntsfhs.org.uk
For those whose families have links with the old county
of Huntingdonshire before it became part of
Cambridgeshire in 1974. For details of membership,
meetings and publications plus news of our Family
History Fair in 2015 please visit our website.
Malvern FHS
T: 01684 567994
W: www.mfhs.org.uk
E: Michael.w.speed@btinternet.com
Individual membership fee: £11, Family membership fee:
£13, Overseas membership fee: £12 GBP. Indexed
Worcestershire Parish Records between the 1500s and
1839. Research undertaken. Quarterly journal. For full
details, please see website or email.
Irish Family History Society
W: www.ifhs.ie
E: IFHS@eircom.net
Find us on Facebook
The Irish Family History Society, established in 1984, is
based in Ireland with a world wide membership.
Membership includes: Annual Irish Family History
Journal, news sheets and members area on website. The
society arranges a number of lectures throughout the
Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society
W: http://home.freeuk.net/montgensoc/
The Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society was founded
in 1994 to provide a forum for people with family history
interests in the historical county of Montgomeryshire,
Wales and its borders. To find out more about us, please
check out our website.
Norfolk FHS
T: 01603 763 717
W: www.norfolkfhs.co.uk
E: enquiries@nfhs.co.uk
Norfolk FHS, Kirby Hall, 70 St. Giles Street, Norwich
NR2 1LS has a large Library open to the public; a modern
website and operates an online record search for
members of nearly 3 million Parish Transcript and
Monumental Inscription records.
Nuneaton & North Warwickshire FHS
W: www.nnwfhs.org.uk
E: nnwfhs@googlemail.com
Find us on Facebook
The society for all with roots in North Warwickshire. Join
- and access resources online. Overseas members
receive the printed quarterly journal at £16 (£21 for
email); or take advantage of the NEW overseas emembership at £10! Visit the expanding website!
Northamptonshire FHS
W: www.northants-fhs.org
E: chairman@northants-fhs.org
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Northamptonshire FHS hold monthly meetings at
Kettering, Northampton, Oundle and Rushden +
helpdesk on first Saturday of the month at
Northamptonshire Record Office. Also produces
quarterly magazines, Memorial Inscription booklets,
members interests list and various databases..
Membership only £12 pa.
Oxfordshire FHS
T: 01628 485013
W: www.ofhs.org.uk
E: help@ofhs.org.uk
Find us on Facebook
OFHS holds meetings in Kidlington each month, a major
Fair (Woodstock, Saturday 4th October 2014) and has
many transcripts for sale. It runs a telephone helpline and
holds frequent helpdesk sessions at the Oxfordshire
History Centre and Oxford's Central Library.
Queensland FHS Inc.
T: +617 3355 3369
W: www.qfhs.org.au
E: secretary@qfhs.org.au
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Queensland Family History Society, Inc., located in
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, is the state’s leading
family history society. QFHS holds extensive resources
to further family research in Queensland, in Australia and
throughout the world and can assist you with Australian
Northumberland & Durham FHS
T: 0191 261 2159
W: www.ndfhs.org.uk
E: researchcentre@ndfhs.org.uk
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Library and Research Centre, 7th Floor, Percy House,
Percy Street, Newcastle-Upn-Tyne. NE14PW. Within
easy reach of central Newcastle, car parking, metro and
bus stations. Open to members and general public
Monday-Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm
Ripon Historical Society
W: www.riponhistoricalsociety.org.uk
E: rhsinfo@aol.com
The Ripon Historical Society is concerned with all aspects
of the City of Ripon and the surrounding area from
Masham to South Stainley and from Skelton-on-Ure to
Nidderdale. See our publication pages.
North Cheshire FHS
T: 01614392635
W: www.ncfhs.org.uk
E: liz.demercado@ntlworld.com
Searching for your ancestors in North Cheshire? We
have monthly meetings in Sale and Hazel Grove, except
in December. Membership includes quarterly magazine.
The area we cover encompasses Sale, Stockport,
Wilmslow, Macclesfield and surrounding parishes. See
our website for details.
Romany and Traveller FHS
W: www.rtfhs.org.uk
E: enquiries@rtfhs.org.uk
Find us on Facebook
Romany Gypsy, Traveller or Fairground ancestors?
