
BAPTISM – Baptism preparation class for the parents will be held in
the Chapel Annex as required. Parents need to be registered
parishioners. Parents should request the sacrament at least one
month prior to the desired date. Contact:
Meredith Rinko
celebrated from 4:20 to 4:50 PM on Saturday and from 8:30 to 8:50
AM on Sunday. The sacrament may be requested of the priest on
Friday after the noon Mass.
CONFIRMATION – Contact Bob Vanatta, CCD Coordinator, for
details (644-0620).
SACRAMENT OF THE HEALING – If you are in need of the
Sacrament of the Healing because of an illness or a stay in hospital
or need to request it for a family member, contact the chapel office
at 653-8297. The sacrament will be administered by the weekend
priest so please call as soon as possible so arrangements can be
MARRIAGE – If you are planning to marry and at least one of the
couple is active military, you should contact Rosemarie Blades
(663-3115) to arrange for the necessary pre-Cana sessions. This
should be done at least six months before the planned wedding date.
If neither of the couple is active military, the marriage preparation
has to be initiated with the pastor of either party. In most cases for
those living in the vicinity of Dahlgren, that would be the pastor of St.
Elizabeth Parish, Colonial Beach.
Base Chaplain –LCDR Randy Gibson
Religious Program Specialist –RP2 (FMF) Greyson Harrelson
Priest –
Advisory Board Chairperson –Ann Albertson
Pianist/Organist – Mrs. Diane Gray
17261 JONES ROAD, STE 207
Fridays – 12:00 Noon
Saturdays – 5:00 PM
Sundays – 9:00 AM
Chapel Office: 540-653-8297/98
Fax: 540-653-7278
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8th, 2015
He cured many who were sick. (Mark 1:34)
The Gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus’ ability to heal
the sick and deliver the troubled. It seems that everywhere he
went, people flocked to him because of his authority over diseases
and demons. Perhaps they came for healing, but they stayed for
his message. Clearly, Jesus’ healings, awesome as they were,
played an even more important role: they opened the door for him
to preach the gospel.
In the past forty years, the practice of healing prayer has
made a comeback in the Church. Healing Masses are now a
regular part of parish life in many places. A number of parishes
have also established prayer teams that specifically pray for
healing. And God is rewarding these efforts!
It is just as true today as it was in Jesus’ time: God uses
healings to tell the world, “I am for real. Come to me. Let me heal
you. Let me redeem you.” People always pay attention to healings.
They know how to see them for the signs they truly are. When they
hear about someone being healed through prayer, they find it
easier to believe in the Lord.
So let’s tell Jesus that we believe in his power to heal. Let’s
ask him to give us the gift of healing so that we can show the world
that he is real. The rest is simple: step out and give it a try. Believe
that God wants to heal people. Believe, also, that he wants to use
you as his instrument of healing. Begin by offering to pray over
your spouse or child with a cold. Ask a friend or a co-worker if you
can pray with him or her, whether for their own needs or the needs
of a loved one. Don’t be afraid to ask the Lord for his grace. Step
out in faith, and you just may see a miracle. If nothing else
happens, you will be sharing a gesture of love and compassion!
“Jesus, I believe you can heal. Now help me believe that you can
heal people through me!”
@2015 The Word Among Us. All rights reserved.
O Prince of Peace, we humbly ask Your protection for all our men
and women in military service. Give them unflinching courage to
defend the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil. Guard
our churches, our homes, our schools, our hospitals, our factories,
our buildings and all those within from harm and peril. Protect our
land and its people from enemies within and without. Grant an early
peace with victory founded upon justice. Instill in the hearts and
minds of men and women everywhere a firm purpose to live forever
in peace and good will toward all. Amen.
Franciscan Mission Associates
P.O. Box 598, Mount Vernon, NY 10551
Please register with the chapel if you are attending Mass here. Be
sure to update any information that may have changed. If you are
unsure, please fill out a new form.
Please fill out and place in the Collection Basket.
FAMILY NAME _________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER__________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS_______________________________________
Scripture Readings for February 15, 2015
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Mark 1:40-45
“There are no strangers here! Only friends
who have never met.”