Research your roots and heritage and meet fellow
enthusiasts with our help. 2014 is our 20th anniversary
and we’re still the only British FHS dedicated to this
special group. So join us and make progress.
North West Kent FHS
W: www.nwkfhs.org.uk
E: secretary@nwkfhs.org.uk
Find us on Facebook
Covering South East London and North West Kent since
1978. Along with many other services we have a library,
research service, mailing list, emailing information
service, monthly e-newsletter, flickr pages, Publications.
Annual Membership £10/£12. Full details on our website.
Ryedale FHG
T: 01653 628132/628952
W: www.ryedalefamilyhistory.org
E: secretary@ryedalefamilyhistory.org
Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
We exist to help find ancestors in the heart of Yorkshire,
whilst maintaining a close relationship with our members. Various projects ongoing, creating resources. Research Room, drop in for help, open every Thursday.
The Metcalfe Society
T: 01969 662 776
W: www.metcalfe.org.uk
If you have a family link in Yorkshire, there will be a
Metcalfe in your past somewhere. As the largest onename society, we support worldwide members in Metcalfe (and all variants) family history via direct Internet
search of 100,000+ records & free member research
Sheffield & District FHS
W: www.sheffieldfhs.org.uk
E: secretary@sheffield.org.uk
Follow us on Twitter
Sheffield FHS covers the Sheffield Metropolitan District
– from Bradfield in the west to Tinsley in the east;
Stocksbridge in the north to Mosborough and Totley on
the Derbyshire border. The Society promotes the study
of local, social and family history.
The New Zealand Society of Genealogists
T: + 64 9 570 4248 Ext 5
W: www.genelaogy.org.nz
E: office.manager@genealogy.org.nz
New Zealand WW1 Service Personnel and reservists.
Combined indexes of New Zealand servicemen and
women, presented in one easily searchable resource
that includes the all-important regimental numbers and
classifications of reservists. Windows and Mac compatible. NZ $40 purchase from www.genealogy.org.nz/
Stonehewer to Stanier Society
T: 01625 590 105
W: freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/stanier
E: stonehewer@one-name.og
Find us on Facebook
A worldwide group related to and researching one of
the following surnames: Stonehewer, Stanier, Stanyer,
Stonier, Stonyer and Stanway. We have a large archive,
award winning quarterly journal, offer research assistance and wide ranging support for £10 annually.
The Tunbridge Wells FHS
W: www.tunwells-fhs.co.uk
E: secretary@tunwells-fhs.co.uk
Our members have family history interests in the Tunbridge Wells area on the Kent/Sussex border. We sell
CD’s containing local parish data. We pride ourselves in
responding to every enquiry. UK membership £10
(Individual) £12 (Family) Overseas membership £15pa.
Wiltshire FHS
W: www.wiltshirefhs.co.uk
E: society@wiltshirefhs.co.uk
Focus for everyone researching Wiltshire ancestors.
Visitors welcome at meetings of the seven branches in
Wiltshire. Resource Centre in Devizes with research
and advice service by post/e-mail. New members welcome: only £12pa, with informative quarterly Journal,
members’ interests etc.
Suffolk FHS
T: 01284 766293
W: www.suffolkfhs.co.uk
E: chairman@Suffolkfhs.org.uk
A friendly society that holds monthly meetings in six locations throughout Suffolk, as well as at our west London branch. We offer local expertise, regularly issue
BMD CDs and produce a quarterly publication Suffolk
Roots. Visit our website for details.
West Surrey FHS
W: www.wsfhs.org
E: secretary@wsfhs.org
Since 1974 we have been transcribing, indexing and
publishing Surrey records, plus many for London and
Middlesex. Over 300 currently available. Full details,
plus information about our monthly meetings, quarterly
magazines, Annual Open Days and much more on our
Sussex FHG
W: www.sfhg.org.uk
E: secretary@sfhg.org.uk
Find us on Facebook
40+ Years helping people research their Sussex Ancestors. Membership brings four journals a year, access to
our on-line “Data Archive” and new Research Centre at
“The Keep”, Brighton. We hold monthly meetings at 6
centres and attend many FH Events.
If you are just embarking on researching your family history you will probably be aware that
an ever-increasing amount of information is available on the Internet provided by commercial
as well as volunteer organisations, in fact, there has never been a better time to start your
research! You might be researching on your own or with other family members. Perhaps
you have a friend who wants to trace their family history and you are going to help each
other. Whatever your situation, it is true to say that in the early stages of research, quite a bit
of progress can be made using online resources, however, there might be times when you
need some guidance or you are not sure what to do next. The following questions and
answers may help you to decide on your next step.
Q. Where do I start?
A. Draw a basic family tree. Start with yourself, add your family, your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins,
etc, in fact, any relatives you can remember. You might prefer to do this on paper first. There are a number of
family history software programs available and commercial websites such as findmypast.co.uk, ancestry.com and
myheritage.com offer the facility to build your family tree online. Question older relatives, they might be able to fill
in some of the gaps with their knowledge of ancestors you may not know of or have forgotten.
Q. I’ve recorded everything I can. Where do I go next?
A. In England and Wales people have been able to register births, marriages and deaths since 1 July 1837. Certificates
of events occurring from this date can be obtained from local Register Offices or the Registrar General
(www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificates/). Several commercial companies provide online digitised images of
the index page for free or for a fee (see our Useful Websites pages 2 & 3). An ongoing volunteer project to
transcribe the index can be found online at www.freebmd.org.uk which contains information for the period
1837-1983. See also www.ukbmd.org.uk
If you do not have Internet access your local library may provide free access to commercial websites. You can
search the General Register Office (GRO) indexes to these registrations at some local libraries and record offices
have copies in microform.
Q. What information can I expect to obtain from a certificate?
A. A birth certificate includes the date and place of birth, the name, residence and maiden name of the mother and
the name and occupation of the father (where given). Knowing both parents’ full names, you can search the
indexes for a reference to their marriage. A marriage certificate normally includes occupations, residences and the
date and place of marriage and additionally names and occupations of the father of both bride and groom. Simple
steps like these can take your line well back into the nineteenth century. For a useful booklet produced by the
GRO www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/documents/digitalasset/
Q. But this information only applies to England and Wales: My ancestry is Scottish and/or Irish. What do
I do?
A. Civil Registration began in Scotland in 1855 and in Ireland in 1864. Certificates can be obtained from New
Register House, Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YT (for Scotland) and from General Register Office, Government
Offices, Convent Road, Roscommon (for Ireland). Registrations for Northern Ireland from 1922 are at Oxford
House, 49-55 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4ML. Before commencing this part of your research, however, you
are strongly advised to read the relevant chapter in one of the many books available.
Q. I think my relative was born overseas. What do I do?
A. The General Register Office (GRO) also holds overseas records containing details of births, marriages and deaths
of British Citizens that have taken place abroad since the late eighteenth century. It is not compulsory to register
every birth, marriage and death that occurs overseas and the GRO is not notified of every event that has taken
place. For non British Citizens www.familysearch.org has details of many vital record collections available to
view free of charge. You might also find details of records available for your country of interest at
Q. My family history consists mainly of names and dates; how do I find out more about my ancestors’
A. A census is taken every ten years and the records become available for public scrutiny when they are 100 years
old. We can therefore see those returns for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 and 1911. Details such as
age, occupation and place of birth may be found on the census returns for 1851 and after. The 1841 census omits
place of birth and relationships.
Q. Where can I search the census returns?
A. All the available 1841 to 1911 censuses have been surname indexed for the whole of England and Wales, by one
or more commercial organisations, and are available online together with digitised images of the census pages. A
complete set for England and Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man can be accessed online at The
National Archives at Kew. Additionally, those relating to your area may be found at your local record office or
library. Census returns can also be viewed at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) Family History
Centres. All available 1841-1911 censuses for Scotland are available online.
Q. I have traced my line back to the mid-1800’s using the GRO Indexes and Census Returns; how do I get
further back?
A. Now, you will be largely dependent on the church (or parish) registers. These registers were introduced in 1538
and contain baptisms and burials (as distinct from births and deaths) and, of course, marriages. Although many
early registers have been lost over the years, a surprising number still exist.