That the Church teach that the language of our prayers
become the language of our hearts,
Let us pray to the Lord:
For all nations,
That they know God’s liberating love,
Let us pray to the Lord:
For the sick, especially those who suffer from mental illness,
that they be restored in spirit and know peace,
Let us pray to the Lord:
For families,
That they stand together and come safely through every
Let us pray to the Lord:
For the soul of Mary Wallace, a former member of this faith
Let us pray to the Lord:
For the safety of all those who serve in the armed forces,
Especially those families in our community that are separated
by deployment,
Let us pray to the Lord:
For all religious leaders; our Holy Father, Bishops and
Chaplains, for an increase in vocations,
Let us pray to the Lord.
Reminder that when you are making out your checks, please make
checks out to Dahlgren Chapel and NOT Sacred Heart.
Father Thaddeus, former pastor of St. Elizabeth's
Parish - and 90 years old - had successful aortic
heart valve replacement surgery on January 21
at Emory University Hospital, Atlanta. He will be
in rehab for approximately 30 days. Mail can be
addressed to him at: St. Joseph Missionary
Cenacle, 1444 Highway 165, Fort Mitchell,
AL 36856.
There is a sign-up sheet for those who plan on
attending the Mardi Gras celebration. We will
need a head count for the meal. All are welcome
to attend!
Retreat at Camp St. Charles is set for the
weekend of February 27-28 and March 1. Please
see Ann Albertson to get your name on the list.
We will need to know how many are planning to
We are desperately seeking four people or
families to do fellowship. Fellowship is an
extremely important factor in holding a
community together. We are looking for people
or families who would like to take one weekend
per month to set up, serve and take down
fellowship. All food is provided you will just need
to set out food for those to eat. This is an
important and popular Ministry. Please pray and
consider helping with this Ministry.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Help us to support the Bishops'
initiative on marriage!. This Sunday is World Marriage Day which
honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family. Commit
to making your marriage a priority in your lives and let your
marriage relationship give glory to God. Strengthen, renew, and
rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend. The upcoming weekends are 20-22
Feb2015 in Herndon or 17-19 Apr 2015 in Fredericksburg. For
more information or to apply, visit our website at or contact us at or 703-378-4150.
CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS include disbursements made
throughout the year. If you know of a worthy Catholic agency or
organization that you would like to recommend for consideration for
receipt of a contribution, send the information to the Chairperson,
Ann Albertson for the Advisory Council.
PLEASE REMEMBER, before placing any flyers or leaflets in the
vestibule to be shared with all of our parishioners, approval should
first be obtained at the Chaplain's office.
FOOD DRIVE – Continue to support the NSASP Dahlgren Food
Bank by bringing in food donations. Please leave your donations in
the vestibule of the Chapel.
Community of the Dahlgren Chapel can be read on line. The website
is Any updates such as Mass
cancellations for inclement weather can be found posted on the
latest bulletin.
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you would like to post a
message or update the sick or deceased list for the congregation to
pray for, please contact Melissa Charbonnet for submission via Please submit your request by 1200,
noon on Monday of each week. Please resubmit the names that
you would like to be placed on the sick list each month. The lector
will be reading the entire sick list aloud the first weekend each
month. The name will remain on the list in the bulletin for one
month, unless you notify Melissa.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES– Please consider getting involved
in the many ministries within the chapel community. No matter
your age, you may find a place within the Catholic community to
volunteer some time. Consider any one of the following ministries:
Sunday Mass Fellowships, Chapel Clean Up after Mass, Grounds
Clean Up, Advisory Board Member, Choir, Bereavement, CCD,
Fellowship Set Up, Ushers, Lectors, Social Committee, Ministers of
the Eucharist, Individual Child or Adult Education, Chapel Clean
Up, Altar Servers, Sacristans, and the Circle of Prayer. Contact
any Advisory Council Member to find out how to get involved.
Council Member information can be found on the bulletin board in
the vestibule.
Prayer Chain – Pat Rotsaert 663-3460
CCD Coordinator – Bob Vanatta 644-0620
Youth Group Coordinator
Father Dill 301-439-3171 is a phone call away if you need to talk to
a priest.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are available to take Holy
Communion to the sick and homebound
Arlington Catholic Herald is available free of charge in the vestibule
Living Faith: Daily Catholic Devotional is available free of charge in
the bookracks
USA Mass schedules can be found at or by
calling 410-676-6000
Sacred Heart Website is located at