Q. Where do I find parish registers?
A. Today, very few registers, other than those which are still in use, are held at churches. Many of the registers have
been surname indexed by one or more commercial organisations and are available online together with digitised
images. Many family history societies have produced transcriptions of parish records, some of which are available
online or in printed form or on CD. Visit the online catalogue at www.genfair.co.uk and
www.parishchest.com. Many of our member societies have published over 40 million parish records at
findmypast.co.uk in partnership with FFHS. In addition to the registers, from 1598 parish priests had to send to
their Bishop an ‘annual return’, a copy of the register, known as a Bishops’ Transcript. Those, which still exist, can
be very useful in supplying entries omitted from the register or replacing a missing register. You can also ask at the
relevant county record office or local studies library, or your nearest Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(LDS) Family History Centre for details of the records available.
Q. I’ve heard that Wills can be useful; how do I go about using them?
A. Wills and Administrations, proved in England and Wales from 1858 are available in person at Court 38, Royal
Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL or by post from Leeds Probate District Probate Registry, York
House, 31 York Place, Leeds. LS1 2BA. The fee is £6 for a copy of a grant and/or Will for each deceased person.
This includes a search of four years after the date of death if you are unsure when the grant was issued. An
alphabetical annual index of Will and Administrations is prepared by the Principal Registry. The older Indexes
broadly from 1858 to 1940 have been deposited at several record offices and libraries. Original wills have likewise
been deposited. Some of the indexes have been made available online by commercial organisations.
Q. What if my ancestor died prior to 1858; how do I go about finding out if a will exists?
A. Before 1858 there was no national probate registry and research is more complicated as a result. Church Courts
administered the system from the 14th century until 1858. A considerable number of Indexes are online and
available from commercial organisations enabling you to obtain copies of the documents from appropriate record
offices. During the Commonwealth period in the 17th century practically all were proved in London and are now
held at the National Archives (TNA). These wills and those proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury are
available to download for a fee on http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/SearchUI/Home/OnlineCollections
Q. What else can I expect to find out about my family?
A. There are many other sources which you can search, far too many to list here. There are numerous books and
specialist magazines that may help, so ask at your local library or search the Internet. Family history societies have
a wealth of information to help you with your research and the location of source material, visit their websites
(See pages 16,17 &18).
Q. Are there any courses on researching family history?
A. Try your nearest family history society, Workers’ Educational Association and your Local Education Authority, all
of which may offer adult classes. County Record Offices and Libraries often advertise as well as run classes. There
are also courses available online.
Q. Where can I find information on any family history societies that I might want to join?
A. Most societies have websites you can link to. Those that are members of the Federation are listed in this leaflet
(See pages 16,17 &18) or details can be requested from The Administrator, Federation of Family History Societies,
PO Box 8857, Lutterworth, LE17 9BJ. Tel. 01455 203 133
Q. Supposing there is someone already researching the same family as me, how do I find them?
A. Many family history societies publish directories of Members’ Interests. The Guild of One Name Studies is the
world’s leading organisation for one-name studies. A listing of registered surnames is available on their website at
www.one-name.org There are also commercial organisations which provide a means of building your family tree
and the possibility of connecting with wider family members.
Bedfordshire FHS
Birmingham & Midland Soc G&H
Bristol & Avon FHS
Buckinghamshire FHS
Cambridgeshire FHS
Cambridge University Heraldry & Genealogy Society
Fenland FHS
Cheshire FHS of
North Cheshire FHS
Cleveland, North Yorkshire & South Durham FHS
Cornwall FHS
Cumberland (see Cumbria)
Cumbria FHS
Furness FHS
Derbyshire FHS
Chesterfield & District FHS
Devon FHS
Dorset (see also Somerset & Dorset FHS)
Dorset FHS
Durham (see Cleveland, North Yorkshire & South Durham FHS,
and Northumberland & Durham FHS)
Essex (see also Greater London)
Essex SFH
Gloucestershire FHS
Greater London (including Middlesex and parts of Essex and Kent)
East of London FHS
Hillingdon FHS
London Westminster & Middlesex FHS
Waltham Forest FHS
West Middlesex FHS
Woolwich & District FHS
Hampshire Genealogical Society www.hgs-online.org.uk
Isle of Wight FHS
Herefordshire FHS
Hertfordshire FHS
Letchworth & District FHG
Royston & District FHS
Stevenage FHS
Huntingdonshire FHS
Kent (see also Greater London)
Folkestone & District FHS
North West Kent FHS
Tunbridge Wells FHS
Lancashire (see also Furness FHS under Cumbria)
Lancashire FH & HS
Furness FHS
Lancashire Parish Register Society www.lprs.org.uk
Lancaster FH Group
Liverpool & SW Lancs. FHS
North Meols (Southport) FHS www.nmfhssouthport.co.uk
Ormskirk & District FHS
St Helens Townships FHS www.sthelenstownshipsfhs.org
Wigan FHS
Leicestershire & Rutland FHS
Lincolnshire FHS
Isle of Axholme FHS
London (see Greater London)
Middlesex (see Greater London)
Norfolk FHS
Mid Norfolk FHS
Northamptonshire FHS
Peterborough & District FHS www.peterborofhs.org.uk
Northumberland & Durham FHS www.ndfhs.org.uk
Nottinghamshire FHS
Oxfordshire FHS
Rutland (see Leicestershire & Rutland FHS)
Shropshire FHS
Somerset (see also Bristol & Avon FHS)
Somerset & Dorset FHS
Weston-Super-Mare & District FHS
Staffordshire (see Birmingham & Midland Soc G & H
for complete county)
Burntwood FH Group
Suffolk FHS
Alde Valley Suffolk FHG
Felixstowe FHS
Surrey (including parts of Greater London)
East Surrey FHS
West Surrey FHS
Sussex FH Group
Eastbourne & District (Family Roots) FHS
Hastings & Rother FHS
The Selsey Society
Warwickshire (see Birmingham & Midland Soc G & H
for complete county)
Coventry FHS
Nuneaton & North Warwickshire FHS
Rugby FH Group
Westmorland (see Cumbria)
Wiltshire FHS
Rodbourne Community History Group
Worcestershire (see Birmingham & Midland Soc G & H
for complete county)
Malvern FHS
London Group of Yorkshire FHSs
Yorkshire Archaeological Society - Family History Section
East Riding
City of York & District FHS www.yorkfamilyhistory.org.uk
East Yorkshire FHS
North Riding (see also Cleveland, North Yorkshire & South
Durham FHS, City of York & District FHS, Harrogate &
District FHS and Ripon Historical Society & FH Group)
Ryedale FHG
West Riding
Barnsley FHS
Bradford FHS
Calderdale FHS
Doncaster & District Society for Family History
Harrogate & District FHS
Huddersfield & District FHS
Keighley & District FHS
Morley & District FH Group
Pontefract & District FHS
Ripon Historical Society & FH Group
Rotherham FHS
Selby & Dist. FH Group
Sheffield & District FHS
Wakefield & District FHS
Wharfedale FH Group
Pembrokeshire (contact Dyfed FHS)
Radnorshire (contact Powys FHS)
Guild of One-Name Studies
Alabaster Society
Alderson FHS
Attrill FHS
Badham One Name Society
Beresford Family Society
The Bliss FHS
The Blo(o)r(e) Society
The Brooking FHS
Bunting FHS
Cave FHS
Chandler Family Association
Genealogical Society of Ireland
Irish FHS
North of Ireland FHS
The Cory Society
Courtenay Society
Clan Davidson Association
Dalton Genealogical Society
Entwistle FH Association
The Filby Association
The International Haskell Family Society
Kay Family Association (UK)
Leather Society
The UK FHS of Martin
The Metcalfe Society
Channel Islands FHS
La Societe Guernesiaise (FHS)
Isle of Man FHS
Moxon Society
Palgrave Society
The International Relf Society
Rimmer FHS
Rix Family Alliance
Silverthorne Family Association*
Sole Society
Stonehewer to Stanier Society
Scottish Association of Family History Societies (SAFHS)
For details of all Scottish societies
Gwynedd FHS
Powys FHS
Caernarvonshire (contact Dyfed FHS under Carmarthenshire)
Cardiganshire FHS
Dyfed FHS
Clwyd FHS
Flintshire (contact Clwyd FHS)
Glamorgan FHS
Merionethshire (contact Gwynedd FHS)
Gwent FHS
Montgomeryshire (also contact Powys FHS)
Montgomeryshire Genealogical Society
Swinnerton Family History Society
Witheridge FHS
* For those societies where no web address
is listed please see our website for
postal contact details
Anglo-Italian FHS
The Association of Genealogists and Researchers
in Archives (AGRA)
British Association for Cemeteries of Southern Asia
British Association of Local History
Catholic FHS
Family Search
Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
Pedigree User Group
Railway Ancestors FH Group
Tasmanian FHS Inc
Genealogical Society of Victoria
Western Australian
Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc
Romany and Traveller FHS
The Families In British India Society www.fibis.org
The Heraldry Society
The Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies
The Irish Genealogical Research Society
Quaker FHS
Alberta Family Histories Society
British Isles FHS of Greater Ottawa
British Columbia Genealogical Society www.bcgs.ca
New Zealand FHS Inc*
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc
Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations Inc.
Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc
Society of Australian Genealogists
Capital Territory
Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra Inc
New South Wales
Botany Bay FHS Inc
Cape Banks FHS Inc
Central Coast FH Group
Dubbo & District FHS Inc
Nepean FHS Inc
Wagga Wagga & District FHS
Northern Territory
Genealogical Society of The Northern Territory Inc
Central Queensland FH Association Inc
Genealogical Society of Queensland Inc
Queensland FHS Inc
Tasmanian FHS Inc
South Australia
Cape Town FHS
The Federation of Genealogical Societies
British Isles FHS - USA
International Society for British Genealogy & FH
* For those societies where no web address
is listed please see our website for
postal contact details
For those with a smartphone, this
symbol provides easy access to extra
information on our website. Just
download a free QR reader from your
app store and scan the code to be
directed to the Home Page at
South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society
Scottish Association of Family
History Societies
The FFHS is grateful to members of
the Book Review Club who are all
members of our member societies
and who regularly review new
publications which we feel may be of
interest to family, local and social
The SAFHS promotes and encourages
the study of Scottish family history,
and provides a forum for the exchange
of information among members.
Our membership includes all
established family history societies in
Scotland, as well as several national
and regional bodies throughout the
world. To find a society that matches
your area of interest or to find a
society with an interest in the same
subject, surname or topic of interest
please visit our website.
To read the latest reviews please visit
our website.
The Federation Ezine is a topical and colourful email newsletter
which carries family and local history news, reviews, competitions
and much more to thousands of researchers around the world, as
well as the Federation’s Member Societies in the UK and overseas.
It can be viewed on the FFHS website at
Why not sign up to receive your own copy of the Federation Ezine
which will be emailed out around the middle of January, March, May,
July, September and November of each year?
You can subscribe on the Federation website, www.ffhs.org.uk.
If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of the Ezine or wish to
place an advertisement please contact the Editor ezine@ffhs.org.uk
The Federation of Family History Societies (FFHS) is an educational charity. We represent, advise and support
our membership, which consists of family history societies and similar bodies across the world.
To achieve our mission, we:
• co-ordinate and assist the work of organisations interested in family history, genealogy and heraldry
• foster co-operation and projects that help researchers
• represent the interests of family historians, especially in the preservation and availability of archives.
Membership is open to any society or body specialising in family history or an associated discipline.
The Federation makes representations to official bodies on matters affecting the study of family history and related
topics as well as regular liaising with a number of government bodies and archives. The Federation therefore
provides an authentic, audible, and respected voice for the many thousands of individual family historians.
Education is a vital activity for the Federation. This is achieved through the regular meetings and discussions
conducted by member societies and through courses on family history organised around the world.
Federation of Family History Societies
Postal Address: PO Box 8857, Lutterworth, LE17 9BJ, England
Email: info@ffhs.org.uk Telephone: 01455 203133
Registered Charity No. 1038721
Company No. 2930189 (England)
Registered Office: 2 Primrose Avenue, Urmston, Manchester M41 OTY, England
Issue 2 2014